52. No One Heard A Thing

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A's/N: Everyone experiences drowning differently. As the author, it hasn't happened to me, so writing this chapter became a challenge. I'll be going off examples of real-life experiences of people who have drowned and then motions they go through when it happens. Fear, we all know, is the key to a person's weakness. It's a challenge in itself to overcome. It hurts me to kill Amara off this way, but to evolve her character like the vision I want her to become, this chapter has to happen. Don't worry, the man who saves her isn't what anyone will expect.

Third POV

Clawing at the glass, Amara struggled as she began to lose air. Her lungs were burning as the pressure became tighter with each movement. There was no time to be calm. Her mind was racing. She regretted this decision, though, knew this would happen. But still, she regretted it with each passing moment. The surface of the water was calm, unmoving as she thrashed around at the bottom. Her eyes searched for something beyond the glass but saw nothing. Everything was black. The water became colder as she fought against the force, holding her down. No longer frozen by invisible bindings, she swung her arms around her, above her, feeling for life to save her. But nothing came. No longer able to handle the tears in her eyes as they mixed with the water she was being drowned in, she removed the lock from her side, forcing herself to reach out for anyone now. She needed more than just Ben. She wanted Rey. She wanted Leia. Smacking her head vigorously against the glass behind her, trying to crack it, at that moment, she wanted Luke. Finding ways to break each side of the glass, she failed miserably at creating even a small shatter in the thick and unbreakable surface.

She could feel her old masters holding her down with all their strength and power. With the little energy she forced against them, it was no use. She wasn't strong enough to break their hold on her. She wondered what had happened to them after the destruction of the temple. How could've they survived? Why fall so low to the Dark Side? What would they gain from it? It was too many questions, and not enough answers as Amara fought for her life, the pain of keeping her eyes open in the odd water becoming a challenge. Closing her eyes to ease the pain the water brought to them, she felt herself slowly sink to the bottom, if there was one indeed, as her body became heavier to fight with. Within moments, she could feel so many people reaching for her all at once. The pull from Ben being the strongest yet the one with the most distance. Where had she'd gone wrong? Why did she think she could take on even the darkest of evil?

Amara gave up on any hope for someone to save her. Her masters may have turned to the dark side, but together, they were stronger than Luke. So many memories flooded her mind of her two masters. Though she never genuinely like Suran, she'd grown close to Mina. Thinking they were once lovers before the temple's era, Amara lost consciousness for a brief second before she felt Leia in her mind. A mother's presence is something she hadn't felt like this in years. The guiding light she always needed but never had. Feeling her butt touch the surface of what felt like the bottom of the giant vat of blackened water, Amara felt serene. The water was no longer cold. The water she inhaled filled her lungs slowly, painfully, but there was nothing left to do. She felt deprived of oxygen, her body feeling heavier than it did a few seconds ago. The force on her body stayed. Her masters knew if they let go, she would fight and fight again to breach the surface, something that knew couldn't happen.

Both ex-Jedi knew the reason she came to the Hollow. To gain the power to defeat the dark side as a whole. To them, the older generation of Jedi, she was the way of a new prophecy. One that was never intended to come true, yet here she was, being drowned for power. Her masters knew only a Jedi with a siphoning power could drain the Hollow and use it for their gain to defeat the strongest in the galaxy. They knew of her plan to kill off Snoke, not just her ex-lover. Amara was everyone's key to gaining control over the universe. It was why Snoke was brought to the temple that fateful night. Her masters turned on Skywalker and invited Snoke to see the power she withheld. Since that night, Snoke knew he had to get his hands on her, for mere purposes of control and power. And with her, the defeat and destruction of the last Skywalker and the Jedi defeat.

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