Chapter 41

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Harry got home from work later than usual, and he was looking eerily happy. Don't get me wrong, he was usually always in a good mood, but this one was more. There was something happening in his head that he wasn't letting me in on, and I don't think he was going to anytime soon. He was acting very secretive too.

My parents were being weird too. I'd called them a couple days after he came home late just to talk. They kept asking questions and they were all super cryptic.

"How are you and Harry?"

"Anything new or interesting happening?"

And when I questioned them about it, they pushed it aside and pretended like I didn't know they were being weird as hell.

They eventually stopped being weird and the weirdness slipped to disappointment. I didn't know where their disappointment was coming from, but they had to reassure me a million times that it wasn't disappointment from anything I'd done. I'd assumed it was Malakai.

A couple more weeks went by and everything was back to normal. I'd been spending more time at Kimmy's when I wasn't working. She had some complications in March and was put on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. Dustin's was in the middle of a case that was taking up most of his time. Kimmy didn't mind because that's his job and he loves his job, but that meant she was alone more often that not. Kira and I took turns helping her out around the house.

She was eating it up too. She joked about getting herself a bell so she could call for us no matter where we were in the house. Dustin took her literally. The sound of that bell will haunt me in my dreams. But we let her go with it since she was stuck in bed.

Kimmy was not the kind of person to sit still for too long. She was suffering just sitting in bed as much as she was. She was always the one to pull Kira and me out of our dorms to go do something. And she always found something for us to do. Whatever she found usually turned into some sort of disaster, but we made it worth it.

A knock woke me up. It was finals week again and I hadn't slept well in two weeks. I willed it to go away but it just kept going. It got louder and louder. I dragged myself out of bed and to the door. I pulled it open to a smiling Kimmy and an unamused looking Kira right behind her. I looked at what they were wearing and the backpack in Kimmy's hands.

"I was asleep." Kimmy pushed her way into my room and  Kira plopped herself down in one of my chairs.

"Well it's time to wake up and get dressed. I found a nice hiking spot a couple hours away. Dustin is killing himself over finals. I need girl time and you both need to destress." She got up and walked to my dresser, digging through it for whatever she was looking for. She pulled a pair of leggings, a tank top, and my favorite flannel out of my drawers. "Get dressed." She grabbed my boots from my closet and threw them on the floor next to me.

I changed my clothes and pulled my shoes on.

"Perfect. Let's get going. We've got a full day of daylight to spend outside and connecting with nature."

Kira hadn't said a single word since they got there and I understood completely. Neither of us were expecting to be dragged out of bed on our days off to drive to the middle of no where to climb a hill. We were both less than pleased.

We got in Kimmy's car and she started driving. She made me the designated DJ for the drive, leaving Kira in the backseat. She ended up laying down and sleeping the whole time we were driving. We drove for a while though, a lot longer than we were supposed to.

"How far away is this trail? We've been driving for like, three hours."

"We might be a little lost, that's all." My eyes got wide, knowing automatically that she had gotten us lost.

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