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Lily was beginning to struggle with everything that had happened. She didn't know how she would cope if she lost her father and Draco. She would have no one and she was scared about that. Scared that she would be lonely.

When she woke that morning, she went down to the common room. Draco was waiting for her. "Are you going to talk to me at some point today?" He asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm trying to get used to not having you around. Especially if you and my father die," Lily mumbled. She felt the tears sting her eyes.

Draco pulled her into a hug and held her close. "I promise. You won't lose either of us. Severus has a way."

"And what's that? Fake your death?"

Draco smirked and winked. "Nothing as drastic as that. But it will all be okay. I promise you."

"Really? Can you really promise me that everything is going to be okay?" She asked.

Lily saw Harry Potter looking at her. Despite the fact they were related, the two of them never talked. They didn't even acknowledge each other.

Alyssa walked over to her and smiled. "Hey. How's my favourite Snape?" She asked.

"Shouldn't you be asking my father that?"

"No. You're my favourite Snape. And I haven't been with your father in weeks. I'm focusing on school and then getting away from my father," Alyssa said.

Lily smiled and nodded. She frowned when she saw Harry glaring at her. She walked over to him. "What is your problem? You're always glaring at me and I want to know why?"

Ron smirked. "You're scum. Your father probably raped Harry's mother and that's how you were born."

Lily glared. "My father isn't a rapist. Precious Harry Potter can't understand that his precious mummy slept with someone other than his daddy."

Alyssa grinned as she saw the steam coming from Harry. She smirked. "Oh dear Potter. Maybe you should understand that it's not wise to mess with a woman. Especially when that woman has Severus Snape's DNA inside of her. Okay?"

Harry walked off with Ron behind him. Lily rolled her eyes and sighed. She looked at her best friend. "He's my brother. But he's an absolute idiot. He makes me sick."

Alyssa smirked and nodded. "He's an asshole."

Lily went to see her father. She found him sitting in his classroom. "I haven't seen you since our argument. I'm sorry."

"Fine. If you don't mind, I have first year essays to grade," Snape said.

Lily frowned. "Why do you have to be so selfish?! I'm here to say sorry! You're just an asshole!" She said as she looked at him.

Severus frowned. He watched as Lily walked out the classroom. He felt bad for how he was treating Lily. But he knew that it would be easier for her to accept his death if he pushed her away.

Severus knew that he had to somehow make sure that his only daughter was safe. She was his main focus. He didn't care about Harry Potter. He cared about his daughter more than anything else.

But Severus had no idea of the danger that Lily was in.

The potion masters daughter (Harry potter)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon