3 pregnant women ans there men do everything. Chapter 14

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Eisuke " Yuki would you ever take up a job drawing."
Yuki Arisugawa " no Pheonix wanted these tattoos so not only did I design them but I even did 6months of tattooing class , being that the Pheonix being so big I didn't want another guy touching Pheonix. And ghost before you ask the answer is no I will not be touching your body just because you want a tattoo."
(3 months pass )
I climb out of bed and walk into the kitchen to see Ghost and Dollie.
Pheonix " what are you two doing up."
Dollie " I wanted ice cream and chips ."
Ghost " chips ."
Pheonix " Dollie that's my ice cream."
Dollie " since when."
Pheonix " taste it and find out ,Eisuke made it for me."
Dollie " ahh fuck me mum it's got alcohol in it."
Pheonix " I ain't touching that you got chips in it."
I make my self a drink and pull out the squirty cream, as I spray it into my mouth I hear ghost cursing me.
Ghost " your mother is dirty with her cravings."
Pheonix " Ghost don't make me spray some in your mouth."
I sit at the table and we talk about baby names .
Dollie " well I'm having a boy so I want to call him after his father Keith jr."
Pheonix " you have always been to simple. Why don't you call him Jean , it's French and I think Keith would like it too."
Ghost " well my little girl is having her godmother's name ."
Pheonix " you can't be serious."
Ghost " since when do I joke about . I'm calling her Baileys and that's that."
Pheonix " ahh Fine if that's what you really feel."
Dollie " well what are you naming the twins."
Pheonix " I haven't decided, plus I'm having girls so I'm undecided on Snow and storm."
Ghost starts laughing.
Ghost " and Yuki is agreeing to this ."
Pheonix " he doesn't know yet , anyway I thought we was sharing our ideas."
Dollie holds her hands up in defeat and Ghost just laughs it off.
Pheonix " you girls are not being fair , Dollie your due 2weeks after us right why don't you get induced."
Dollie " already booked it so don't worry."
I take my glass and put it in the dishwasher and leave the room feeling restless I walk into the room next to the kitchen, I sit down and play the piano when I feel hands around my bump.
Pheonix " good morning Yuki."Yuki Arisugawa " can't sleep huh?."Pheonix " no I have a mad craving that just won't go away."
Yuki Arisugawa " what is it and I'll make sure to get it for you."
Pheonix " mmm Ghost's cum."
Yuki Arisugawa " why didn't you ask her."
Pheonix " not while Dollie is in ear shot, I'm not that brave ."
Yuki pulls his hands from my bump and sits next to me and he plays along side me. I look down at my bump to see another pair of hands .
Pheonix " didn't I tell you to keep your hands to yourself."
Yuki looks at Eisuke.Yuki Arisugawa " she's the boss not me."
Eisuke " she was like this with the boys, I wasn't allowed to touch her tummy."
Eisuke pulls away , and places a box infront of me . I open the box to find 2 pairs of pink booties.
Pheonix " Eisuke I love them thank you. But shouldn't you be showering Ghost with gifts."
Eisuke " she was the one who picked them out."
I stand up from the stool and go upstairs I take a shower and get dressed and come back down and Yuki is in his office talking to someone, I walk in and sit on the desk infront of him he lifts up my top and rubs my tummy, the babies start to kick.
Yuki Arisugawa " do I really need to come to the office and show you lot how it's done."
Eager to hear the conversation I take the receiver and press loud speaker.
Manager " these computers either need up grading or replaced."
Yuki Arisugawa " they was replaced, someone obviously can't use them properly if there all crashing."
Pheonix " hold up who would be messing with them , let me bring in someone I know and trust."
Manager " Pheonix that would be a great help."
Pheonix " I will call you when I get a definite answer."
He hangs up and I dial a number.
Takuto " Pheonix you do know I'm 6 hours behind."
Pheonix " yeah I do , you want to work for me ."
Takuto " doing what."
Pheonix " well it means you won't be apart of the black fox's, but Yuki installed hi-tech computers and some fucker has caused a major crash."
Takuto " I'd love to , thanks girl I owe you one."
Pheonix " you'll be allowed to use our private plane , a company car and a very nice wage and a place to live."
Takuto " I'll see you tomorrow then. Thanks Pheonix."
I hang up and Yuki kisses my tummy.
Pheonix " Yuki as much as I love you , we work together so next time let me have my input okay."
Yuki Arisugawa " I didnt want you to do so much, you have 3 months left and I don't want anything to happen."
I hear Dollie and Keith argue , I sigh and walk out the office.
Pheonix " Keith what did you promise me ."
Prince Keith " sorry Pheonix, Dollie wants to call our son after me but I think your idea is better it's unique."
Pheonix " fucksake I know away around this. Yuki, Eisuke kitchen now."
I find a tub and I hand out a small peice of paper to everyone and pens.
Pheonix " Dollie everyone will write a name screw the paper into a ball and will let Wilfred pick a name . What ever is on the paper will be the name of your son yes."
Dollie " Fine."
I write Yuki and screw the paper into a ball. Wilfred hugs me from behind.
Pheonix " right everyone done yes."
I shake the tub and I lift the lid and Wilfred pulls out a ball of paper.
Prince Wilfred " wow really."
Pheonix" what show me"
He puts the paper infront of me .
Pheonix " who the fuck wrote this no fucking way am I calling my grandson that , that's a kick in the teeth to me and Eisuke."
Dollie " I did ."
Pheonix " Wilfred please choose again."He unwraps it and shows me.
Pheonix " that's a mouthful, Fine River-Phoenix Eisuke."Pheonix "
Keith this is your handwriting, Dollie you okay with this."
Dollie " yeah I'm good."
Pheonix " I got to ask Dollie, why Riki ."
Dollie " because he was always nice to me despite what you think."
I walk out the room and Yuki pulls me into his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix it's just a name okay."
I nod and let him hold me Eisuke , Keith and Wilfred come out to find me and Yuki.
Prince Wilfred " these girls pregnancies need to run smoothly right . Well I suggest you all make sure you meet there needs even if you have to drive miles to find a store that's open I expect you all to run around for your girls."
Eito and River come downstairs rubbing there eyes.
Eito " mum I'm hungry."
River " yeah me too."
Prince Wilfred " what do you boys say to pancakes and syrup."
The boys go in the kitchen with Wilfred and I hear the twins waking up. I climb the stairs and open there door and walk in I reach for Mercedes and she screams at me.
Mercedes " I want Daddy."
I pick up little Glen and Yuki walks in and picks up Mercedes. I walk over to them and kiss her cheek and she puts her hand on my mouth to stop me , she changes her mind when I kiss Yuki.
Pheonix " Glen your going to be a big brother soon so your going to have to drink your milk from a beaker."
Little Glen " alright mummy."
Yuki Arisugawa " and Daddy is taking you to nursery today."
We walk downstairs and Glen sits in his chair while I make his breakfast and give him his milk.
Pheonix " Eito , River your both starting your new school today so me and your dad are taking you."
Eito " so Yuki isn't taking us."
Yuki Arisugawa " sorry dude but I have to drop the twins at nursery and go to the office, plus mum will fill me in later."
Ghost " if you're both doing that I'm going back to bed."
We all rush around getting things done and Eito is getting frustrated because he can't do his tie and won't let his father do it.
Eito " dad get off me , mum does her ties better."
I do his tie as well as Rivers, and Yuki is calling me to say goodbye to the twins, I head out to the car and kiss Glen and Mercedes and close the door and Yuki slides his hands over my bump and kisses it he lays his lips on mine.
Yuki Arisugawa " it would be nice to see you at the office. Only if you have the energy."
He climbs into the car and drives off .
Eisuke " Pheonix the boys are ready to leave ."
Pheonix " Dollie you got dance class this afternoon."
Dollie " mum , you and Ghost can dance right?."
Pheonix " Ghost can't do what we can."
Ghost " stop telling people what I can and can't do, I'll challenge you , when your done at work."
Dollie " ghost you better keep up then . I'd love to see you do the dance Choreography for Stormzy ft. Own it." 
I kiss Dollie's head I give a nod to ghost and grab the car keys and get into the car, the boys and Eisuke already waiting.We drive a few miles and pull up outside a private school, we get out and the boys kiss my cheek and they walk off , I get back into the car and wait for Eisuke. After 10 minutes he start walking back he gets into the car .
Eisuke " drop me off at the hotel, I'll call you when I'm finished."
Pheonix " alright then , I'm going to the office."
Eisuke kisses my cheek and gets out and I drive to the office, when I pull into the car park I see a new 2 sign that says " Pheonix Arisugawa  President of the company " "Yuki Arisugawa President of the company " I drive into the spot and climb out of the car I walk into the office and head up to the stairs .I see Yuki rubbing his face as I push the door open.
Pheonix " Yuki what is it."
Yuki Arisugawa " when is Takuto getting here ."
Pheonix " tomorrow why."
Yuki Arisugawa " I found the problem it's a virus."I walk over to the desk and see what's wrong on the screen, I feel Yuki's hand glide up the inside of my thigh. I type in a few things and the software pops up and I ask it to clean any spyware and phishing viruses. While it's doing that I turn around and Yuki is sliding of my underwear.
Pheonix " Yuki is there something you want."
Yuki Arisugawa " yes I want your pussy right here right now."
He gets up and closes the blinds and locks the door. He comes back and he lifts my skirt up and unbuttons my shirt he kisses my neck as he slides his fingers inside of me his lips find mine and the phone rings, he presses the loud speaker.
Yuki Arisugawa " yes Eisuke what is it, I'm in the middle of playing with my wife."
Eisuke " I found the contract you wanted . "
Yuki thrust his fingers into me .
Pheonix " uh ooo Yuki I'm gonna cum."
I see him smiling.Pheonix " Eisuke can we call you back."
Eisuke " sure."
Yuki presses the button and I hear a click. He pushes me onto the desk and he drops to his knees , I feel his tongue slide across my pussy . My legs start to shake .
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck Pheonix ready to cum already."
Pheonix " uh huh please let me ."
Yuki Arisugawa " not yet , I'm wanting to enjoy this it's been weeks since my face has been here."
Pheonix " oooo Oh YUKI. Please."
My hips rock into his face and he places his hand on my pelvis to stop me.
Pheonix " that's mean ahhhhhh ."
Yuki Arisugawa " how many times you reckon I can bring you to the edge before you can know longer take any more mmm."I can hear the satisfaction in his moans , I push myself up with my elbows and I can feel my self soaking his face.
Pheonix " ooooo uh Yuki I cant ."Before I can finish I spray his face and his shirt and tie .
Yuki Arisugawa " that wasn't hard was it ."I pull his tie and he oblidges  his face is in mine .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix my face is covered in your cum if I waste it you'll be serverly be punished do you understand me."
Pheonix " uh huh."I grab his hair and pull his head back I slide my tongue over his Adam's apple I suck his chin and his lips are on mine.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix you're such a good girl, now tell me did I taste good."
Pheonix " yes ."
Yuki Arisugawa " would you like your reward."
Pheonix " ooh baby please."He helps me stand from the desk and I unbuckle his belt and slide my hand into his boxers .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I want to feel you."
He lifts me onto the desk and he slides into me he puts his head between my breasts and sucks hard on my skin . He lifts his head and smiles.
Yuki Arisugawa " fast or slow."
Pheonix " omg fast."He trusts fast and hard , and I suck his buttom lip.
Pheonix " Yuki I'm gonna explode."
Yuki Arisugawa " really already this pregnancy has really done something to your pleasure zone , so because I love you and I want you later , I will allow you to cum ."
Pheonix " uh huh."
Yuki Arisugawa " then cum for me I want to feel your wetness gush over me."
Pheonix " ooo uh ahhh omg Jesus Yuki."
I  explode soaking his whole outfit for the day. He disappears into the room in the office and I button up my shirt and pull my skirt down , .
Pheonix " my underwear please."
Yuki Arisugawa " no way I'm keeping them , "
Pheonix " you cant be serious."
Yuki Arisugawa " oh baby I am I'm definitely keeping these."
Pheonix " I have to collect Eisuke soon and pick the boys up from school, and trust me when I say this Eisuke will know I'm not wearing any underwear."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's tuff , you'll have to keep that ass of yours in the car won't you."
Pheonix " Fine."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix be a good girl for me , I promise I will reward you again later."
Pheonix " I've sorted the Virus, Takuto will do a diagnostic tomorrow. And Dollie has challenge Ghost to do her dance Choreography."
Yuki Arisugawa " this I got to see , Pheonix ."
Pheonix " yes baby."
Yuki Arisugawa " Marshal emailed me asking if you will sign the contract."
Pheonix " I don't know what I want to do, I can no longer Kill people for a living and I love working with you."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix think about it , you have a beautiful voice and for a hip-hop rapper that craves your voice I'd consider it."
Pheonix " I told him I'd do a few with him but I'm not going around the world, I'd miss you and the children."
Yuki pulls me into his arms , and the phone rings Yuki presses the loud speaker button.
Eisuke " Pheonix I'm ready when you are."I bury my face into Yuki's neck.
Yuki Arisugawa " she's just leaving, and I'm done for the day . Apparently Dollie has challenge your wife."
Eisuke " that girl what challenge is it."
Pheonix " Dollie's dance Choreography."
Eisuke " she'll fail I just know it."
Pheonix " come on Eisuke give her the benefit of dalbt."I hang up and I walk to the door.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll meet you at home , Minni has offered to pick up the Twins. Plus I ordered you something at the underwear store and I have to pick it up."We both walked to our cars and Yuki kisses me. I climb into my car and drive off , forgetting Mercedes cd. I tell my phone to call Yuki. He answers .
Yuki Arisugawa " you miss me already."
Pheonix " I always do , Mercedes won't settle."
Yuki Arisugawa " why?."
Pheonix " her favourite Cd in in my car."
Yuki Arisugawa " I copied it for her , I'll see you soon baby."I pull up outside the hotel and walk inside. And head up to the penthouse . I open the door to the office to see Soryu, Ota , Baba and Yuzuru.
Pheonix " holly fuck , sorry Eisuke I thought you was done."
Ota walks over and try's to place his hands on my tummy. Baba gives me a wide smile. And Soryu looks confused.
Eisuke " Ota she'll thump you if you touch her, too late."
Just as Ota Touches me I pull his arm up his back.
Ota" Pheonix I'm so sorry and that really hurts."I let him go and I put my hand on Soryu's shoulder.
Soryu " you're not going to punch me again, and to be honest looking at your condition I think I'd have to allow it."
Pheonix " not today Soryu."He lets out a sigh of relief.  I walk over to Eisuke and Yuzuru is looking out of the window.
Pheonix " Eisuke I'm ready to go home. Yuzuru seeing that your here you may as well visit you godsons."
Yuzuru" sure , but today isn't a good time ."
Eisuke gets up and we leave, we get into the car and drive home and Yuki 's car is here.
Eisuke " looks like hubby is home."I climb out of the car and open the front door.
Pheonix " Dollie I'm home ."
She races down stairs with clothes in her hands and places them in mine.
Pheonix " Dollie what is this."
Dollie " you can't help if your on your work clothes now can you."I walk into the office and go into the room and change my clothes and I find Dollie and Ghost in the dance room.
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie don't make your mum work to hard remember she's bigger then you and ghost."
Dollie ignores  his comments and turns up the music leaving me to show Ghost how it's done. Dollie changes the song and she stands ghost infront of the mirror Dollie does a few steps and to everyone's surprise ghosts has picked up the moves fast.I lean my self against Yuki and my hips sway to the beat and Dollie pulls me along side her and ghost try's the slide and twist Dollie holds her hips so she doesn't fall when ghost figures it out she slides and twists and she try's move for move , when Eito and River comes running in and River pulls of a freestyle dance infront of ghost making her more determined,  Eito slides steps twists and bounce . Ghost decides to take a break leaving me and the boys. Eito changes the song and he whispers into my ear , I nod the boys stand either side of me we move in sync, ghosts eyes go wide in shock watching me and the boys Dollie and Keith step in , ghost try's and me and Eito show her side step bounce side step turn and River shows her the foot shuffle when they finish Eito does a back flip and they all leave the room leaving me in there on my own I shake my arms to release the tension, the cd changes on its own and I'm singing the song as well doing the moves , know the moves so well I close my eyes when I feel hands on me and they mimic my movements. They bring there mouth to my ear and whispers.
Yuki Arisugawa " open your eyes. Those boys are  definitely you , but I'm glad everyone is gone ."
Pheonix " since when did you dance freestyle."
Yuki Arisugawa " my grandmother made me take different kinds of dance lessons. I'm glad Dollie has decided to become a dance Choreographer she's really good, but she's missing one thing."
Pheonix " what's that?."
Yuki Arisugawa " your hips move to the beat plus I love watching how your body moves."We hear how deep is your love through the speakers .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix you know word for word I wonder what it would feel like if you would place you mouth on my skin and you sing them words , not only would I feel your lips but I'd feel your breath and tongue."
I take the hint and undo his tie and unbutton his shirt I start off at his neck .
Pheonix " I don't want to be your home girl, i don't want to be cool friend. I don't want to be the chick you call to share your bed with. I don't want to be your best friend. How deep is your love cause mine runs down too the ocean floor."
Yuki Arisugawa " not only did that feel good your voice shacked a little that's made your lips vibrate a little .
Pheonix come with me I want to take you somewhere and I promise you'll find it very pleasurable."

He takes my hand and we walk to the car I climb in and he drives to Port Louis we arrive at a house we climb out of the car and we walk into the house and he pulls me into a room with a tub in the middle of the room he goes over to a draw and pulls out a blindfold he places it over my eyes and pulls down my shorts and takes me top off . He moves away from me for a second and I hear chains he straps the chains to my wrists and whispers in to my ear.Yuki Arisugawa " this is to hold you up I promise it won't hurt."He lifts me up onto something and spreads my legs wide  , I hear water running and a click I feel water like a jet spray and hold it on my pelvis the pressure hits my clit in the right places which makes me scream while he holds it in place. He brings his mouth to my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " when I give you a command I want you to hold off as long as you can."
Pheonix " you want me to disobey you."
Yuki Arisugawa " good girl ."
I feel him suck my skin and my body quivers with pleasure.
Yuki Arisugawa " now I want you to cum."
Pheonix " No."
I go to close my legs and his hand stops my leg.
Yuki Arisugawa " cum for me baby."
My body shakes, I pull on the chains .
Yuki Arisugawa " oh baby you're learning, now give me my bad girl."...

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