Fighting for the ones you love. Chapter 26

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Dollie " Mum May I ."
All the children have eaten and Keith and Takuto have taken them to school.
Pheonix " of course darling what is it."
Dollie " what about Takuto he loves Jean and he is his godfather."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's a wonderful idea."
Pheonix " it is . Right seeing that we have that sorted Eisuke I want them here today. Kazuomi I'm going to take a shower me and you are going to see this land . Yuki will you be joining us or are you at the office today."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll be joining you."
I race upstairs and take a shower when I feel Yuki behind me and he starts kissing my neck again.
Pheonix " hmmn Yuki that feels good."
Standing under the hot shower.
Yuki Arisugawa " well you're going to have to wait we have a lot to do."
I turn around to face Yuki.
Pheonix " I hope this gets sorted, I won't allow anyone to hurt our family."
Yuki Arisugawa " I know , I'm going to be your bodyguard I'm not allowing you to get hurt or my baby growing inside of you."
We get washed and dressed and head back down stairs, before we leave I call Taiga on the office phone. After 3 rings it answers.
Hyosuke Kujo " wow Pheonix it's been a while. What can I do for you."
Pheonix " I'm offering you a job."
Hyosuke Kujo " if it's dangerous then Taiga will become involved."
Pheonix " that's perfect I need you both."
I hear a click his end and Tiaga in the background.
Taiga Kujo " speak to me."
Pheonix " Hyosuke I'm wanting you to be a Bodyguard to Little Pheonix and Taiga I need to to protect your godson Glen."
Tiaga Kujo " we will do it , I was thinking about taking time off . Pheonix you understand we have to move in to protect the children."
Pheonix " I'm fully aware. Thank you I owe you both."
Hyosuke Kujo " Pheonix you don't owe us anything if anything it's Tiaga that owes you. Well come tonight okay."
We hang up and Eisuke comes in.
Eisuke " Mamoru and the madhatter have agreed they'll be here tonight."
Pheonix " Eisuke I need you to protect Ghost and Dollie, if anything happens to them both I'd be besides myself otherwise."
Eisuke pulls me into his arms .
Eisuke " they will be fine plus Yuki has his own security outside the house to make sure."
I pull away from him and leave with Yuki and Kazuomi, Yuki drives while I make a few more calls.
Mother" Hello my darling Pheonix, is everything alright."
Pheonix " Mum I need to know why uncle Glen was attacked by Alfred Silvio, Matheus Erik, Klaus Lucia , Lagi EL Nagu , Est Rhinaudo , Ryo Tsuzuki , Shota Tomomi and Ren Nishumura. Who are these."
Mother " aww darling Ryo Tsuzuki you went to high school and college with him. He's no Enemie . I know that Est Rhinaudo is a woman."
Pheonix " Mum just tell me I don't care if I know them from when I was a teen. I'm done with the secrets will you just please tell me as there after Keith and my family I'm not going to sit around and wait for them I'm going's to kill them."
Mother " very well Pheonix I'll tell you. you are aware that 3 of them are dead , it was a long time ago. Keith was friends with them but Keith kept his identity from them because he thought he was doing it to protect us . One day they was all here at the palace and something fell out of Keith's bag and they asked him questions. One of the maid let slip calling his your highness. They all looked shocked, and because Keith didn't tell them they grew apart but they black-mailed Keith a lot after that they threatened him that they would take there revenge. Until one day Keith was out of the palace and they broke in and attacked your uncle, when Keith found out he want looking for them I believe Keith killed Elbert Levine , Julius Fortner and Ichiro Sakaki . Pheonix my darling Girl please don't do anything stupid these are dangerous people."
Pheonix " Mum don't worry. I killed Vic Falcona and few days ago, I'm taking these muppets out otherwise Dollie will not marry Keith and she's hurting. If this is my way of easing her pain then Mum I'm sorry but I have to do this."
Mother " very well Pheonix. Let me send some Knights to you they'll protect you."
Pheonix " fine. Mum I love you I've got to go I'll call again soon."
I rub my face with my hands feeling a little overwhelmed by all of this when I hear Kazuomi.
Kazuomi " Pheonix we're here."
They climb out of the car and Yuki opens the door for me as I swing my legs around Yuki pulls me into his loving arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " I heard everything don't worry to much about it . Let's just enjoy this moment. "
I wrap Yuki tighter in my arms.
Pheonix " I love you Yuki and the children. Our family seems to grow every day."
Kazuomi " haha you got that right now don't make me show you up with all them stories."
Pheonix " Yuzuru would kill you just for that."
I take Yuki's hand and Kazuomi takes out his pad and we walk to the land . I rest my head on yuki's chest. And I watch Kazuomi draw up the plans.
Kazuomi " now how about a basement, you can have 4 large rooms . The first floor how about a large porch with stairs coming down from either side . An office for Yuki and a bedroom off it. Now then how about a lounge, dining room oh yes a kitchen. "
Yuki Arisugawa " me and Soryu will need somewhere to smoke. And Pheonix's and Coco's piano."
Kazuomi " how about a poker room for the guys plus Yuki you and Soryu can smoke in there . A laundry room. Now then the second floor, let me think a bedroom with an en-suite for Eisuke and Ghost. The piano can sit in the large porch way."All the while he's drawing this all down. Yuki puts his hand on my tummy.
Kazuomi " Dollie and Keith's Bedroom with an en-suite . I guess you'll need a room for your parents, I'll make sure they have a spa bath fitted. A bedroom for Yuzuru plus en-suite. 3 guest bedroom plus En—Suites I will be leaving yours and Yuki's room till last .now then 3rd floor i take it every child is having there own room with bathroom's ."
Pheonix" That's correct there's 8in total so if you put 2 extra rooms that would be great. One of the guest room would have to be a nursery. So if you make one of the rooms on the 3rd floor a guest bedroom we can change it later."
Still wrapped in Yuki's arms while Yuki watching Kazuomi draw.
Kazuomi " how about loft space."
Yuki Arisugawa " convert it into one large room . The children can use it as a play room , especially the boys as there gamers the girls not so much but if we do one half for the boys and the other for the girls. Hopefully there won't be any arguments."
Kazuomi " that's a fantastic idea. Now then Pheonix I'll give you a larger garage for all of the cars . Also how about a bungalow just for you and Dollie one dance room and on yoga room. You'll still have an indoor pool how about an outdoor one to if we glass that over there were the sea is the children would have a beautiful view. What do you think."I take a look at the plans and they look very impressive, I look at Yuki for his opinion.
Yuki Arisugawa " I see this large space here."
Kazuomi " ahh yes that large space is for you and Pheonix."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix how would you feel if I want one whole side of the wall turned into doors that way when you open them you can push them to the other end . You'll still get your private balcony. Kazuomi any chance for a walk in wardrobe."
Kazuomi " absolutely I'll add that now. Now then we need to go to the estate agent and pay for this land."
We walk back to the car and Yuki helps me in and they get in , I end up dropping off to sleep . 30 minutes later I feel yuki's lips on mine.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby as much as I love your lips we're here."
Yuki helps me out and we walk into the estate office.
Estate agent " Hello Mrs Arisugawa. I see you have taken the advantage of the large acers of land . It goes for miles."
Pheonix " I have the girls will love it , as we have horses so the land is huge enough for that."
Estate agent " you realise this land already comes with planning permission. Also it's very expensive."
Pheonix " I'm fully aware of the planning permission's Kazuomi here did his homework. And again money is nothing to me ."
Estate agent " very well that's going to be £2500,000."
I pull out my cheque book and just as I'm about to fill it in Kazuomi grabs my hand.
Pheonix " Kazuomi what is it."
Kazuomi " this is a rip off when I checked with the council it was never this much. As a matter of a fact when I told them who was buying the land they wanted to see Pheonix and agree to something different."
The estate agent starts feeling flustered.
Pheonix " OMG! So you was going to rip me off , Kazuomi .Yuki I'd like to see the council."
With that we leave and Kazuomi offers to drive and me and Yuki climbs in the back, I rest my head on his lap and he laces his fingers into my hair.
Kazuomi " I'm sorry about that Pheonix, but I'd already spoke with the council. I'm not sure what there wanting but I know it wasn't that much."
Pheonix " Yuki I'm so tired ".
Yuki Arisugawa " okay baby, Kazuomi let's make this our last stop and take Pheonix home."
We arrive out side the council and we make our way to the boss .Kazuomi knocks on the door and we enter the office.
Council boss" good morning Mr Kazuomi, have you accepted my offer."
Kazuomi " actually I need to introduce you to this wonderful woman."
The boss holds out his hand , at first I hesitate and shake his hand.
The boss" oh my good morning your highness, is there a problem."
Pheonix " let's knock it off with the highnesses part and call me Pheonix. I'm wanting that piece of land ."
The boss" ahh yes that's a thousand acres of land it's perfect for what you need."
Yuki Arisugawa " then let's get down to business then shall we what is it that you need ."
The boss " we need more primary school's and well as high school's . don't get me wrong we have a few but there old and falling apart. The only decent ones are the private ones and some parents cant afford to take them there."
Pheonix " very well how about we build 10 primary school's and 10 high school's and you give me a discount on the land ."
The boss" actually I'm giving you the deeds for free in return for the school's."
I take the deeds and see that it has mine and Yuki's name on it and I check to make sure there's no small print saying we will take it back blah blah blah. But to my surprise it doesn't.I pick up the phone in the bosses office and call my brother.
Pheonix " hey Wilfred I got something your going to enjoy."
Prince Wilfred " what is it sis."
Pheonix " Mauritius wants 10 primary school's and 10 high school's . How about it , you can design them in your own image."
Prince Wilfred " oh sis this is fantastic thank you I'll be there tonight. Love you."
I put the receiver back onto the phone. And I look up to the boss.
Pheonix " prince Wilfred is my brother and nothing makes him more happier then building school's for vulnerable children who's parents can't afford private school."
The boss " thank you Pheonix you don't know what this really means to me . I'm indebted to you for life anything I mean anything please don't hesitate to ask."
Pheonix " your girls there in a state school yes."
The boss" yes they are."
Pheonix " I'll arrange for them to start at Princess Baileys School , uniforms will be paid for . My girls are friends with your girls and I want them to get the best in life ."
The Boss" T-Thank you . May I ask who is Princess Baileys."
Pheonix " your looking at her . My mother named that school after me , I very much prefer you to call me Pheonix."
The Boss " thank you so much my wife is going to be overjoyed."
Again I pick up the phone in his office. This time I put it on loud speaker.
Miss Star" Princess Baileys school."
Pheonix " hello Minni I need to enroll two bright little girls who are willing to learn."
Miss Star" Pheonix that's fine but I'm going to need to speak to the parents."
Pheonix " the father works for the council and I'm right here with him now. But I'm leaving now . Oh yes Coco wants to know if she can come visit her horse."
Miss Star" she doesn't need to ask tell her to stop by at the weekend. I'll call you later."
We leave the office and climb back into the car , I lay my head on  yuki's lap .
Kazuomi " Pheonix I knew you was good but to give 2 children a scholarship for free that just tells me you have a good heart."
Pheonix" those girls play with Storm and Yuki I owe them at least that. Maria has speach problems and Zalina has autism being in a state school won't give them full potential. Being at this school would help them both , and this school caters for autistic children. So I know in a few years time them girls will make it as far as university."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby is there any changes on Kazuomi's plans you would like removed ."
Pheonix " no nothing, Kazuomi when will you be making a start."
Kuzuomi " impatient I see haha. Tomorrow."
Yuki Arisugawa " if you start it now then hopefully the house will be ready when she has the baby."
I close my eyes and get comfortable on Yuki.Kuzuomi " very well , how far along is she ."
Yuki Arisugawa " 4 months this is the first time she's carrying one child. This one  is making her extremely exhausted."
Kuzuomi " I never knew Eito and River belonged to Pheonix, but then I've known Pheonix a short while unlike Yuzuru and Eisuke. Listen Yuki if she's sleeping all the time if anything does needs changing you'll have to tell me."
Yuki Arisugawa " it won't come to that. But if she wants to change things she will."
We arrive home and Yuki carries me to bed and he finds Yuki underneath the covers. He lays me down. And he walks around the bed and strokes yuki's hair.
Yuki " ahh Daddy your back my head , neck and eyes still hurts . Mummy gave me some tablets this morning but it's not going."
Yuki Arisugawa " alright baby I'll get you some more do you still feel sick?."
Yuki " no not anymore Mummy gave me a sickness tablet. What's wrong with Mummy."
Yuki turns around and strokes my face. Yuki comes out from the bathroom with a glass of water and tablets. He gives them to Yuki so she can take .
Yuki Arisugawa " Mummy is just tired. Your going to have a little brother and he's using up Mums energy."
Yuki lays back down and places her hand on my tummy.
Yuki " Dad did you look at the land ."
Yuki Arisugawa " we did , we have loads of space, Mum wants horses . And uncle Kazuomi has drawn up the plans and is starting the work tomorrow."
Yuki Arisugawa " look after Mummy I'll be back in a little while."
I feel yuki's lips on mine and he kisses Yuki's forehead and leaves. A few hours later later my phone wakes me up.
Pheonix " hello."Est Rhinaudo " you killed my Vic. I'm coming for you."
Pheonix " I don't think so."
I end the call kiss Yuki's forehead and leave the room , the guys are all gathered in Yuki's office and I walk into the room and pull out the chest underneath the bed , I pull out my swords and guns and change into the bathroom. I walk back out and attach my guns and swords.
Yuki Arisugawa " were do you think your going."
Pheonix" your coming with me , Eisuke , Soryu Yuzuru , Kuzuomi and Kei I need you now. EST Rhinaudo just called me ."
We arrive out side her place and I climb into one of the windows that's open, the others check to see if anyone else is around. I make my way to her as I can hear her on the phone.
Est Rhinaudo " Lagi , Shota and Ren Just get here already."
I stealthy make my way over and press the button ending the call. She turns around and looks utterly shocked.
Pheonix " instead of coming to me I thought I'd make it easier for you."
Est Rhinaudo " you bitch you killed my Vic Falcona."
Pheonix "actually I had help."
She starts shouting at me , I see Soryu and Eisuke and give them the signal, I hear Yuki and Yuzuru in my ear.
She leans over her desk and pulls me to her .
Est Rhinaudo " why?."
Pheonix " good question. No one threatens my family."
I pull from her grip and she stands up I don't see the knife she slowly walks over to me and Yuzuru sees the knife behind her back, she tries to throw a fist and I duck. Yuzuru grabs her.
Yuzuru Shiba " I don't think so."
Pheonix " would you like to die today."
Est Rhinaudo " I'd rather not die at all."
I pull a chair and sit Yuzuru still has a hold of her when I hear the guys fighting with people.
Pheonix " so you brought in your goons did you. Lagi, Shota and Ren . They will die today I can promise you."
Est Rhinaudo " please don't kill me I'll do anything."
Yuki throws Lagi through the door and he lands at my feet.
Lagi" Y-Y-You your Queen Baileys."
Lagi " est Rhinaudo you called us here to fight a queen."
Pheonix " didn't you harm my uncle King Glen."
I hear a shot and Soryu comes in with blood over his shirt.
Soryu" Pheonix you alright."
I nod , and Lagi stands up.
Lagi " I'm not killing Queen Baileys Est Rhinaudo this order came from Vic Falcona. How do you know King Glen and prince Keith."
Pheonix " King Glen is my uncle and prince Keith is my cousin soon to be my son-Inlaw. You both have made a grave mistake."
Lagi decides to take a swing at me and Soryu shoots him in the head .
Pheonix " well looks like there is 6 of you left. If you say you value your life you'd drop the knife and tell me we're the others are."
Est Rhinaudo " I can tell you were Klaus Lucia , Alfred Silvio and Alvaro Garay is the other 2 I don't know."
Pheonix " Fine Yuzuru she's coming with is , if she tries anything Soryu shoot her."
They wait in the car , me and Yuki search the house making sure there is no body else . We leave and drive to the place .  we're standing outside a warehouse. I walk over to the car and open the door, I pull her hair making her face me.
Pheonix " if this is a set up Soryu will end you. Do you understand."
Est Rhinaudo " ye-yes I understand and no they don't know your coming I promise."
Yuzuru Shiba " you better be telling Pheonix the truth."
Me and Yuki walk over to the warehouse along with Soryu we find the 3 sitting around a table with piles of cash and drugs, I give Yuki and Soryu then nod and I walk inside.
Pheonix " I'm lost fancy helping me ."
Klaus Lucia" well we'll look what we have here Alfred what do you think."
They both get out of there chair and walk over to me they give me the once over , Soryu covers Alvaro's mouth and holds the gun to his head. Soryu whispers.
Soryu " stay quiet unless you want to die."
I clock Yuki and as soon as Yuki gets close enough I kick Klaus in the balls making him fall to his knees in pain Yuki stabs Alfred in the neck and he bleeds out and falls to the floor. I kick Klaus in the chest making him fall to the floor I put my foot onto his chest.
Pheonix " were is Ryo Tsuzuki. And why did you hurt Keith."
He just laughes at me , Yuki bends down and grabs the neck of his top.
Yuki Arisugawa " you heard my wife were is Ryo Tsuzuki."
Klaus Lucia " look I know he's on the island but I wouldn't know were. He was looking for a women called Pheonix that's all I know."
Pheonix " tell me why you hurt Keith and his father."
Again he laughs at me , I turn around and let out a long sigh I pull my sword out and slice his throat
.Pheonix " I'm done with assholes like you when you meet your maker say hello from me . I'm sure hell is very cosy right about now."
Soryu shoots Alvaro in the head. we leave me and Yuki climb on the bike .
Yuzuru Shiba " what are we doing with est Rhinaudo."
Pheonix " she's coming with us , I'll find something for her to do seeing that she begged for her life."
We arrive home just as the children fall in the door from school.
Jean" Yo phe I got a certificate for English."
I bend down and pick him up.
Pheonix " that's fabulous so now you can speak English just like me , it's good to speak different language's ."
Jean" my teacher says that too . Phe put me down now I want my snacks."
I put him down and he runs into the kitchen.
Eito , River " Mum we want a party for our 16th ."
Pheonix " if that's what you want I suppose you want me to make a cake."
Eito,River " yes please , we don't like store brought."
The go into the lounge and turn on the PlayStation.
Mercedes " uncle Soryu I need help with my homework please."
Storm " hi mum sorry about cedes she's just rude. Is Yuki feeling better now."
Yuki Arisugawa " she's not sweetie she's in mine and mums bed."
Storm " very well I'll tell everyone to keep there noise down."
I feel a smack on my buttcheek and a laugh.
Pheonix " Pheonix you cheeky little monkey."
Little Pheonix " haha how'd you guess, never mind I'm gonna find mum see you later alligator."
I walk into the office and lay across the sofa, Yuzuru has tied Est to a chair . Yuki, Eisuke and Soryu come into the office and sit down , Yuki lifts my head and sits.
Pheonix " I brought you here to help me if you can tell me why you joined these men then I may save your life."
Est Rhinaudo " I don't have a reason. But after they attacked your uncle I didn't want part of it any more . From that day Ryo Tsuzuki and Matheus Erik went to do there own thing. Ryo Tsuzuki never harmed King Glen nor Prince Keith."
Pheonix " before I ended Klaus Lucia he told me that he was looking for Pheonix."
Est Rhinaudo " I believe he still is . Why?."
Yuki Arisugawa " because this is Pheonix. She doesn't use Baileys. So if you want my wife to keep you alive then we need to know everything."
Est Rhinaudo " hold up Pheonix as in Doctor Pheonix."
Pheonix " why do you seem surprised."
Est Rhinaudo " so you don't recognise me you cured my illness and put me into private school. My real Name is Letty Love , we studied together wasn't your major singing and music then you got bored and went to become a surgeon the youngest of our kind May I add."
Pheonix " if you say we was friends why attack my family, why knowing after the truth you would come and attack Keith."
Letty" Pheonix didn't you have a few other friends let me think a sec. ahh yes Ghost Bleu and Tiaga Kujo And Takuto I guess he still hacks into government computers."
Ghost comes in after hearing her name being called.
Ghost " what the fuck Pheonix why do you have Letty tied to a chair ."
Letty" hello Ghost you look well it's been years ."
Ghost " Pheonix you must remember. Letty was on the roof in university and this guy was calling her alsorts of names and he was pushing her . Didn't you kick him so hard he fell to his death."
I roll over and bury my face into Yuki's abs .
Pheonix " I don't fucking believe this , Letty why didn't you tell me from the start. There is no way I can kill you now. And Ghost I remember she is another who allowed people to bully her . Jesus."
Yuki help's me sit up and I stand up and untie Letty from the chair and she wraps her arms around me.
Letty Love" I owe you my life in return I will be by your side."
Pheonix " well you obviously cannot go back to your home now . You'll have to stay here I'll have one of the maids prepare a room for you."
Letty Love" thank you Pheonix."
I pull away from her arms and the door knocks. I go to answer it when I'm meet with Hyosuke ,Taiga , kishi and the mad hatter and Rhion .
Pheonix" well hello you all made it safely."
Hyosuke wraps me in a tight hug
Hyosuke Kujo " oh girl it's wonderful to see you."
Tiaga Kujo " Pheonix if were to live here I can keep a close eye on you."
Hyosuke walks in the house along with the others feeling a little overwhelmed I head upstairs and find Yuki hanging off my bed, I walk over to her and lift her up.
Princess Yuki " mum I still don't feel to good."
Pheonix maybe you need some food shall we try something."
She takes my hand and we go into the kitchen, out of all my children she is the shyest, she wraps her arms around my waist.
Yuki Arisugawa " ahh your up and awake baby girl."
Yuki " my head still hurts and mummy is making me something to eat."
Yuki Arisugawa " well come sit with daddy while mum does you something."
She goes over to Yuki and she burys her face in his chest.
Mad hatter " lady Yuki I brought some gifts from Japan would you like to see."
She ignores him and hide into her father.
Yuki Arisugawa " she is shy around people she doesn't really know."..

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