26. Dark Veins

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Commission is done by Polaeart on Instagram!

I couldn't think of a better way to spend my boring days on the Finalizer than not leave the room Ren gave me for two whole days. I didn't have to barricade the door. I didn't have to hide away in the bathroom. I didn't have to hide or block myself from knowing he wanted to barge in half the time as I sat in silence. Not that I was sitting here in silence the entire time. Secretly contacting Stefan through the force and sending him messages with an old datapad that could never be tracked and located, I had parts of a plan to escape mapped out. Trying to figure out the right period of time to link everything together, I closed the book I was working on fast enough before Kylo Ren entered the room. Flipping my hair over my right shoulder, I looked up long enough to see his mask as he leaned on the bed just a few feet in front of me. His hands were in fists, and I could feel the anger radiating off of him like soundwaves.

"Something on your mind, Kylo Ren?" I asked, trying to hide the smile as I tried not to stare into his mask. I watched closely at the section of the bed in front of me dipped down slightly because of the weight he had on it as he leaned forward. If he reached forward, he would be able to touch my legs.

"Vasir's main habitant island was blown to bits two days ago minutes after we arrived back here. It would seem a coded message was sent through moments after we took off, and I understand you were speaking with that man about something after I left to prepare our flight back. Care to explain if you had anything to do with that explosion, Amara?" He was calm and collected, but he was trying to control the anger raging inside him as I placed my journal behind my back as I moved from my sitting position. On all fours, I crawled to the edge where he was and made sure my face almost touched his.

"Why would you accuse me of blowing up the only land I own to date?"

"You hated the fact I was there with you; you both were. I understand how intelligent you are, Amara. I also know you would do anything to make sure The First Order sees no rule over your little plot of land. So wouldn't it be convenient for you to blow the damn thing to bits instead of seeing us take over with just one order from you?" He spoke with a deadly tone as it made me back off him a little. So, he noticed? Taking a moment to smile wide yet innocently, he slammed his fists into the edge of the bed, cracking the frame as he did.

"Why?" He growled under his mask as I tipped my head to the side, my eyes still staring into his visor.

"I would rather see that island burn than to see the First Order take what I had left of my family and destroy it." The second I stopped talking, Ren gripped my throat as I felt the force around us shift. His grip on my throat tightened, but it wasn't to the point where I couldn't breathe.

"I would've made sure that your side of the island would've been untouched, Amara!" He seethed in my face as he pulled my body forward, the motion making me grip onto his wrist so I wouldn't fall off the bed. I couldn't think of something to say back as another knock to his main chambers alerted the both of us as he threw me back against the bed before leaving the room.

Sitting back against the headrest, I rubbed the pain away from his grip and soothed the skin by using a small amount of the force. I did what I had to do to keep Stefan and his family safe. That was my answer, and I couldn't give him that. I had already seen my family be destroyed by someone on the Dark Side of the Force. I wasn't going to let that happen to Stefan's growing family. I didn't have the heart to see that happen. Closing my eyes and leaning my head back, I could feel the normal burning sensation on my shoulders as it made me move off the bed. Walking into the open bathroom, I moved my tank top down and turned on my heel to see the black veins. It was something like this I hadn't seen in years, but because I had siphoned the Dark forces from that ruined Jedi Temple, it would take some time to see the veins vanish from the surface of the skin. Walking back out of the bathroom, I used the force to summon my jacket to my hand as I slipped it on. Zipping it up just in time, Ren returned to my room as I turned my body at an angle as he clasped his hands behind his back.

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