49. Those Three Words (NSFW)

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Having one more night here felt relieving yet terrifying. I didn't want to leave, but the thought of Hope being in trouble made it all the more reason to leave early. So far, Monroe and I had kept Hope a secret from Stefan, his brother, Sara, and the King, along with Kylo Ren and Hux, and although hiding it from Ren had proven a challenge since my fight against the Mir'Ang in the Jedi Temple. He knew I had seen something in one of the members' minds about who they were truly after. He could feel the sudden anxiety for me to find Hope, but I wouldn't let him in. By now, I knew he could sense I had another plan in mind the minute I would leave Sylas.

But with the thought of Hope, I had to do something. At that age, I'd hide just about anyone from both the Resistance and the First Order, and luckily, I knew of a place. But so many things raced through my mind of how to find her and get her to safety; I got too hot locked up in my room here as I now stood on the docks, overlooking the large lake that poured into the ocean just a mile down. I knew it was well past midnight during a full moon as the water's illumination glowed a deep blue under the moonlight. It looked beautiful, like a million stars glistening on the surface of the water.

Looking around while not feeling anyone near, I stripped myself of my nightgown and dropped my body lower enough to sit down on the docks and dip myself slowly in. The water was cold at first as I swam around trying to heat myself, knowing it would take a few minutes. I realized this would be my last time in these beautiful waters until this stupid war would be over. Facing the fear of the cold water on my face, I took a deep breath and plunged my whole body beneath the water as everything made me freeze inside. As cold as it was, it felt good. I never knew I'd like the cold over the spitting heat in Pasaana.

Surfacing from the lake, I wiped the water from my face as I ran my hands through my hair and blinked a couple of times. Keeping myself upright with ease, I could vaguely see a dark mass coming down from the castle. The vision of who it was didn't become apparent until the sound of heavy boots walked across the docks as Ren's face came into view. Half expecting him to be clothed in his usual uniform, he surprised me by donning a dark long sleeve shirt that hung loosely below his torso as dark pants tucked into his boots showed me he had just stepped out of bed and his hair was messy in the front as the dark waves contrasted against his skin. I watched him look me over as his eyes dropped down to my clothes as they dragged along the surface of the water until he met my gaze.

"It's after midnight, Amara," He slightly shouted as I realized the distance I had between the dock and where I was. You could place three medium-sized rowing boats between us.

"Yeah, I can see that." I pointed a finger to the moon that sat in the middle of the night sky above me, actually, directly above me.

"You need to sleep. Especially after your fight with the members of the Mir'Ang."

"You try sleeping after having consistent nightmares that wake you up in the middle of the night with everything levitating in mid-air." I spat back as I waved my arms in the water to stay afloat.

"I see you still connect with water when you don't sleep."

"I think someone forgot how calming it is to me, being near or in water-"

"I didn't." He spoke the second I shut my mouth from my comment as it silenced me.

"You shouldn't be out here alone." He said after a few minutes of a calm silence between us as I pivoted my head to the side, hoping he wouldn't care enough to say that.

"Every creature that lives in this lake is hunting in the sea right now or sleeping beneath the rocky terrain at the bottom. I highly doubt they'll kill me."

"You know exactly what I meant." And I did; I wish it weren't him to keep me company. The more I stared at him, the more I realized what he was staring at. It wasn't just my face as I remembered being completely naked beneath the dark water that hopefully didn't show a lot of my body as I watched him take a small step to the side.

"I'm all healed, Kylo Ren. So, nothing's going to ruin my time of peace, especially not you." I shouted his way as I turned my back on him to swim further out.

There was a large rock formation around the middle of the lake, and underneath it, a hidden cave, big enough for a large selection of Kyber Crystals to be held inside. The crystals decorated the rock walls, and sometimes during the full moon nights, the light from outside will seep through the top and make the entire cave glisten and glow. Unlike most, I was the only one who knew about it as I suddenly heard something from the docks before a loud splash rang in my ears. Looking back and slightly regretting it, Ren's clothes laid on the docks, just barely falling over the edge as I watched him swim rapidly towards my direction. Using the force as a defense mechanism, Ren was shoved roughly back into the water as he stopped swimming to realize what I had just done. My hands remained out in front of me with my arms outstretched.

"Amara, don't-" He started, but the second he saw my expression change, he shut up instantly.

"Just one night of peace without you! Is it that hard for you to give me that?"

"You should know by now I can't give you that. Let me in Amara. Something's hurting you, more than just what Snoke said to you. Don't think for a second I don't care about the pain you're feeling." He sounded insulted by his last sentence as if I could think of the opposite.

"Ok, a lot of things are hurting me right now! The last thing I need is for you to make it worse, Kylo." I spat back at him as I made sure to block everything out as he seemed taken aback for only a moment before taking a deep inhale of breath. The change was subtle, but his eyes didn't go unnoticed by me. I must've said something to trigger the change as he swam closer.

"You're holding back. Let it go."

"I'm not holding anything back." The closer he got, the more I felt it. Our connection. Our spark. It was beginning to burn my body as he was now less than six feet away from me.

"Yes, you are. I'll help you. Just let go." For a minute, I considered it.

For our entire time here, together in this place, our connection had been heating up, expanding like a balloon ready to pop at any moment. With each time, I wanted him the same way I did a month ago when we shared a bed on the Finalizer. I hadn't even realized that he backed me up against the rock formation until he smashed a hand against the rocky surface behind me as he used the other hand to caress the area between my neck and jawline. His large hand fit perfectly in that space as I took a shaky breath. I wanted everything he could give me, but I didn't want it from Kylo Ren. Easing into my mind, I could feel his presence as he took a sharp intake of breath with the last thought about being him. Exhaling through his nose, I felt small as he closed in on the space between us, resting his forehead against mine. By now, I had a clear view of his throat and watched him swallow, his Adam's apple jumping at the movement. Gripping onto the rocky ledges that covered the formation, it was easy to lean against as he leaned against me, but it was only half his weight since the water held most of him.

Say it. His thoughts were so loud, so close to me as my brows knitted together.

"Say what?" I asked, not quite understanding.

What you're holding back: My name.

"Kylo Ren-"

"No. Say my name." His voice was quick to hear and demanding as he spat the words at me.

His gentle movements and his harsh words balanced each other out as a lightbulb went off in my head. He knew who I wanted. Still, a part of me couldn't say it, not without getting hurt. Even though not saying his real name, not publicly calling it out hurt like hell. Frowning before all emotion was wiped from his face, his lips formed a thin line as he used his thumb against my cheek and rubbed a few circles on it. I felt his hand against the rock drop down onto my right shoulder as he used a little bit of the force to angle my head up, violet eyes meeting hazel eyes.

"You know I'll never hurt you, Mara...just please." He sounded broken as he slightly begged, and with that, I caved. The feelings rushing through him were real and true, as if he'd been hiding them this entire time as my eyes dropped to his lips before searching his eyes again. Suddenly, keeping them open was a challenge against him.

Say my name. He thought one last time.

"Ben Solo" And with those words slipping from my mouth, he smirked quickly enough to crash his full lips to mine, a heatwave hitting me like a tidal wave I wanted to be consumed by.

The hand that landed on my shoulder swept it's way up to the back of my neck as he pulled me off the rock formation but still found the strength to keep me afloat. Spinning us around as he was now backed against the rock, he moved his hands to where he held me tightly against his chest as I kept my arms around his neck for floatation purposes. By deepening our kiss as he dropped his tongue further down, which made me moan loudly, a strange feeling came over me, as if we were being watched. Pulling my lips away from him, he groaned enough to forcefully pull my head closer to his as our lips collided again, but felt more rushed. He seemed almost too eager to have me, but when I felt a shift in the atmosphere, I knew we shouldn't be out here anymore as I forcefully pulled my body away from his. The look he gave me was pure fury from my actions.

"Why must you deny me what I've wanted, Amara!? Why can't you just allow me to-" Swimming up to him long enough to cover his mouth, I froze him and myself with the force as something created bubbles just behind me, making the dark water ripple with movement as Ben's eyes tore away from mine. Removing my hand slowly from his mouth, he gripped it with his large hands as he held onto it.

"What is that?"

"I think it's called a Water-Horse. She's very old, blind, deaf, and...somewhat harmless towards humans if we get out now." I whispered enough for him to hear as I started to swim backward but felt for my surroundings as he watched the area for me.

"Have you-"

"I'm no threat to her, neither is anyone who's lived here for a long time. Though, I can't say you're safe." I hummed with a little bit of humor as I gave him a quick smirk before lifting myself out from the dark waters below. Instantly, my butt was smacked hard as I rolled my eyes at Ben's action as he too lifted his body from the water, the surface rippling from our movement together as I dressed, and he did too. We listened for the water to move again, but as Ben and I looked out towards the water, we saw nothing but the moonlight glistening like pearls. Shivering as water dripped from my hair to my shoulders, my stupidity came rushing back as the nightgown I had on gave me no warmth. No warmth until I felt heavy yet strong arms encase themselves around my body as I felt Ben's head in the crook of my neck, his fingers brushing over the silk fabric, igniting the fire that's always burned within me for him.

"Stay with me." I knew deep in my heart; his words had two different meanings to them, but for now, I stuck with the one that seemed more...needed. Turning around, I pulled myself up by clutching his shirt as he pressed his lips against mine, accepting the offer to stay just the night for now.

His room didn't differ much from the normal ones guests would stay in. Minus what he could've brought from his ship, there was nothing personal about his quarters, not here at least as he shut the door behind us as we walked in. His room wasn't small, but it wasn't as big as mine was, though I was more than just a guest to the kingdom now. Like on the Finalizer, I walked up to his bed and felt each smooth fabric as it glided on my fingertips. Why I always did this, no one knew, not even myself. I could feel the intensity of his eyes on me as I overlooked his bed. Dark fabrics lined the mattress and pillows but in tones of blues and greys. Blue always suited Ben. Angling my head at the sudden movement, I looked to see Ben standing on the opposite side of the bed with no expression on his face as he pulled everything he wore up here off, leaving him bare. I felt overdressed as he smirked for a moment before I realized he could read my thoughts.

"Take it off." He spoke slightly as an order as I felt a little insulted, but we both wanted the same thing.

To be closer than ever, to become one as we had a month ago. I wanted him to fill me until that's all I wanted as my lust-filled mind was swamped with images as everything came full circle. Ripping off my nightgown that gave me no coverage to hide, I watched as he sat down on the bed and leaned back against the headboard, and motioned for me to come forward, which I did. Give in to your desires is what I could feel from him, and as I drifted my body over his, he stopped me by pushing a hand against my butt. 

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