35. Every Name is Important

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A massive ship came into view as various X-Wing fighters ship landed, and an overwhelming feeling of Light clouded my mind, a sense of calm surrounding me. I had only felt this once before when my parents were still alive a long time ago. It was the first time I had met...Leia Organa. I didn't think it'd be possible for her to come out this far, ut the moment Han's eyes fell onto hers, the need to run was prominent in my head. Seeing her physically would've been hard if it happened again.

 I just wanted to run, hide, and forget that I ever existed to her and her family. Looking down and slightly moving away from Finn and Chewie, I watched slightly with my head hung low as she and Han greeted each other. It felt awkward enough as they spoke simpleton things like Leia changing her hair and Han having the same jacket. Breaking the ice, Chewie walked up to the woman many know the face of and hugged her, a sense of light erupting from within me. That looked like a nice hug. The minute Han thought of his son; I looked away as he spoke the haunting words.

"I saw him. Leia, I saw our son. He was here." Her face showed a mixture of emotions, ut the moment she saw me, everything changed. Bringing her hands up to her mouth, she covered it as I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she was from the first time I met her years ago. She had only aged slightly.

"Almost forgot this one existed until she brought some trouble with her onto the Falcon," Han spoke as I rolled my eyes but leaned over the broken wall I sat against. The sudden urge to bow to a bended knee came over me, and the second she caught my thoughts, she shook her head.

"You know it's not necessary, Amara. As always in my mind, you've done nothing against me. Now, let's get you off this planet."


I watched as I walked to admire the light chaos among the Resistance as Finn and I walked off from the Falcon and onto land I hadn't see before, on a planet I've never been to before. Feeling out of place, like nothing had changed, Finn went racing towards a Resistance pilot the minute BB-8 started to. I watched with a little anxiety as Finn addressed the pilot with a brotherly like hug as BB-8 created happy sounds and blinking lights. Their happiness was a sight to see, but it didn't comfort me one bit. I felt like a demonic ghost to those around me, though many didn't know who I was. Leia had done so on purpose. 

Like the legends and lies she placed within the galaxy, she kept my story hidden away to the Resistance, briefly explaining that I had once trained under Luke and was still currently a Jedi Knight, but my choice of Force was unknown. Understanding the motherly part of protecting the daughter of Davina Klaire, I still felt bad she went through so much work to keep me safe, which to this day, hadn't worked out well for me. I was still found by her son and captured by the First Order. My attention was brought back to reality when Finn and the pilot came running towards me. Finn looked at me with shock as Poe gave me an interesting gaze.

"Why didn't you say you were Amara Djinn, a trained Jedi Knight under Skywalker himself!?" Finn slightly yelled as I covered one of my ears from the raise sound in his voice. Giving him a weird look of how he could've found that out, the pilot pointed a finger to BB-8 as he rolled to the pilot's left side.

"I didn't think it was important," I said as the pilot raised a hand as I gently grabbed it to shake.

"Poe Dameron, Resistance Pilot. Every name is important, including yours, since you're tied to Skywalker. It's nice to meet you, Amara." He said with a charming smile that was sure to make any woman fall to their knees as Chewie yelled for me as the general needed to speak with me. Looking at Finn as the mention of Rey lingered in his mind, I placed a hand on his arm.

"I think you need a favor from him. Excuse me." Walking away, I felt a little giddy at the warm feeling I got from Poe Dameron as I entered the chambers of an ancient building as vines were wrapped around pillars and walls as too many people crowded a small space filled with old computer systems. Finn had just gotten to Leia as she praised him for being brave and switching sides. Oh gee, why can't everyone be that welcoming?

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