36. Attack

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If there is one thing that Xiao Zhan knows with absolute certainty that he will regret for the rest of his life, it will be this.

Right now, he can barely even forgive himself for it but eventually he will. Because he didn't know any better. But this regret... it will linger forever because he should have known better.

Eventually they arrive and the moment he gets out of the car and starts to march towards the house, he wipes the tears off his face. It hasn't been able to stop falling, especially since Yibo is still unreachable and it is driving him crazy.

However, he is going to keep trying until he is able to reach him because there is just one thing that he has to say to him.

I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.

Please. Forgive me.

He is starting right now, and he is so angry that he doesn't even bother ringing the doorbell. He pounds furiously on the door, completely accepting the pain that it is bringing to his hand.

"Ba! Ma!" he yells, and when the delay continues on he begins to kick at the door with his foot.

"Xiao Zhan!" his mother eventually answers from within, and soon enough the door swings open.

He storms in, nearly pushing her out of the way.

"Xiao Zhan!" she cries.

"Where is he?" he asks, every single second that passes by ticking like a bomb in his mind and heart.

"Xiao Zhan please calm down," she pleads.

He ignores her, and when he doesn't see his father anywhere around, he begins to head up the stairs.

"He's not there, he's down here," his mother says and he quickly returns.

"Where?" he asks, and sees her eyes filling with tears. She tries to hold onto his arm but he quickly swerves his hand and steps away.

Just then, he hears the door to his father's home office swing open. He spins around and turns to face the man that has done more damage to him than he will ever know.

"Have you lost your mind?" his father's cold, booming voice resounds across the room. "How dare you come barging in here like this?"

Despite how enraged Xiao Zhan is, he tries to remind himself of whom this man is to him. Despite his mistake.

So he takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"Where's your phone?"

His father stares him down. "Is this why you finally rushed down here? Even in the midst of your current crisis, is all you can think about still Wang Yibo?

At this, Xiao Zhan feels what little bit of patience he has left dissipate.

"My current crisis? Do you even know what you've done?"

"No, I don't," his father replies. "What exactly have I done to make you so mad that you cut the call on me? Because I 'attacked' Wang Yibo? And what's so wrong about that? Especially when he deserves it! What exactly has Wang Yibo done to make you unable to see that he is destroying you? What kind of spell does he have over you that you cannot even see that if you keep associating with him, he is going to ruin you?"

"So what if he fucking ruins me?" Xiao Zhan explodes, and his mother jumps.

"Ba!" he cocks his head at him, his brows furrowed with horror. "You have just belittled Wang Yibo in front of the whole world. And do you know what's worse? He accepted it and apologized to you. In front of the whole world. Do you know what that means?"

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