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Lily stormed through the castle. She was fuming that both her father and her boyfriend could end up dead. And she couldn't handle it. She was scare for them.

Lily walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom. Severus was there. She glared. "Are you an idiot?! You made an unbreakable vow with Bellatrix LeStrange?!" She yelled.

Severus glared. "Do not come into my classroom and then shout at me. You don't understand my reasons and as my daughter, I will not explain myself to you."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Do you realise how selfish you're being? You're my father and if you die, I have no one!"

"You will be fine."

Lily turned and walked out of the classroom. She couldn't believe how selfish her father was being. She couldn't even look at him.

Lily made her way to the common room. She saw Alyssa sitting there. She sat down next to her. "I don't know what to do. I could lose the two people I love. And I can't handle it."

Alyssa smiled as she hugged her. "It will be okay. I'm working on it. I promise you. Everything will be okay."

"How do you know?"

"I don't know at the moment. But when I make a promise, I will do what I can to make sure that your dad and Draco will be okay," Alyssa said as she pulled her into a hug.

Lily smiled slightly. She sighed and felt a tear slip down her cheeks. "I know he's a git at times. But he's my father. And I'm scared. If I lose him, I have no family."

"You'll have me. I won't ever let you be alone. As far as in concerned, we're in this together," Alyssa said.

Lily nodded and hugged her. She looked up as Draco walked in. Alyssa smiled. "I'll go and make myself disappear. Just don't get making me an auntie yet."

Draco sat down next to her and took her hand. "Everything is going to be okay. You know that right?"

"No. I don't know that. But thank you for telling me."

Draco sighed and nodded. "I know you don't believe me. But please. Trust me."

Sitting in class the next morning, Severus looked at Lily. She was sitting on her own. "I think that you and I need to talk. Stay behind after class. I will give you a note."

Lily just nodded. She didn't want to talk to her father. Especially knowing that she knew he would want to talk about what had happened.

When the lesson was over, Lily stayed on her desk. Severus looked at her. "I know you're wondering about what's going on. But I think that you should know, I have no intentions of dying."

"You can't stop bray though can you? And you're being selfish for even thinking about it. And Bellatrix is just a bitch. A pyhsco bitch," Lily said as she stood up and walked off.

Lily knew that she was being selfish by not hearing her father out. But she was scared. Scared that she was going to lose him. She knew all about the unbreakable vow. And she knew that if Severus didn't complete what Draco had to do, he would die.

But with so much happening in her life, how long could Lily keep up the pretence that everything was okay?

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