55. Intermission

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And at this point, he is certain of nothing beyond the fact that Yibo loves him. And that there is a very high chance that he is in love with him too, but he isn't completely convinced of it yet.

Feelings as powerful as the ones that are currently ripping his insides to shreds are indeed out-of-this-world, phenomenal and magical, but he also knows that a commitment to Wang Yibo had to be established on something that goes beyond the intensity of his feelings.

It has to stem from a conviction in his heart, that Yibo is worth more to him than anything else in his life, because that is exactly what accepting Wang Yibo will threaten- everything else in his life.

Just then, he feels Yibo's arms around him begin to loosen.

Then his gaze breaks away from his and begins to lower, to hide, but Xiao Zhan has already seen the look that has come into them to replace the hope and thrill.

The look in Yibo's eyes is now one of hurt and disappointment... and confusion. Xiao Zhan wants to curse at himself for once again leading him down this path, but he doesn't.

Because this time around he chose this.

He needed this.

And as for the aftermath, he is going to figure it out.

With Yibo.

He hopes.


All hail the queen of excerpts ...😅But it's all because I'm dedicated to your feels.I spent the free time I got during my week and a half away, rereading parts of this novel because I'm unable to convince myself that I didn't write it in order to detach enough to actually read the whole thing and not nitpick and cringe at the parts I'm not satisfied with to death.Anyway, I found some gems related to the next arc and since most of you might have forgotten about the angst that these two bring to our lives, this is a reminder. This is from chapter 27.New chapter coming your way in a few hours.I hope you have all been well. And did anyone else reread during this past week? If you haven't, perhaps get a quick refresher of at least the last chapter. The next continues on straight from there and might not hit as hard if you've forgotten how tumultuous these two can be.I missed this story and you all so so so so much ❤️ x. Moye.

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