Calm before the storm. Chapter 1

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I've just finished on a mission and have come back home , I throw my bags on the floor and full into the bed . ( I seriously need a break) when the mirror in my room lights up and I hear my boss.
The Boss"  Pheonix are you there . Come to the mirror please."
I walk over to my dressing table and sit in the chair.
Pheonix " Boss what is it ?."
The Boss" your next assignment is to Gaurd the Queens Grandson. As there is someone that is trying to Kill him."
Pheonix " the last time I did something like this I ended up shot , and I'm sick of it."
The Boss " this one is simple , and until he makes him self known you'll have to stay with your brother. Plus this is on the Request from the Queen."
Pheonix " ahhh fucksake Fine . But this time I'm running things my way , and I'm taking my gun ."
The Boss " That's Fine with me , and Pheonix you must check in every once in a while. Last time you didn't and I had to find you on the G.P.S."
Pheonix "  After this I really need a holiday."
The Boss " That I promise you , you'll definitely get your well deserved time off  now you go. By bye ."
I throw some clean clothes in my bag and get in the car, I drive 3 hours to my brothers Restaurant. After a long drive I finally pull into the car park out side. I step out of the car and I hear a voice and I spin round to see Riki Yanase inches from my face.
Riki Yanase " Pheonix it's been a long time what are you doing here ."
Pheonix " well you know me anything for some good noodles."
I hate telling lies , but Riki never knew I joined the secret service. He wraps his arm around me and we walk into the restaurant.
Riki Yanase " Yo Boss I found this stray cat out side."
Atsum Kashiwara " Riki I hope you realise that's my sister."
My brother pulls me into his arms . And the guys are just watching on .
Atsum Kashiwara " sis I better introduce you to the guys .Hiro Sarashin, kenshi Inagaki and Takuto Hirukawa. These are part of the Black fox's."
I already knew but my brother has to keep my work secret.
Hiro Sarashin " well Pheonix it's very nice to meet you."
Kenshi Inagaki " yeah nice to meet you, Pheonix your very beautiful."
Takuto Hirukawa " Yeah Pheonix you are really beautiful, Yo Boss she looks nothing like you and she's better looking."
Atsum Kashiwara " Ahh Takuto dude that hurts my feelings saying shit like that. Anyway Pheonix what brings you here, if it's Dollie don't worry."
Just before I open my mouth to respond I hear a high pitched voice.
Dollie Kashiwara " OMG! Mum I've missed you so so much."
She pulls me into her arms hugging me really tight.
Pheonix " Dollie we talk constantly. And please stop squealing it hurts my ears."
Takuto Hirukawa" Dollie is your daughter, but you look so young."
Atsum Kashiwara " my sister is 25 and Dollie is 15 .  a little complicated so don't ask as we won't give you the answer plus it's up to Dollie if she wishes to tell everyone her business."
Dollie Kashiwara " mum you staying here tonight."
Pheonix " well I was going to ask Atsum to let me crash here."
Atsum Kashiwara " we don't have anymore room . And you just turned up unannounced so it's too short notice."
Riki Yanase " Seriously Boss you'll let this stray cat sleep on the streets. And I thought you was a good guy. Pheonix you can have my bed as long as I'm in it."
Pheonix " shut up Riki and I'm not sharing a bed with you. You can't keep your hands to yourself."
Takuto Hirukawa " Pheonix have my bed , I'll sleep on the floor."
Pheonix" well thank you pretty eyes."
Takuto starts blushing with embarrassment and turns away and Dollie sits next to me . And Atsum dishes up the food and lays it on the table. And he points out my earring. I rush up the stairs and take out my tablet.
The Boss " I'm just checking to see if you made it to your brothers okay."
Pheonix " Oh Boss one thing what's my targets name ."
The Boss " I'm afraid I'm not allowed to disclose that information due to what we do . I can tell you he works for the F.B.I . I'm sorry if I can't be of any help. Goodbye Pheonix."
Once our conversation has ended i try to find somewhere to hide the tablet when I see a little gap between the ceiling and wardrobe. I stand on the stool a reach to put it there when all of a sudden the stool moves and I lose my balance. I shut my eyes readying my self for hitting the floor when I end up in my brothers arms.
Atsum Kashiwara " Pheonix what the hell are you doing."
Pheonix " hiding my tablet, if any of the guys get a hold of this then they'd know who I really am."
Atsum Kashiwara " why don't you just tell them . There good at keeping secrets."
Pheonix " no thanks, the less they no the better ."
Atsum Kashiwara " well don't say I didn't help you."
He disappears back down the stairs, and I take a shower . By the time I have showered every one has gone to bed . I step over Takuto and climb into bed I slip the tablet under the pillow and I lay on my front with my hand ontop of the tablet. A few hours later later my tablet starts pinging. I pull my tablet out and sit up I look at my tablet and see an unknown recipient.
Unknown recipient " I'm coming for you Pheonix."
I reply back thinking it would bounce back but it goes through.
Pheonix " who are you? and what do you want from me ? ."
Unknown recipient " you'll see soon enough, I can even see you!."
I gulp and I end up turning of the tablet, I climb off the bed and step over Takuto and grab my jacket and head for the car .I get into the car and lock it once I've calmed my self I end up falling asleep. I wake up to a knocking on the window .
Riki Yanase " Oh Pheonix come out from the car."I get out the car and Riki walks me back into the restaurant. He makes me a cup of herbal tea and the other guys comes down.
Atsum Kashiwara " sis what's wrong?."
Pheonix " someone is sending me emails but I don't know who they are . Takuto your a wizz at hacking into the computer. Any chance you can find the IP Address."
Takuto hirukawa " How do you know that about me?."
Pheonix " the truth is I know about you all , I know you steel back antiques and I also know that Hiro is still a college boy. And Kenshi is a sientist and Riki is the minister of finance. I know about the black fox's let's not forget it was me that set up the black fox's and my big brother took over as I wanted to work with the secret service under the Queens request."
The guys look at me all gobsmacked .
Riki Yanase " Takuto you heard her go check it."
Just as he picks up my tablet my iPhone goes off
.Unknown number " Tell your friend not to bother, he'll not find out where I am."
Pheonix " I don't know what you want but I'm telling you right now I will find you and when I do you'll regret it."
Unknown number " wow you are so lippy do you always have an attitude."
Pheonix " you know what I'm not entertaining you so fuck off."
I end up cutting the call . I run up stairs and get dressed and I write a note for Takuto telling him that in my country home I have the best hi tech computers he can hack anywhere in the world. I place the note into his hand .
Pheonix " Atsum I'm leaving you know what to do and stay there . "
I hug my brother and leave . I drive for an hour and pull up outside the house, I open the boot of the car and take my gun and slip it inside my boot . I head into the stables to check on the horses and make sure they have food and water. And my brothers horse always looks depressed when he's not been for a stretch.I saddle him and I climb on him . Shamus takes off and my earpeice goes off.
Atsum Kashiwara " sis you told us to meet you at the house where are you."
Pheonix " I checked on the horses and shamus looked really depressed. And he's happy at the moment."
Atsum Kashiwara " that horse nearly killed you that last time . And I'm not out there with you incase he decides to throw you off."
Pheonix " look we are fine, I'll see you soon."
My earpiece clicks after the call and shamus gets a little spooked and starts jumping about. I climb off him and I stroke his face and he bolts off . I hear something in the trees.
Pheonix "I go to pull out my Gun when I'm pushed to the ground my hands get tied behind my back and I see a handkerchief coming to my face . I struggle to my feet and I try to make a run for it when I feel arms wrap around holding me tight and the handkerchief is placed over my mouth and nose. Everything starts to spin and my eyes closes and my body goes limb .Three days later I wake up to find I'm in a dark room and my ankles and wrists are cuffed to the bed . I smell cigarette smoke and I speak up.
Pheonix " were the hell am I ?."
The voice " you really put up a fight and tanks to you I have a black eye , I have an offer for you."
Pheonix " let me see who you are ? I won't make any deals or expect any offers."
I feel the person sit on the bed and they rest there hands either side of me and is inches from my face.
The voice" your really no fun."
All of a sudden I hear a click and the curtains start to open, the patio doors are open and the balcony is pretty big . I see the blue sea and palm trees.I feel a hand on my face making me look at them. And I'm faced with a guy with long silver hair and blue eyes.
The voice " My name is Yuki Arisugawa. And I really need your help."
Pheonix " why would I help you. You kidnapped me please undo these cuffs."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I know everything about you , I know about your brother, Dollie and the black fox's."
He uncuffs my wrists and I sit up and undo the cuffs on my ankles. And I walk out on the balcony. And I hear the maids taking in Mauritian
Pheonix " why am I in Mauritius. And I will be leaving now . I'd like gun back."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry that's not going to happen. Come with me and I'll make you a cup of coffee."
Pheonix " I don't drink coffee. And why would I go anywhere with you."
He turns around and puts his face in mine.
Yuki Arisugawa " your so lippy you know that."
Pheonix " I don't give a shit . Please get out my face."
I place my hand on his face and push slightly and he moves and grabs my wrist. We walk down the stairs and I eye everything. We walk past a black door and into the kitchen. The kitchen is massive there an island in the middle with a sink . He walks over and fills the kettle and takes out two cups . He makes a coffee for himself and a herbe tea with honey. I take a seat at the table. He places my cup infront of me and he takes a seat.
Yuki Arisugawa " when your done giving me abuse, and drunk your tea I'll show you around the house."
Pheonix " my attitude will not change. And why the hell do you need my help."
Yuki Arisugawa " well you work for my grandmother correct, well she was the one who had you parents killed . And you and your brother was left to raise a baby Dollie if I'm correct. Why do you think you got a job in the secret service, my grandmother saw your name and she knew then she wanted to ruin your life."
Pheonix " I don't understand, my parents never worked for the Queen. They wore surgeons. And they brought a hospital."
Yuki Arisugawa " well why don't I show you around the house, and I'll show you the documents in my office."
I agree and drink my tea . He takes my wrist and pulls me out the kitchen to a door off from it and there is a laundry room , he then pulls me into the lounge and there is a leather corner sofa and a 70inch tv on the wall, there is a black tv unit under the tv with a DVD player . And a PlayStation 5. He pulls me out into another room that's a dining room. Not giving me a chance to get my bearings he pulls me up the stairs one is a bathroom, the room I was in is now locked. He pulls me through the hallway and I notice a plaque on the door that has the name Coco.
Pheonix " who is Coco?."
Yuki Arisugawa " you'll find out soon enough."
He then pulls me to a set of double doors he swings them open and there is a four poster bed . An en-suite bathroom . Yuki Arisugawa " this is your room , we have maids that clean the house. The laundry is done by me as well as the cooking."
He pulls me out of the room and I notice opposite is another set of double doors, he must have picked up on it and saw me looking.
Yuki Arisugawa " that's my room."
All of I sudden I hear a little girl calling out daddy. Yuki lets go of my wrist and goes down the stairs I watch over the banister, he swoops this tiny little girl up in his arms and she screams with delight.
Coco Arisugawa " oh daddy I missed you so much."
Yuki Arisugawa " I missed you too my little angel."
He puts this little girl down and she disappears into the lounge, Yuki asks me to come down stairs, as instructed I go downstairs into his office and I sit in a chair and he hands me the documents. It takes Me about 40 minutes to read through it all , I then look up and on the table infront of me he places my iPhone and tablet.
Yuki Arisugawa " do you understand now."
Pheonix " a little , but it doesn't make any sense why would the Queen want to kill my parents."
Yuki Arisugawa " either way she killed them . So will you help me ."
Pheonix " can I think about it . And can I take a shower ."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's fine, forgive me but I needed to know your clothes and underwear size and when I knocked you out with chloroform I looked at the labels ."
Pheonix " there is nothing to forgive if that's all you checked."
We both leave the office and the little girl comes out of the lounge
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy I'm hungry. Who's this ladie."
He kneels down to her level.
Yuki Arisugawa " this is Pheonix she'll be staying with us for a while, be nice and say hello."
The little girl looks and me and pulls on my hand.
Coco Arisugawa " it's very nice to meet you Pheonix. You have a name like a bird."
I kneel down to face her and she has bright blue eyes.
Pheonix " my mother was in love with birds especially Pheonix birds and when she had me that was the name I was given."
Coco Arisugawa " that's really cool."
I stand up and head up stairs and go into my room , and shut the door and throw my clothes in the laundry basket and get into the shower I brush my teeth and walk back into the bedroom and get dressed. I hear a knock on the door and I go to open it and the is an envelope on the floor. I pick it up and read it
"I've taken Coco to the beach, your welcome to join us if you like. The keys are on the table by the door "
I call my brother before I do anything of the sort
Atsum Kashiwara " Oh sis I was so worried. Is everything alright."
Pheonix " oh yeah everything is fine . I'm with the target I'm sorry."
Atsum Kashiwara " don't be Takuto is having a lot of fun with this hi-tech stuff."
Pheonix " that's because there not traceable. Now I'm going to go I need to call Dollie."
Atsum Kashiwara " very well sis and text me soon , bye ."
We end the call and I ring Dollie and again her high pitched voice.
Pheonix " Jesus Dollie I wasn't deaf before and I think I am now."
Dollie Kashiwara " mum we're are you. And can I come."
Pheonix " let me find out first. I don't even know what town I'm in let alone anything else. Stay with Atsum he'll look after you ."
We end the call and I grab the keys and lock up and head for the beach. I walk a little and turn back and face the house and realise that even though our rooms are opposite our balcony is one . I shake it off and turn and carry on walking when I see Coco building sand castles, I sit on the sun lounge and Yuki speaks to me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I know this must seem surreal and yes she's my daughter. Her mother died at birth so Coco doesn't know she ever had a mother. I've been her sole provider. This is why we're here in Mauritius because my grandmother cannot get her hands on her. So I'm begging you for your help."
Pheonix " and how I'm I supposed to do that . Your not giving me enough to go on."
Yuki Arisugawa " well your here to gaurd me right on her request. You give her information when she needs it . And I'll prove she's unfit to be a queen, once I've done that my daughter won't have to worrie who's out to get us."
Pheonix " so she knows she can't be know older then what 5-6."
Yuki Arisugawa " your not even close she's 4 and very intelligent. I'm also going to need you to never mention anything infront of her ."
Pheonix " I would never do that to you or her , you know what I'll help you but let's get one thing straight. I'm going to do this because when Dollie was 2 years old our parents was taken for her and to her I'm her mother and she doesn't need to know the truth. I adopted her when I was 19 years old, and Coco needs all the protection."
Yuki Arisugawa " thank you for understanding, and I'm sorry for what I did."
Pheonix " you could of done it another way , instead of kidnapping me you had my brother worried and Dollie. Talking about Dollie she wants to come here but I told her I'd ask as it's not my place to say yes."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's fine ."With that he pulls out his phone and starts speaking in Japnice and asks for Dollie to be picked up and brought here being that she is 15 she'll need an adult to accompany her on the plane."
Yuki Arisugawa " it's all arranged, you'll see Dollie in 24 hours. And I'm going to need you to sign a contract with me."
Pheonix " and if I refuse."
Yuki Arisugawa " then I'll have to change it until you agree."
Coco comes running over and she smiles at me then looks at her father .
Coco Arisugawa " daddy I want to go indoors now, Pheonix you'll come to won't you."
I smile and Yuki picks her up and we walk to the house . Once the door is open she runs into the lounge, the office phone goes off and Yuki goes and answers it and I walk into the lounge and Coco is on the rug colouring in a book. I sit down and watch her .
Coco Arisugawa " Pheonix can you draw me a dog. Please"
Pheonix " I explain we can draw it together."
She climbs onto my lap with the book and she holds the pencil in her hand and my hand guides her to draw the dog. When I've shown her she squeals in delight and she wants more so I draw one for her , with a cat and she seems to like the cat as it looks like a bog brush. Yuki leans on the wall watching and Coco comes to me and asks me to draw her a house like hers . So I do what she asks.
Yuki Arisugawa " Daddy is going to make some dinner don't pester Pheonix."
Pheonix " she's fine don't worry."
He leaves the room and Coco puts her pens and pencils away and digs out a story book called the princess and the frog. She hands it to me.
Coco Arisugawa " please read it to me."
She climbs onto my lap and I start reading it to her and I do different voices and hand movements and she's laughing. Coco Arisugawa " more , more ."
We find another book called the ladybug. And I do all the actions for her and she starts rolling on the floor laughing. Yuki comes in .
Yuki Arisugawa " Coco dinner is ready, you too Pheonix."
Coco pulls my hand and pulls me into the kitchen and she sits down eating her dinner. And Coco speaks.
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy did you tell Pheonix we have a swimming pool."
Yuki Arisugawa " you know I forgot, anyway it's getting late for swimming today, how about tomorrow."
Coco Arisugawa " yeah that will be fun."
After Dinner she drags me back into the lounge and she turns the tv on and she sits on my lap. Yuki sits next to us and Coco watches the Jungle book.
Yuki Arisugawa " The jungle book is her favourite. She prefers it in English. I've done the contract have a look I put it in your room."
We get half way through the film and Coco falls asleep, Yuki takes her off my lap and my phone rings .
Dollie Kashiwara " mum I'm coming to Mauritius I'll be with you tomorrow. Mum I love you see you soon."
She ends the call before I can answer . I head upstairs stairs and I see Coco's door open and Yuki is on his knees stroking her head . I look away before he notices and I head for my room , I close the door and see the contact on the bed and my eyes go wide. I can't believe what I'm seeing, I grab my phone and his number is in my phone so I text him.
Pheonix " are you fucking kidding me."
Yuki Arisugawa " you did say you'd protect Coco."
Pheonix " that I did , but what about the rest . I'm not doing it ."
Yuki Arisugawa " then I'll change it ."
Pheonix " you better, fucksake what's wrong with you."
I walk out my room and open his bedroom door and leave it on his bed and head back to mine . I close my door and get washed and brush my teeth ready for bed. I climb into bed and I get a text.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry."
Pheonix " you can't be that sorry if you typed it up in the first place ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll change it in the morning."
Pheonix " good night Yuki. And stop pissing me off."
I put my phone on the side table and open the patio doors and stand out side looking up to the sky , talking out loud.
Pheonix " Oh mum why did I end up in your mess."
After a few minutes I turn to go back into my room and notice Yuki's lamp on and his patio doors open. I walk into my room and click the control and the curtains close I climb into bed and drift off to sleep. I'm laying on my front and I feel someone jumping on my bed.
Coco Arisugawa " Pheonix are you awake."
Pheonix " were is your daddy."
Coco Arisugawa " I don't want daddy I want you."
I pull my phone off the side table and it's 4am and put it back on the table. I get up and she takes my hand and she pulls me into her room , still half a sleep she pulls out her toys . We play teddy bear picnic, drawing and she starts feeling sleepy she gives me a book and she climbs back into her bed , when I've finished reading her book she's asleep. I sneak out of her room and close the door and go back into my room . And throw myself onto the bed . Talking to my self out loud.
Pheonix " god that girl is full of energy."
I drift back off to sleep on my front. A few hours later I hear my bedroom door smash off the wall .Pheonix " Coco darling wait for me down stairs."
Coco Arisugawa " okay don't take long."
I pull myself out of bed and take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I walk back into my room and Coco is jumping on my bed.
Pheonix " thought I said wait for me down stairs."
Wrapped in a towel. And Yuki knocks on my door and sees that I'm wrapped in a towel and he turns his back and speaks Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry Pheonix. Coco how Many times have I told you. Do not jump on people's bed , let's go make breakfast."
She walks out the room and Yuki closes the door and I hurry to get dressed, I find a dress and decide to wear it . And I make my way to the kitchen there is a herbal tea waiting for me .
Coco Arisugawa " will you come swimming with me today."
Pheonix " I wish I could but someone woke me up at 4am so swimming isn't good for someone who's tired."
I leave the kitchen and head upstairs as I'm about to climb the stairs Yuki grabs my wrist .
Yuki Arisugawa " I've changed the contract. And i apologies for Coco waking you up, why don't you go back to sleep for a bit . When Dollie arrives I'll come and let you know."
He hands me the new contract and I head up to bed .I don't bother looking at the contract I place it on the dresser and climb into bed and pull the covers over my head and drift of to sleep.A few hours later I feel someone pulling the covers back and calling my name . When I don't reply I feel fingers stroking my face, which makes me jump and my eyes fly open to see Yuki siting on the bed his fingers still on my face. I move his hand away and Dollie comes into the room.
Dollie Kashiwara " Oh mum get up is so nice out side , and there is a private beach."
Pheonix " Dollie seriously please stop shouting my ears cannot handle it . And Yuki please don't ever touch me again."
I climb out of bed leaving Yuki sitting on my bed and I head into the bathroom and Dollie stands at the door. I put on a bikini and walk back into the room. Yuki gets up and leave's.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll leave you to catch up with your daughter. Dollie it's nice to meet you, the room next door to Coco's is yours ."He leaves and closes the door and Dollie speaks.
Dollie Kashiwara " OMG! Mum seriously he's good looking. And he's nice ."
Pheonix " Dollie I'd shut up if I was you. This is a work related issue, and you want to go the beach let's go."
As she walks out the door Coco is standing there .
Coco Arisugawa " have you had enough sleep, I want to go swimming. Hello Dollie."
Dollie Kashiwara " hello Coco, how about I go swimming with you and leave my mum for a bit what'd you say."
Coco Arisugawa " I'll go as long as she comes later."
Pheonix " I'll be there in a bit Coco."
Dollie carry's Coco and I take another look at the contract.The contract say's I'll stay for 2 years and protect Coco , and I should knock of my attitude. And agree to going to meetings when the need arises. I cross out what I won't do, and leave a note attached saying ask me again in a years time. I sign it and put it on his desk and find Dollie and Coco in the pool outside.
Pheonix " Coco I didn't realise you could swim."
Dollie Kashiwara " Oh mum she's really good."
I walk into the pool and she swims up to me , and she smiles. After being in the pool for 10 minutes, I get out and sit on the sun lounger. Yuki comes and sits on the other one.
Yuki Arisugawa " I see you crossed out some things, and I saw the note."
Pheonix " why 2 years, that's long and Coco May get attached to me , the day I leave would harm her emotionally and that's not fair."
Yuki Arisugawa " for the time being let's not worry about that."He hands me a bottle of water and Coco decides she's had enough and she wants me to go into the house. I throw on my dress and head into the house with her and Dollie in tow and she goes into the lounge. And she pulls her toys out of the box when my phone rings
The Boss " hello Pheonix how is everything."
Pheonix " everything is alright and I'm fine ."
The Boss " I need you to meet someone."
Pheonix " I'm sorry but but as of this time being I'm instructed by the Queen."
The Boss " I had a feeling you would say that any way keep me posted."
He ends the call and I leave Dollie with Coco and go upstairs, and I hear Yuki in his room on the phone his door is open.
Yuki Arisugawa " well all the information you can get I'd be very grateful."
I walk into my room and fall on the bed. Yuki must have finished with his phone call and he knocks on my door.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'm really sorry that Coco woke you at 4am . "
Pheonix " that girl was full of energy this morning, I wonder were she stores it all."
Yuki Arisugawa " she's not usually like this, I guess it was all the excitement of you being here ."
Pheonix " oh yeah I will need my Gun . If im to protect Coco at least let me have that."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll put it on the top self in your wardrobe. I'll be starting dinner is there anything you want."
Pheonix " all I need is sleep at the moment."
He laughs and leaves the room , and I close my eyes  a few hours later . I hear Dollie scream I run down stairs and there is a guy in balaclavas and holds a knife to Dollie's throat and Coco in under the coffee table the Guy doesn't see her .

Being kidnapped by an FBI agent who is a prince Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin