The run up to the wedding. Chapter 8

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I feel Yuki kissing my neck and I cum soaking Yuki's trousers. Ghost wipes her chin with her fingers.
Ghost " Yuki would you like to taste."
Yuki sucks her fingers and she places her lips on mine . She climbs off me and goes into a room.
Yuki Arisugawa " Ghost looked like she enjoyed your pussy."
Eisuke Ichinomiya " there's no more secrets, besides I'm seeing you naked for the third time."
Ghost comes out with a vibrator, I look at Eisuke and his eyes go wide."
Eisuke Ichinomiya " ghost since when did you have a toy."
Ghost " it's mine and Pheonix's."
I'm still sat on Yuki and she slides the vibrator over my clit . Yuki whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " this is such a fucking turn on watching you get pleasured by another woman."
Eisuke Ichinomiya " I told you Yuki your Pheonix leaves a sexual imagination."
I start cuming again, Ghost lies on her back and she pulls me to her I place my face into her pussy and I feel fingers inside me making me moan into her pussy. She screams out as she cums . Yuki pulls me to my feet and starts kissing my body. Eisuke licks ghosts cum from my neck.
Eisuke Ichinomiya " Yuki there's a room over there if you need some privacy."
Yuki lays me on the floor and ghost sits on my face, and I feel Yuki between my legs. And ghost sucking of Eisuke , Ghost explodes over me and I squirty over Yuki. Eisuke puts ghost on all fours and he again licks my neck and fingers ghost. In the heat of the moment Eisuke places his lips on mine and ghost is kissing Yuki.
Eisuke " mmm you tast of ghost."
I sit up and pull on Yuki's shirt letting him know I want him and only him . He picks me up and carries me into the room .
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck I want you even more now ."
He drops his trousers and pushes me onto the bed on my front he holds my hands behind my back and thrust hard into me .
Yuki Arisugawa " so you want to fuck Ghost I see."
Pheonix " oh Yuki I thought you enjoyed yourself."
Yuki Arisugawa " oh baby I did , I loved watching her lick your pussy and how her fingers slide inside you. You're fucking exquisite."
Pheonix " omg Yuki I'm gonna cum."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't think so ."
He pulls out and opens the door when ghost appears Eisuke pulls me up the bed and ghost settles her self between my legs and she starts licking me again Eisuke appears behind her and he slides into her . Yuki hovers over my face .
Pheonix " this is not fair I want you so bad Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " oh baby you will but Ghost is getting punished right now."
I feel Yuki's lips on mine , and squirt over ghost. Eisuke pulls out and ghost gets on top of me Eisuke slides into her and I watch his expression.
Eisuke Ichinomiya " so ghost you love to play with Pheonix huh."
Ghost " I do yes but I love playing with you. Please I want to cum."
Yuki whispers into my ear .
Yuki Arisugawa " when Eisuke is finished you'll get your punishment."
Ghost starts to fall apart ontop of me Eisuke keeps her on the edge just as she starts gushing onto me Eisuke pulls off her .
Ghost " Eisuke that's not fair ."
Eisuke lifts me of the bed and ghost lays down and I feel Yuki kissing me back and he slides into me . He starts thrusting hard . When I feel Eisuke cup my face.
Eisuke Ichinomiya " Pheonix you look beautiful over my wife ."
Yuki slaps my asscheek hard .
Yuki Arisugawa " so Pheonix will you behave next time."
I look down on Ghost and she wraps her arms around me.
Ghost " Pheonix doesn't know how to behave."
Yuki Arisugawa " then I'll bring you back her and let Ghost and Eisuke have you."
Pheonix " wait just a second you both agreed to watch , and you have kissed Ghost and Eisuke has kissed me . Bring me back by all means but Eisuke will not be having sex with me ."
Eisuke Ichinomiya " that's never been my intention. But I'm happy to oblige."
Pheonix " don't you even think about it."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix how bad do you want to cum."
Pheonix " really bad and you're both keeping us on the edge."
Pheonix " Ghost are you regretting your choice now."
Ghost "fuck no , I enjoyed your pussy the first time , I'm not passing it up."
Pheonix " oh Yuki baby I'm gonna cum."
He pulls out and pulls me off Ghost his lips meet mine. Ghost starts kissing my shoulders. Eisuke pulls Ghost onto his lap and she rockes into him , and Yuki pulls me onto him . Ghost puts her hand behind my neck and pulls me into her lips. We both end up cuming and so does Yuki and Eisuke. I wrap my arms around Yuki, and my heart settles. Yuki helps me dress and we say goodbye to Ghost and Eisuke. Just as I step foot out the door Ghost pulls me into her arms.
Ghost " we'll be there on the wedding day , and please come and your Son's."
Pheonix " you better turn up your my maid of honour. And yeah I'll step in and see the boys."
She kisses me and Eisuke kisses my four head .
Eisuke Ichinomiya " Yuki your always welcome anytime, you have my number."
Yuki wraps an arm around me and we climb into the car , we arrive at the palace and head to bed when I open the door my mother is rocking Glen in her arms.
Mother " did you have fun , Glen seems to be restless."
I kick of my heels and pull my dress off and take glen and lay on the bed with him laying on my chest. My mother kisses my head and quietly leaves.
Yuki Arisugawa " tonight was amazing."
Pheonix " tell me that in the morning."
He climbs into bed and puts his hand on glens back.
Pheonix " little man is staying put."
Yuki kisses me and closes his eyes and I fall off to sleep. Hours later the sun is shining and Mercedes is calling out Yuki climbs out of bed and picks her up and brings her to our bed , little Glen is still sleeping. Mercedes climbs onto me and puts her arm over her brother, Yuki gets up and takes a shower. Both our iPhones go off with a text . I reach for mine and it's from Ghost.
Ghost " hey lover , last night was incredible. I'm up for another night if you and Yuki are. Love you always Ghost xx."
Pheonix " wow girl seriously, last night was a one off."
She starts face timing me .
Ghost " omg girl the twins are little cuties. Any way about last night ."
Pheonix " I'd rather not talk about infront of the twins , plus I'm getting married in a few days. How about we talk about last night when me and Yuki go home."
Ghost " that's what I was asking Eisuke text Yuki mentioning about that . And to be honest I cannot get enough of your pussy."
Yuki comes out of the shower and grabs my phone out my hands.
Ghost " good morning Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " where's Eisuke."
She hands the phone to Eisuke.
Eisuke Ichinomiya " hey Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " I heard what Ghost wants , after the wedding we'll be going home. So if you guys want to stay your welcome too. And I did enjoy last night but the decision isn't mine to say ."
Eisuke Ichinomiya " it's fine , Ghost is just greedy. And I must admit tasting her of Pheonix was fantastic."
Yuki looks at me and smiles , he sits next to me on the bed and cups my face.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'd say the same about Ghost. Anyway your turning up tomorrow. So let's keep it hush . If Dollie or her parents found out I think they'd freak out."
Eisuke " that's fine . We will see you both tomorrow, Pheonix the boys are coming too."
Pheonix " I wouldn't except anything less . I miss the boys so bring them , there suits are ready."
Yuki says goodbye and puts my phone on the table.
Pheonix " so you don't regret anything."
Yuki Arisugawa " of course not , but I'm still going to punish you."
Pheonix " I look forward to it."
Yuki Arisugawa " the twins really love to snuggle on you, has little man slept like that all night."
Pheonix " yeah he has , it's a shame to disturb them but I just know Dollie will barge in any time now."
Right on cue Dollie walks in .
Dollie Arisugawa " mum I have a serious hangover, sorry we left early but Keith had to come back for some reason."
Pheonix " what ever it was Keith will fill me in later. And thank you for last night."
Dollie Arisugawa " mum in two days you finally get married, you realise the night before Yuki has to sleep in a different room to yours."
Pheonix " of course I know that . I'm not silly. And how much did you drink last night."
Dollie Arisugawa " oh I don't know but my head hurts."
Keith knocks on the door .
Prince Keith " Dollie you drunk so much I had to carry you to bed. Pheonix when you have a minute we need to talk."
The leave the room and I wake the twins,
Pheonix " Mercedes wake up my little angel. Glen it's time to wake up."
Mercedes rubs her eyes and cry's for her daddy, Glen looks up and kisses me . Yuki takes them for breakfast and I take a shower, and get dressed. I find Keith already in the office.
Prince Keith " Pheonix last night I was called away , Yuki's grandmother is staying at a hotel not far from here and I personally believe she'll course trouble."
Pheonix " then keep Yuki out of this just make sure everyone is aware of this , and I always carry a gun so let her try."
Prince Keith " Pheonix the gun you have is it small enough to fit in the strap under you wedding dress."
Pheonix " it is , make sure Dollie is armed , Yuki's grandmother is very dangerous."
Two days have passed and I'm sitting in my room my hair and makeup has been done and Ghost comes in.
Ghost " oh Pheonix don't cry you'll smudge the makeup."
She helps my into my corset and thightens the straps, I pull on my stockings and my garter and I reach for my gun and strap and attach it to my thigh.
Ghost "isn't that a little extreme."
Pheonix " Yuki's grandmother could turn up and everyone is prepared, I believe Eisuke has one inside his jacket."
Ghost helps me into my dress and my heels . My mother comes in and she's tearing up.
Pheonix " mum please don't or I'll end up crying too."
Mother " I have this for you, it was mine when I married your father."
I open the box and it's a diamond Tiara, my mother places it on my head.
Mother " Pheonix you look absolutely gorgeous, now go marry that Yuki he's waiting."
The twins are dressed and we walk to the throne hall doors. Mercedes holds a pillow with her daddy's ring and Glen holds a pillow with my ring. The doors swing open and my father holds his arm out to me Dollie holds Mercedes hand and Ghost holds Glens. My father walks me into the throne hall and Yuki turns Dollie walks up with Mercedes and she gets picked up by Wilfred and glen goes to Eisuke. Ghost stands next to Dollie. My father places my hands into Yuki's and he sits down next to my mother. My uncle Glen breaks the silence and he proceeds when the doors swing open and Yuki's grandmother is walking up to us .
Queen " I forbid this ceremony."
I walk over to her and whisper into her ear.
Pheonix " take a seat one wrong move and you will regret it , there's a few that are armed with guns ."
Queen " I still forbid this wedding."
Pheonix " you really don't have a choice."
I walk back to Yuki and nod to my uncle when we have said our vows Yuki kisses me out of the corner of my eye I see her pull a gun , I grab My dress and reach for my gun when I hear a shot , I look around to see who it was when I fall to the floor. Dollie and Keith walk towards Yuki's grandmother and Keith removes the gun from her hand. Yuki stand up and walks over to his grandmother and swings his hand and it smacks her in the face.
Yuki Arisugawa " if my wife dies, you will regret it."
Eisuke lifts me into his arms and ghost follows , they take me somewhere with a table, and ghost cups my face .
Ghost " Pheonix your gonna be alright."
Pheonix I need to get out of this dress."
Ghost helps me and I'm sitting on the table. I grab a pair of tongs and hand it to Eisuke.
Eisuke " what am I supposed to do with this."
Pheonix " I need you to remove the bullet from my shoulder."
Eisuke " sure just tell me if I'm doing it wrong."
Yuki finds us as Eisuke pushes the tongs in and I let out a scream. Ghost grabs a napkin from the table and places it under the wound. Eisuke pulls out the bullet. And ghost finds the first aid box.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'm so sorry."
Pheonix " it's fine it's not the first time I've been shot."
Ghost opens the box to find a needle and surgical thread . Once she's has threaded the needle she just stands there.
Ghost " who's stitching Pheonix."
They all look at each other and Yuki takes the needle from ghost.
Yuki Arisugawa " this is going to hurts."
Before the needle touches my skin his lips cover mine , he pulls back and Eisuke holds my head still I close my eyes when I feel stinging I cry through the pain, I feel the needle go in and out 30 minutes later I open my eyes and I see Yuki and Eisuke smile down at me and Yuki pulls me up. He puts dressing over it and embraces me .
Pheonix " what happened to your grandmother."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't know and don't care ."
Ghost wraps her arms around my chest and hugs me from behind.
Pheonix " I need to see the twins, they must be petrified."
Yuki pulls out his phone.
Yuki Arisugawa " bring the twins ."
Sitting in my underwear the twins are brought in and they both reach out for me Yuki lifts them up and they wrap there little arms around me .
Eisuke " ghost lets give them a moment."
They leave the room Yuki rests his forehead head on mine . The twins heart beats are starting to match mine.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I love you so much , I'm not prepared to lose you now."
Pheonix " shall we head to the party."
Yuki Arisugawa " not dressed in your underwear your not."
Pheonix " the dress it's ruined."
Cathy barges in and hands Yuki a dress bag .
Princess Cathy " Pheonix there is a dress in there , please come to the hall when you are ready."
Yuki opens the dress bag and sees a blue dress that matched there ties . He pulls the twins from me and helps me into the dress. He rests he's hands on the edge of the table with his face in mine .
Yuki Arisugawa " what am I to do with you your always getting shot ."
I place my lips on him and the twins watch and walk to the corridor. Yuki pulls me of the table and we head into the hall , my mother and father embraces me.
Mother " my darling Pheonix, in such a short time we've gotten to know each other. Your going home tonight, I'll really miss the twins."
Pheonix " oh mum I've enough memories to last me a life time."
King Wilfred " Pheonix Coco is waiting for you."
I look passed my father to see Coco at a grand piano. Dollie pulls me to Coco.
Dollie Arisugawa " that song you sang the other day would you sing it for everyone."
Pheonix" no Dollie that was a one off ."
Dollie Arisugawa " please mum , your so good at it."
I turn to find Keith with a microphone headset and he places it on my head."
Pheonix " Dollie your not going to give in are you, if I do this then Ghost will join me ."
Dollie pulls Ghost from her sit and hands her a microphone. Ghost leans into my ear and whispers .
Ghost Bleu " Pheonix remember that song you would sing to Eito. Let's do that one."
I sit at the piano and play the tune and Coco follows , as I look up to give Ghost a nod I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn and he pulls my hand .
Marshal." Coco you think you can manage."
She nods , and marshal takes my hand I look at Dollie and she blows me kisses
Marshal " I'm apologising as Pheonix didn't know I'd crash her wedding, Pheonix would you like to sing Like Home with me."
Pheonix " of course it would be a pleasure."
Marshal and Pheonix"

Yo, shout to everybody Who's been on this trip with me
you don't have to, agree
But if you feel like me
Someone get this Aryan a sheet
Time to bury him, so tell him to prepare to get impeached
Everybody on your feet
This is where terrorism and heroism meet, square off in the street
This chump barely even sleeps
All he does is watch Fox News like a parrot and repeats
Whio he looks like a canary with a beak
Why you think he banned transgenders from the military with a tweet?
He's tryin' to divide us, this shit's like a cult
But like Johnny he'll only unite us
'Cause nothin' inside us drives us like this fight does
Similar to when two cars collide
'cause collide spirit's crushed, and this spot's a tight one
But here the jaws of life come
To pull us from the wreckage, that's what we get
pride fromWhen we can't from our stars and stripes
causeThis type of pickle that we're in is hard to deal
But there's always tomorrow
still if we start from scratch like a scab, get the scars to heal
And band together for Charlottesville
And for Heather, fallen heroes, fill this wall with murals
Nevada get up, hit the damn resetter
Let's start from zero, this is our renewal
Spray tan, get rid of, get a brand new,
betterAmerica, and here's to where it allAnd here's to where we all began,
all began (stand up!)
Here's to the land that made me
And made me who I am, who I am (hands up!)
Here's to the land that raised me
This one for the only place that really knows me
From the cracks in the road that drove me
There's no place like home
Didn't wanna piss your base off, did ya?
Can't denounce the Klan, 'cause they play golf with ya
You stay on Twitter, way to get your hate off Nazi ,
I do not see a way y'all differ
And all you got are race cards, bigot
swastika with your name carved in it
Should be your trademark,
'cause hate's all you played off
And you just lick the plate off
So I guess it pays to feed off of chaos
So basically, you ate off Hitler!
But you ain't ruinin' our country, punk
Or takin' our pride from us, you won't define us
'Cause like a dictionary, things are lookin' up
So much, got a sprained neck, know we would rise up
Against this train wreck and take a stand
Even if it means sittin' when they raise the flagTo sing "
The Star-Spangled Banner"
This man just praised a statue of General Lee'Cause he generally hates the black people, degrades hispanics
Take it back to the Shady national convention
Wish I woulda spit on it before I went to shake his hand
At the event or maybe had the wherewithal
To know that he was gonna try to tear apartOur sacred land we cherish and stand forSo, hands in the air, let's hear it forThe start of a brand new AmericaWithout him and be proud of where we're fromAnd here's to where we allAnd here's to where we all began, all began (stand up!)Here's to the land that made meAnd made me who I am, who I am (hands up!)Here's to the land that raised meThis one for the only place that really knows meFrom the cracks in the road that drove meThere's no place like homeI won't give upI won't give up on my home, that so many died forYou already know that I won't give upI won't give up on my home, that so many died forYou already knowThere's no place like home, no place like homeWherever I go, no place like homeNo place like home, no place like home

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