16. I Should've Just Killed Him

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It's been two long and tedious days since Kylo Ren captured me and was now holding me as his guest aboard one of the First Order ships. I still had to live in his quarters. I was given two Stormtroopers to aid in my adventures, which didn't let me go anywhere. I couldn't do anything on my own without my bodyguards or Ren himself, which was stupid because I hadn't seen him since our little "tour." Not that it stopped me from venturing around while everyone was somewhat asleep. I hadn't known if anyone did sleep, but when I figured out the time when the halls were silent, I figured the ship was half asleep. Getting out of bed, I pulled my jacket off as I refused to sit and just lay in wait as the panel to the prior quarter opened. Looking towards the other side of the room where Ren's bedroom was, I couldn't sense him inside as I took it as an advantage to leave.

Reminding myself, he can scold me later; I pressed on by walking out of his quarters and down a random hallway in no particular direction. Just by one tour, I knew where everything was now. Where the control deck, docking bay, the med-bay, the training rooms, the cafeteria, common areas for his crew to hang out in, and everything else that couldn't come to mind because I zoned out what didn't seem attractive. My most significant interest was the control deck because that was where I could have communications with every spy of mine out looking and hunting for Bex, but right now, it wasn't an option. Kylo Ren would never allow me to be there, even with him present. He surely knew how important it was to find Bex, so maybe I can ease him into giving in? It would be hard but worth it since hunting Bex down was the only reason I stayed a Jedi period.

Following the dimly lit hallways to one of the training rooms that didn't house many objects inside it, I pushed open one of the double doors and walked around, snapping my fingers, creating a sound. Being here was hard and not just as a Jedi. I wasn't used to staying in one place for too long, or more than a day. And I'd been here for almost three whole days and not once did it make me feel any better. Hoping Ren had figured out at one point; I would have so many people hunting me down, I couldn't shake the feeling that they didn't have a clue and would see everything they've built go downhill fast. Sure, I would see it coming, but the rest of this ship? Probably not. Truthfully, I'd hate to see this many people die because of it, but at least it wouldn't be my fault. That would be on Kylo Ren and only him. Sitting down on one of the training mats on the floor, I crossed my legs, one over the other.

Closing my eyes, I tried to focus on calming my breathing and relaxing my body and mind. Easing my mind into a better place as I pictured the only place I had left on where Bex could be, I could faintly feel the force around me change and heighten. The barren desert came into my mind as I could feel the heated temperatures on my skin, burning the hair on my arms, the sun illuminating my face as the warmth greeted me like an old friend. I still couldn't place where the location was. I couldn't see which desert region it was in, whether it was Jakku or in Pasaana. It bothered me to the smallest detail he would be hiding in a desert region, knowing it was a place I was born.

Expanding my sight through the force as some projection, I watched my surroundings as old and ruined buildings came into view, some destroyed down to the brick and some still half standing. What caught my eye as I narrowed my field of vision was the center of this small little desolate-looking town as a white fountain was carved out of something that looked like a solid cream-colored stone. Examining it closer, I noticed it wasn't stone at all. It was a bone. Looking around frantically now, I noticed every building had the same color, meaning everything was made of bone. Which made me realized at the last second before turning to see someone I once was a threat. The place was called The City of Bones.

"You shouldn't be here." The large and scruffy man said as a warning before arming himself with spiked clubs.

"Trust me; I'm not. But Bex Toth is on his way to you. This was the only way I could warn you." I spoke as I watched the man slightly let his guard down before I felt a pull in the force, convinced it was Kylo Ren trying to find me.

"We'll arm ourselves. He has no power against my men here. Now be gone, Jedi scum." With his words, I didn't realize someone had come up from the right of me as I went to move away from the sword coming towards me as I brought myself back to the training room and glanced down. My tank-top was sliced, revealing way too much cleavage to my liking as I pulled at the cut fabric.

"Great, now I'll have to explain this." I dropped the fabric from my fingers and stood up from my position. I could still feel Ren pulling at me, but I could feel he wasn't anywhere near me, which made me happy sigh out with relief. But without my jacket to zip and cover my exposed black lacy bra, I almost didn't want to leave the room but forced myself to do so anyway as I headed back towards Ren's quarters, hating every step I took before. Maybe he won't notice.

It took less than a few minutes to arrive at one of the hallways that led down to where his quarters sat as a tall and dark figure pivoted around the corner as I mentally wanted to stab myself in the eyes. Fury washed over him the second he caught my sight as his pace quickened.

"Where were you?" He boomed under his automated tone from the mask as I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Training room."

"Why couldn't you have alerted me!? You are not to roam freely around the ship without permission." His anger rose as he kept walking towards me before standing just a few feet from me.

"That's not my fault. You weren't in the main area of your quarters, and I wasn't going to go and find you, not that I care to. Besides, no one's awake from what I could tell." The entire situation seemed perfectly harmless. That is until Ren clenched a fist and smashed the wall to the left of me, leaving a large hole in the plastic paneling.

"Why did you leave in the first place? Are my quarters too boring for you?" His tone was low, lower than I thought he could go as he stepped closer to me.

"The entire ship is too boring for me, not that you could understand that. Secondly, I needed to assess something." I tried to sound like I wasn't hiding something, though I was, as he tipped his head to the side without removing his fist from the wall.

"Care to explain what that means, Amara?" He pushed against the subject I was trying to avoid as he moved his head closer to me by leaning over, filling the gap between us.

I went to speak to try and explain where my thoughts were heading at the time before three groups of Stormtroopers appeared down each hallway we were near as they all lifted their blasters to aim in our direction. Giving them a murderous order to stand down, no group did as it made me believe something else was controlling them not to heed Ren's order. Counting each trooper in all three groups, it came to a total of fifteen men covered in armor as Ren continued to scream at them to drop their weapons. Still, they did not move an inch.

"Something's not right," Kylo spoke under his breath as he pulled his fist away from the wall as his back was now against mine. Pushing my way through the force, I could feel the atmosphere around each group of Stormtroopers and noticed something strange as I tensed.

"Someone's controlling them." I felt his back tense against mine as his dark presence loomed over me, which I quickly defended myself by stating it wasn't me.

"Don't lie to me, Amara-"

"If I wanted to control anyone here, I would've done it a long time ago. Besides, the people I control don't lie within the First Order. Although, this is giving me an idea for the future-"


"I'm joking!" I reacted fast enough to use the force to stop a blaster bolt from hitting me square in the chest as I used the power to fling it into the wall opposite of my hallway. As all groups of troopers made their way down the hallways surrounding the intersection Ren and I was, he warned me not to kill any of his men as we separated our backs from the other and fought our way through.

"Oh sure, ruin the fun," I said before sliding under a trooper's arm as he went to throw a punch at me as I knocked a fist into the back of his neck, sending him to the ground with a thud.

"Killing isn't part of a true Jedi's nature." He spoke loudly from the other side of the hallway opposite mine as he had no problem fighting against his men.

"It is when you're fighting to survive." I threw a punch to the face of a trooper as I used the force to flip him upside down.

I shouted my comment to Ren's as I twisted my hand to knock out the man underneath me before rushing over to continue my way through the first group. I felt a sudden burn flash across my skin where my outer shoulder was. The roasted flesh caught my attention but only for a split second. I sent the trooper that shot at me, flying back into the hallway behind Ren as we both took on the last group together by using the force to knock all five troopers out, their bodies hitting the ground with a hard thud.

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