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Lily sighed to herself as she walked into the common room. She sighed as she sat down. Her head was a mess over snape and sighed as Draco walked in and frowned as he looked to his girlfriend "lily? Are you okay" he asked as he sat on the couch next to her "it's my father, I don't know what to think there is something off with him over everything and I just don't know what to do or what to believe" lily said as Draco looked to her and smiled "it's okay, I know that your scared and worried but I am here for you and you can trust me even if you don't trust your father" Draco said as lily looked to him and smiled. She curled into him and smiled as he ran a hand through her dark hair and smiled "it's going to be okay, I know that you don't know who trust but I won't let you him hurt you" Draco said as lily looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

She placed a hand on his cheek and pulled him close as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as she ran her hands through his hair "come on" lily said as she stood up and pulled h towards her dorm. He looked to her and smirked as he pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately as he ran his hands down her body as she locked the door of the dorm as he pushed her onto the bed and smirked as they stripped off. He cast the protection charm and climbed on top of her and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her


Lily walked into the common room and smiled as she saw Alyssa "can I talk to you?" Lily asked as Alyssa looked to her and smiled "sure" she said as lily sat down. Lily looked to her nest formed and smiled "it's about my father, I know he may stay some stuff but be careful and don't trust him completed as I know that he is like and I know that he can't be trusted, there is always something going with him, just promise me that you will be careful and don't trust him completely as he will only let you down" lily said as Alyssa looked to her and smiled "I will, don't worry I know how to handle him" Alyssa said as lily poorly to her and smiled


Lily sat in the great hall and sighed to herself as Harry walked in and looked to her and smiled "we need to talk" he said as lily looked to him and frowned "why?" She said as he looked to her and  sighed "because after everything you are still my softer and all I am saying is be careful who you trust especially those around you" Harry said as he walked off as lily frowned to herself wondering just what was going on?

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