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Lily sighed to herself as she stood in from of the mirror in her uniform. Her head was all other the place and she couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss that she had with Draco. Her head was a mess and she couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened between them. He was her best friend and she knew that nothing could ever be the same between them again, not now.

Lily walked down and into the common room. She spotted Draco and sighed. She made eye contact with him for a moment before she walked out of the room. She knew that she was being childish by avoiding him, but she didn’t know how to deal with it all. Lily got into the great hall and took a seat. She grabbed an apple and sat piking it as Snape walked over to her "are you going to eat that lily?" He asked as she sighed "yes" she said as she took a bite of it and sighed. She hated everything what was going on in her head. Snape looked at her for a moment as she grabbed a glass of pumpkin juice and frowned to her. She looked to him and rolled her eyes "what is it?" She asked "you tell me" he said as she sighed "it's nothing" she said as she looked away. She took a bite of the apple and looked across the table where she caught eye contact with Draco. He looked to her and smiled as she looked away from him.


Lily walked back into the common room and saw that it was only Draco. She went to walk off to her dorm "are you going to avoid me for the next three years?" He asked as she turned to face him "I don't know, I haven't decided yet" she said as he sighed. He walked over to her and she sighed "why did you do it? Why did you kiss me? You have turned my head into a mess" lily said as Draco sighed to her "it's what you do to me? Don’t you see it, lily I love you, that’s why I kissed you" Draco said as she looked to him and sighed. She walked over to where he was standing and placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.

She pulled away and looked to him "I guess part of me has always loved you, more than a best friend" Lily said as he smiled to her. He pulled her close and kissed her. The kiss started to get heated and she smiled to him "come on" she said as she grabbed his arm ad let him towards the dorms. Draco lead her to his dorm and pushed her onto the bed before he climbed on top of her "i love you lily snape" Draco said as she smiled to him " I love you too" 


Lily and Draco walked into Defence against the dark arts together, they were acting normal. They didn’t want Snape to find out about them and wanted to keep it secret and between them for now. Harry looked to lily and she smiled to him slightly as he stood up and walked over to her, Hermione and ron stood with him "what do you want potter?" Draco said as lily sighed "shut itmalfoy, I came to speak to lily. Is it true?" He asked as she looked to him and frowned "is what true?" She asked as he sighed "what I hear, that you’re my sister, is it sure?" He asked as Lily looked to him and sighed "apparently so...what do you want to do about it, I am a slytherin and I'm snapesdaughter" lily said as Harry looked to her "I'm not sure" harry said as he walked off "what was that about?" Draco asked as lily looked to him "long story" she said as she walked off and sat down.

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