15. Ben Solo is Alive

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Third POV

A few hours after the med-bay information leak, Amara headed back to Kylo Ren's private quarters, and surprisingly enough, she did end up falling asleep, which to Ren's dismay, ruined his plans to interrogate her more about what she was holding back from him. He had waited until she was fully settled into her room before walking in to see her completely passed out as something stood out this time. It was the way she slept. One arm had been under the pillow, and the other was softly placed on top of her stomach as she held on tightly to the journal she brought with her. Her face, though, stood out the most to Ren. Even with the simple white backlight that illuminated the room dimly, she looked like an angel. And in the back of his dark and painful memories, she had changed drastically.

Walking out of her room but only for a short period of time, Ren slowly and quietly took off the mask that hid his face from her and the galaxy as he placed the helmet in a pile of his enemies' ashes. Taking off his scarf, he placed that onto his bed before walking back towards her room once again. 

His last few memories with her were still fresh in his mind as he entered her room, only to pull up a chair quietly to sit next to her sleeping form. Her hair cascaded over the frame of her face like it always had, ut this time, in beautiful waves. Looking down at his hands, he silently took one glove off as he cautiously reached over to pick up a few strands of hair. The silky yet soft feeling of her hair brought back old memories of how he used to touch her hair when she wasn't looking or sleeping against him. The ache to touch her face was painful. The ache to sleep next to her was just as worse. He wanted to encase her in his strong and powerful arms and make a vow never to let her go again.

Everything about her was different, minus the way she looks physically. Her attitude had changed the quickest. Her tongue was sharper and meaner than the way she spoke before. It angered him in a way, ut at the same time, he was thrilled. She had grown over these several years without him as he doubted she would. He knew how strong and powerful her will was, ut after Skywalker's Temple's downfall, he had feared for her life since then after he had fled from the disaster.

 Well, until recently, hen he got that hit from a wandering bounty hunter, who was now seen as Bex Toth, about her whereabouts in Jakku two days before her capture. Watching her from afar once his troops arrived, she had already been in battle against the ex-lover of a bounty hunter, and Ren couldn't help but be thoroughly impressed with her fighting skills. She had improved immensely, and she was quick on her feet. Her forms were perfect, her defense and offense were strong and solid, and her movements were balanced and fluid. She truly was a sight to see. He truly couldn't believe how far she had come since their time together in that temple all those years ago.

So much had happened since then, but not once did he ever doubt his Dyad Bond with her to give up on her so easily. With the fall of Ben Solo, the one thing he could never let go of was his bond with Amara. All this time, he still needed her, with him, by his side, no matter the cost. She had proven to Kylo Ren that she was worthy, especially now that they were together again. He could still feel the spark between them as it grew bigger and heavier the more he became closer to finding her in Jakku. It wasn't just the tip from Bex, but it was the bond that he followed. The only bond he refused to sever from his past. The very thought of losing her destroyed him from the inside out after the destruction of the temple, and since then, he searched for her. But came up with nothing until recent weeks. He felt relief, yet anger. But for now, he was with her. She was here, in his private quarters. Safe and alive.

The very bond that held them together was prominent. He felt it so strongly within this moment; he didn't care if she was sleeping. He wanted to take in everything about her, right here and right now. But because of who she is now, Ren had to wait, to ease her into his new identity. But deep down, he knew more than the truth, no matter how many times he tried to lie to himself. She would see right through Kylo Ren. 

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