Dollie and keith finally wed. Chapter 29

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I put back on Yuki's shirt and Atsumu walks in and Pulls me into his embrace.
Atsumu Kashiwara " omg! Sis what are you like scaring me like this . Yuki."
Pheonix " I am innocent in this , but when I find the scum he shot my trouble maker I'm going to torture the Bastard."
Atsumu Kashiwara " what in your condition."
Yuki Arisugawa " She's not backing down from this , plus she has us as well."
Atsumu lets me go when we hear Ryo and Yuki's phone rings. Me and Atsumu leave Yuki to his call and find the gang in the hall . Takuto, Taiga, yuzuru , Kei,Eisuke , Kenshi , Hiro , Keith and Ryo all stop talking.
Eisuke " there's our girl , Pheonix you ready to leave ."
Yuki comes out and embraces me from behind.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix fancy heading for Valcos-Phoenix, in 10 minutes everyone won't be using cars . So  suit up with what ever weapons you need ."
Soryu " what you mean no cars."
Yuki Arisugawa " I have arranged for the F.B.I to bring in off road bikes , a word of warning they go super fast."
Hiro" this is so cool, suped up bikes .Kenny  I think I may want to become and F.B.I agent they get all the sweet rides."
Yuki Arisugawa " there only on loan plus there will be a few agents with us who have pledged there life to Pheonix."
2 vans pull up outside the house , and everyone takes a bike . Yuki pulls my hand and whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " that little stunt you pulled back in the room hasn't gone unnoticed you will be punished for that."
Pheonix " well if you put it like that , then how about a good luck kiss."
We walk outside and I'm just about to climb onto the bike when Yuki pulls me and places his palm on my cheek making me face him and kisses me.
The guys start whistling.Soryu places a pair of trainers on the bike seat.
Yuzuru Shiba " Ahem Yuki seriously could you put our girl down we have to be somewhere. Pheonix put your trainers on your barefoot."
I slide on the trainers and we all set off to Valcos-Phoenix and my earpieces goes off
.Eito " Mum please hurry home we love you."
The phone clicks off and we arrive at the rainforest.
Yuzuru Shiba "Pheonix if me and you go on foot then the guys will catch up yes. That way we can scout the area."
I give Yuki a kiss and I take off running with Yuzuru, we come to a bunker and Yuzuru checks around it, the guys pull up on the bikes. I walk over to Eisuke and pull the map from his jacket and take a look.
Pheonix "ahh Jesus the access point to that bunker is in the top. Soryu want to use that pen ."
Soryu climbs up and I walk over to Yuki and cover his eyes everyone does the same. Soryu beckons me over. And pulls me up .
Soryu "there not dead."
Pheonix " it blinds them giving us enough time to get in."
Soryu drops me in and some of the goons are crying in pain, I grab a hold of one of them."
Pheonix " were is your boss."
Goon"please don't kill me. There is a corridor follow it right down to the end and it will bring you to a set of doors go through them and he'll be in there."
I wait for the others and Yuki walks beside me. We walk down the corridor and push the doors open, I see Ghost hanging from chains she's bleeding and a guy pointing a gun to her head.
Ghost " Pheonix stay back I've already been shot if you move there's sensors everywhere, I'm going to die either way. Eisuke I love you don't let my death be in vain tell Baileys I tried."
I pull Yuki's top and whisper into his ear.
Pheonix " Takuto should be able to deactivate the sensors , I can't let Ghost die not like this. You with me."
Yuki Arisugawa " always baby."
I move slowly around the sensors and Ghost starts getting agitated , I climb up the ladder and I walk over to the guy.
The goon" one more step and she dies."
Pheonix " where is your boss. I couldn't care less if she dies but I promise you one thing I will enjoy making you scream."
Ghost " y-y-you don't mean that."
I give her a look and the guy is focused on Ghost, my earpiece comes alive.
Takuto " Pheonix what ever your thinking do it now."
I push the guy off and he takes me with him.
Yuki Arisugawa " fucksake Pheonix."
Yuzuru breaks my fall. He laces his fingers into my hair.
Pheonix " Yuzuru thanks, are you hurt."
Yuki pulls me off yuzuru and he stands up.
Ghost " Pheonix a little help here."Yuki finds were he can pull Ghost to safety once she's in her two feet I check her over.Pheonix " Taiga you can repair her arm later."
I rip the sleeve off yuki's shirt and tie it around Ghost arm. Eisuke pulls her into his arms.
Eisuke " never ever scare me like that again. Why would you sacrifice your life for someone's gain, I thought tPheonix taught you better."
While Eisuke is dealing with Ghost I find another door and walk to it . As I go to open it , it's pushed with so much force I end up across the room. The guy walks in a snickers. Yuzuru , hiro , Ryo Atsumu as well as the agents raise there guns. As he makes his way to me.
The boss" so you're the Queen to this country. Any of you move and I'll snap her neck."
Yuki watch's as well as the others.
Pheonix " you don't scare me, Kenshi is there something you wanted to show me."
The Boss picks me up by the neck, all of a sudden I feel like I'm being electrocuted. The boss starts jiggering about.
Pheonix " eeek kkkkenshi you'll kill us both."
The boss manages to drop me Yuki catches me .
Hiro " kenny that's enough it smells like something is burning."
Yuzuru picks me up and Yuki walks over to the boss, Kenshi has stopped playing with his stun gun.
Yuki Arisugawa " was it you that shot my grandson."
The Boss " yes.if you want Ryos girlfriend then times running out."
Hiro binds his wrists and we leave the bunker. We arrive back at Taiga's place and I hear Hyosuke and Jean.
Pheonix " hey Jean think Phe can have some hugs."
He comes running over and wraps his arms around my neck.
Jean " yo Phe that guy shot me."
Pheonix " did he now. Keith call Dollie and tell her to go home."
Yuzuru Shiba " this is our cue to leave too guys let's give Pheonix and Yuki some time."
Yuzuru hugs me and they all go home.
Ryo Tsuzuki " where is my girlfriend."
The boss " ahh yes right about now the Tide is coming in. I wonder if she can breathe underwater. If I call them they just have to throw her in."
Ryo punches him in the face, Hyosuke injects him with something.
Hyosuke Kujo " Pheonix Find the girl , Taiga go with her . This fools run out of time."
We leave and head to Le Ferme once's we're there there's two goons waiting.
goon" I'm getting bored of this waiting about."
2 goon" well boss says to wait."
Yuki and Eisuke sneak over to the goons and raise there Guns.
Yuki Arisugawa " don't move unless you want me to blow your brains out. "
Eisuke " were is the girl."
Me and Taiga look around and Taiga's eyes go wide and pulls me to the screen.
Taiga Kujo " I say we have about 5 minutes or she dies. No one can last that long underwater."
I walk over to Eisuke and in the backpack on his back contains hand held oxygen tanks,.
Pheonix " now then unless you two would like to die I need to know exactly where this girl is."
I pull out a vest and take off the shirt. When Taiga shouts out,
Taiga Kujo " please tell me you didn't put her down there ."
He flips a switch and the floor moves. Yuki gives Taiga the gun and we climb down into the Cave .
Taiga Kujo " Pheonix please come back , she's about 2 miles."
Me and Yuki get to the bottom and the water is coming in fast we find her and bring her back. As we climb up the goon falls in.
Taiga Kujo " sorry Pheonix."

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