Report #2 [Results of the Event]

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Name: Evan White

Project: Living World AI

Date: December 1, 2050

Observed Players:

Hayate Palmer [Wind] <Guardian Player of Kazu>

Kazuki Palmer [Kazu]

Player Type: Normal (Invited)


After the last report, we continued our observations of Mr. Palmer's sons for the rest of November. The first thing we noticed after the completion of <Tested WIlds'> [Hidden Quest] was the return of Hayate Palmer playing as his character, [Wind]. He was playing with several other players with no signs of his younger brother. As predicted from our last report, Mr. Palmer explained that the reason behind his brother's absence from the game was due to real-life obligations regarding his schoolwork. While this did impede our observation, it gave us new progress made from Hayate alone.

Just like with <Bai Hu>, he and the players, [Arthur] and [Razul] encountered the <Lucidus> soldiers, including one of the major NPCs for the upcoming update, <Dalhia Oztar>. To our surprise, they not only managed to interact with them, but they managed to finish a [Special Quest] and defeated a boss NPC and his henchmen after a bitter fight. Calling their feat impressive is a bit understatement, but the fact that they managed to complete it without Kazuki was a great development during our observation. While I'm a bit concerned regarding Arthur's interactions with Dalhia, we're happy to see another strange progress despite Kazuki's absence.

Now regarding the special surprise event that Mr. Palmer organized, we were a bit concerned about the player response to this. While it did alter the economy in the game and the push of some [Masteries] such as [Alchemy] and [Cooking], we were concerned might affect our reputation, especially how the players relied very much on NPC shops. But before we could make a backup plan in case this went south, we witnessed Wind and Kazu, who returned to the game following his brother's special encounter with the NPCs, appropriately reacting by setting up a shop for everyone to buy potions and other expendables. We expected players with [Alchemy] and [Cooking Masteries] to take advantage of the unannounced event but to see Mr. Palmer's sons become overnight sensations, especially after one of them defeated a high-level player in a [Duel], was enough for us to question whether they were secretly veterans of the MMORPG genre.

In any case, we now know that we can't underestimate the brothers one bit. Once the first expansion arrives, we have a feeling they're going to do great things next year. But as long as Mr. Palmer doesn't do anything reckless again, like that potion shortage event, then we might able to observe real progress regarding the project itself.

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