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Lily sighed to herself as she sat in her dorm. Alyssa stood across the room and looked to Lily as she got dressed for school. Alyssa could tell that that she was off. She hadn’t been herself for a few days.  Alyssa knew that even though Lily said that she didn’t care that he wasn't talking to her. She was pissed that he couldn’t except her relationship with Draco. Alyssa could tell heat Draco meant to Lily and knew that she was mad over how controlling e was. Alyssa sat on the bed next to Lily who smiled to her “You need to talk to him, he’s your father" Alyssa said as Lily chuckled slightly.

“he’s a coward, all he wants is to get his way over everything and it’s not going to happen. I love your brother and I won’t give it up all because he wants to control every little thing in my life, I won’t allow it" Lily said as Alyssa looked to her and smiled “he’s your father” “I’m aware but he has controlled everything little thing In my life and I won’t let it happen again" Lily said as Alyssa looked to her and smiled “it will be okay” Alyssa said as she hugged her as Lily nodded hoping that she was right.


Lily sat in the great hall and sighed as Harry walked over to her and looked to her. She looked to him and raised her eyebrow at him “yes?’ she asked as he looked to her and sighed “is it true what I’m hearing? You and Malfoy?” he asked as Lily rolled her eyes “what’s it got to do with you?” she asked. She was annoyed at the fact that everyone was questioning her over her and Draco and it was pissing her off “well, he’s Malfoy he’s trouble" Harry said as Lily looked to him annoyed “You don’t even know him, look why don’t you mind your own damn business I mean it’s not like you care besides you only see me as a slytherin and nothing else, I’m not going to be your half sister, I’m just going to be snapes daughter in your eyes" Lily spat as him “your scum that’s what you are" Ron said as Alyssa grabbed her wand and pointed it at him “pullus” she cast as lily watched and laughed as Alyssa turned him into a chicken.

Lily stormed out of the hall as Draco walked after her “hey, wait” he said as she turned to face him and sighed. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled to her “don't listen to weasel, he knows nothing. You are not scum" he said as she looked to him and smiled as he pulled her into a hug and she rested her head as he held her close “I love you Lily and I won’t let anything bad happen” he said as she smiled.


Alyssa walked through the dungeons and walked over to Snape. She was annoyed with him and knew that she was using him to get to Lily. “I’m not doing it anymore" she said as he looked to her “we had a deal" he said as she glared to him “ I don’t care, I won’t let you use me to get to Lily” Alyssa said as he grabbed her and kissed her unaware that Lily had seen the kiss and was pissed.

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