23. I Can Feel It

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Jolting awake in the pitch-black darkness that crept over the house, I panted wildly while clutching my chest as I sat in a seated position. Listening to my surroundings, creatures' natural sounds at night sounded off outside the house, but I listened more carefully inside, focusing on any movement. I didn't know if I had screamed or shouted or moved anything as I looked around the somewhat dark room, parts only being illuminated by the white lights hanging outside. Running a hand through my hair, I swallowed before slowly getting up from the couch as I tried to shake off the nightmare as I stood silently still. 

Bringing my hands to my head, I ran them over my face as I pulled at the skin, which wasn't the wisest thing to do. Running my hands from the bottom of my face and into my hair again, I looked towards where my parents' room was. I slowly made my way to the room with only one thing in mind, but I had to make sure Ren was asleep for me to do so. Without tapping into the force, I gripped the door handle and quietly opened the door to see another pitch-black room with only the bathroom light dimming that area.

Based on the dim lighting on the left side, I could see his helmet on the chair in the far left corner but couldn't see his other clothes. Not that I wanted to know where they were as I snuck inside the room. Technically, Stefan was right. I should be sleeping in here, not him, but whatever. Tiptoeing towards the bathroom, I silently shut the bathroom door, praying to the heavens above it was another sliding door as it slid shut. 

Eyeing the large shower, I had only one thing in mind as I began to take my clothes off, which consisted of just a nightdress that was a thin fabric as I turned on the water pulling the lever to the hottest temperature my body could take. Taking the risk of showering with Kylo Ren asleep in my parents' bed was a weird situation to be in, but I had the worst nightmare, and I needed a shower. So, I was killing two birds with one stone. It was my house. I was allowed to.

Stepping inside the gray and lavender tiled floor, the water spilled over my body like a mini waterfall as the liquid burned my skin for a short minute but otherwise, it felt so good. Bringing my hands through my hair to get it completely soaked, I smiled as the steam began to cover every glass paneling around the shower as I badly wanted to write random song lyrics all over it but refrained. Feeling the hot water run down my body, my mind wandered back to my nightmare, one that's haunted me for several years.

Placing my hands behind my neck, I leaned my head against one of the walls around me as I sighed out. Having a nightmare about his death was overwhelming, mostly since the last time I had felt that Ben was alive was the night the temple burned down. I was more than sure he had escaped alive. Luke as well, but in a world without Ben, without our connection, I felt alone. I felt like a lost cause, not meant to be a Jedi. Not without him. A sudden change in the force made me jolt in the shower as I now felt Kylo Ren waking up but stayed in the same place. He moved around in the bed he laid in as I felt his curiosity. I used the force to let him know it was only me as I thought our connection start.

Why are you here at this hour? He spoke to me through the force as I felt him inside my head, looking for the truth.

I needed to shower.

This is something you could've done in the morning. Why would you-

I had a nightmare about something dark. Water helps me calm down. I interrupted him as I felt the heat rise on my face the second I felt his anger towards me for my interruption.

It comes with being human, but I still do not see why you need to be here-

 I'll leave soon.

He didn't reply after that as I washed my body with the bar of soap leftover some time ago as I rushed to get out of here. Not that I wanted to, but only because he was annoyed by my presence. Finishing up with my stomach, I heard something creak on the other side of the bathroom door as I looked over to see it rattle with the vibration from what caused it. He was up from the bed and now just a few feet away from me. Turning the water off with just a turn of the knob, I pulled open the glass panel and quickly grabbed my nightdress. 

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