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Lily knew how strained that things had been lately and she knew it was hard but she knew how hard that she was trying. Lily was trying to make her relationship with Draco work and it wasn't easy when she knew that she was in the middle of a war

She lay on her bed and groaned as she heard a knock at the door. Lily stupid hi and answered it as she saw Draco and frowned

"How did you get up here" she asked as Draco looked to her and smirked

"I have been sneaking into your dorm since fourth year lily do you really need to ask me that" he said as she smiled

She lead him inside and frowned as she looked to him and frowned. She knew Draco well enough to know when there was something bothering him

"What is it" she asked as he sighed

"I had to go back to the manor. Fathers orders. You know what he is like. He wants me to become a death eater this summer when school ends I don't want this lil. I know I'm a malfoy and the family I come from and I know what's happened and how it's not easy but I don't want to become his follower" he said as he sat in the bed

Lily looked to him and frowned. It was a side of Draco she had hardly seen. Only one when he opened up to her over what Lucius had done in the past.

Lily looked to him and smiled as she pulled him into a hug and smiled

"It's all going to be okay i promise" lily said as she held Draco close as he sobbed into her chest. She could see just how scared that he was and she was worried for him

Lily walked into the great hall. She saw Alyssa. "Did you know that Draco has to become a death eater? At the end of this year?"

Alyssa nodded. She sighed. "I wish he didn't have to. But they are forcing him. My mother is trying to stop it. But she can't. She can't stop the rampage my father is on," she told her.

"And what about you?"

"Me? I'm the daughter of Narcissa Malfoy. Do you really think I'll get away with it?" She asked. She sighed. "I won't be marked. But I'll have to do tasks."

Lily sat down. She sighed. "I hate how complicated and messy this all is. Do you think I'll have to?"

Alyssa shrugged. "I don't know. I honestly don't. I just... talk to your father. It's the only thing you can do."

Severus looked up as Lily walked in. She sighed. "I need to talk to you," she said.

"What about?"

Lily took a deep breath. She looked to him. "Do you think I'll have to become a death eater? I know Draco has to. And you're a follower of him. So, do you think?"

Severus looked to her. He had no idea where she would have gotten this information from. "It's hard to say. I am a follower of him. But it is complicated. I cannot say at the moment."

Lily looked to the floor. She sighed. "I'm not going to do it. I won't be forced. You can't force me," she told him.

"If it will keep you alive then you will," Severus said.

Lily looked to him. But would she become a death eater? Even if it meant saving her life?

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