The guys evesdrop on us grils. Chapter 37

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Eito" mum brought it today. Because I received a text but it's sorted now."
Eisuke " Pheonix stop spoiling our son."
Pheonix "Fuck you Eisuke . I will spoil my children how I see fit . Yuki's Mother sent Eito a message. Yuki darling we need to deal with her I swear if any of the children get any message's from her I will ignore everything Taiga has asked and put a bullet in her head."
Yuki Arisugawa " I wouldn't want you ignoring Doctors orders. Pheonix please eat. Or I'll feed you myself."
I sit up and Yuki's hand slides up between my legs and he gives me a wink. I start eating my curry when Kiki comes in.
Maid Kiki " Pheonix Autumn and the boys are here."
Pheonix " tell the the boys to head up to the loft and make Autumn a drink."
We all finish eating and the Twins wake for a feed , I head up and give them their last feed . Yuki comes in and helps me change them into there night clothes. Once I have finished I kiss my babies and head into my room and change my underwear wear Yuki comes in just as I'm pulling them up. He comes over to me sucks his two fingers and slides them into me I wrap my arms around his shoulders to hold myself up. As he makes me moan into his ear.
Pheonix " uh Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " when I'm finished with you you're skirt will be drenched. But don't worry I'll come get you when the girls give in . And get the girls talking as we all want to know."
He pulls his fingers out pulls up my underwear and sucks his fingers with a smile and walks out of the room. I go down stairs and head for Pandora and notice a camera I never knew was there .
Dollie " mum what's your poison Dad said you can drink anything you want."
Pheonix " I'll make it my self I don't trust any of you. Autumn how's the fling going on with Yuzuru."
Autumn Ichinomiya " it's good . He's does a have a sensitive side."
(I feel the vibrator over my G-Spot and instantly text Yuki.)
Pheonix " since when did we have a camera. Your such a bad boy."
Yuki Arisugawa " bet it feels amazing. Oh yeah we can see everything as well as hear."
I pour my self a glass of Vodka and Kiki joins us, Dollie grabs different spirits of the shelf and place's them on the table she goes into the house and grabs the salt and Lemons and comes back.
Dollie " lets play a game shall we ."
Pheonix " Dollie if we do this don't blame me when you get a hangover."
Ghost " leave her be. I'll play."
Kiki " Fine I'm in too."
Autumn Ichinomiya " I guess it's okay seeing that I'm staying the night."
Dollie cuts the lemons and pours Tequila into shot glass.
Dollie " I know about you and Ghost , if it's true you'll drink that shot."
I look at Ghost feeling a little shocked. Ghost downs the shot licks the salt and sucks the lemon whilst pulling a face . I sit there debating when I get a text.
Keith " mum just drink, it's fine we all know."
I lick my hand and place the Salt and Dollie just watches in delight, I down the shot turn the glass upside down lick the salt and suck the lemon.
Dollie " haha Mum it's about time. Why is it the lemon doesn't get you pulling faces that's sour as shit."
Autumn Ichinomiya " Pheonix I didn't know that about you. Dollie didn't you say at your wedding you wouldn't mind trying it."
Dollie " omg shut up."
Ghost " autumn there's a lot about Pheonix you don't know."
(My phone vibrates and I look at it. My eyes go wide.)
Dollie " after last night it got me thinking."
Ghost " Dollie you really want to try this magical fruit don't you."
Dollie " too fucking right I would and the side effects last 48hours now think of the fun I could do . Ghost I know how desperate you want to Fuck Yuki."
I cover my face with my hands . 
Pheonix " the side effects are that long omg! Id lose Yuki for 2 days. Jesus."
Dollie " oh mum it's harmless fun , the difference is your mind would be in someone's body. And I wouldn't mind fucking Yuzuru."
Pheonix " Jesus Dollie he's my best friend, can't you choose someone else. Plus he's older then you."
Ghost " mine would be Yuki or Kazuomi."
Autumn Ichinomiya " that just leaves me with omg sorry Dollie but I'd do Keith ."
I end up downing the glass of Vodka.
Dollie " now then mum we've said ours who's yours. I don't care how old he is."
Pheonix " why do you want to know so bad. I love my Yuki so I'm keeping my mouth shut on the matter."
Dollie, Ghost " is it because you've only had Yuki."
Pheonix " ahh Jesus, Kiki let's hear it."
Kiki " all of them."
Autumn Ichinomiya " what that's just damn Greedy. Please tell me one at a time."
Kiki " Hell no all together."
Pheonix " I really can't listen to this , Kiki we employ you, do you really like my  Yuki."
Kiki " I'm sorry but I do I know how great he is  in bed . You tell us With your moans. Saying stuff like omg Yuki right there don't stop."
I feel the vibrator gets faster, and I end up gripping the table. I pour another glass of vodka and drink it like it's water. Dollie " Jesus mum what's gotten into you."
Pheonix " nothing, Ghost that steampunk underwear is yours. I'll ask Eisuke for a blue one ."
Ghost " fuck off Eisuke isn't buying your underwear. It will give him a wild imagination."
Pheonix " haha doesn't he already have one of those."
Ghost " well yeah I suppose so . Anyway what was in them bags earlier."
Pheonix " I brought shit loads of underwear and something else but Yuki stole it before I had a chance to look at it properly."
Autumn Ichinomiya " I have a whip at home and some BDSM stuff."
Ghost " wow you like it Rough omg ."
Autumn Ichinomiya " and what's wrong with that."
Struggling as Yuki really turns up the heat and I let out a moan.
Dollie " mother seriously, I know you like kinky stuff but getting excited over it fucksake."
(I text Yuki as I'm holding off as hard as I can.)
Pheonix " is this waterproof as I really need to cum and I'm really trying to have a conversation."
Yuki Arisugawa " yes completely submersible up to 200ft in water. You better not cum."
I grip the table again.
Dollie " mum seriously you look like you need to cool off the pool is right there."
In the end I walk out of pandora and I turn my head to see the Guys through the patio doors and Yuki winks and smiles, I pull off my top and drop my skirt to the floor and dive into the pool. Dollie meets me at the other end with the towel.
Dollie " feeling better."
I pull my self up out of the water and wrap the towel around me I walk to the patio doors and flip my middle finger and walk back into pandora. Ghost, Kiki and autumn are laughing.
Kiki " ow my Pheonix what's gotten into you."
Dollie " yeah mum not like you to get all excited about this stuff when we have spoke about it before."
Pheonix " I'm not saying nothing, ghost this is all your fault."
Ghost " what now , don't go blaming me I didn't say anything."
Pheonix " listen I know all your darkest fantasies and Ghosts always fantasied about me if I gave her the opportunity she would be pleasuring me she'd try me right now if I allowed it."
Ghost " and I am not ashamed by it , I love the way your pussy feels it's really soft especially when my mouth is around your pussy."
Dollie " mum what's it feel like as I wouldn't mind trying it. But if I do then Keith would have to keep his hands off the women I fuck."
Pheonix " Ghost I'll say it once and don't be offended by it."
Ghost " of course not."
Pheonix " it feels really good especially what Ghost does to me I give back only because she shows me how she wants to be pleasured. Yuki on the other hand will always beat you hands down that husband of mine leaves me on a high."
Ghost " Dollie I don't mind helping you ."
Pheonix " Ghost that's my daughter, your my friend. Your not doing it."
Dollie " it wouldn't be Ghost anyway."
Pheonix " then who because you really need to be having this conversation with Keith."
Autumn Ichinomiya " I already know, and it's safe to say I'm happy to oblige as long as my boys never find out or even Eisuke I know he's my brother and thanks to Pheonix I have a wonderful relationship with him."
I shake my head when I receive a text.
Yuki Arisugawa " oh baby finding it hard are we ,"
Eisuke " I can't believe my sister just said that. But if that's what Dollie wants then I can't say anything seeing that you have sex with Ghost."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm going to pleasure you so much later."
I turn my phone upside down and Dollie hands me another drink.
Dollie " mum let me check out your underwear, I'm getting bored being a doctor all the time."
Pheonix " what is it you want I have many, I have a police officer, a soldier, nurse, school uniform, even a nun."
Ghost " haha what why have you got a nuns outfit. Pheonix you've never been a good girl."
Kiki and autumn starts laughing.
Dollie " I wouldn't mind the soldier. And one of you must be able to tell me how to make my Keith submit."
Autumn Ichinomiya " I'm sorry to say but I couldn't tell you."
Kiki " me neither."
Pheonix " don't look at me like that I've only had Yuki submit to me once's Ghost help me out here."
Ghost " strap Keith to the bed and tell him his orders, tell him if he doesn't bend at your will then you'll make him." Pheonix " Ghost that's too harsh Keith would fight her every step. Dollie find out what he really likes and do it."
Kiki, autumn " please tell Pheonix."
Pheonix " omg!. Fine Yuki loves my Pussy so much that I have to ask permission to pleasure my self, one day I didn't ask I stood over his face and made myself cum spraying over him. as he tried to grab me I pulled away from him , and I bent over showing my pussy on display he came closer and I gripped his hair and asked him to drop to his knees just before I pulled his face into my pussy I told him that he had to drink me if he spilled a drop of my cum then he would serverly be punished."
Dollie " omg and did he drink every last drop."
Pheonix " what do you think. My Yuki maybe the dominant one but I do get him to submit to me . So Dollie I hope that helps."
Dollie " well he does love to watch especially if I bind his hands he says he doesn't like it but his dick says otherwise." Autumn Ichinomiya " haha . Yuzuru maybe dominant but we do take turns."
Pheonix " and Ghost I've never seen you strap Eisuke to the bed, he only submits because of what we do. I bet if I asked him to bark like a dog I bet you all the money in the world that he would and I'll tell you why. It's because it kills him that he can't touch me he's so desperate to pleasure me with his tongue so he can drink me but because he only gets to see you and Yuki play with my body he would submit to me ."
Dollie nearly wets herself with laughter. Kiki says good night and autumn looks at me in shock.
Ghost " see you Pheonix I'd watch your drinks because I swear if I get hold of that magical fruit I will let Eisuke have his way with your body."
I look at my phone and it's 2:30am .
Pheonix " well I'm done I'm going to bed . Ghost you do I'll make sure your serverly punished." Dollie kisses my cheek and heads off to bed as well as Ghost, I put the glasses on the tray and clean up Pandora and take the dirty glasses into the kitchen to find Yuki in the door way turning up the vibrator i lose my balance and grab the sink and he walks over to me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'd love to see Eisuke bark like a dog for you. Come I want to feel this beautiful body of yours."
He hands me a bag and pulls me into the basement and puts a code in and he pushes the door to reveal the room he had in the first house. 
Pheonix " baby the twins."
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke and Soryu will feed them. Now go put that on for me."
I walk into the bathroom and pull out the clothes, I take off the towel around me and slide off  my underwear and put the pinstriped Skirt on and the matching corset and thongs I check the bag to find a pair of 6inch black heels I put my hair into a bun and walk out of the bathroom Yuki has his back to me I put my hand on the post of the bed .
Pheonix " hay lover boy let me see your face."
He turns around and in two long strides he's body is inches from mine he places his index finger underneath my chin and tilts my head back slightly.
Yuki Arisugawa " oh Jesus baby . For one night only I'll give you whatever you want."
He pulls a remote from his pocket and presses a button and music surrounds us like a glove.
Yuki Arisugawa " you can scream out in pleasure this room is soundproof."
Pheonix " on your knees lover boy."
Yuki does as I ask and I lift my foot on to his shoulder signaling him to touch me, his hand glide up my leg and pulls back his hand for just a second and sucks his fingers he then slides past my clit and slides his fingers inside of me, his other hand removes my foot from his shoulder and he stands as he thrusts his fingers into me the other hand cups my buttcheek he lays his lips over my clivage and kisses the top of my breast the hand that was on my buttcheek slide up my back he places his lips between my breasts and sucks hard on my skin.
Yuki Arisugawa " I want to make you cum let me."
I give him the Nod and he straps my wrists against the posts as he places me between them both of his hands slide up my legs and he pulls my underwear off he stands up and walks to the draw and pulls out a blindfold and comes back over to me and slides on the blindfold he drops to his knees and puts my legs around his shoulders and places his mouth over my pussy, as he starts off slow savouring the tast he slides his finger inside me .
Pheonix " oh baby I cant hold on any longer."
Yuki Arisugawa " then give it to me."
As I let go drenching him with my cum, I shudder on his shoulders. He stands up and undoes the straps and turns me around bending me over the bed as he slides himself into me he grips my hips and thrusts into me .
Yuki Arisugawa " are you that sensitive after them vibrating thongs."
Pheonix " uh huh I'm gonna explode."
Yuki Arisugawa " you do realise if I cum now I will make sure to punish you tomorrow."
Pheonix "uh huh please give it to me ."
He starts trusting harder as I gush making my self spill down my legs and he cums with me . He slides his hand over my chest and pulls me to him .
Pheonix " I love you ."
Yuki Arisugawa " i love you too. Would you like me to take you to bed."
Pheonix " please darling." Yuki lifts me into his arms arms and carries me up to our room and quickly shower and climb into bed. He walks into the twins room leaving the door open. I hear them whisper.
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke I'm trusting you . I'll allow you to take that magical fruit. But Pheonix can't ever know that I allowed this. If it does work then we get Ghost to pleasure
Pheonix." Eisuke " take it and I'll see you in the morning. If she does find out we both will be in a lot of trouble."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll let you fuck my wife using my body. But when we switch back I never want to talk about it again."
I end up dropping off and forgetting there conversation. I feel Yuki climb into bed and kisses the back of my neck as he whispers.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I love you so much."
I wake up as the sun shines through the balcony doors and I hear my twins crying, I turn over a kiss Yuki and get up I walk into the twins room and see
Eisuke. Pheonix " good morning Eisuke I thought you'd be in bed."
Eisuke " I'm fine , the girls are up and lively, Mercedes saying something about going into the recording studio in the basement."
I kiss Eisuke on the forehead and kiss Riku and take Bleu from his cot and head downstairs, I find Mercedes in the recording studio with Ghost.
Pheonix " what's this ." Ghost " oh your awake no hangover."
Pheonix " what ?. Oh no I'm fine."
I head back upstairs and I pass Eisuke on the stairs.
Eisuke " yuki's with Riku."
Feeling strange I watch Eisuke walk down stairs , he looks at me and then disappears. I walk into the twins room and Yuki is changing Riku.
Pheonix " baby there's something wrong with Eisuke, did he eat something or has he had a fight with Ghost."
Yuki Arisugawa " I couldn't tell you but I'm sure everything will be alright."
He walks over to me and puts his palm on my cheek pulling me to look at him and he smiles he kisses me and leaves the room. I get a text and it's Ghost.
Ghost " Pheonix Dollie and Keith have offered to look after the twins, Kazuomi and Yuzuru will look after the older children. Me you and Yuki and Eisuke are going somewhere so get dressed."
Keith comes in a takes Bleu and hugs me.
Prince Keith " everything alright Pheonix."
Pheonix " yeah Eisuke and Yuki are acting weird."
He leaves the room and I take a shower and get dressed I go downstairs and Ghost pulls my hand and pulls me out side the house, she pushes me into the car and she gets into the front, I lay on Yuki's lap and fall back off to sleep. Yuki kisses my face and I wake up as  i sit up I catch Eisuke looking at me in the mirror.
Pheonix " what is wrong with you two today, omg Ghost I think I drank too much, I don't remember a fucking thing omg. Yuki did we as I can't remember."
Yuki Arisugawa " we did baby , it's alright if you forgot.You looked sober last night."
I get out of the car and ghost pulls me into the hotel and into the penthouse. I go and make a drink and try a figure out what happened last night when Yuki pulls me into his arms. Eisuke envelopes Ghost and looks straight at me .
Pheonix " you know what ever is going on I will figure it out right now I can't put my finger on it . But I swear to god if you have done something I'm killing you both."
Ghost " they seem fine to me Pheonix come let me help you relax."
She makes me a drink and I go lay onto the sofa and put in my earphones and turn up the music I fall asleep on my front and don't hear anything I only hear Ghost.
Ghost " omg Pheonix is never like this , she said this morning something didn't feel right Eisuke , Yuki I really hope she's wrong. But usually she's been right with her superstition's ."
I feel Ghost slide her hand up my leg and she pulls off my underwear Yuki wakes me and sits me onto his lap Ghost unbutton's my shirt and pulls me forward and Yuki unclips my bra , he pulls me back into his chest and starts kissing my neck Ghost spreads my legs and burys he face into my pussy as the pressure starts to build up my hand grips yuki's hair. I watch Eisuke watching Ghost and Yuki pleasure me.
Ghost " lets see how Eisuke response I what to see him submit to you Pheonix."
I start laughing .
Pheonix " my memory maybe a little hazy but I remember saying something about I bet I could get Eisuke to bark like a dog."
Eisuke starts laugh and responds.
Eisuke " never , I'm not a dog."
I reach for his hand and let out a laugh.
Pheonix " Eisuke I want you next to Ghost on your Knees right now."
After I order him he does as I ask and I end up cumin as I grip Yuki's hair tighter.. I get off Yuki and push Eisuke with my foot and Ghost sits on his lap as I get between there legs I place my face over Ghost's pussy when I feel Yuki's mouth on mine as he grips my hips as Ghost is about to cum I sit up over Yuki's face and start riding him .
Pheonix " Eisuke bend your knee for me."
I rest my hand onto his knee and I start fingering Ghost's just as I'm about to cum Yuki stops and slides in his fingers as I cry out in pleasure Ghost starts falling apart she laces her fingers into my hair and pulls me back to her Pussy. She explodes over my face. Yuki comes out from underneath me and gets me onto the sofa and Eisuke does the same with Ghost , Yuki places his face between my legs and every time he can feel me on the edge he stops as I start dripping cum all over the floor. Eisuke pleasures Ghost and Ghost pushes Yukis head slightly and slides her fingers over my dripping we pussy and slides her fingers into Eisuke's mouth.
Pheonix " Ghost really, two can play that game." I slide my fingers into her and Yuki sucks my fingers. Yuki makes me explode with his tongue and slides of his trousers. Eisuke takes Ghost into another room and Yuki lays on his back and pulls me onto him and slides inside of me he grips my hips and I start rocking, I start hearing Eisuke and Ghost and the end up cumin. 
Yuki Arisugawa " cum for me baby."
I end up falling apart on him and he cums inside me and wraps his arms around me and we fall to the floor. I hear Ghost and Eisuke come out of the room.
Eisuke " would you two like a drink."
Pheonix " give us a minute."
Out of breath I lay my head on Yuki's chest, waiting my our hearts to slow.
Pheonix " Yuki what's wrong with your heart rate it's not slowing ."
As I lift my face over his I see something different in his eyes I get off him and walk over to Eisuke.
Pheonix " something is definitely not right , sorry Yuki you can scream at me as much as you want."
I grab the back of Eisuke's neck and I place my other hand on his heart beat and passionately kiss him and his hands glide up my back. I pull back and see the twinkle in Eisuke's eyes . I end up punching Eisuke so hard in his face he loses his balance, I walk over to Yuki and use all my strength to punch him he ends up falling into the sofa.
Pheonix " I don't believe you would do this to me Yuki."
I grab my clothes and take a shower and get dressed  and call Eito .
Eito" mum what's wrong."
Pheonix " come pick me up at dads hotel."
Eito " sure thing mum I won't be long."
I walk out of the room and grab my jacket as I reach the door.
Pheonix " Eisuke me and you are best friends. Yuki your the love of my life . Ghost I know you fucking know."
Ghost " I did and to be honest I enjoyed every bit of it. In time you'll understand."
Pheonix " Fuck the lot of you."
Just as I grab the handle to walk out my knees give way and I drop to the floor.
Eisuke (Yuki)" this isn't good. "
Yuki (Eisuke)" Yuki I'm so so sorry."
Eisuke comes to my side and lifts me into his arms.
Pheonix " omg I can't breathe."
Eisuke rips open my shirt and places his hand on my chest.
Eisuke (Yuki)" Ghost in her bag she has our heart monitors ."
Ghost grabs the monitors and sticks them on me and Yuki.
Eisuke (Yuki)" Eisuke I need you to come here now this is what I was worried about."
Ghost attacthes the heart monitor to him. Eisuke grabs Yuki's hand and places it on my chest and Eisuke lifts me up and places me onto Yuki's lap.
Eisuke (Yuki) " what have I done. Baby I'm so so sorry. Both hearts are inline now."
Pheonix " how long does this magical fruit really last."
Yuki (Eisuke )"24-48 hours. And we took them around about the time you girls went into pandora."
Pheonix " Ghost i get it I really do but you three should of asked me first , Oh Yuki I know I agreed for you to do this. But can you understand now why I didn't want to try it. Ghost I'm glad you're wish come true you got my Yuki."
Eisuke (Yuki)" Pheonix your right we should of spoke about this."
Eito walks in and I go home with him when Yuki speaks.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I'm truly sorry."
Eisuke " I am too."
Pheonix " right now I just want to be left alone. I'm going home I need to be with my Children and I really don't care what you three do."
Eito takes my hand and we leave the hotel, we arrive home and I hear a voice singing.
Eito " that's Cedes she's in the recording room."
I kiss Eito and he'd for Mercedes and she's signing away hands cupping her headphones with her eyes closed bobbing her head to the beat signing one of Ghost clients song . I press the button and speak to Mercedes.
Pheonix " Baby you're really good."
Mercedes " mum sing with me."
Pheonix " I'll have to hear it first."
She comes into the room flips a few switches and I hear the music.
Mercedes " please mum sing it with me ."
I walk into the room and slide on the head phone's .
Mercedes " Uncle Yuzuru I need you to flip that turn that and press record."
She walks into the booth and puts her headphones on again she cups them and she starts swaying. Yuki and Eisuke come running in and Yuzuru stops them . Yuzuru accidentally flips the wrong switch and me and Mercedes hear everything.
Yuzuru Shiba " Yuki your a fucking asshole, Pheonix needed to know everything yet you failed. Your lucky I don't knock you out . The only thing stopping me is Mercedes being in the same room. And Eisuke you realise Pheonix doesn't have them sort of feeling's for you. The issue she will have now is knowing that your mind fucked her ."
Eisuke " right now she looks fuming."
Yuki Arisugawa " you realise I won't be allowed in my bed tonight."
Yuzuru Shiba " I'm sorry you brought it on yourself. And right now Pheonix is having quality time with Mercedes as you can see."
Ghost " Pheonix will kill you both you do understand."
Mercedes " mum what happened today."
I wrap her into my Arms.
Pheonix " its nothing to worry about Daddy and Eisuke tried a forbidden peace of fruit. Let's sing this song okay."
I see Dollie head in with Riku. She comes in and places Riku in my arms, she shuts the door behind her and she slaps Yuki and Eisuke around their face. I cover Mercedes eyes to prevent her from seeing what just unfolded.
Dollie " Dad you realise mum is gonna fucking kill you. OMG!. Didn't we all agree that we would speak to mum first . Eisuke I can't believe you got around dad. Dad is mum's world and you both do something this fucking sly. I admit I wanted to try it but I'd already spoke with Keith about it. But you both Really took the fucking piss out of mum and I hope she fucking hurts you both."
Ghost " they already have black eyes, wow Pheonix can really throw a punch."
Dollie " I'm glad , mum isn't finished with either of you."

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