97. AfterGlow Finale!-Part 10

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Commission done by Kasiopea on Twitter! 


No words were needed as Amara gazed at Ben's sleeping form. Well, she guessed he was still asleep. Pulling her right hand gently and quietly out from under the blankets and sheets, she brought her fingers up to touch Ben's dark hair. The strands fell gracefully onto her skin, the soft material making her smile a little. Placing the strands neatly atop his head, Amara continued to gaze at her lover. Dropping her gaze little by little, her eyes traveled along his jawline, over his lips, across the skin where each birthmark was, and back down to overlook his entirety. Even now, she was quite jealous of how peaceful he looked while asleep. Just by his calm expression and sensing his emotions through the force, he was truly at peace. Not even a nightmare or doubt was in sight. 

Thinking back to over a week ago, everything was in chaos. But now, she watched her bonded lover sleep it off like it was just a bad dream. She admired Ben for being able to sleep for so long. Amara, on the other hand, hadn't gotten a full night's sleep since she awoke from being dead. With days flying by, it was hard for Amara to keep herself grounded when so much was still hunting for her, Ben...and Hope. In the universe, even after the war had come and gone, after so much she had done to save so many people...there was still too much after everyone she cared for. The price for peace was still so high to reach for-

"Why is it so hard for you to enjoy one peaceful moment with me?" Amara's eyes shot up to see Ben leaning on his arm, staring her down. 

Catching her quickly, she didn't have time to think of an answer that could fit how she currently felt as Ben became impatient with silence. Letting out a loud sigh, he moved his large body enough to hover over her. Covering half her body with his, Amara felt his arms wrap around her body as he moved them both in one fluid motion until they were sitting up. Amara's back was against his chest as he tightly pulled her to him, a sense of warmth overflowing in Amara's heart. She knew he could feel the apology swimming in her brain. But Ben also knew, based on experience, Amara was just herself.

 The force was stronger around her now, and it started days ago when she siphoned the lightning from Rey's attack in Pasaana. And then, there was her battle against the Emperor, siphoning every ounce of power she could handle to defeat him once and for all. Just by a single touch, Ben could feel and see everything now. Amara Djinn could almost be just as powerful as his grandfather, maybe even Luke. But the deeper Ben fell into Amara's mind, the longer he questioned everything up until this point as memories began to resurface. She opened up, and it was easy now. She trusted him, and he trusted her. A faint memory rushed by as his words from Snoke's ship reminded her of that day. In her mind, Amara wanted to stay as Ben let out a deep sigh, his chest rising and falling. Amara's body moved with his breathing. 

"Would you remain at my side, despite what the universe will see me now as?"

"By now, your identity of Kylo Ren has been erased from existence. You can be anyone now, Ben, especially in Sylas."

"You didn't answer my question-"

"You already know my answer, Ben. And you know Hope's answer too." Amara turned to quickly quiet his harsh tone as her hair whipped over her bare shoulders. Though exposed, she still grasped the sheets to her chest for her own security. 

"I will not live in a world without both of you. I've already lived half a life like that. I won't do it again." Her tone was hard but truthful, and he knew it. 

"I know you're afraid of what Hope thinks and feels about you. She knows everything about us, Ben, including our dark sides. You have no idea how much she truly loves you." Amara could feel his fear of being unloved and treated differently by Hope as Amara tried her best to sway his thoughts. 

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