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Lily sighed to herself as she sat in Malfoy manor. It was Christmas break and lily was staying at the Malfoys. All that lily could think about was Draco and the fact that he was getting involved with the death eaters. She didn't want him to get involved. She was scared for him and wanted to support him but she didn't know how she could support him if he joined the death eaters. Lily sat in her room at the manor and sighed as she looked to the letters off of her father and sighed as she looked to them and threw them to the side as she ran her hand through her black hair. Alyssa walked into the room and frowned as she looked to lily and smiled to her "are you okay? You look like crap" Alyssa said as lily looked to her and chuckled "thanks, I feel like it" she said.

She sat on the bed next to Alyssa and groaned in frustration "are you okay?" She asked as lily looked to her and smiled "Im worries over him becoming a death eater, he's just a kid and I know he sees he's ready for this but I don't think that he is. We're all just kids and it's all so messed up and I really don't want to loose another parent, especially since my father is such a dick and how I lost my mother, the woman I never met not really" lily said as Alyssa looked to her and smiled "it's going to be okay" Alyssa said to her as lily smiled to her "is it?" She asked as Alyssa nodded and looked to her "narcissa won't let it happen, she will protect Draco and all of us" Alyssa said as lily looked to him and smiled.


Later lily got back to hogwarts and sat in the common room and sighed as Draco walked in. He looked to her and smiled "my father wants me to join the death eaters" he said as she looked to him and glared "of course he does" she said as he looked to her and frowned "what is wrong with you?" He asked as she looked to him and glared "you, you want to join the death eaters and follow the man that murdered my mother?" She asked as he looked to her and sighed "I'm doing this to protect you" He said as she looked to him and glared "don't, don't even say that as I never asked you too" she said as he sighed and looked to her. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he kissed her "it will be okay, I promise" he said.


Later lily sat outside by the black lake as Alyssa sat next to her. Lily looked to her and smiled. Alyssa looked to her and  sighed. She knew that lily was anxious and worried over Draco "you know he's going to be okay, your not alone in all of this, I'm worried to but Draco is a lot stronger than he seemed" Alyssa said as lily looked to her and smiled. She only hoped that Alyssa was right and that she would be okay as she didn't know how to handle it if something happened to Draco.

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