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Lily wanted to know what Draco's task was. He wasn't talking to her about it at all. He wasn't even talking to her much.

She woke that morning and sighed. Alyssa was sitting on her bed. Lily frowned. "What's happened?" She asked.

Alyssa sighed. "Draco has been summoned to the manor. I expect it has something to do with his task for Voldemort. He hasn't told you what it is has he?"

Lily shook her head. "Nope. And I don't think he will. I'm just scared. I don't want to lose him. Apart from you, he's the only person I have in this life."

"You have your father too."

"I don't think he cares about me. I just... I don't know. It's like he would rather be there for Draco. And it sucks," Lily said.

Alyssa took her hand and smiled. "I'm always here for you. You know that right? I won't let you down."

"I know. Thank you."

The two Slytherin's made their way down to the great hall. They were stopped by Hermione. "Hello Lily. You're Harry's half sister. So... I was thinking maybe you would want to join Dumbledore's Army? I know that you have issues with Harry. But maybe that could change?" She said.

Lily frowned. "Granger. I don't know what you're planning. But I don't care. I don't want to join your army or whatever. I know for a fact it was disbanded last year by Umbitch. So unless you're rebelling again, leave me alone," she said as she walked off.

Hermione turned to Alyssa. "Don't tell anyone. Or else," she said.

"Hun. I don't think you're in a position to threaten me. You're a muggleborn. Therefore your say here isn't worth much. Okay?" Alyssa said as she walked off to find Lily.

It was halfway through potions when Draco walked in. "Sorry professor. I was summoned home. My mother had some news for me," he said.

Snape just nodded. Hermione raised her hand. "Excuse me sir. But for him to walk in halfway through the class, he has missed half of what we're doing. Surely he should be given a detention," she said.

Snape turned to Hermione. "Miss Granger. I am the teacher here. And you are the student. Perhaps you would like to tell me how I should be teaching my classroom?"

"He should at least be given a detention. If that were anyone else, they would lose house points and detention," Hermione said. She looked around at the class. "You all know I'm right."

Lily looked at Hermione. "I don't know what has gotten into you lately. Threatening Alyssa and speaking out. But seriously. You're being a bitch now and it's not cool. You want everyone to like you. But no one will. Okay? You have your friends. So stop trying."

Hermione looked to her. "I'm just saying the truth. It has nothing to do with friends. I have my own friends. And I'm happy. I just want everyone to be treated fairly," she said as looked at her.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Well I hate to break it to you, but this school is full of prejudice. So get over it. Each teacher has a favourite house. Slytherin is Snape's favourite house. Deal with it," she said.

When the class had ended, Lily saw Draco waiting for her. She smiled. "I heard you had been summoned to the manor. Is everything okay?" She asked.

Draco nodded. "Yes. It was about my task. I wish I could tell you so badly. But I can't. It's not right."

"I'm here for you. I know we've been through some hard times at the moment. But I care. You know that don't you?" She said.

Draco nodded and smiled. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "I know."


The two of them just held each other in that moment. Unaware how it was going to change everything. And it was all because of a prophecy.

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