42. Disturbance in the Force

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Fidgeting with the hem of her white lace dress, Amara stared into her full-length mirror at the woman she looked like. It was clear she had her mother's figure, her father's Jedi bloodline, but she always wondered where the violet eyes came from. The vivid hue was mesmerizing to every male and female she met. She knew it was a feature of hers that Ben loved so much. Deep down, she once believed it was the only reason why people saw her differently until she started to move objects using power at a young age. Looking over her body, most would say she looked perfect. Though she never felt that way. Everywhere she looked, she saw a flaw no one brought to light. 

She could never compare herself to anyone else until her time at the temple, where she was truly never meant to fit in. Still, she caught someone's attention. Bringing her eyes up to her long and curly hair, she decided to do something different. Pulling open a drawer to her right, she pulled out an ivory colored ribbon, silky smooth to the touch as she pulled back a few bunches of hair and tied them back using the ribbon. Tightening the ribbon to her hair, she tied it in a sweet bow as her hair flowed over her dainty shoulders that carried too much weight. Looking down at her shoes now, she couldn't help but second guess if heels were the right fit for her innocent yet angelic-like outfit. Feeling a pull within the force from Stefan, she knew where she was needed and that it was time to leave the safety of her room.

Walking the halls of the place she called her second home, her bundle of nerves kept escalating with every step she took towards the dining hall, well, one of the dining halls. The castle had a large one for gatherings and parties, and the small one meant for the family and its royal guests. Feeling at ease for the first time in a while, Amara walked past a few servants that said hello to her as she greeted them with a simple smile and a head nod. This was one of the two places people never saw her as a monster. 

The other place was with the Resistance, though; they only knew one side of her story. The "nice version" is how Han talked about it. The sudden thought of Han made Amara think back to that fateful night. Sadness washed over her though it was gone in a flash the minute she almost walked into the Master of the Knights of Ren, Kylo himself. Catching her by gripping her arms with his gloved hands, Amara snapped out of her thoughts as her face twisted into pure shock the second she looked up to see his brown eyes gazing down at her.

Ren watched her eyes refocus on him as if she wasn't truly looking at him at all but looking somewhere off in the distance. Wherever that was, tilting his head in curiosity, he loosened his grip on her exposed arms but never did let go as her body became less tense in his grasp. Calmness washed over her the moment she took a deep breath.

"Sorry," She spoke quietly as she averted her gaze away from Ren's as she looked elsewhere, a vase on a table to the right of them.

Lifting his left hand away from her arm, he moved slowly to touch her face, but she backed away instantly but not out of fright. Ren could sense something off within her unless this were a side of her he hasn't seen in forever. The fact that she wore a simliar dress to the one when they first kissed years ago made so many memories run through his brain as he furrowed his brows at his current sight. Before she could shut him out of her mind, he could sense her insecurity about how she looked. Hm, that hasn't changed a bit, he thought.

"Is it the same one as before?" He asked her as his deep voice dared her to gaze into his eyes once more. She looked confused for a second until she realized he was speaking about her dress as he fiddled with the thin strap holding the dress up on her right shoulder.

"Ah, Same fabric, different design." She put her words though she wondered why he would ask such a question until the memory of their first kiss popped into her head. Why would he ask such a thing so many years later? Why would he care?

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