88. AfterGlow-Part 1

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Amara awoke to a buzzing sound just to the left of her head as she turned her head from side to side. The pillow her head laid upon moved with the small but brief action as her eyes fluttered open and closed to adjust to the lighting overhead. From the color scheme of the room, she had figured quickly enough she'd be on the Millennium Falcon. Groaning as she sat up slowly to adjust her muscles, she heard various noises coming towards the room she was housed in as she swung her legs over at the sight of the door sliding open. Amara waited for something to come rushing in, but as only a breeze settled in the room before the door slid closed again, she let out a disappointed sigh.  

With her feet touching the cold surface, she could feel everything. Her skin was touching to clean floor, the shivers that ran up her legs to her arms and up to her spine. She took a deep inhale of breath and smelled the air. Refreshing as it was, she could feel her lungs burning to breathe, her pulse racing from holding in the air. With the outflow of air from her lungs, she felt everything become calm around her as she looked down to see her fingers move across the bed's edging. Every muscle she could feel and see move, and with it, she felt the force brush over her skin, as if she dipped her hands in lukewarm water. 

I'm still connected, Amara questioned in her mind as she looked around for anything that stood out. But it wouldn't be authentic if she didn't try to siphon something. If she came back to life without her, gift-Amara shook her head and refused to think that way. She didn't have the heart to know what that would feel like as she glanced around the room to find no spare clothes. Amara needed to find something to surround herself with, just an off-white, long-sleeve dress that still was covered with blood and dust from the battle before. She hated the way she looked as she left the small room and aimlessly wandered around the Falcon. She tried her best to avoid areas of the floor covered in weird patterns that might hurt her feet. Tiptoeing around the hallway that led to the main cabin area, she saw no one, but that didn't mean she wasn't alone.  Too many robotic sounds filled the air as R2-D2, BB-8, and C-3PO greeted her with exuberance. 

"Oh! If I had a chance to cry human tears, I would! Master Amara, you're awake! Thank the stars!" All three droids crowded her within the small space, but Amara didn't mind for the first time. She liked the odd company. Giving the golden droid a hint of a smile, she asked quietly where everyone was. 

"We've been waiting over a day for you to awaken. Everyone's been out and about-"

"It's been a day?" She asked as she slightly leaned against a wall. Is that how much time has indeed passed? C-3PO was talking as Amara zoned him out the moment BB-8 rolled around in circles. Wanting her to follow him outside, she squinted her eyes at his request. 

"Why wasn't anyone in here to see me wake?" She asked, looking back at the golden droid and R2-D2. 

"Within the last few hours, the Resistance received a message from the King of Sylas. An urgent message on Hope's whereabouts. It sounded like he found a map that leads to her location." Amara glanced away from all three before her as she tried to make sense of the situation. She knew where Hope was; even Monroe did. Why would Stefan find a map? Unless everyone knew she wouldn't come back to life. Was this his backup plan just in case? For everyone else to find Hope if she didn't make it out of Exegol? 

"Where is everyone?" BB-8 was the one to answer as he rolled out the Falcon's main entrance and requested her to follow him once more. Sighing out in defeat with the short answers given to her, she followed the round orange droid. 

Bright green was all she could see for a moment as she exited the Falcon. By now, she was used to seeing vast jungles with skyrocketing trees, but something about this view was different. The sunlight above her was a brighter color, more golden. With no shoes on, she touched the warm ground, expecting it to be cold. But it wasn't, as the dirt squished beneath her feet and a warm breeze flew through the trees. Happiness flowed like water in the surrounding camps as small victories could be heard. The war was over. The Resistance had won. She understood their joy. But at the moment, she wasn't. She needed to see her friends, the people she fought for and died for. So much needed to be explained as she followed the round droid towards an open area covered with smaller ships, half the Falcon's size. 

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