Dollie has a fight with keith and . Chapter 25

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Dollie " sorry mum , what's wrong with you ."
Ghost " Pheonix you've never looked so rough."
Pheonix " I'm pregnant, Dollie you need to talk to Keith."
Dollie " why what's he done?."
Pheonix " that boi is driving me up the wall. I've never known anyone to have 13 enemies."
Dollie leaves the room the next I hear is her shouting.
Ghost " oh boy , Pheonix I think you need to intervene."
Pheonix " fucksake all I want to do is rest."
I go down stairs and Yuzuru , Soryu and Eisuke as well as Yuki watch what's going on . I raise my voice.
Prince Keith " Dollie I had this sorted, your mum has agreed to help."
Dollie " Keith you piss me off, the last guy shot my mum and he was one of your old enemies. Who's to say mum won't die this time."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's not gonna happen , if we do this then I'm going to help your mum."
Dollie " Keith I'm postponing our wedding until this shit is cleared. I can't believe you would keep such a dark secret. If my mother dies I'm killing you myself."
Dollie " Keith I also want you our of my bed you can stay somewhere else. I'm sick of people lying to me especially keeping secrets."
Yuki Arisugawa " Keith you was warned and now you've upset Dollie."
Dollie " oh mum what am I going to do."
Pheonix " darling that's not for me to decide, but I promise you when I've done taking his enemies out you'll get the wedding you've dreamed of."
Dollie " if he can't tell me anything then I don't think I want to get married."
Pheonix " try and calm down otherwise you'll say or do something you'll regret."
She pulls from me and finds Jean. Keith comes into the kitchen to talk to me.
Prince Keith " Pheonix I'm sorry, Dollie doesn't deserve this."
I end up smacking him around the face.
Prince Keith " Pheonix that hurt."
Pheonix " good , you need to stay with Takuto for the time being, Dollie is right every one in this house don't tell there wife's anything. Especially you your supposed to marry my daughter not upset her."
Yuzuru Shiba " Nix is right you know , everyone should work together. And stop keeping secrets from each other. I get that you was trying to protect Dollie but if your to become her husband you really need to open up to her."
I leave the kitchen and let Yuzuru talk with Keith, and I find Yuki in his office. I close the door and make my way over
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry that everything seems to be put on your shoulders."
Pheonix " I just want your lips on my body."
With that his lips are on mine his hands glide up my blouse. He lifts me up and take me into the room off the office and locks the door. He starts unbuttoning my blouse it drops to the floor along with my bra. His leaves soft kisses on my skin , he unzips my skirt and it falls to the floor. He walks me to the edge of the bed and pushes me I fall on my back. He then kneels don't and slides my underwear off . He kisses my legs to my thigh, he places his palm onto my pelvis to stop me from moving. He starts kissing my pussy, then he slides his tongue in making my arch my back.
Pheonix " oooooh Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " god you feel so good."
Pheonix " ooooh baby I'm gonna cum."
Yuki Arisugawa " not yet , hold off for a little longer baby."
He then slides in his fingers and teases my G-spot. My hips rock into his hand .
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I want to see you fall apart, can you do that for me."
He thrusts his fingers into me as well as his tongue flicking over my clit, I start cuming and climaxing at the same time. Yuki Arisugawa " god your such a good girl, I love you Pheonix."
Pheonix " come here I want to taste myself off you."
He lifts me into his lap and slides into me I lick his chin and suck his bottom lip.
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck you feel so good."
He grabs my hips and I start grinding him, we both end up cumin, he wraps he's arms around me tightly and we fall on the bed . Yuki covers me with the silk sheets and gets dressed, I drop off to sleep and he walks into his office leaving the door open so he can keep an eye on me. Even though I'm sleeping I still hear conversations between them all.
Yuzuru Shiba" Yuki if Pheonix is determined to take out Keith's enemies then I'd like to help."
Yuki Arisugawa" I didn't know you could fight."
Yuzuru Shiba " there's a lot about me that you don't know. Me and Pheonix took up marshal arts together, she told me that I should always be ready to fight . And learning to fight is the best strategy."
Eisuke " Pheonix won't change, I give her credit she's good ."
Yuki Arisugawa " she's going to need all of to you help, we found out that she's expecting a boy and she's 4 months, this baby is making Pheonix unwell. So if she's sleeping all the time don't be alarmed by it."
Eisuke " I promise you I'll help Pheonix in anyway I can."
Yuzuru Shiba " same here , I understand she's brought in a friend of mine Kuzuomi and Kei and there excellent with marshal-arts. I know Kazuomi is an architect and designs house and Kei is a prince from England. If I speak with them I'm sure they'll help."
Soryu " she has me and the Mafia. I owe Pheonix my life so I'm always going to be indebted to her no matter what fights she ends up in I'll be by her side."
Yuki Arisugawa " thanks Soryu she will be grateful."
Eisuke " fist things first who's the first one to be taken down."
Yuki Arisugawa"" Alfred Silvio , Matheus Erik, Klaus Lucia, Vic Falcona , Elbert Levin , Julius Fornter these live in Mauritius , one lives in Belle mare. Grand Gaube, Bel Ombré And Soulillac. We all need to be ready."
Eisuke " and you honestly think Pheonix can do this."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm 💯 % that she will, being pregnant won't stop her. We all need to help out when we can , I just wish Keith would of told us months ago."
Prince Keith " look I know this is short notice but if Pheonix can't do it then I'll find someone else."
Yuzuru Shiba" I don't think so you all ready asked Pheonix, but I will make this promise. If she dies you'll be joining her do you understand, I don't care if you're a prince or not . I've known Pheonix since she was 17. And I'm not prepared to loose a good friend because you're fucking stupid. I don't get why you have so many enemies in the first place."
Prince Keith " this feud happened years ago. We all used to be friends until I told them that I was a prince and being part of the crown I had a duty and if it meant losing friends over it then it wouldn't bother me . They flipped out because I hid my true identity from them, we hardly saw each other after that they tried to kill my father over something which he won't tell me . So I took it on my shoulders because they attacked my father I attacked back and since then we became enemies."
Eisuke " when they took Eito he was so scared that he wouldn't settle before Pheonix refused to see the boys the doctor wanted her in the hospital for at least a week every night I'd take Eito and he would climb in the bed with Pheonix he's place his ear on her chest and stroke her face he felt no fear and Pheonix held him tight . Watching them together I could feel the loving atmosphere and Eito never had any nightmares. Even Pheonix healed quicker. So I know Pheonix will kill each and everyone of them."
Yuki Arisugawa " Yuzuru , Eisuke I'm grateful that you're here . I may not know my wife like you two but I know she opened her heart to me . Pheonix is a strong woman and I'm not prepared to lose her or my son. Keith you will stay with Takuto until we sort this mess out. And don't call Dollie as she's pissed , and I swear if Pheonix's gets hurt you will pay.I also need to know if there dangerous."
I end up waking I wrap the sheet around me and walk into the office and sit on yuki's lap. He places his hand on my tummy,
Prince Keith " again Pheonix I am sorry . I fucked up big time.there dangerous, the children would need protection."
Feeling annoyed by his comment I walk out the office.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix."
I ignore Yuki and walk upstairs and take a shower and put some clothes on then I make my way back into the office and into the room. I pull out my case with my swords in and guns , I strap the swords to my back, and attach the guns to my thigh straps and walk back into the office.
Pheonix " Ghost and Dollie will look after the children, Keith you better stay out of my site. Eisuke, Soryu and Yuzuru you'll go by car , Yuki will come with me ."
Yuzuru jumps to his feet and pulls me into his arms, while looking at Keith.
Yuzuru Shiba" Keith I don't make threats I make promises. If my girl dies I'm coming for you."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'll be right by your side , if you don't feel right you must tell us okay."
Still wrapped in Yuzurus arms I turn around to be facing Yuki and his lips fall on mine.
Pheonix " mmn Yuki. Right everyone ready then let's go."
I walk into the garage and start up my bike when I hear Dollie.
Dollie " mum please be careful."
Pheonix " baby I'll be fine , let me deal with this and then let's get you married."
She pulls from me hits Keith and walks back into the house. Me and Yuki get on the bike, and I put in my earpiece that's connected to Eisuke, Yuzuru, Soryu, Keith and Yuki. We drive off and head to Belle Mare . I contact Takuto due to the fact he can hack into anything
Pheonix " Takuto I need a big favour, I need to to hack into Vic Falcona's security cameras and computers.I want a description of his house , Yuzuru has his laptop send him the details."
Takuto " Pheonix your not doing what I think you are."
Yuki Arisugawa " she is , and don't worry she has back up."
Takuto " Fine I'll meet you at Belle Mare then you're going to need me close by."
Pheonix " look where all in this together let's finish what Keith couldn't finish."
Yuzuru Shiba" Takuto has sent the layout of the house and he's going to disable the alarms and cctv cameras when we arrive."
We speed up the highway and we arrive at a mansion, we park a few houses away .
Yuki Arisugawa " we split from here make sure you all watch Pheonix's back. Keith you stay in the car."
I take out the ropes in the car and we make our way to the mansion Takuto disables everything, I strap my self into the harness and make sure the ropes are fastened in place . I give Soryu the nod , him and Eisuke make there way down the side of the house and Yuki and Yuzuru make there way down the left side all the while Yuki is speaking in my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " when you reach the roof wait for my signal."
I climb to the roof and see a set of balcony doors and I'm hanging upside down waiting for Yuki. Yuki opens the doors and Yuki pulls me in.
Eisuke " the target is in the study of some sort."
We make our way to find him on his own.
Pheonix " hello Mr Falcona your under arrest by the Queen's order."
Vic Falcona " and who might you be ."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's none of your concern, you will die either way."
He stands up from he's chair and slowly walks his way to me , the others stand by and watches.
Vic Falcona " you must be the famous Pheonix."
He goes to take a swing and I duck in time ,
Vic Falcona " now then Pheonix as much as I want to kill prince Keith I think I'm going to have more fun with you."
I pull my swords out and look to Yuki.
Pheonix " you're not killing anyone, but I'm happy to fight you."
Vic Falcona " very well Pheonix if this is what you want I'm happy to oblige."
After a few swings and failures he resorts to a weapon and swings it as it comes inches from my face I see a fist to Vic's face.
As me and Yuki fight him .Vic's goons appear leaving Soryu, Eisuke and Yuzuru to fight them. Vic turns and grabs Yuki by the throat as Vic is distracted and focused on Yuki, I wait for his signal.
Yuki Arisugawa " Vic Falcona you've lost , Pheonix do it now."
With that I slice his neck and he falls to the floor.
Pheonix " never threaten my family."
I raise my sword and stab him in the chest. Yuki pulls me into his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix you're getting angsty."
Pheonix " never better that's one down , let's go home."
We arrive home and Keith goes to Takuto's home . Dollie and Ghost are waiting up. I walk into the kitchen and Dollie hugs me tight.
Dollie " mum I'm so glad your in one piece. I was so worried."
Yuki Arisugawa " your mother had us , Pheonix I'll make you your favourite why don't you go up to bed."
With that I kiss Dollie's forehead and go over to the guys, I wrap my arms around Soryu and he flinches making me laugh.
Pheonix " Soryu thank you for having my back."
Soryu " Pheonix I care for you deeply. I'll always be by your side when you fight."
I pull from his arms and hug Yuzuru .
Pheonix " Yuzuru I'm going to need you around."
Yuzuru hugs me back.
Yuzuru Shiba " Girl I've always got you , and of course I'll stick around."
I pull from his arms and Eisuke embraces me .
Eisuke " I wouldn't let you do this on your own. Plus I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you."
Pheonix " aww Eisuke stop making my heart melt over your mushy words."
I kiss Eisuke on the forehead and make my way to bed , I take a quick shower and climb into bed I close my eyes and 10 minutes later I feel Yuki he laces his fingers in my hair which wakes me .
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I'm so proud of you but we've got a hard run ahead of us yet. I made you your favourite."
Pheonix " I can't believe he nearly hit me , but you stopped him in time . I love you so goddamn much."
With that Yuki's lips are on mine.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll always protect you. Your my wife I want to take care of you."
He shoves a slice of bacon in my face, I eat my bacon while Yuki takes a shower when the door smashes off the wall.
Jean " yo Phe I cant sleep can I sleep with you and gramps."
Pheonix " that's down to gramps. How many times do I have to tell you stop smashing my doors off the wall."
Jean climbs onto the bed and wraps his arms around me.
Jean " I love you Phe, where is Daddy."
Yuki comes out the bathroom.
Yuki Arisugawa " Daddy is staying with uncle Takuto he's is trouble with your mummy."
Jean " haha Daddy has been naughty, gramps can I sleep in your bed please."
Yuki Arisugawa " I suppose so but don't make a habit of it .this bed belongs to me and Pheonix."
With that he gets under the covers and closes his eyes yuki's slips on his pj bottom's and climbs into bed I snuggle into him, as I listen to his heartbeat he speaks
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I need to know if your up for these fights , I just want you safe . I'm fed up with everyone dropping there problems onto you."
Pheonix " Yuki darling it's fine , if this is what I have to do then I will do it . I will see this as a mission nothing else, I'm doing this for Dollie she loves Keith so much I want her to be happy, there is one thing I want from you all. Stop holding things from us I agree with Dollie I'm fucked off with everyone keeping secrets."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll talk to everyone in the morning."
With that Yuki kisses me then he kisses my tummy, he positions him self between my legs and lays he's head on my tummy and he drops off. Hours later his alarm goes off and he quickly turns if off , he quietly leaves Soryu , Eisuke ,Yuzuru , Kei and Kazuomi sitting around the table.
Yuzuru Shiba " Yuki this is Kazuomi and Kei."
Kazuomi " its a pleasure to meet you."
Kei" same here ."
Yuki Arisugawa " it's very nice to meet you both."
Eisuke " Kazuomi was just saying that there is land for sale beach included plus it has planning permission."
Yuki Makes himself a coffee and goes into the laundry room to smoke,
Kazuomi " that's fine I'll draw some ideas and see where we go from here."
Yuki Arisugawa" now you have to remember one thing Pheonix is the Boss what ever she says goes."
Kuzuomi starts laughing.
Kuzuomi " I'm sorry but I've never seen a woman boss people around especially Pheonix."
Kei" come on Kazuomi you have meet Pheonix more then once plus I find it refreshing especially when Pheonix raises her voice, she scares everyone."
They all start laughing. I get the girls up. I walk into there room to find storm sleeping on her knees and face in the pillow, and Yuki hanging off the bed .
Princess Mercedes " morning mum , any chance you can sign my school trip as we're going away for 2 weeks,"
Pheonix " leave the desk . And wether you like it or not you will have a bodyguard."
Mercedes " I understand, so does that mean I can go."
Pheonix " I don't see why not."
With that she kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room, I head over to storm and stroke her head. She wakes instantly Storm " morning mum."
Pheonix " baby how is it you manage to sleep like that."
Storm " it's comfortable."
Pheonix " well best you get washed and dressed ready for school."
I kneel down and wake Yuki.
Pheonix " morning princess, it's time to wake up."
Yuki "mummy my neck hurts , my eyes hurt, my head hurts and I feel sick."
Pheonix " oh darling you have a migraine, come let's go to my room and you can sleep in the mine and Daddy's bed and I'll give you some medicine."
I pick her up and take her to my room , I put her in mine and her father's bed and head into the bathroom to find some migraine medication for her , once she's taken the medication I kiss her on the forehead and Glen is still sleeping.
Pheonix " good morning my sweet boy's."
Eito , River" hey mum."
Pheonix " think about what you both want for your 16."
The go and get washed and I wake Glen up all of a sudden he wraps his arms around me.
Glen " good morning mum , I love you."
Pheonix " I love you too , listen as much as I want to chat with you , you have to get ready for school."
Little Pheonix " good morning auntie Baileys."
Pheonix " morning darling, you ready for school."
Little Pheonix " I am , I love school. I want to grow up and be like you."
She hugs me and leaves the room. I find Dollie sitting on her bed while Jean is getting ready.
Dollie " morning mum, god I feel so tired."
Pheonix" your tired because you not used to sleeping without Keith."
Dollie " that's true , but I'm sick of the deceit in this house. I don't think I can handle anymore secrets."
Pheonix " baby everything will be alright, I promise you."
I phone Yuki's school.
Miss moon" good morning."
Pheonix " I'm calling to let you know Yuki's not coming into day.She'll be back in a few days she has migraine."
Miss Moon" very well I really hope she gets better."
We end the call . I see an email from Takuto.
Takuto " Pheonix I've found them some of them are dead. Julius Fortner and Elbert Levine , the good thing is you haven't got a lot to kill . I will find out about the other's and let you know . Bye for now Takuto."
Yuki Arisugawa " one more thing  . We need to be honest with Pheonix, Ghost and Dollie. No more secrets. This is tearing Dollie apart . So can we agree to tell Pheonix the truth even if your head says we have to protect them ."
Eisuke " I agree Ghost would kill me if I keep things from her . Especially Pheonix."
Yuzuru Shiba " I totally agree. Especially now we work for Pheonix.
Soryu " we all need to work together not against each other"
Kazuomi " agreed."
Pheonix " good morning everyone, Kazuomi is fantastic to see you . Not only do I want you to design my house but I also have and offer for you."
Kazuomi" anything for you, it's hard to say No when it comes to you."
Yuki starts laughing.
Pheonix " yuzuru is my advisor my first hand guy, Eisuke is my financial advisor, Soryu and I are partners to his Ice Dragons Mafia. So Kuzuomi I want you to be my business advisor."
Kuzuomi " I accept thank you."
Pheonix " Kei I wouldn't ask anything of you because your already part of the crown."
He gets of the chair and walks over to me and grabs my hand and bends down on one knee.
Kei " just because I'm a prince doesn't stop me. Pheonix I pledged my life to you use me how you will."
Pheonix " very well. I'll have to think about what I use you for . And for godsakes stand up."
Kei sits back in his chair and Yuki makes me a drink and I sit on the chair he was on.
Pheonix " I got an email for Takuto saying that Julius Fortner and Elbert Levine are dead. He's looking into the others."
Pheonix " Soryu I want Rhion assigned to Mercedes hirkaru assigned to Storm. She's going away on holiday soon with the school. Eisuke I want you to contact Mamuro Kishi and he'll be assigned to Eito and River seeing that they know each other.I'll contact Hyosuke Kujo as he's Tiaga's brother I know if I bring in Hyosuke Tiaga will join us."
Yuki Arisugawa " So everyone except Glen , Yuki and Little Pheonix have a body guard."
I stand and let Yuki sit and he puts my tea on the table and pulls me to his lap.
Pheonix " Hyosuke will be assigned to Yuki Taiga will be assigned to Glen seeing he's Godfather to him.
I feel yuki's hands over my tummy and he kisses the back of my neck.
Kei" I'd be honoured to protect Princess Pheonix."
Pheonix " oh I'm forgetting my little Trouble maker ."..

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