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Lilly knew how things had been tense with her and Draco since he had told Snape about her wanting to leave Hogwarts. She knew it wasn't easy.

She didn't want to stick around for all that had happened. She wanted to start afresh. She wanted a life away from Hogwarts.

She knew that it wasn't going to be easy. But she felt as though it was all getting too much. She was worried that she wasn't going to get through it all.

It was harder than she thought. And she missed how close she and Draco used to be. It was breaking her heart.

Alyssa had tried to keep the peace between them. But she couldn't. Both Draco and Lily had barely talked. It was too much to handle.

Lily hated how her father had stopped her from having a normal life. And it wasn't fair. She didn't want to be the one who had a death eater for a father.

He tried to control her. And she hated it. She hated how he had manipulated the whole situation. It was the last thing she wanted things to go back to how they used to be.

Before all the complications of the war happened. And she felt as though it was all too much. She didn't know how to make it all work. She wanted life to be simple. But it wasn't going to be. It was going to be harder than she thought.

All she knew was that things were hard. And she was scared of everything that was going to happen.

Morning came and she found herself sitting in bed. She wiped away some tears that were falling. The door opened and Alyssa walked in. "Hey. What's up?" She asked.

Lily wiped her tears away. She looked to her. "I miss how things used to be with Draco. It's so tense now. He told my dad I wanted to leave. And My dad stopped me. Yeah we've been close and talked. But it hasn't been the same."

Alyssa sat with her. She smiled. "Hey. Listen to me now. Draco is feeling the same. I know it's hard for you. especially with who your dad is. But you and Draco can make it work. You just both have to try," she said.

"I want to. More than anything I want to. But I feel as though it's all going to get too much for me."

Lily was walking through the school. She saw Draco as he walked right past her. She sighed knowing how he wasn't happy with her. "Draco. Can we talk?" She asked.

Draco turned back to her. He sighed. "I'm late for extra defence. I'm apparently behind Granger in that class. Which I think is insulting. But here we are," Draco said as he walked past her.

Lily rolled he eyes. "Okay. Fine. Whatever."

"Lily. We can talk tonight. I promise."

Lily stormed into her dad's classroom. She looked to him. "I hope you're happy. You've caused so much crap with me and Draco. He's not even talking to me now," she said.

Severus rolled his eyes. "You cannot take responsibility for your own actions can you? And I'm not dealing with your childish tantrums anymore."

Lily scoffed as she turned and walked off. Not knowing how things were about to get so much more dark for her.

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