The unexpected birthday gift. Chapter 3

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Coco Arisugawa " come sit with us and watch the film."
Feeling pissed after the email, with out realising a snap at Coco.
Pheonix " thought I told you to wait in the lounge."
She jumps and starts crying. After realising seconds after I pull her into my arms.
Pheonix " Oh darling I'm so so sorry . I shouldn't of shouted at you."
She wraps her little arms around me neck and I lift her into my arms.
Coco Arisugawa " that's ok , you didn't mean it .What was you doing in daddy's room with your top off ."
Trying to think of an answer Yuki comes up behind us .
Yuki Arisugawa " I was looking at Pheonix's scar . And it's healed really well."
He kisses the back of my neck.
Coco Arisugawa " can I see it."
Pheonix " I'll show you later as I've still got stuff do to for your party tomorrow. Go sit with Dollie for me and be a good girl."
Yuki Arisugawa " is everything alright, I heard you shout not like you to do that."
Pheonix " I think you need to look at your emails, something from your grandmother."
Yuki goes and checks his email and I start making homemade pizza's as well as other things. The girls have there dinner and go to bed , and Yuki makes me a tea.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry my grandmother is threatening you again. After Cocos birthday will sort this mess out."
Pheonix " it's been a year Yuki, I find it exhausting to be honest with you. If we cannot find a resolve at the end of next year I'll be going home with Dollie."
Yuki pulls me into his arms .
Yuki Arisugawa " and what about us ."
Pheonix " that depends doesn't it."
I lay my lips on his and smile.
Yuki Arisugawa " we been in a relationship for 6 months, you honestly think I can't tell when your joking smiling whilst kissing me , that's a punishment for its own."
I playfully smack his arm.
Pheonix " I'm to holding you on the last threat you made. Anyway we haven't slept together yet ."
Yuki Arisugawa " well why don't we sleep in the same bed. And find out."
Pheonix " okay I'll sleep in your bed tomorrow night. After Coco's birthday, I've got a lot to sort out. The girls have already gone to bed . So why don't you go up too."
He kisses me goodnight and he disappears. After decorating the house with balloons and party decorations in the dining room , I clean up the mess in the kitchen. I check the lounge to make sure the tv is turned of to find Yuki fast asleep, I kiss him on the cheek and pull the blanket over him just as I'm about to leave. He grabs my wrist and pulls me onto him.
Yuki Arisugawa " thought you could sneak away."
Pheonix " I'm sorry I thought you was sleeping."
Before I could say anything else he moves and he's now ontop of me .
Yuki Arisugawa " I want you , but if your not ready I can wait."
Pheonix " how about tonight, you realise it's 5am . The house is ready I just have to collect the sweets that my cousin Minna made ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I didn't realise the time . You haven't slept at all ."
Pheonix " no not had a chance to."
He gets off me and pulls me off the sofa, before I can ask he throws me over his shoulder and carries me up the stairs and into his room. He puts me on the bed and he climbs in next to me . He pulls me into him and we drop off to sleep. A few hours later I hear Coco calling when she can't find me she comes into her dads room . She climbs onto the bed and gets in between us and touches her fathers face.
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy Daddy get up."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm awake, let's go down stairs."
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy why is Pheonix in your bed."
Pheonix " we can talk about this later . Now then birthday girl let's go and get Dollie up and go down stairs."
Dollie is already in the kitchen she has made pancakes for Coco, Yuki takes a quick shower and the door bell goes off. I go and see who it is and I'm handed a package with Coco's name on it. I look at the package and feeling confused I go up stairs into Yuki's room.
Pheonix " Yuki did you send anything via package."
He comes out naked, and I turn my face from him , he places his hand on my face and makes me look at him and he smiles at me .
Yuki Arisugawa " I have nothing to hide from you so never turn away. I never had anything delivered. I brought her presents and wrapped them last night."
Pheonix " then I guess you need to open it and find out."
He opens the package and it's got a book inside with a letter from Yuki's grandmother.
Yuki Arisugawa " distract Coco for me , I'll collect the sweets . I'll dispose of this gift."
Yuki kisses me and I leave and find Coco eating her pancakes.
Coco Arisugawa " these are really good. Thank you Dollie."
Dollie gives me a cup of tea and sits down at the table.
Dollie Kashiwara " so Coco would you like my present now or after your birthday party."
Dollie stuffs her face with bacon, and watches Coco while she thinks it over.
Pheonix " Coco it is really up to you what you decide. And Dollie won't feel upset over it."
Coco finishes her mouth full and drinks her milk.
Coco Arisugawa " can I open Dollie's , yours and Daddy's tonight."
Dollie Kashiwara " that's a great idea, plus mum has done a chocolate birthday cake for us to have later."
I'm about to tell Coco what I've done and my phone goes off as well as the door bell. I answer the phone and answer the door.
Pheonix " hmm Yuki I think you need to come home right now."
Yuki Arisugawa " what is it ."
Before I answer Yuki I tell his grandmother she's not welcome and she's not allowed in . The security guard stops her from entering.
Pheonix " Yuki you're grandmother is at the door."
Yuki Arisugawa " for fucksake of all the days she turns up , its Coco's birthday. Don't let her in whatever you do . She's probably come to make sure Coco has received her gift. I'm just leaving Minna's now I'll see you in a few."
We finish our call and I radio talk to all the security guards
.Pheonix " what ever you do , do not under any circumstance let this woman in . Even if she's the queen and she begs do not let her in."
I go and get Coco ready for her party. She takes a bubble bath, I wash her hair . And she gets out , I help her dry and I blow dry her hair . Dollie then brings in her Cinderella dress. And her eyes go wide she was shocked.
Dollie Kashiwara " mum made this for you, and you have matching shoes."
Coco Arisugawa " oh Pheonix I love it . Thank you."
Pheonix " I have something else for you ."
I hand her a box and she undoes the ribbon and she pulls out a tiara.
Pheonix " this belonged to Dollie and she decided she wanted you to have it. And when your all grown up and have a little girl you can give it to her."
She wraps her little arms around me .
Coco Arisugawa " I'll take good care of it I promise."
Dollie Kashiwara " that tiara was mums too . So when the party Is over and we all settle down we'll put the tiara away in a special box with your name on it."
I place the Tiara on her head and she is facing the mirror, she grabs my hand and speaks to me.
Coco Arisugawa " Pheonix I never want you to leave . I love you so much that I want you to be my mummy."
I look at her and Dollie and my eyes start to water, feeling overwhelmed I leave the room and go to my room , I shut the door and I slide Down and bring my knees to my chin and let the tears fall.
Dollie Kashiwara " mum I know this is hard but you love her too . And I think it's amazing, I've come to love Coco too and I know Yuki is falling in love with you. Mum I just want you to be happy. Take a shower, and come downstairs."
I take a shower and get dressed. Just as I'm getting dressed Yuki knocks and he comes in.
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie has just told me . I'll understand if you need to disappear for a while so you can think."
Pheonix " don't be stupid I'm not going anywhere, and Dollie is right . I love your daughter, and I'm falling for you too."Yuki embraces me and he pulls back and cups my face and looks me in the eyes.
Yuki Arisugawa " I want you to adopt Coco, but you don't have to decide yet. We still have a problem my grandmother is outside the house."
Pheonix " she will not spoil Coco's day. I've let security know. "
We walk down stairs and Dollie has done the sweet bags , and the door bell rings. Just before we open the door I pull Yuki's hand and he stops and looks at me .
Pheonix " Coco has decided to open our gifts later ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I had a feeling she'd want it that way . Plus I have a surprise for her."
The door opens and Coco greets her friends and they go into the dining room. They play games , watch a puppet show. Stuff there faces with food and cake . 6 hours later the party dies down and me and Dollie clean up the mess , when I hear Coco scream. I go rushing to see where she is and right in the arms  of  Yuki's grandmother.
Pheonix " what the hell do you think your doing , put her down."
Coco reaches her arms out to me and cry's.
The Queen " I have every right."
Pheonix " give me the child and leave her alone."
Coco starts to struggle and Yuki comes out .
Yuki Arisugawa " put my daughter down, who the hell do you think you are turning up like this , and causing problems."
The Queen " Yuki I have every right to be here ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't think so this house I own in my own right, I've worked for what I have , every time you sent money I'd send it back. So I'm asking you again leave me and the girls alone."She looks at Dollie, Yuki and Coco. She pulls Dollie by the scruff of her neck .
Dollie Kashiwara " let go of me , I don't care who you are you have know right to touch me."
Coco Arisugawa " put Dollie down."
I look at Yuki and he gives me the nodd. I walk in the house and into his office and I pull the gun from under the table. And come back out and raise it to her head.
Pheonix " let go of my daughter right now, if you want to settle this then keep the girls out of it ."
The Queen " you wouldn't shoot me , and if you did you would know longer have a job."
Pheonix " I don't give a shit , give me my daughter."
Dollie starts to get a little worried,  Coco starts crying. And Yuki is trying to reason with her .I pick Coco up in my arms and she wraps her little arms around me.
Pheonix " if you don't let Dollie go then you'll regret it."
I see the security on standby and waiting . Dollie starts to fight back, and the Queen finally lets go and Dollie runs to me .
Pheonix " I think you need to leave. You've over stayed your welcome."
The Queen" I still haven't given the child her gift, I knew my grandson would dispose of the other gift so I'm making sure she receives it."
Yuki Arisugawa " you will not be giving my daughter anything."
The Queen waves her hand and the door of her limousine opens and a man in a suit climbs out with a French bull dog . He walks to us and hands the puppy to Dollie.
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie take Coco in to the house."
Dollie Kashiwara " what about the puppy."
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy, is it okay to keep the puppy."
Yuki Arisugawa " just go inside and I guess the puppy goes too."
When there out of site Yuki lets go.
Yuki Arisugawa " is this some sort of joke, giving an animal to my daughter with out my permission. I will not have anything to do with you not now not ever, I have all the proof and you'll be dethroned. And you'll rot in prison for killing Pheonix's parents . I have no love for you grandmother, and I'd appreciate it if you leave."
The Queen " very well , I came to give the child her gift and now that she has it I'll be on my way. Pheonix you know longer have a job, and I'll be seeing you very soon."
Pheonix " I don't think so . The next time I see you will be to send you to prison."
Yuki places an arm around me .
Yuki Arisugawa " oh grandmother one more thing stop sending assholes to kill Pheonix."
The Queen " how can you love a a person like her , she's not even royalty."
Yuki Arisugawa " She doesn't have to be anyone but herself. And to be honest that is what I love about her, unlike you so please don't underestimate her. Or next time it will be your death sentence."
She leaves and gets in the car and Yuki speaks to the security and we go inside. The girls are in the lounge Coco checking out her gifts that her friends brought for her , and I make everyone a hot drink, hot chocolate for the girls ,a herbal tea and a coffee for Yuki. I call everyone to the kitchen table and Dollie grabs her gifts from her room. I cut some cake and put it on the table. We all sit at the table and I rest my legs on Yuki's lap. Coco opens her gift from Dollie and her eyes go wide, she pulls out a 18ct gold necklace saying sister on it . Dollie puts it on for her .
Coco Arisugawa " Dollie thank you but why does my necklace say sister on it."
Dollie Kashiwara " well that would spoil the surprise now won't it."
Dollie gives her a wink. And she opens a few more that Dollie brought that are glitter pens a colouring book. Yuki gives his gift and she opens it to see a picture of a horse, she looks a little confused.
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy what is this."
Yuki Arisugawa " do you remember when we went to the farm and Minna showed you a pregnant horse well she had her baby and I brought her for you, but you have to look after her . At the moment her mummy will do the feeding."
Coco practically falls from her chair just to hug her daddy.
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy thank you I love it."
She then sits back into her seat and she opens my gift in side a box she pulls out a pair of diamond earrings. 9ct bracelet that has her name on it.
Pheonix " Coco there is something else in there too , remember when daddy wanted me to adopt you, well daddy had already signed the paper along with the judge and yesterday when I was out getting your gifts I went to see the judge and I signed the documents. So Coco you can now call me what ever you want ."
Yuki looks shocked and Coco comes over and climbs into my lap.
Coco Arisugawa " this is the bested birthday ever, I now have a sister and a mummy."
She kisses my cheek and wraps her arms around me.
Yuki Arisugawa " this is one unexpected gift. Pheonix you've made coco very happy."
We talk about a lot of stuff and laugh , the girls are eating there cake when all of a sudden Dollie throws a piece of cake at me and she burst out laughing. I go to throw a peice at her and Yuki smashes cake in my face the girls start laughing. I get up from my chair and walk behind Yuki. I grab the squirty cream put it in my hand and slide it down his face. Coco can't stop laughing, Yuki gets of the chair and comes over to me as I'm wiping of the cake he smashed into my face, when his face is in mine and kisses me . He then whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " your serverly going to get punished for that . Mmm cake tastes better on you."
Pheonix " uh huh , but you did it first. Does it now, if you think that then you can imagine what we can do with the squity cream."
The girls have stopped laughing and drink there drinks . And Yuki speaks to Coco .
Yuki Arisugawa " earlier on you asked why Pheonix was in my bed, it's because we have been dating for 6months , and we decided to sleep in the same bed . Is that alright with you."
Coco Arisugawa " that okay . But daddy remember she's now my mummy so your gonna have to share her."
I smile and Dollie looks like she'll fall asleep in the chair. I take Coco to bed and read her a story and kiss her goodnight. I check in on Dollie. And she's just getting into bed.
Dollie Kashiwara " mum I'm glad you adopted Coco I now have a sister to spoil. Maybe if you marry Yuki he'll adopt me."
Pheonix " aww Dollie I never knew you felt this way. I'll look into it and speak to Yuki."
I kiss her head and leave the room, I go into my room and get washed and head to Yuki's room I climb into his bed . And send him a text .
Pheonix " Yuki sorry to hear that you had to go out , just to let you know I'm in your bed ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm just clarifying a few things and my grandmother will be dethroned and arrested. I'm happy to hear your in my bed , don't wait up for me just go to sleep."
Pheonix " then hurry home so I don't have to wait for you."
Yuki Arisugawa" I will don't worry."
We cut the call , and I see a text from my brother.
Atsum Kashiwara " hay sis hope everything is going well. Love Atsum."
Pheonix " Atsum everything is good . Thanks for Coco's gift she loved it ."
I hear the puppy whining so I get up and let her out for a pee when I see that her collar is flashing, I remove the collar and take a proper look to see that it has a G.P.S tracking device on it . Without hesitation I go into the garage and find a hammer and smash it . I go back to find the puppy drinking her water and when she's finished I pick her up and start climbing the stairs when I hear keys in the door. Yuki strolls in .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix your still up ."
Pheonix " the puppy needed a pee . You wouldn't believe that your grandmother attached a gps tracking device to the collar, I smashed it ."
We both walk upstairs and I put the puppy on Coco's bed and the puppy snuggles up to her and I leave the room. I walk into Yuki's room and he's sat in the edge of the bed, I close the door and go over to him . He pulls me onto his lap he's hands slide of my dressing gown and I'm wearing a sports bra and matching underwear. His fingers slide over my scar.
Yuki Arisugawa " this scar is all my fault, if I'd of followed you I could of prevented this."
Pheonix " Yuki this is not your fault in anyway. This is a reminder of how far we have come."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I love you , and I'll do anything to protect you."
His hands slide up my back and he pulls me in to kiss me his lips kiss my neck when the door flys open.
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy I had a nightmare."
I climb off Yuki's lap and pick up coco and the puppy comes running in .
Yuki Arisugawa " for tonight you can sleep with me and Pheonix. Tomorrow you must sleep in your bed. Plus you have the puppy."
Coco Arisugawa " it's mummy now not Pheonix."
Yuki smiles she gets in my side of the bed and the puppy sleeps in her arms. I climb in the middle and Yuki gets in. He whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " every chance we get together someone stops us."
I turn and face him and I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him closer and his lips are on mine.
Pheonix" we will find away, and as much as I want to give my self to you . You'll just have to wait a little longer. And another thing I don't have job ."
Yuki Arisugawa " would you be willing to work for me , you wouldn't be working for the secret service but we will work side by side. And I get to be close to you ."
Pheonix " that's a fantastic idea."
He kisses me again and I bery my face into his chest and he wraps his arm around me , we both full asleep. Hours pass and I wake up to find the bed empty, I hear Yuki in the shower and the girls chatting down stairs. I walk into the bathroom and it's all steamy, I start brushing my teeth when I feel a hand pull me into the shower.
Yuki Arisugawa " good morning Pheonix."
Before I can answer his lips are on mine he pulls my spots bra over my head and he slide off my underwear. We shower and his phone goes off , I hear him sigh. He gets out the shower and gets his phone.
Yuki Arisugawa " what is it."
While he's talking on the phone I dry myself and go into my room and get dressed. I go down stairs to find the girls drawing at the table.
Pheonix " good morning girls."
Dollie Kashiwara " Mum any chance we can go into town Coco wants to spend her vouchers."
Coco Arisugawa " please Mummy."
I pull out two cups for me and Yuki.
Pheonix " I don't see it being an issue but you'll go with security."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry Pheonix I've got to go to the office, girls sorry for leaving again."
Pheonix " go I'll make it up to you."
He kisses me and leaves and the girls get ready for town. The security guys follow the girls go into all sorts of shops and Coco buys what she wants . And we walk past a sexy underwear shop.
Pheonix" Dollie take Coco home when your finished I've got something I need to to."
They both hug me and leave . I walk into the underwear shop and take a look and I buy what I need and text Yuki.
Pheonix " Yuki are you really busy in the office."
Yuki Arisugawa " not as much now , why?."
Pheonix " I'm dropping by okay."
I go to the office and change in the bathroom and I put on the lace underwear and put on my office type dress and walk into his office. I shut the blinds and walk over to him and sit on his desk infront of him , I pull on his tie and our lips meet . He slides his and up my thigh and feels my suspender strap. He pulls my dress off and he sees the new underwear that I brought today and his eyes look hungry.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix god girl you seem to know what I need."
He pushes me down on his desk and his lips kiss every part of my body, he pulls the cups on my bra and frees my breasts and he starts sucking my nipples , his other hand slides into my underwear and his fingers pleasure my clit making me moan, he slides his fingers inside me making me moan , he pulls his fingers out and pulls my underwear off and he starts kissing my pussy then his tongue licks my clit making me cum , I cry out his name .
Yuki Arisugawa " you taste fucking exquisite fuck girl."
I full to my knees and take his belt off and pull his trousers and boxers down , I lick his shaft and I start sucking him his fingers lace through my hair and he lets out moans. He stops me before he cums , he pulls me to my feet and turns me around he pushes me so my front lays on his desk and he opens my legs, he slides in and he starts trusting hard into me , one hand holding my hip and the other between my shoulder blades.
Pheonix " oh Yuki I'm gonna cum."
Yuki Arisugawa " cum for me ."
Once I hear his command I cum and so does he . We straighten our selfs and he helps me back into my dress. He kisses me .
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck girl you taste as good as you feel , i don't ever want to let you go now."
Pheonix " every time we try something pops up , so I thought I'd surprise you ."
Yuki kisses me again and again, then we hear his office door knock. Man in a suit
" Sir just to let you know your grandmother has disappeared so we cannot make an arrest."
Pheonix " she won't be far and I can guess she is on the island. I'll get Takuto on to it."
I dial the number on the office phone.
Atsum Kashiwara " hay sis what's up."
Pheonix " your still at the country home yes. I need Takuto to run a search for me."
Atsum Kashiwara " he's on it . I have to go Takuto will text you once we have found her . "
The line clicks and the guy looks shocked.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry this is Pheonix, she'll be working with us. If there is anything you need then please ask Pheonix. She'll have her office next door."I look up to see glass panels looking into my office.
Pheonix " Yuki remove the glass panels out . I don't want to have to keep walking out one door and another, extend our office's."
Yuki Arisugawa " if that's what you want , we can have that sorted. Plus you won't start until the girls start school."
I'm sat on his desk when the phone rings. I press the load speaker and Dollie is on the other end.
Dollie Kashiwara " mum I don't want you to panic, but there is someone dodgy outside."
Pheonix " I'm on my way, lock all the doors."
I hang up me and Yuki drive back to the house. And there is someone snooping around. We get out the car and I ask who they are , the person sees me and runs at me and with so much force I fall to the floor and he's ontop of me.
The guy" I'm supposed to kill you."
Pheonix" again with this shit."
Yuki Appears and places the gun to his head.
Yuki Arisugawa " if I was you I'd get of her right now. And tell me why your here."
The guy" I was sent to kill Pheonix and take Coco with me."
He gets off me and Yuki pulls me to my feet and wraps his arm around me.
Yuki Arisugawa " you realise now you've made a grave mistake, your not going anywhere."
The security guard cuffs him and takes him to the station.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm getting sick of this , Pheonix pack some clothes for you and the girls. I have another property in Port Louis the other side of Mauritius."
My phone starts ringing, when I see who it is I hand the phone to Yuki.
Takuto " you're grandmother is in the hotel not far from your house. Tell Pheonix that I'm grateful for using her hi tech stuff."
I pack some clothes for me and the girls . There waiting in the car and Yuki grabs my hand.
Yuki Arisugawa " the house we're going to is different to this house."
Pheonix " I don't care as long as the girls are safe ."
We get in the car and Yuki drives and the security guards follow. We arrive at the house an hour later, we step out of the car and Yuki puts in a code and the front door opens, Yuki takes my hand and we look around the huge house. There's an indoor swimming pool, the kitchen is the same as the old house, and the lounge is similar. We head upstairs and Coco and Dollie choose there rooms and Yuki tells me that the room at the end of the hallway is ours. We go back downstairs to be greeted by maids and a butler.
The butler " welcome home prince Yuki, princess Coco."
Yuki Arisugawa " could we knock it off I thought we agreed you would just call me Yuki. This is Pheonix and her daughter Dollie, please treat them the same way you treat me ."
The butler " yes sir , lady Pheonix, lady Dollie. It's a pleasure to meet you. Dinner will be served at 6pm ."
Dollie and Coco walk off to the lounge and watch a film and Yuki pulls me into the office.
Yuki Arisugawa" I've sent the F.B.I to arrest my grandmother. So the girls will be safe."
Pheonix " Yuki I don't want to offend you but I'm not used to having our meals prepared for us , and the house being cleaned."
Yuki Arisugawa " I know this is something you'll have to get used to , plus you can still do things the way you always have ."
Pheonix " well I'm going to take a lie down, all this has been exhausting."
Yuki pulls me into his arms and he whispers into my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " thank you for this afternoon, and please make your self at home here ."
I take my self upstairs and head to our room when I open the door the bedroom is huge, I take off my clothes and climb onto the bed and Berry myself under the covers. I drift off to sleep. A few hours later I feel Yuki kissing my back.
Pheonix " mmn Yuki is there something I can help you with."
Yuki Arisugawa " actually there is , I love to see you naked in my bed."
He sits down and pulls me onto his lap and he wraps his arms around me .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I love you ."
Pheonix " I love you too."
Yuki Arisugawa " Will you marry me."
My eyes wide in shock and tears blur my vision.
Pheonix " absolutely."

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