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Lily walked through the dungeons. She was running late and heading back to the common room. She walked into the common room and saw draco and pansy sitting making out "god sake, get a room" lily said as she placed her books on the side and sighed. Draco pushed pansy away and lily watched as she walked away "you could do better, and you know that" lily said as she placed her feet on the sofa. Draco leant back and smirked "what, you jealous Lillian?" he asked as she rolled her eyes "oh totally, I just cant get enough of your body drakeykins" lily said sarcastically "don't let your father hear you saying that" draco said smirking. The famous Malfoy smirked.

"come on, you know I care about you, your my best friend and I don't want you seen lie a mug especially when it comes to pug face, sorry pansy" Lily said as draco smirked "you really don't like her , do you?" draco asked "hate her, and im the one that has to share a dorm with her" "cant you speak to your father about that?" "believe me, I've tried and if I have to go another night listening to her talk about you, an how your in love, and get married I am going to drown her I the black lake" lily said as draco laughed slightly "and I thought you were meant to be the nice slytherin?" draco asked "trust me, that is me being nice" lily said as Daphne Greengrass walked into the common room. She was Lily's only slytherin friend, aside from draco "lily, you coming up im going to kill pug---I mean pansy if you don't" She said as lily smiled "ill be up in a bit"

Draco looked at her and smirked "oh please, you cant fancy her, she's my friend and you will hurt her and I wont let you"  Lily said "i was just checking her out, li, chill besides she's not my  type" draco said "right, I forgot you like pug faced heatless cows" lily said as she stood up "no, I like someone but I wont be telling you, just yet" draco said and she rolled her eyes "okay, good luck with that, she will run for the hills, im off to bed" lily said as she stood up and walked off to the dorm as draco looked after her and sighed. How could he ever tell lily that she was the one he liked and had a major crush on for the last lie, she was his best friend after all?


Lily sighed as she walked through the dungeons the next morning. She walked off to her fathers private chambers and knocked on the door and waited a few moments before he opened the door. His black clock trailed behind him as he looked to her "can I help you Lillian?" he asked as she rolled her eyes "so formal father as always, I came to ask if you considered moving me, or pug---pansy dorms because im telling you, end of the week, I will kill her" lily said as he rolled his eyes "don't be so dramatic" he said as she crossed her arms over her chest "dramatic...no, trust me I am not being dramatic, she's as good as dead to me if I have to share a dorm with her anymore. Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you, thanks for the help father" lily said as she turned around and walked off towards the great hall for breakfast.

She took a seat opposite draco and sighed. He sat playing with his bacon and looked to lily "let me guess, he said no?" draco asked as lily nodded as she looked to draco and smiled. She couldn't help but wonder who the girl draco was on about the night earlier and wonder what she had that lily didn't, little did she knew that the girl was her.

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