[Forum Post] Crazy Kid Pulled Off An Impossible!

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[Posted: November 12, 2050]


You'll never believe what I saw earlier in the game! It was huge! Very huge! I don't know if a screenshot is enough to prove this! Heck, I don't even know if this will count as an earth-shattering revelation!

(Link to attached screenshot)]


What big discovery? All I see is bright light around the picture. I can't even see who's in there at all. Are you sure you're not just a bad photographer?]


Hey, leave the guy alone. Not everyone can take a screenshot perfectly.

But he does have a point. What are we even seeing here anyway? Besides, I doubt completing a tricky [Quest] or a boss monster is hardly "earth-shattering"... Have you seen the in-game streams lately? They're not enough to get my attention...]


But this screenshot isn't from a [Quest] or anything battle-related at all! This "light" actually came from a magical blast that this kid in magician garb somehow created, that started firing bolts of fire and electricity in random directions in the <Crafting Hall>! It happened so fast that I had to high-tail out of the Hall after I took the photo!]


Okay... That doesn't make sense at all. You know any offensive magic is considered as PKing. If that did happen, the kid you've mentioned should've been arrested by now. Besides, considering you used the term "kid" back there, shouldn't he have a [Guardian Player] with him? I mean, do you even know how old he is?]


Ooh... Maybe he's an older player in disguise trying to get some shota action! He seriously got balls if that's true. Or this kid didn't read the rules and just straight up lied to avoid that crappy [Guardian Player] shit.

Better yet, he might have some hacking help just to ignore all of that completely! XD]


Troll... Please don't say anything inappropriate like that in this thread... Plus, lying about your age is also against the rules and could get you a huge fine. And since this game has a strong security system compared to other social media sites, you're practically walking into a metaphorical death sentence.]


Inappropriate? Yeah right. All I'm saying here is a cold hard truth. There have been several hack attacks in <Isekai> lately and there's a rumor that some kids are using the hacks to create a private server on their own.

If you ask me, this game is already making a few enemies. At this rate, it may end up shut down for a few months at least if these hacks continue.]




He's right. If you keep spreading misinformation around here, there is a high chance that there will be consequences.]


"Misinformation"?! Don't joke with me. I did say the truth and I'm entitled to say anything I want in this site!]


"Entitled"?! Dude, that's not how you use that word! Stop making lies, you jerk! Those are just rumors, so stop treating them as "cold hard truth"!]


Hah! Just saying that makes you more of a liar than you accused me of being!]


Did you say "kid in a magician garb"? I got video footage of him back there. He seemed to be chanting something on a weird staff he was making, and I also saw that blast happen after that.

(Attached video "Magician Kid Creates a Weird Staff")]


See?! That's the kid I was talking about!]




Did that kid just used [Magecrafting]... without a crafting menu at all?!]


Looks like it. That might be the cause of the magical blast that you've mentioned before. Did you edit anything in that video, 7PlayCool?]


Nope. I was so excited when I caught that video that I quickly logged out and uploaded it on YouTube immediately.]


So in other words, this is raw footage of the very first [Experienced Magecrafting] in <Isekai Online> history.]


Did you at least get the kid's handle name?]


No... I was so focused on getting the whole thing on video that I didn't catch his name. But I do know that he was with this [Human] guy in a hunter garb and he had blue hair and that he was saying some weird language while he cast some kind of on that staff.]


Weird... language? Does that sound familiar?]


Yeah. I think that kid is playing an [Insignis] character... Did he trigger something using that [Mastery] with that race?]

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