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Lily sat in the common room and rubbed her tired eyes as she rested her head on her arm. She was tired. She was exhausted and hadn’t had much sleep. Draco walked into the common room and looked at her and smirked she looked at him and glared “what are you smirking at” Lily spat making he smirk even more. “now now. What’s got you on a bad mood I thought that seeing me would just cheer you up” Draco said as Lily rolled her eyes “oh yeah because your just so irresible “ Lily said as he smirked and took a seat opposite her “how come your so tired?” he asked as she rubbed her eyes “you would be too if you had to share a form with pansy Parkinson listening to her snoring which keeps you awake all night. I’m telling you I’m so close to snapping I need my sleep, and I may end up smothering her with a pillow. I’m serious “ Lily said as she looked to Draco who was laughing “oh I know you are Lily Snape that’s why I am laughing” Draco said as Lily shot a glare at hi. “your the one that slept with her” Lily said as she stood up and smirked. Draco glared at her “don’t remind me” he said as Lily looked over her shoulder and smirked as they walked out go the common room and headed to the great hall for breakfast.


Lily sat in the great hall as she sat with her toast and looked to Draco who was sitting opposite her “so, how are things with this girl?” Lily asked as Draco smiled “She doesn’t even notice me lil, I don’t know what to do” Draco said as she asked to her best friend “show her, show her what she means to you. You are Draco Malfoy and any girl would be lucky to have you ” Lily said as she smiled to him. Draco looked at her. How could Draco tell Lily, his best friend that it was her he was in love with. Lily looked to Draco and smiled. She couldn’t help but feel jealous over the girl that had captured Draco heart. She didn’t know why. She didn’t know if it was because he was her best friend and she felt like she was looking him or if it was something more and she actually had feelings for Draco Malfoy.


Lily sat in the library as she tried to focus on her work as Snape walked in. He spotted his daughter sitting in the corner of the room and walked over to her. She looked up from her book for a second before looking away “You frankly look terrible lily” Snape said as Lily rolled her eyes “it’s called lack of sleep father” Lily said as she rubbed her eyes and he looked at her “ Your not sleeping?” he asked “ no. Pansy Parkinson and her snoring I had half an hour sleep all night” Lily said as he looked to her and smiled “you know you were named after Lily. My best friend we had a difficult relationship” “ didn’t you call her a mud blood and ruin it” Lily asked as he nodded “I did” Lily looked to him and sighed “ can I ask you something?” “of course” “my mother why won’t you tell me about jer” Lily asked as Snape got annoyed “it’s none of your business “ he said as she frowned “she is my mother it is my business I don’t get it” Lily said as Snape looked to her and sighed “look just stay out of it lily” Snape snapped as Lily frowned. She looked at him and glared “ no. I will not and you know why this is my business and I have a right to know. And if you won’t tell me I will find out” Lily said as she stood up and stormed out. She would do whatever it took to find out who her mother was and most importantly who she was.

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