19. Something You're Not Telling Me

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I felt something lifting the sheets away from my body as I stirred awake. A dark figure came into my blurry vision. I backed away as far as I could go but was forced down before I could speak or scream or fight back. Rubbing my eyes, Kylo's mask came into a clear view now as he put a finger to his mask in the area of where his mouth might be, telling me to be quiet.

"What are you-"

"You've healed completely. There's no reason for you to be here any longer."

"The last thing I want to do is sleep in the room I was attacked in. But sure, it's not like there's going to be any lingering side effects if I do that." I couldn't help but let my sarcasm mix with anger as I spoke before Ren's force washed over him in anger too. The moment I stopped speaking, he just stared at me before I nodded my head and flailed my arms out from the sides of the mattress.

"Are you finished?" He asked as I couldn't help but glare at him before he pulled my legs from the bed and forcefully swung them over the side.


"I could leave you here and have you walk back to my quarters alone, without any help." He dropped his comment like a bomb as it made me soften my glare. Sighing out, I placed my bare feet on the ground as the cooling surface made me want to fall asleep again, knowing it had been forever since I last slept for long hours.

"Still not sleeping in my bed tonight."

"And you're not going to. Come here." He motioned for me to glide closer to him as he outstretched his arms. Guiding my arms to wrap around his shoulders, he braced the underside of my body once more. He gripped my body tighter against his as he walked me out of the med-bay in a fluid motion.

"Why are you so nice?" I groggily spoke as I shifted my head against his shoulder as he walked us back.

"When I left you, I went to interrogate that shifter and found some interesting things within his mind. He wasn't completely after you but myself as well. Another reason has yet to be found within his brain, but when I weaken him tomorrow, he'll give me everything."

"You should've stayed to get what you wanted. Why did you leave?"

"You're my guest, Amara. You are a top priority now, and your safety is a concern now that my own quarters have been broken into."

"For someone who doesn't seem human, your humanity definitely stands out to mine." I felt my eyes start to droop again as the motion of being rocked in his arms made me relax. My head was angled up in a way as I saw him glance down at me before halting.

"Why do you still assume I'm not human? What stands out because of it?"

"Oh, the rumors one hears these days. Most of them quite dreadful and disgusting." I joked lightly as he kept his head in my direction but continued back to his quarters in silence.

"I saw something else in that shifter's mind: his interaction with you about some kind of sleeping aid medication. I'll admit, even I find that intriguing coming from someone like you, but you won't be able to destroy anything tonight. I've planned for more pills to be made for you during your time here. I don't wish to hear or see you sleepwalk on my ship."

As badly as I wanted to say thank you, I knew better. I knew he was still trying to gain my trust or something, which played a major role in that story that even I had to be careful. I didn't want him to find everything out about me, and I didn't want anyone like him in my life, enemy, or ally of any sort. But the very spark that was igniting my body at the very second made me feel uneasy. It was the same spark I once felt with Ben Solo, but that was out of love. So, I had no idea what this was or where it was coming from. I had to keep it as hidden away as possible before Ren uses it to his advantage.

The panel to his quarters opened as he walked us through. The panel door to my room was sealed shut, and as Ren had explained it briefly, it was now locked and could be unlocked only by his fingerprints. So, did that mean he was human or some kind of humanoid figure? Walking into the mirrored version of my room, he sat me down on the side of his large bed before taking off layer by layer of his clothing. 

Everything from the torso up, I couldn't see anything as I heard something hiss in the darkness. Hearing a loud thud, I could only guess he took his helmet off but still couldn't see any inkling of facial features, if he had any, as he started to take off his heavy boots. I continued to watch him in poorly lit lighting as I adjusted myself on his bed. Was it me, or did it feel nicer than the one I had? The silk sheets caught my attention before feeling a heavier blanket down by the edge of the bed. His movement caught my sight as he now stood in front of the bed as he faced me.

"Something wrong, Amara?"

"I can't sleep here."

"You have no other option other than the floor in the main area."

"I've slept in worse situations."

"I will not allow a guest to sleep on the floor." His voice boomed, and just for a second, I pictured Ben Solo scolding me about sitting on the dirty ground in a dress from a long time ago. It made me miss him terribly as my heart ached to see him again.

"We're not sleeping together. How do I know you won't attack me?" I countered his comment with a question of my own, not once fearing for my safety but something worse. What if he did something else? He's had various women in here. What if he hurts me as Bex had?

"Don't think for a second I can't hear your thoughts, Amara. Unless you give yourself to me, I will not see you in that way as I did with those other women. I have no reason to harm you while you sleep. I know how exhausted you are-"

"Well, that still doesn't-"

"That's enough, Amara!" He shouted as his deep and human-sounding voice echoed in the room as it made me sink back in my seated position. Oh my god.

His voice wasn't like anything I've heard before, and it sounded...attractive. A rush of emotions washed over me as I struggled to stand and leave. His quick actions pushed me back onto the bed with his large hand encasing my neck. I gripped his bare wrist. Wait a second? I made no move as I felt the warm skin, actual human skin, under my fingertips as I brushed them upward as I moved my hand around his wrist. His large fingers loosened their grip around my neck, and although I couldn't see his face in pure darkness, I had somewhat hoped he was attractive.

"You're human." I gasped loudly as I felt him move his hand away from my neck completely as I stayed paralyzed under his body. I was genuinely surprised as I felt him move away from me.

"Yes, I am true, human. Never listen to any rumor without experiencing something firsthand. Your life on this ship is important to me though it may not seem like it. I will not harm you in your sleep." His voice sounded like music to my ears as I tried not to get entranced by the sound as he moved to the other side of the large bed, which gave us enough room to have a good space between us. Pulling the sheet and the heavier blanket over his human body, he nestled quietly into his bed on his side as I just stared widely at him. Looking down at the blood-stained top and shorts I had on. I almost didn't want to lay down at all until the bed shifted.

"Don't worry about something so trivial. These sheets will get washed sometime tomorrow while we're out of the room."

"Sorry, we?" I caught the small detail in his sentence as he huffed out. Sorry if you're trying to fall asleep when my mind's alive and awake.

"You'll be with me in that interrogation room. Maybe it'll jumpstart that shifter's mind of why he's after us. I'm only doing it to make it easier for the First Order to hunt down the rest of his kind and exterminate them for attacking the First Order." I let a long silence come between us before asking something important.

"You sure you want me in that room with him? My methods of torture are...insane."

"I know what you're capable of, Amara. Now sleep." Was all he said before I watched him drift quickly into the deepest of sleep I've seen any human fall into, minus Ben. The last thing I wanted was to smell like him because it was bad enough I was sleeping in the same bed with him.

Next Day

Kylo and I walked to the prison cell in silence as four Stormtroopers followed behind us. After Kylo had somewhat nicely woken me up by slapping me in the face, I left his room in a rush to change as I felt disgusting sleeping in blood-stained clothes for the night. Walking side by side with him felt strange, like I was apart of the First Order, even though I wasn't and never will be. I won't speak about how I feel the Dark Side of the Force pulling me every which way a million times a day. It's something I've learned how to ignore, which includes right now as Ren's force was overwhelming to walk next to. 

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