Timeline Update

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A's/N: These next few chapters lead up to the start of the Rise of Skywalker.

Just like the movie, it's been a year since the ending of The Last Jedi. And within that year, Amara had been hiding away in her own exile, of sorts.

Amara is now the only Jedi Master left standing, Kylo Ren has now become the new Supreme Leader and in control of the First Order.

Rey is still training with Leia on Ajan Kloss, the Resistance's new home, and Amara's not too far from Ren's reach.

But to make these next few chapters, see them as filler chapters, a little fun, and to make this story longer, I've had this weird idea since forever to have both of our star-crossed lovers be joined together again like they were forced to be in Sylas.

Alright, here's my little idea for the next few chapters:

The Deadliest Crime Boss in all the galaxy is holding a large ball in the Canto Bight entertainment system's heart and invites the most powerful and threatening groups in the entire galaxy. From the poisonous of all aliens to the deadliest bounty hunter family, the host with the most, San Vyllanz (the last name pronounced at Villains), invites the First Order's Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.

But what all these deadly and criminal people and aliens do not know is that San has invited the last surviving Gray Jedi Master Amara Djinn. It had been only a year after the battle on Crait since Amara had turned down Kylo Ren's offer to join him as she picked her own path for her future, fully aware that she couldn't choose Ben over Hope, knowing the 17-year-old girl was in danger.

Upon arriving at the largest casino and hotel, she senses Kylo Ren is near. Realizing that blocking off her force bond with Ren would be harder than usual, Amara tries to keep her mind closed off as she and Ren meet again, only to realize he had brought the Knights of Ren with him. Also, seeing as they would be housed not together but across from the other.

But closing him off is the exact opposite of what they both want from the other as temptations arise, a bond much stronger than the Force itself. While trying to distract herself from the very nerve of Kylo Ren bringing a distant planet's bitch of a queen as a plus one to Vyllanz's annual ball, Amara sets off in the wee hours of the night to find Hope's location or anything that might lead her to the teenager.

Some filler chapters, maybe two or so, will be given a warning if smut would occur in those chapters. I don't have an actual idea on which chapter it will be.

BTW,  the actress playing Hope is Danielle Rose Russell

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