Christmas day

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Yuki Arisugawa " well baby looks like we have to get up. The children will come in otherwise."
We get up and get a quick shower and we put on pjs we head down stairs and everyone is waiting. Storm and Yuki " can we open our gifts please."
Yuki Arisugawa " let me make mum a tea."
He disappears with the guys when Dollie asks me a question.
Dollie " Keith said in bed that your going to try for a baby."
Pheonix " ahh Jesus My Yuki has such a big mouth. If he told Keith surely that was in confidence."
Dollie and Ghost " so what it's been said now."
Yuki sits and pulls me on to his lap and I drink my tea when we hear squealing from the boys.
Mother Robin " Now boys let me put you down first."
She puts them down and they head for there toys.
Eito " how was last night."
Yuki Arisugawa " it was really good."
They open there Gift's and Jean comes down in his snow suit.
Jean " Yo Phe I want out in that white stuff."
Everyone starts laughing.
Pheonix " Jean come here."
He climbs on my lap. Jean" please let me out there."
Yuki Arisugawa " Jean that white stuff is called snow, and it's extremely cold."
Jean " well duh I have this onesie on so I don't get cold."
Rhilina " haha aww Jean you don't have a clue do you. Dad we should leave our gifts and show Jean how cold it is."
Yuki Arisugawa " very well, Pheonix care to join us."
Pheonix " I will I just have to do something."
They all go and get dressed and wrap up warm.
Dollie ' Mum what's up ."
Pheonix " it's nothing go play with the others."
My mother gets up and sits next to me and pulls me into her arms.
Mother Robin " I know darling, I know you miss your uncle Glen too but he's just stubborn as a mule."
Pheonix " I really wish he didn't have to stay at the palace on his own especially when all his family are right here."
I pull away from my mother and head into yuki's office and ring my uncle Glen.
King Glen " merry Christmas darling, how are things."
Pheonix " very good uncle why do you have to stay in that palace all on your own."
King Glen" sweetheart my job is never done. But I will come new years I promise. I'm glad to hear I'm having a grandchild again."
Pheonix " it still feels strange hearing my own cousin call me mum."
King Glen " haha I bet it is. Now go join the family and I will see you very soon."
I walk back into the lounge and everyone is back I lay my head on Yuki's lap.
Pheonix " well did Jean enjoy the snow."
Jean walks in face bright red and his fingers too looking a little annoyed.
Jean " Yo Phe warm me please Daddy and gramps decided to throw me in that white stuff and boy was it cold."
I take him in my arms and wrap my hands around his and blow as I'm doing this Eisuke is on the phone and his fingers are in Ghosts mouth. As he moves his fingers she bites him. I start laughing as he ends up dropping his phone.
Pheonix " haha maybe next time you'll keep your fingers to yourself."
Eisuke " Jesus Pheonix, Ghost loves it I'm always finding her sweetspots."
Ghost " Eisuke shut up. Yuki you should try it."
Yuki Arisugawa " she bites hard, I'm not doing that. Nothing gets in Pheonix's mouth."
Ghost starts laughing .
Ghost " omg ask her for a BJ then."
My eyes go wide in horror and Yuki pulls me into him I hide my face in his jumper. As I blow Jeans finders Yuki slides laces his fingers into my hair.
Yuki Arisugawa " Jean next time will put Pheonix in the snow. Ghost she gives out plenty."
Pheonix " Yuki baby not infront of the children."
Mother Robin " Yuki my boy you really need stop telling Ghost stories.I found a carrot, some Buttons mum isn't using and and tattered old scarf who's putting it on that god awful looking thing outside the patio doors.
Pheonix " let me and the boys do it."
I get up and go onto the cupboard and get the boys snow coats and boots and I slip on my wellies and head back into the lounge. I put the boys in there coats and wellies and open the patio doors when Yuki speaks.
Yuki Arisugawa "Baby it's freezing out there , put a coat on."
I ignore him and take the items from my mother I give the carrot to Riku and he starts eating it.
Pheonix " Riku my little Devil that's the snow mans nose."
He gives me the eaten carrot and I place in on the snow mans head and he goes inside and climbs Keith's leg. I see Yuki disappear . Me and Bleu add the buttons and the scarf. And he goes inside and Eisuke picks him up in his arms.
Ghost and Dollie " haha there's something missing."
I stand up and look at the snow man.
Pheonix " your both right it needs arms."
I walk into the Kitchen and find a pair of small clippers and back again and clip of a few tree sticks from the boys tree and put them into the snow man when all of a sudden Riku points.
Riku " Mum mum, look Daddy."
All of a sudden I am lifted into the air and Yuki shoves a snow ball down my top. And he starts laughing.
Pheonix " Jesus that's fucking cold. Yuki Arisugawa."
I pick up some snow and turn it into a ball and chuck it in his face. At first he looks a little pissed then lifts me into the air and kisses me.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I swear do that once more and I'll serverly punish you."
He puts me down and as he walks back into the house I grab a handful of snow in both hands and walk up behind Yuki one smacks him in the face and I put the other down his top as I hear him mumble as he gasp.
Yuki Arisugawa " that's it Pheonix you better run."
Everyone is rolling up with laughter.
Pheonix " aww Yuki how can you act all serious with a smiling face huh."
As he try's to grab me he misses, and I start laughing as he chases me into his office the phone rings and I sit on the desk and Yuki pushes me so my back lays across his desk and files and papers slide off.
Pheonix " Arisugawa residents."
Wilfred " hi sis, look sorry can't make it today but I'll fly in tomorrow."
I feel Yuki's hands slide up my top as his Fingers rub over my nipples trying to make me moan as I bite my bottom lip. Yuki Arisugawa " Wilfred we understand, the children have already opened there gifts from you."
Wilfred " oh good, Pheonix I'll bring yours tomorrow, as my beautiful wife brought it for you."
Pulling faces at Yuki I push down my sexual desires and speak.
Pheonix " thanks Wilfred we will see you tomorrow."
Yuki presses the button and he starts smiling at me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I told you I'll punish you. Now then Pheonix please remember the children are only in the next room." He slides his hand into my pj bottom and his fingers strokes my pussy , I arch my back and start rocking into his hand. Try not to make too much noise when a moan slips out making Yuki place his lips on mine. I pull back for a second Pheonix" ohh Yuki this isn't fair. Mmn uh huh."
He pulls his hand out kisses me again and walks out of the office leaving me dumbfounded by what just acured as I adjust my clothes I head back out into the lounge and Ghost hands me a glass of something Yellow.
Ghost " it's lush try in Nanna Robin made it."
I take a sip choke and Dollie ends up wearing it.
Dollie " ahh Jesus mum really. That's good stuff and you spray it over me."
Pheonix " haha I'm so sorry. But I don't like it."
Zain hands me a tea towel and I wipe my self and Dollie.
Mother Robin " Pheonix you used to like it what gives."
Dollie " yeah."
Pheonix " nothing "
Ghost whispers into my ear.
Ghost " I think I know the answer girl remember that forbidden fruit."
My eyes nearly fall out my face and I run upstairs and check. I find a test thinking out load.
Pheonix " omg this is too soon Jesus."
I pee on the test and put it into my pocket and head into my office and lock the door when I receive 5 texts.
Ghost " don't worry I won't say anything to Yuki."
Dollie " mum I think you should surprise dad if you are."
Yuzuru Shiba " I'm sorry over slept, I found them diamond"
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I you alright."
I text Yuki back .
Pheonix " I've got this don't worry. Baby I'm starving could you bring me something."
I pull the test from my pocket and there is says I'm pregnant. I put it back into my pocket and shake my head. I put my elbows on the table and I rest my head on my hands thinking about how I'm going to tell Yuki. As I'm in deep taught Yuki comes in and place a plate of fruit infront of me.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby you look like you've seen a Ghost."
He sits down on the sofa and I quickly slip the test in my top draw and walk over to him and straddle his lap.
Pheonix " what you did earlier come on baby you started and didn't finish."
He starts laughing and laces his fingers into my hair.
Yuki Arisugawa " haha my poor baby, did I hit the right spots."
Pheonix " uh huh you did ."
Yuki Arisugawa " come when your ready , the boys are playing on there new Xbox and want you to join."
Pheonix " I will baby."
I get of his lap and walk back over to my desk as my phone rings.
Pheonix " even on Christmas Day we cannot rest. Baby I need to talk to Eisuke would you mind telling him please."
Yuki walks outside the office just as he's about to shut the door.
Yuki Arisugawa " I will send him straight in. Eat your fruit or there will be more punishments if you don't."
He shuts the door and I sit back in my chair and eat my fruit and answer the phone.
Sparks " oh Pheonix I'm glad I caught you, them photos come out brilliantly."
Pheonix " so there ready."
As I'm talking Eisuke slides in and shuts the door and he sits down.
Sparks" they are my love would you like me to drop them by tomorrow."
Pheonix " yeah if you could . Sparks I know it's your holiday but I want some pictures of the children as I missed Jean in the snow today."
Sparks " anything for you my love . I'll see you tomorrow."
The phone clicks and I let out a sigh.
Pheonix " Eisuke I need your honesty, that day you and Yuki eat that forbidden fruit and you was in my Yuki's body. Did you use Rubbers. As in the heat of the moment I was to busy pleasuring Ghost."
He sits there and rubs his hands over his face thinking it over. Then he looks at me and the expression on his face is all apologetic.
Eisuke " Pheonix I'm so sorry, I was so excited that Yuki allowed it to happen I didn't think about protection. Only because I was in Yuki's body I didn't need to . Why is there a problem."
I get up and walk over to him lace my fingers into his hair and yank his head back . Making him look me in the face. Pheonix " oh Eisuke I could really thump you. I'm pregnant it's too early my boys are 8 months,"
Eisuke "Pheonix I'm so so sorry. How are you going to tell Yuki now."
Pheonix " I have an idea but you need to keep quiet."
He nods and I let go of his hair, he leaves the office and I look on my computer to see how I'm going to do this riddle for Yuki. I text Dollie.
Pheonix " Dollie I need your help."
She comes running in and I take a fresh new file out of the draw .
Dollie " mum it's true isn't it."
Pheonix " uh hum . Keep dad entertained for a bit I have to work how I'm going to surprise him."
Dollie " alright mum."
She leaves the office and I make the file seem like it's come from head office, I start making it all out leaving the names out just adding the date of birth and changing the year slightly. I pull out the a ultrasound and find how far along I am to my shock I'm 3 months. I get the ultrasound to print out some pictures and but the ultrasound back. I staple the ultrasound picture in the file. I add some riddles and an F.B.I case and three hours later I've finally finished. I take the file and leave the room When Zain stops me .
Zain " everyone is expecting you in the dining room."
I head to the dining room and head over to Yuki as I place the file into his hand.
Yuki Arisugawa " what's this baby."
Dollie and Eisuke keeping straight faces not ruining it for him.
Pheonix " ahh Headoffice sent it to me , sorry darling I know how desperate you wanted time with me . Take a look at it later."
I feed the twins and Yūki pulls out his glasses and opens the file , he reads it from back to front."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby the target doesn't have a name. And is going to take months to figure it out."
I smile and look away doing it.
Pheonix " Maybe I can help you tonight, when the house is quiet."
Yuki Arisugawa " alright then baby."
He closes the file and takes his glasses off and we eat . That night everyone is in bed and I've just finished in the shower and he's sat on the bed recking his brain over it.
Pheonix " Yuki take a shower and we can deal it it together."
He kisses my head and goes into the bathroom and being naked helps.
Pheonix " Yuki I want you when your done in the shower."
Yuki Arisugawa" aww you naughty girl."
I place a heart sticker under my breast and I climb onto the bed and he comes in from his shower and drying his hair with a towel as he speaks.
Yuki Arisugawa " this is gonna be one hard case to crack, there is no name for the target and there is a scan picture attached to it."
He sits on the bed next to me and his hand glides across my tummy while the other hand flips through the file. He smiles as he suspected one riddle.
Yuki Arisugawa " so three months ago it says here that a husband and wife nearly broke after something there best friend did. Please tell me he's not the father."
Pheonix " Jesus Yuki The target in question has never cheated on her husband. I think it's sweet mind you , I do Know she had sex Twice that day."
Yuki Arisugawa " so you have spoken to her."
Pheonix " oh yes plenty that's why I was in my office."
Yuki Arisugawa " I see , what's this on your skin."
He lifts my breast with his hand and sees a sticker of a heart.
Yuki Arisugawa " fucksake baby this riddle is too easy."
Pheonix " I'm listening."
He smiles and brings his lips to my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " this target is pregnant and shares the same birthday as you. She's 5"11 I bet she's exquisite. I wonder." He slides his hand between my legs drawing out a moan.
Pheonix " she may have the same birthday as me and the same hight but Yuki still is a serious matter."
He slides his fingers inside me thrusting slowly making me rock into his hand.
Yuki Arisugawa " then why don't I forget about the file and focus on you huh."
His lips are on mine as I touch the side of his face.
Pheonix " this is just mean why do it slow."
Yuki Arisugawa" because it gets you off."

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