Rhillina tells me shes getting married. Chapter 38

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Mercedes " mum let's just sing this as I got other stuff to do."
( Pheonix and Mercedes)
I heard the angels call again I threw myself a party Chardonnay and oxy
I stopped the screams inside my head
I remember when you had me
Floating high like Sid and Nancy
They say it's not the answer but I can't carry on
'Cause I got nowhere, no one, without you boy
I'm done And when I'm gone, remember you're the one And just because
I fight don't mean that
I never learned how to love You know devils don't fly (fly, fly)
So don't expect me not to fall Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But God we almost had it all
But I got chains and you got wings
You know that life ain't fair sometimes Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But I try What's a girl to do when she's not strong
When everyone that holds my hand
Gets cut from all the thorns
I used to put my ear against the wall
To hear the screams, to hear the fall
More reasons to escape it all And it's not the answer but
I can't carry on
I give my best smile, my last dime But I'm always getting wrong
It's not 'cause I'm young or from a broken home
Maybe I just fight
'cause I don't know where
I belong You know devils don't fly (fly, fly)
So don't expect me not to fall Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But God we almost had it all But I got chains and you got wings
You know that life ain't fair sometimes Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But I try Angels were never meant to fall And you were the loveliest of all
If I thought God could fix it I'd pray for your forgiveness
But I've been cast down, thrown out
When I crossed to the other side
No devils don't fly! You know devils don't fly (fly, fly)
So don't expect me not to fall Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But God we almost had it all But I got chains and you got wings
You know that life ain't fair sometimes Devils don't fly (fly, fly)
But I try But I try.
When we have finished I kiss her head and leave the room and Eisuke grabs my arm.
Eisuke (Yuki) " baby we need to talk."
Pheonix " please don't make me lose my temper with Riku in my arms."
I yank my arm back and head up into the kitchen.
Pheonix " Ghost can I trust you to look after the Twins."
Ghost " sure . Where you going."
Pheonix " I really need to be alone, I have to get my head around this."
I place Riku into her arms and walk out into the hall and Yuki pulls me into his arms.
Pheonix " you have 5 seconds to let me go."
Yuki (Eisuke)" please don't take it out on Yuki."
I pull from his grip and push him hard that he falls on the floor.
Pheonix " you made me think it was Yuki all along , Eisuke I want that forbidden fruit out of my house. I don't get any of you ."
I go upstairs and into my room I strip out of my clothes and run a bath and climb in when Jean comes running in.
Jean" Phe I've been looking for you, I missed you ."
Pheonix " wow you didn't smash my Door ."
Jean " Daddy said I mustn't I have to look after this new house."
Pheonix " let me guess your wanting to get in with me."
Jean " no but I want snuggles infront of the T.v later I want to watch Dumbo."
Pheonix " okay then when we've had dinner I'll join you."
I reach for my phone and play some music as I lay into the tub Eisuke stands against the door frame.
Pheonix " Yuki why did you do this."
Eisuke (Yuki)" it was a spur of the moment Ghost and Eisuke asked . Especially after hearing your conversation last night."
Pheonix " the girls may be up for it even to tell me who they would do but I kept my mouth shut solely because that fruit didn't interest me and the only man I would want to make love to me is you, I had a feeling something was weird but I didn't think You and Eisuke would try it. I never ever want to go through that again . The problem is now I'm always going to have is the fact that Eisuke did those things to me and you sat there and watched. I don't have a problem that you pleasured Ghost especially when you're mind is in Eisuke's body. I've heard of it before, soul transfer but thought it was fictional. And to be honest until it wears off I will not be kissing the body of the man I love because I'd be kissing Eisuke. So tonight I'm sleeping in the Twins room until your back in your own body. I guessed straight away after as I kissed Eisuke's lips and his hands slid up my back I knew it was you. Especially when I saw the twinkle in your eyes." Eisuke (Yuki) " would you ever forgive me. I'll promise that when I'm back in my body I'll make it up to you."
Pheonix " you really want to know something, I'd love for my soul to transfer into your body , I'd have so much fun with your body you couldn't even imagine. Of course I forgive you, never ever tell Eisuke were I should be kissed. That place is yours and yours alone."
Eisuke (Yuki) " what? Really?. Wow I never knew that . What would you do to my body. Funny you should say that , that's always been a darkest fantasy of mine being in your body touching your body making you body cum."
Pheonix " I know you wouldn't keep your mind to yourself if you was in me. I'd do the same, is I'd love to know how good it feels when your on the verge of cumin. Right now I want to kiss you but I hate the idea of you being in my best friends body. It's making me feel uncomfortable."
I climb out of the bath and there's a knock and they come in as I wrap myself into the towel and walk into the room, and Soryu is standing there waiting.
Pheonix " what is it Soryu."
Soryu " you want your man back yes."
Pheonix " of course I do."
Soryu holds out his hand and shows me an apricot.
Soryu " feed this to Yuki and Eisuke but it has to be done by you, and you must kiss them both."
Pheonix " Fine thank you."
Soryu pulls me into his arms and holds me tight.
Soryu " Yuki I'd die for you wife you know that. Never swap again or next time I'll shoot you both with out hesitation."
I take the apricot and Soryu leaves the room. I pull Eisuke's body out of the room. And find Yuki's. I head into the kitchen and cut the apricot in half and pull the men into the laundry room and shut the door. I feed them the fruit, and pull Yuki's body into mine as well as Eisuke.
Pheonix " Eisuke please get out of my husband your my best friend. Yuki I love you so much I want you back into your body."
I kiss Eisuke's lips and turn to Kiss Yuki's lips. As I embraces them both I close my eyes and whisper.
Pheonix " please let this work I can't bare the thought of sleeping on my own."
I pull from them and it's dinner time I walk into the dining room and sit down I rest my head on the table and fall asleep. A little while later Jean places his hand on my cheek.
Jean " yo Phe you promised."
I lift my head from the table and pick Jean up and head into the lounge. I lay across the sofa and Jean lays across me just as the film starts.
Pheonix " Jean my little trouble maker it's yours and Baileys birthday soon . 6 years old my god it's flown by, now tell me what you really want and I'll try and get it."
Jean" I want a bike."
Pheonix " very well what colour."
Jean " bright Blue." We watch the film and Baileys hangs over the sofa Storm lays her head on my shoulder, Yuki sits across my legs. And Rhilina comes running is.
Rhilina" mum I'm getting married, Mikey proposed."
Pheonix " what the hell omg Rhilina . I don't think dad it going to be happy, you do realise you'll be marrying the mafias family."
Rhilina " I'm not marrying Adrian I'm marrying Mikey please say you'll let me , I love him so much."
Pheonix " baby your 17 years old you haven't started your life yet."
Rhilina" please mum, you can't say things like that didn't you fall in love with dad when you was 9 years old."
Pheonix " that's different. I knew your Dad was the one for me ."
Rhilina sits down with a sigh, Jean climbs off my and on to his father and I sit next to her and pull her into my arms arms.
Pheonix "I need to talk to Adrian."
Rhilina " there both here."
I get up and find them as I do Mikey starts acting shifty ,
Adrian Luca" Mikey will you just Fucking Chill I know Pheonix she'll be fine."
Ghost " omg Yuki is gonna freak out ."
I go to cover her mouth when Dollie and Yuki come out the office.
Dollie " you are not serious. Rhilina."
I walk over to Adrian and Mikey, Adrian kisses my temple and waits for me to speak.
Pheonix " Mikey I don't like this idea can you assure me that she would be safe."
Mikey " well yes I can , you will let her live with us in Italy."
Pheonix " what?. Fuck no my daughter will not be living across the world from me , Adrian please tell me you didn't agree to this."
Adrian " Sorry Girl but I'm on your side, anyway me and Soryu are thinking about joining our Mafias ."
Pheonix " again with agreeing to stuff, me and Soryu run his mafia. Are you sure you want me to become your boss." Yuki comes up behind me and embraces me and whispers into my ear,
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I'm so glad to be back in my body."
Pheonix " I'm glad too. Mikey when are you planning on marrying my daughter."
Yuki Arisugawa " wait a minute there is no way that's happening. Pheonix she's my baby girl."
Adrian " look me and Mikey are staying at Eisuke's hotel, you and Yuki have a chat about it and call us when your ready."
Rhilina" Dad its already been arranged I will stay engaged until I'm 20 then I'll marry."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't care , Rhilina I cannot give you my blessing not now not ever. I'm sorry."
Yuki takes his arms from around me and goes in to his office.
Pheonix " Adrian I'll call you. Rhilina I'm standing by your father, Jesus Christ."
I walk into the office and Yuki is laid across the sofa with his hands over his face, I walk over to him and he sits up and pulls me into his lap.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix let me hold you in my arms ."
He sits back into the sofa taking me in his arms he leans his forehead on my chest.
Pheonix " baby I'm going to say the same thing you said when Dollie asked me. I know your answer she needs to hear it from you."
Yuki Arisugawa " I know and she'll get it. Pheonix please what ever happens don't let Mercedes, Yuki or storm marry , as it would kill me ."
Pheonix " baby Mercedes is 12, Yuki and Storm are 10 . Can you imagine if it was Baileys."
Yuki Arisugawa " oh Don't I know exactly how Eisuke feels . Pheonix Rhilina is a princess."
Pheonix " since when is that been an issue. Yuki before I knew who I truly was you still wanted to marry me."
Yuki Arisugawa " the difference with you is that your different and I fell for you we've known each other for so long . Rhilina has only known Mikey for a year."
Pheonix " baby Adrian hasn't given his consent either and that's his own son."
Yuki Arisugawa " then let's see how it goes but I'm telling you Pheonix if he fucks up I'll end their engagement."
Pheonix " I hear you baby. Anyway way Mercedes wants to become a singer and she wants me to write her lyrics. "
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll support her you know that , but she's not singing your songs I've already told her that."
Pheonix " Yuki I've decided I want to do a one off album. Ghost will help and the Girls want to sing with me."
He looks me in the eyes and caresses my cheeks and pulls me into his lips.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll allow it but I want to manage everything."
Pheonix " that's all I want . You by my side. I wouldn't want it any other way, plus we all spend time as a family." Mercedes bursts into the office
Mercedes "mum your Lyric book can I have it, I saw something about princess doesn't cry."
Yuki Arisugawa " what year is written on the book."
Mercedes " mum was 15 years old oh mum dads not seen any of these has he."
Mercedes hands the book to her father and he flips through the pages.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix why is my name written on all of them."
Ghost " ahh you found her book . Pheonix wrote her feelings down but did them as songs."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't think I know my wife at all . Pheonix please tell me there's nothing more."
Pheonix " no nothing. Anyway you should be proud. And remember my darling your my soulmate as well as my husband."
Yuki Arisugawa " Mercedes, mum will do a one off album go tell Yuki and Storm."
Ghost " the twins have had their bath and are in bed sleeping. Yuki thank you for earlier but I'm glad my Eisuke is back." She disappears and Yuki carries me up to our room.
Yuki Arisugawa " I know you've bathed today but would you join me in the shower."
Pheonix " yes I would love too."
Yuki undresses me and himself and pulls me into the shower. He holds me like it's his last.
Yuki Arisugawa " tomorrow we're paying a visit to my mother."
Pheonix " I can't wait."
Yuki Arisugawa " autumn told me what happened."
Pheonix " I'm thinking about a little party for Baileys and Jean."
Yuki Arisugawa " I totally forgot is it that time again already. There's is the 10 October, then it's yours and Dollie is the 5 November."
Pheonix " don't forget Ghosts he's is the 23 November and then Eisuke 17 December and then yours. Mercedes and Glen's in February. Eito and River are in May."
Yuki Arisugawa " were do you store it all , I would of forgotten. What's our Grandson want."
Pheonix " a bike as I already know what Dollie and Keith already brought. Baileys wants a princess dolls house."
Yuki Arisugawa " let me speak to J he's brother is a carpenter I'm sure hell make a princess style dolls house for Baileys. Pheonix I know I agreed for you to give Ghost Baileys but it's strange seeing her as my step daughter."
Pheonix " Eito and River are the same."
Yuki Arisugawa " they call me dad it just softeneds the blow. Baileys it's just hot stuff or My Prince I need help or what ever."
Pheonix " omg my baby has her first crush. I'm done being in this shower, it's making my shoulder's numb."
We get out of the shower and dry and Yuki sends a text to Eisuke.
Yuki Arisugawa " hey Eisuke them names your daughter calls me Pheonix has just explained why ."
Eisuke " what is it."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm her first chrush." All of I sudden the bedroom door swings open and Baileys comes in and hides in the covers.
Eisuke " you cheeky little madam, now daddy knows."
Baileys " mummy won't let you in this bed , so haha."
I climb into bed and Baileys climbs on me .
Baileys " mummy don't let daddy get me ."
I wrap my arms around her and she starts giggling.
Pheonix " Baileys, Yuki told Daddy."
Baileys " No why?."
Pheonix " oh my little monkey you keep calling Yuki hotstuff that's why and mummy knows your secret."
Baileys " I could call him Daddy if he wants."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't mind what you call me."
Eisuke " Baileys wait till you leave this room."
She settles into my arms and closes her eyes. When Mercedes comes in .
Mercedes " mum I'm off to bed why is Storm crying."
I fly out the bed and find storm in her room trashing it . Yuki comes in behind.
Pheonix " hey come here ."
Storm " stay away from me the both of you. Mum how can you love uncle Eisuke."
Yuki kneels down and physically pins her to stop her from hurting herself.
Yuki Arisugawa " of course mummy loves uncle Eisuke. But she loves Daddy even more."
Storm " get off me you tell lies Daddy."
I see her phone light up and grab it and take a look , and look to Storm. I walk over to her and kiss her head and I walk out of her room and turn.
Pheonix " baby Mummy will sort this and Daddy has never lied to any of you."
I text Soryu and Adrian, Pheonix here meet me in ombré someone is going to die tonight.
Pheonix " Dollie watch over the twins I need to go somewhere."
I knock on Yuzuru's bedroom door before I walk in.
Yuzuru Shiba " Pheonix what's wrong."
Pheonix " meet me downstairs stairs in 10."
I go to Kazuomi and knock on his door. He comes and opens his bedroom door
Kazuomi " Pheonix what is it."
Pheonix " I need my weapons."
Kazuomi " meet me in the basement I'll show you your new weapons room."
I head into my room and Baileys is sound asleep and kiss her cheek. I walk downstairs into the basement and standing there is Yuki, Yuzuru, Keith and Eisuke as well as Kazuomi.
Prince Keith " Pheonix your not alone, I'll fight along side you."
Kazuomi enters the code and the wall starts making a grinding noise and clicking sounds as it opens there is every weapon you can think of . My samurai swords hang proudly on the wall. Kazuomi throws my a black outfit.
Kazuomi " I had this specifically made it's a birthday present. But you need it now it's bulletproof and blade proof."
I slip off my gown and they all turn there backs to me except Yuki. I put it on and Yuki puts on my boots. He pulls me into his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " you look hot."
I reach for my swords and attach them to my back.
Pheonix " help your self , Yuki want to ride with me . Adrian and Soryu will meet us in ombré."
Yuki slides his gun straps into himself and attaches his guns,and pulls me into the garage. And starts up the bike . The others climb into the car when I hear Storm scream my name.
Storm" MUMMY." I walk over to her and drop to my knees and she wraps her arms around me my neck.
Pheonix " baby go join Baileys in Mummy's bed . I will be back very soon."
Storm " mummy I'm sorry."
Pheonix " there's nothing to apologise for your my baby and I'll do everything I can to protect you. Look around you , Daddy, uncle Kazuomi, Eisuke, Yuzuru and Keith are all here to protect you. We love you so much , now go to bed."
She kisses my cheek and runs into the house. I climb on the bike and wrap my arms around Yuki as we drive out the gates .
Yuzuru Shiba " I guess Soryu is meeting us there."
Yuki Arisugawa " what ever you do , do not listen to anything that comes out of my mothers mouth , she'll try and get a rise from you all don't give her the satisfaction."
We head for Ombré an hour later and Soryu and Adrian are waiting. I walk over to the and hug them both.
Pheonix " thanks for coming, Adrian I may have to use them skills you taught me ."
Adrian " I'm happy to die tonight."
Soryu " I wouldn't use our earpiece because she hacks into them , we will have to rely on sign language."
Yuki gives them orders and we all sneak around the house.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I'm going to need you to put in your headphones and listen to your music."
I put in my earphones and we head in we all spilt up looking around I walk into this large room but don't see the ropes and all of a sudden I'm pulled upside down into the air. I have know choice to call out .
Pheonix " Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " were are you."
All around the house I hear guns go off and Yuki finds me .
Pheonix " Yuki don't this could be a trap."
Yuki starts looking around to see where I'm being held up , when a dark shadow appears infront of me .
Yuki's Mother " well look what we have here ."
Yuki Arisugawa " lay one finger on her and you will die."
Yuki's Mother " I see , I should of made my attack months ago your children are easy targets."
Pheonix " I'm warning you , leave my babies out of this."

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