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"You have something called ovarian cysts. They're extremely well known in the muggle world. There are cures we can give you as we have different healings to muggles," Madam Pomfrey said.

Lily was confused. She had no idea what any of it meant. She just nodded. "Right. And what can you do to heal it?" She asked.

"There's sometimes a small operation involved. But we will send you to St Mungos for that. Not to worry."

"Okay. Erm thank you? I guess," Lily said as she stood up and walked out.

She couldn't take any of it in. She knew that by the sound of how Madam Pomfrey was saying it, that it was something rare in their world.

Lily was walking through the corridors of the school. She couldn't take her mind off of what she had been told.

Lily walked into the common room. She saw Alyssa and sat down with her. "Well? Are you pregnant?"

"No. It's something else. It's called Ovarian cysts. Muggles get it apparently," Lily told her.

Alyssa frowned. "Can you die?"

Lily shrugged. "Didn't tell me anything else. Just said that I have to go St Mungos for follow on tests and spells. It's really weird though. She looked concerned."

Alyssa nodded and sighed. "Has she told your dad?"

Lily shook her head and sighed. She smiled. "You're the only one that I've told. I don't want him knowing. He won't care."

"He will Lils. You just don't see it. But he will care. Your dad loves you. Despite how weird that sounds."

Lily shrugged and smiled. "Maybe. But until I know what I'm dealing with, I don't want him knowing. Please Lys."

Alyssa nodded and took her hand. "Promise I won't say a thing," she said.

"Thing about what?"

The two of them turned to see Draco standing there. He was so confused. "What's going on? Do I have to break the news to mother and father that there's a Malfoy heir on the way?" He asked.

Lily rolled her eyes and sighed. She shook her head. "There's no baby on the way. Trust me. I'm completely fine. I'm just over tired from the studying. Don't worry though," she told him.

Draco nodded. He wasn't convinced though. He looked to his sister. "She's not lying to me is she?"

Alyssa shrugged and smiled. "Nope. Why would she lie to you? She has nothing to lie about."

Draco nodded. He knew that there was something going on. But he couldn't call out Lily without causing an argument.

Lily walked through the school. She sighed as she saw her father as he walked towards her. "How did you get on with Madam Pomfrey?"He asked.

Lily shrugged and smiled. "It was okay. I'm just tired. From the studying. Don't worry about me though."

Severus looked to his daughter. He knew that there was something going on with her. And he wanted to know what it was. Even if he had to go over her head to Madam Pomfrey.

Lily was sitting in her dormitory. She felt the tears slipping down her cheeks and sighed. She knew that everything was about to become so much more complicated.

But she had no idea how her life was about to come crashing down around her. And leaving her in more danger than she thought.

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