Chapter 65

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August 27 marked two years being married, six years total. We didn't plan to do anything big. All we really wanted to do was be at home with Skylar, so that's all we did. We made it a special day. We planned to wake Sky up with music and Harry grabbed his guitar from the office downstairs, but she was standing in her crib when we poked our heads into her room. She greeted us with a big smile and outstretched arms.

We did brunch how Kira and I did, minus the alcohol since we had a kid now. We made a mountain of French toast, way more than we needed for the three of us, and ate more fruit than we could handle. We dance around the kitchen together, showing Sky our favorite songs. Harry had never joined brunch before, but he knew how it worked and he only queued up the best and most upbeat songs.

He and Sky twirled around the kitchen while I rinsed off dishes and slipped them into the dishwasher is my definition of happiness. He yelled lyrics in her face and she laughed endlessly in response. Her hands were out to her sides and she just looked so happy. I pulled out my phone while they were distracted and recorded them dancing with each other. This was one of those moments I needed to capture forever. I sent it to both of our moms before I set it down. I went to leave the room, but he grabbed my arm as I passed and pulled me in, moving his arm around my waist. He kissed me with one of those kisses that he didn't use very often. He put his forehead against mine.

"Me now!" Sky spoke up, looking jealous that he kissed me and not her. She crossed her little arms and waited for him to pick up on what she wanted.

"I could never forget my favorite little bird!" He pressed his lips firmly to her cheek. He made an exaggerated kiss sound and she tried to move away, but I grabbed her other cheek and did the same thing. Her laughs filled the room and my heart. This is what the mom we met in the airport meant. It was moments like this. I'd never known a love like this in my entire life.

Harry wanted to keep the day special but wanted to keep a little bit of a surprise. He insisted that we go outside and not come back in until he told me we could. I checked the weather and there was rain on the forecast, but it wasn't supposed to rain until later. The sun was out for the time being and it was warm. I had Harry put Skylar in her swimsuit and put sunscreen on her while I changed into my own swimsuit. I bought one when I started to feel better about my body. I still wasn't all the way there, but I was more comfortable showing more skin.

I grabbed some water and snacks from from the kitchen and started shoving things in a bag. I threw my speaker on top. I grabbed my sunglasses from the counter and they were waiting for me by the backdoor, hand in hand. Harry opened the door for us and kissed me as I walked by. "Make it quick please. I don't want her to get burned."

"It won't even take an hour. Promise." He pinched my ass when I was walking out the door and it earned a dirty look. "Love you."

"Yeah yeah, do what you need to do so I can use my own house." He shut the door behind me and locked it. I turned when I heard the lock click and he just shrugged his shoulders. He locked me out of the house that was half mine on our anniversary. And then he shrugged.

I set up the speaker on the table we bought for the deck and dragged Skylar's little kiddie pool out from the garage. I grabbed the hose and filled it up while she walked along the fence and looked at the flowers Harry had planted a few months before. She really loves flowers.

I filled it up halfway, threw some toys in, and called her over. "You ready to swim, little bird?" She tried to climb in on her own, but it was too tall for her. I stepped in and picked her up so she could join me. "It's gonna be cold. You ready?" She nodded enthusiastically. I sat down quick, just to get through the initial shock of cold hose water. "Holy shit, that's fucking cold."

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