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Lily sat in the common room and sighed. She sat starring into space. All that she could keep thinking about was what she had seen. What she had seen with Alyssa and snape. She felt as if she was being betrayed and lied to and she couldn't cope with it. She didn't want to be lied to. Lily sighed as Alyssa walked in. Alyssa looked to her and frowned. She realised hat cold reception that she was getting from her best friend and sighed. She knew that lily was angry with her other something but she didn't know what it was and she knew that lily would tell her what it was in her own time and when she was ready. Lily ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she looked to the blank piece of parchment that was in front of her. She was meant to be working on her essay but her head was a mess and she couldn't concentrate.

Lily looked up as the door as the common room opened as Draco walked in. He walked over to lily and smiled as he sat opposite her and smiled "are you okay, you look stressed and tired" he said as lily looked to him and smiled "I'm fine" she said as he looked to her and nodded "you know that if there was something bothering you that you could tell me, is it to do with Alyssa?" He asked as lily looked to him and frowned "what makes you think that?" "Well your here alone and you two are normally joint at the hip and I hardly have you to myself" he said as lily looked to him and smiled "it's nothing, you don't need to worry. I'm just a little stressed lately that's all" lily said as he looked to her and nodded


Lily walked into the common room and smiled as she saw Draco. She sat next to him and smiled as she placed a hand on top of his and sighed "I lied, when I said there was nothing over Alyssa. I caught her with my father and I'm angry, I'm still angry with her" lily said as he looked to her and sighed "it's not what it seems, the dark lord set her a mission. To seduce him and to find out things, the dark lord doesn't think that he is being loyal and she has to seduce Him to find out. I would of told you but it's not my place" Draco said as lily looked to him and smiled. She placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him


Lily sighed to herself as she walked through the castle. She frowned to herself as she saw her father. She followed him through the dungeons and sighed to herself as she saw him talking to Alyssa and frowned. She looked to him and frowned. Lily didn't know why but something seems fishy about it all and she didn't know if she could trust his loyalties anymore

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