Mothers day in two day's. Chapter 20

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Yuki Arisugawa " repeat the last bit I wasn't sure I heard you."
I pull my self to my knees and place my lips near his ear.
Pheonix " I'd like another baby."
Yuki Arisugawa " really?."
Pheonix " absolutely. You never know I may just have one child. What do you think."
Yuki Arisugawa " I can never say no to you Pheonix, after Mother's Day it will be your birthday and ive booked 2 weeks in the carribean."
Pheonix " the carribean huh !. Please tell me it's Barbados."
Yuki Arisugawa " actually yes how did you know."
Pheonix " I received an email about something about it but wasn't 💯 % sure."
Yuki Arisugawa " well will be leaving the day before your birthday and it will just be me and you. I need some alone time with my Queen. Eisuke and Ghost are coming too, Wilfred has agreed to watch the children."
Pheonix " my Yuki you really know how to be romantic."
I kiss his lips and give him back his laptop and I fall back to sleep. I wake in the night and find Ghost in the kitchen.
Pheonix " Ghost you really don't look so good."
Ghost " do you remember when you gave us more embryos. Well they fertilised them with Eisuke's sperm , and for some unknown reason I'm bleeding."
Without hesitation I pull ghost to her feet and we walk to the car , I drive her to Tiaga's house. We let our selfs in , ghost sits down and I find Taiga
Pheonix " hey Tiaga I'm leaving ghost in your hands , ring me when you find out what is causing her to bleed."
I kiss ghost's forehead and drive home, and I Find Eito in the lounge. I sit on the sofa and he starts talking.
Eito " mum I wouldn't have to do anything at palace when I become of age, would I."
Pheonix " no I told Eisuke that you and your siblings need to experience life as a normal child, not like prince's."
Eito " that's good . Oh yes don't go to far on In the morning will you."
Pheonix " I'm planning on staying in bed , Why?."
Eito gets up and stops in the arch way from the lounge.
Eito " it's a surprise. So don't go far promise."
I give him a hug, and walk into the kitchen to smell cigarette smoke Yuki is smoking in the laundry room..
Pheonix " Yuki baby seriously you really need to give up smoking."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby don't give me that look. And since when has my smoking bothered you , I smoke it in here."
Pheonix " I think something is seriously wrong with Ghost."
Yuki Arisugawa " since she had yours and Eisuke's test tube baby put into her she's had nothing but problems, her fatigue is off the chart , she's not eating hardly anything."
I wrap my arms around Yuki.
Pheonix " I remember a patient who had everything ghost had and she died . I'd be lost with out my extra side kick ."
Yuki Arisugawa " don't worry too much , come let's go back to bed."
I climb into bed and Yuki pulls his tattooing case out from underneath the bed.
Yuki Arisugawa " I brought a neon colour plus I can add it to the faded colour, which will make it pop."
I give him a nod and he gets everything out and ready, when there is a knock on the door.
Yuki Arisugawa " come in."
Yuki starts colouring the faded part when Eisuke comes in and looks over Yuki's shoulder.
Eisuke " Pheonix, Tiaga called. I need to ask you something."
Pheonix " what?."
Eisuke " if this pregnancy fails , ghost wants you to carry for her."
I look at Yuki and Yuki looks at me and carries on.
Pheonix " Eisuke I told you 15 years ago that I wouldn't do it again. I'm sorry I love you both so much but you don't seem to understand. I've been away for a year I've missed my babies especially Yuki. And I know ghost will be alright Tiaga will take good care of her but it means she'll have tests but she'll be fine."
Eisuke sits on the bed and watches Yuki.
Eisuke " Yuki you really like using Pheonix as you canvass don't you."
Yuki Arisugawa " it's just a touch up, oh yes Pheonix talking about tattoos I got the email. Why that side ."
Pheonix " because that side is free."
Eisuke looks a little confused so I start explaining.
Pheonix " I'm wanting a pair of devils wings."
Eisuke pulls my top up over my breasts, and lightly drags his index finger over my skin.
Eisuke " the Pheonix that takes up one side of your body, adding devil wings here won't match."
He lightly touches my hip on my right side and his finger stops under my breast. I throw Yuki a look and he moves his hands I climb to my knees infront of Eisuke my fingers lace through his hair and I yank his head back.
Pheonix " Eisuke how many times does Yuki tell you."
He starts laughing playfully.
Pheonix " the last time you had permission, now I'm going to let this slide solely because I love you and Ghost but the next time you decide to touch me again, I will have to brake your hands understand me."
I can see him swallow in fear , and he moves and falls to the floor taking me with him.Yuki lifts me up and Before Eisuke leaves Yuki speaks.
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke we've been good friends for 10 years. I'm very possessive of my wife's body. Pheonix won't need to brake your hands cause the next time I will shoot you. It doesn't hurt to ask , plus in 2 days time we're leaving for Barbados. Don't piss Pheonix off again."
I lay back in bed and Yuki puts his tattoos equipment away. He gets between my legs and lays his head on my breasts .
Yuki Arisugawa " the children have a surprise for you in the morning they spent months doing it."
I lace my fingers into his hair and we fall asleep, the sun has risen and we hear the door smash off the wall.
Jean " yo Phe happy mummy's day."
He climbs into the bed and Yuki quickly covers my breast with his hand. Jean climbs on to Yuki's back and he's face is in mine. All the children fall into the room .
Eito " mum any chance Yuki can get off you , we have gifts for you."
Yuki Arisugawa " best you close your eyes for a second."
Dollie grabs Jean of yuki's back and Yuki gives me his top, I slide it on and the children sit on the bed . Eito gives me a box and inside that holds a photo of us , Eito smiles and I pull him into my arms.
Eito " I love you mum and of course I have something for Ghost too.
River comes over and kisses my cheek and hands me a ring box.
River " mum this cost me and Eito all our pocket money."
Eisuke " more like the bank of dad."
I open the box and the ring says mum with diamonds. Glen looks a little shy.
Pheonix " aww glen would you like me to see you gift when these all leave."
He nods and wraps his arms around his dad. When I look up I can see yuki's double.
I open Coco's and it's a locket with pictures of all of them.
Coco " mum uncle Wilfred helped me ."
Storm and Yuki give me a bracelet.
Storm and Yuki " dad had to help , but they spelt Pheonix wrong."
They practically fall ontop of me hugging me.
Jean comes running in with his and it's a drawing saying my phe is fantastic.
Pheonix" I love all my gifts but would you all go eat breakfast so I can look at glens gift."
They fall out the room and I open glens and it's a Pheonix anklet. I pull him into my arms
.Glen " mum everywhere you go you'll have a piece of me with you."
Looking confused, Yuki speaks .
Yuki Arisugawa " the Pheonix holds a little heart inside it contains glens hair and his first tooth."
Still wrapped around Glen tears full from my eyes. Glen wipes them with his fingers. And leaves the room. Dollie and Keith walk in.
Prince Keith " Dollie was pretty stumped on what to get you , and it took weeks to get it right."
Dollie wraps her arms around me and whispers.
Dollie " mum . Me and Keith brought you something but it's out side."
She pulls me out of bed and out side of the house to find a brand new car.
Pheonix " Dollie this is too much."
Dollie " I don't care , the licence plate says Pheonix and it's your favourite colour."
I see Ghost walking up the path and she wraps me into her .
Ghost " the bleeding has stopped I'm expecting twins."
Pheonix " Jesus girl Eisuke is gonna die."
She disappears into the house as well as Dollie and Keith. Yuki embraces me from behind and whispers.
Yuki Arisugawa " would you like yours now or later."
I turn and face him and he rests his forehead on mine.
Pheonix " I have you that's all my heart ever needs."
Yuki Arisugawa " really baby i already own your heart, I've got something special."
Pheonix " then give it to me later , I just want to be in these arms of yours."
Yuki Arisugawa " Baileys Pheonix River Arisugawa. I love you so fucking much."
He removes his arms from me and places his hand in mine and pulls me into the house, Ghost receives the same gifts I did. And Eisuke is crying. I pull him into my arms.
Eisuke " Pheonix I'm so overjoyed right now."
Pheonix " I know , shocking isn't it."
Eisuke " I don't think my heart can take any more excitement."
I kiss his cheek and wipe his tears before the boys mess with his emotions. We sit and eat breakfast. Yuki speaks.
Yuki Arisugawa " as your all aware me , Pheonix, Eisuke and Ghost will be going on holiday tomorrow so I expect you all to be on your good behaviour. You're grandparents will be helping Wilfred. So go easy on them."
Prince Glen " what the hell dad , why are you keeping mum to yourself."
Yuki Arisugawa " Glen she's my wife, you lot still saw your mother when she was at the palace.i was lucky to get phone calls. And Glen your always going to be a mummy's boy."
Glen " aggg shut up dad."
Eito " Glen don't worry I'm a mummy's boy too."
River " haha , your both weird."
Eisuke " River don't make fun of your brothers."
I leave everyone to there own devices and pack mine and yuki's case ready to leave tomorrow, as I'm zippering it up I feel a pair of lips kissing my neck a pair of hand holding out gifts , in one hand is a chocker that says Yuki's on it and a paper bag with coloured tissue paper spilling from the top of the bag, I take the bag and I feel the old chocker being moved and the new one in place. Yuki turns me around once the padlock has clicked into place.
Yuki Arisugawa " I know you loved your old one but I figured you would like a new one."
I feel the new one and it feels a lot lighter then the old one. I open the paper bag and pull out sexy underwear inside.
Yuki Arisugawa " I want you too pack that in our case ."
Pheonix " since this is a holiday why is Eisuke, Ghost and Soryu joining us."
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke has brought a new hotel and is allowing us to stay in the second penthouse. And Soryu is your bodyguard, when we get back me, Eisuke and Keith have agreed to having bodyguards in place for the children."
I move closer into Yuki and wrap my arms around him.
Pheonix " baby could I take a few hours sleep, with dealing with Ghost last night I feel shattered."
Yuki lays his lips on me and walks me to the bed and we fall to the mattress.
Yuki Arisugawa "No , I've not seen you for a year so I'm going to enjoy every moment with you."
His hand slides underneath his top cupping my breast, he then pulls of the top and his mouth sucks my nipple , he pulls me to my feet and into the bathroom. The tub is fall with hot water and I smell jasmine and hibcus . Yuki lifts me and puts me into the tub. He kicks off his pj bottoms and climbs into the tub and pulls me into him and we enjoy a nice hot soak when that door smashes off the wall.
.Jean" yo phe can I get in the bath with you."
He comes into the bathroom and pulls his little foot stool from the cupboard and places it near the tub and stands onto it. And he's face appears over the tub.
Jean" gramps I wanted to bath with my phe. Get out the tub."
Yuki Arisugawa " Jean this is mine and Phe's time . Maybe another time."
Too late he climbs into the bath and falls into my back.
Pheonix " Jean Scorpio Alford so much for a quite time with Yuki."
Jean " phe why do I have these long names."
He lays across my back when I give him his answer.
Pheonix " when mummy was pregnant with you , daddy wanted to call you Pheonix-River Eisuke. But I delivered you and mummy said I could name you. So Jean of arc is someone I studied back in college, Scorpio is a God of punishments ,so I gave you these names because there strong and your character proves that on a daily basis. Your stubborn, you like things done your own way . And you need to get off my back."
Dollie " Jesus Jean what the hell boy , sorry mum he loves his baths."
She lifts Jean out of the tub and wraps him in a towel and leaves .
Yuki Arisugawa " sorry darling, I was hoping to help you relax. But looks like will have to do it on holiday."
I kiss him and climb out of the tub and wrap a towel around me . Yuki kisses me and drops the towel.
Yuki Arisugawa " god you look so fine . I see your ab muscles are still strong and your breasts still drive me crazy."
I kiss his neck and suck his ear.
Pheonix " mmn Yuki my king are you trying to woo me."
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck yes , I've been seducing for years. This body still gets me going. I wish I could make it law that my Queen was naked on a daily basis. But there's eyes around and children."
Pheonix " Yuki if we're staying in the second penthouse then I'll give you this naked goddess when the doors are closed. Would that satisfy you."
He growls in my ear and pushes me on the bed on my front.
Pheonix " Yuki what are you doing."
He pulls a pulls a silk ribbon from underneath the bed and ties my wrists, and blindfolds me . I feel his tongue run up my spine sending shockwaves to my core. I open my legs for him.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby this is going to have to be a quickie as you never know when Jean will come running in. And I have considered your request."
I instantly feel the differents when he slides into me , and he starts thrusting hard into me making me scream out in ecstasy.
Pheonix " fuck Yuki you feel so good."
Yuki Arisugawa " I can feel you cumin your such a naughty girl, I'll punish you when we arrive in Barbados."
Pheonix " oh ooo baby. "
He releases into me and we can hear running and shouting.
Dollie " Jean get back here. God your such a cheeky monkey."
Yuki climbs off my and pulls the ribbon and we wrap out selfs in the towel.
Jean " I'm coming in ."
Yuki grabs his clothes and steps into the bathroom. And I pull out some underwear and a dress to wear.
Pheonix " Jean you really need to listen to mummy."
Dollie pulls him out the room and I throw myself on to the bed. Yuki pears in my face.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I know your not satisfied I will make it up to you."
I pull him ontop of me.
Pheonix " then stay here."
Yuki Arisugawa " I wish I could. But I have to go to the office."
Pheonix " on a Sunday, come on Yuki don't do this to me."
Yuki Arisugawa " sleep for a bit . I'll be back soon okay."
I decided not to get dressed I put yuki's top back on and get into bed I can smell yuki's scent over the bedsheets which helps me drift off. I hear Ghosts alarm go off from the next room and I pull my phone from the table and see 3am. And a text from Yuki.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll be waiting on the plane. Now get that beautiful body out of bed."
I walk into the bathroom and get washed and dressed and leave the bedroom Soryu, Eisuke and ghost are waiting outside for me .
Mother " Pheonix my darling girl, have some fun and for godsakes relax . You was always walking on glass when you was at the palace, the difference this time your not working."
She pulls me into her arms and kisses my hair . And I leave not wanting to travel with Eisuke, Ghost and Soryu. I climb my bike and head for the private airport, I pull up outside the plane and board the plane when I see Yuki and he is a sleep and gripping a file , I pull it from his hand and open it when I see what's inside. My eyes go wide and I feel Eisuke place his hand on my shoulder and take a look.
Eisuke " damn yuki's in trouble."
Pheonix " you know about this."
Eisuke " sorry Pheonix but we are allowed some secrets you know."
I slide the file into my bag and place my lips on yuki's.
Yuki Arisugawa " mmmn baby ."
I pull away and sit down opposite him and he slides a finger down my leg giving me his seductive eyes and pulls my feet onto his knees and massages my ankles.
Ghost " here we go again. Excuse me miss."
Air stewardess"yes Mrs Ichinomiya, what is it."
Ghost " could I have a glass of Jameson please."
Eisuke " that's not happening, I don't care of your fear of flying you not drinking alcohol."
Ghost " that's not for me I want Pheonix to drink it so I can taste if from her."
I unbuckle my seatbelt and go to a next seat and Yuki follows.
Pheonix " sorry ghost but I'm not drinking at this time plus I hate Jameson ."
Me and Yuki sit in a double seat and once's were in the air Yuki undoes the belt and presses a switch and the chair lays bag he pulls me intop of him and the air stewardess covers us in a blanket. We drop off to sleep. 9 hours later the stuidess wakes Yuki.
Air stewardess " your Majesty were about to land and her highnesses needs to buckle up."
Yuki nods and he's fingers caress my face.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix wake up baby ,"
I wake up and I climb of Yuki and sit next to him. We arrive and there's a car and a bike ready to take us to the hotel.I climb on the bike and Yuki whispers something to Eisuke and Yuki climbs onto the bike and we speed off , we arrive at the hotel before the others and there at the desk waiting is Sean . I run over to him and wrap my arms around him .
Pheonix " oh Sean J what brings you here."
Sean J" your Yuki told me da other day an asked me to join ya. Any way I'm touring so this is perfect."
Pheonix " Sean J I'm on holiday not singing."
Sean J " yo listen to me first , it's your birthday tomorrow yes and I wrote a new song and I want ya to sing it for me ."
I look at Yuki feeling a little gobsmacked and he smiles and shakes Sean's hand while my arms are still wrapped around him.
Sean J" there's no thinking I want ya to do it . Plus Yuki helped wid the lyrics, so imma gonna leave ya . See ya tomorrow. And seeing dat this is my mum's home turf she would luv to see ya!. And hear that banging voice of yours."
I pull away from him and give Yuki a stern look.
Yuki Arisugawa " oh stop , I had to get you here some how."
Pheonix " and what song did you a Sean J write when I was away then."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm keeping quiet. Sean J will give you the lyrics on stage tomorrow. Plus I also have a surprise."
He pulls me to the right of the hotel and we stand infront of a lift. When it arrives Yuki blindfold's me and enters a code . When the elevator stops, he lifts me into his arms and carries me into the penthouse. I Reach for the blindfold.
Yuki Arisugawa " don't not yet."
He kicks the door open with his foot and whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " before you slip of the blindfold I want you to remember the fist night you gave me your body."
Pheonix " oh Yuki how can I forget. That night was special."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix what ever we've been through we have done it together."
Feeling overwhelmed by his shaky voice I slide off the blindfold fold and the room I'm standing in is like the old room I was in when I was kidnapped the difference is I'm in a different country.
Yuki Arisugawa " you asked me to show you my past . But I was so consumed with love for you I closed that part of my life off. So I'm going to ask you again."
He puts me to my feet and bends on one knee and holds my hand.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I want to show you a little bit of my past . I promise you I will not hurt you in anyway. Just open your self up for ecstasy and pleasure, can you do that for me."
I fall to my knees and lace my fingers into his hair and pull his head back. I look into his eyes and I see love and passion.
Pheonix " then show me ."
I'm wearing a button dress and he rips is open buttons flying everywhere he takes my bra off and slides my underwear off I'm standing naked in front of him he pulls me to the wall and cuffs my wrists above my head and ankles. He walks to a tall dresser and pulls out a few things and walks back over, he slides a silk blindfold over my eyes .
Yuki Arisugawa " if it gets too much I want a safe word."
Pheonix " my King ."
Yuki Arisugawa " very well my King it is."
He bits my skin and instantly my body responds, I feel a little pain on my nipples.
Yuki Arisugawa " these don't hurt do they."
Pheonix " a little but it's alright."
I feel a leather whip and he smacks my thigh. Making me gasp. He brings his lips to my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " did you like that."
I nod. And he smacks me again.
Yuki Arisugawa " I didn't hear you."
I smile .
Pheonix " y-yes I did."
His falls to his knees and his hair tickles my leg makings me giggle.
Yuki Arisugawa " what's so funny."
I feel his teeth drag down my pelvis and he sucks hard .
Pheonix " oooh "
I then feel a toy between my legs and this is sucking my clit. As I pull on the straps I feel Yuki's lips kissing my inner thigh.
Pheonix " Yuki I cant hold on ."
He stands up keeping the toy in place. And he kisses my neck.
Yuki Arisugawa " is it too much . You only have to tell me them words."
Pheonix " OOOOH . Never I'm gonna cum."
My body shakes and he pulls the toy breathing is harsh and I can feel him smiling on my skin. He places the toy back and carries on my body shakes again.
Yuki Arisugawa " oh baby I can tell your loving this , I'm gonna keep you from cumin. Until you scream at me ."
Pheonix " your loving this . I need to touch you."
He doesn't undo the straps but he removes his clothes I feel his chest on me and he burys his face into my neck.
Yuki Arisugawa " of course I'm loving this , I get to pleasure my wife."
I feel his tongue over my nipples making me cry out , every time I'm close he pulls back my juice's run down my thighs .
Yuki Arisugawa " oh baby you're so fucking wet."
He allows me to throw my head onto his shoulder. Then pulls his body away. He undoes one ankle strap and runs his tongue on the inside of my leg.
Yuki Arisugawa " oooh baby you taste so goddamn good too."
The back on my leg Yuki puts over his shoulder and I feel his lips move towards my pussy.
Yuki Arisugawa " now my darling, I'm going to put my tongue over your clit . If you cum your in serious trouble understand."
Pheonix " yes ."
He lightly touches my clit with his tongue and my teeth start rattling.
Pheonix " ooooooh oooooooooh god Yuki."
My whole body really shakes he undoes the other strap on my ankle making me sit on his shoulders and face.
Pheonix " omg Yuki I really cannot hold of."....

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