Yuki gets shot while on holiday. Chapter 23

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Dion still has Coco , and I pull the gun from my thigh and raise it to her head.
Pheonix" now I've been lenient with you.I'm not going to allow you to hurt my family."
She pushes Coco so hard I hear a snap and she hollers.
Yuki Arisugawa " oh boy now you've well and truly done it."
Yuki consoles Coco , and Dion starts laughing.
Dion" omg Coco's so weak , now she has a broken wrist."
Pheonix" Yuki I'm sorry she's not walking out of this alive."
Yuki picks our daughter up in his arms, and Dion try's to pull the gun from me I lift my right leg and kick her in the gut and shoot her in the knee. Yuki calls an ambulance.
Dion " I'm gonna sue you ."
I bend down and grab her hair and yank her head back.
Pheonix " try and you'll fail. I'm licensed to kill no matter what country I'm in."
Coco " Dion I hate you, I can't believe you had someone pull me from my own home. You really underestimated my mum."
As I check Coco's wrist Dion crawls to the box and pulls out a gun and shoot's Yuki. I don't turn to see but I walk over to Dion and place the gun to her temple.
Coco" dad please don't die."
Pheonix " Dion it's over you've lost."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I've never given you a kings order but today is about to change. Pheonix I order you to end her life."
With out hesitation I shoot her in the head. I turn to see Yuki bleeding, the ambulance crew walks in and I help Yuki to his feet.
Ambulance crew." Excuse me ma'am but you can't do that."
Yuki Arisugawa " she can she's a Doctor."
He sits on the stretcher and me and Coco follows, I pull yuki's phone out.
Eisuke " Pheonix what's wrong."
Pheonix " I need Soryu to get rid of a body, and I need you at the hospital."
He cuts the call and we arrive at the hospital, I take a look at Cocos x-ray and I explain what I'm about to do.
Pheonix " baby this is gonna hurt , you won't have surgery so for you to have use of your hand I'm going to have to pull and this lovely nurse here will plaster you hand. And then I'm going to have to deal with your dad ok."
She gives me a nod and I pull and because of the pain she bites my neck. When I hear the click the nurse takes over.
Coco " mum I'm sorry, you neck is bleeding."
I walk to the mirror and wipe the blood away to see she's pierced my skin.
Nurse " if you give me a minute I'll stitch it for you."
Pheonix " I'm fine deal with Coco ."
I leave the room and Eisuke pulls me into his arms.
Eisuke " Pheonix I'm so sorry."
Pheonix " I called you here to look after Coco."
I pull from his embrace and head to the operating room , I quickly wash my hands and push open the doors and I hear yuki's heart beat on the monitor.
Nurse " excuse me miss your not cutting him open with out protective clothing."
Eisuke comes in behind me and Coco sits in the chair.
Eisuke " nurse I'm sorry this is Queen Pheonix, she's a qualified surgeon she doesn't need protective clothes that's her husband."
I walk over and kiss Yuki's head and tears full from my eyes.
Pheonix " I can't loose you not now."
Nurse " you highnesses, his highness is heavily sedated. You can proceed."
I clean his wound and make a cut , sweat pours off me . I dont bother with the surgical equipment I put my fingers in to his side and feel for the bullet , I listen to his heartbeat on the monitor. I find the bullet in his lung.
Pheonix " I need suction and I need to stitch his lung."
The nurse places the suction in yuki's side and I pull the bullet when I hear his heart rate drop.
Pheonix " no no no. Yuki you dare please hold on."
I place the bullet into a surgical bowl and stitch his lung. I'm given a clean surgical needle and dissolve stitching , I stitch his side and place surgical padding over his wound. All the while I'm still crying. I go clean my hands and the nurse wheels him into the recovery room.  Coco sits next to her father and Eisuke walks in and I start fisting the air and talking out loud.
Pheonix " Yuki you better pull through, I can't spend my life with out you."
Eisuke embraces me from behind to try and console me .
Eisuke " Pheonix calm down, getting worked up won't help Yuki."
lean my head into him and he wraps me tighter into him.
Pheonix " Eisuke I love Yuki, I wish it was me that was shot. This wasn't his fight ."
Eisuke " Pheonix he's stronger then you give him credit for ."
Pheonix " I can't live with out him. Eisuke i found pictures in the palace, when Yuki told me we went to school together, I remember. I remember a little boy with bright blue eyes and every time I was in fights he would be by my side. When we went to high school omg he stole my first kiss, so if he dies my heart will too. It won't beat the same with out him."
After Eisuke has calmed me down he pulls his arms away from me.
Eisuke " Pheonix I'll take Coco to mine and Ghost's suite . Stay here with Yuki he'll need you when he wakes up."
I hug Coco and Eisuke kisses my head.
Pheonix " tell Ghost I'm sorry for dragging you out of your bed."
Eisuke " you don't need to apologise. Remember me and you are close friends I'm here for you. Ghost is too when she's not napping every 5 minutes."
He draws out a laugh in me and he leaves with Coco. The nurse kindly pushes a bed next to yuki's.
Nurse " your highness try and sleep. You can hear the heartbeat monitor and if there is a problem I'm right there at my desk okay."
I climb onto the bed and I rest my head on yuki's chest and play with his wedding ring , fatigue hits me like a wave and I fall asleep. Hours pass and I hear the nurse taking his temperature and vitals when Yuki tightens his grip around my fingers. His other hand cups my cheek.
Nurse " your majesty , her highness has been a sleep for a while now."
Yuki Arisugawa " how long have I been out."
Nurse " 6. Hours, her highness dealt with you . She pulled the bullet from your lung with her bare hands."
Yuki Arisugawa " sounds something like  my wife would do."
Nurse " if you need any pain relief then her highness is giving you everything you need. I'm sorry I'm not much help, she asked me to check your temperature and vitals. Other then that I'm supposed to stay away."
Yuki Arisugawa " thank you nurse, could you pull the curtain and give me a minute with my wife."
The nurse pulls the curtain giving me and Yuki some privacy. I feel Yuki move me and place his lips on me. My eyes fly open.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry I scared you."
Tears fall from my eyes and Yuki wipes them with his thumb.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby don't cry, I'm still here."
Pheonix " I thought I'd lost you ."
Yuki Arisugawa " were is Coco."
Pheonix " Eisuke took her home , I didn't want to leave you."
He climbs ontop of me and moaning in pain.
Pheonix " baby don't move about too much , do you want any pain relief."
Yuki Arisugawa " right now I want them lips."
Happy to oblige my lips are on his, the pain gets the better of him and he pulls back. I climb off the bed .
Pheonix " nurse I need 500mg of morphine and it's not going in his drip. I want to inject it."
She disappears and Yuki pulls back the covers to see his side, I see that the blood has made its way through so I grab more surgical patches and surgical tape. I gently pull the padding away and Yuki looks at the stitches.
Yuki Arisugawa " Jesus Pheonix you're incredible. Do you think I'll scar much."
Changing his dressing I tape it down and his hands grab mine and he kisses them.
Pheonix " baby if the scar is too much you could always cover it with a tattoo."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix you should become a surgeon these hands are incredible."
Pheonix " No I don't want to , you was an emergency plus I didn't want anyone touching you. Seeing that your temperature, Vitals and everything is okay let me take you home."
Yuki Arisugawa " if anyone is going to tattoo me then I want these hands."
I pull him up so that he's sitting, the nurse places the needle in my hand and she watches the way
I give Yuki his pain relief. I take off his T-shirt and put it over him. And pull him to his feet.
Nurse " your highness, I've put more morphine and needles in your bag ."
I give her a nod and Yuki leans on me as we leave the hospital.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby how are we getting home."
Pheonix " Eisuke and Soryu come back and left us a car."
We walk to the car and Yuki leans on the car , I place my hand in the arch of the wheel and find the keys. I unlock the car and help Yuki into his seat , I climb into the drivers side.
Pheonix " I'm not strapping you in solely because of your stitches."
We drive back to the hotel and I help Yuki to our suite, when we're in I help him to bed.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I'm sorry ."
I leave the bedroom and come back with a glass of orange juice and crumpets and put the tray on the bed.
Pheonix " you don't owe me an apology."
Yuki pulls me and my face is inches from his face.
Yuki Arisugawa " I do it's your birthday today my darling Queen."
Pheonix " my birthday is the least of my problems, your my priority."
Yuki drinks his orange juice and I prop up his pillows for him, I dial the extension number and Ghost answer's.
Ghost " hey Pheonix hows Yuki."
Pheonix " he's a little better , look I need a favour Coco needs clothes and I want her to stay with you and Eisuke until Yuki is better. I hear the phone being passed to Eisuke.
Eisuke " Pheonix don't worry about Coco, if there is anything you need then please let me know."
Pheonix " thank you Eisuke, tell ghost to call Sean J and Keri for me I'm not going tonight. I want to look after my king."
I place the receiver back, and Yuki looks at me .
Yuki Arisugawa " I heard everything you said . What was you doing when you was calling out my name."
Pheonix " I lost control of my feelings and started punching air."
Yuki Arisugawa " I had a feeling you would fall apart. I'm glad Eisuke knows how to calm you."
Pheonix " when you told me that you knew me through primary and high school. Well I looked into it , I went to school with Prince ivan and Prince William. When they was at the palace on request of my mother they handed me a box, the box was full of pictures, I flicked through them and there was loads of me and you , I remember when I beat this boy up for messing with Ghost I remember a boy with silver hair and bright eyes joining in . I asked my uncle Glen and he said it was you, then he showed me a video, it was prince Ivan's 16 birthday. And you was there , Prince William asked if I ever been kissed and before I could answer your lips was on mine. Yuki I'm starting to think us meeting again falling in love having children was destiny's way of saying my heart belonged to you when you stole my first kiss."
Yuki Arisugawa " now you understand. Pheonix can you do me a favour."
Pheonix " of course."
Yuki Arisugawa " I want some of your ice cream."
I kiss him and leave and find the ice cream and put it in a bowl and head back to our room, as I push the door open there's gifts on the bed. Yuki getting back in bed.
Pheonix" Yuki you tricked me ."
I walk over and give him the ice cream, and he gives me a small ring box.
Yuki Arisugawa " I did trick you , but you deserve your gifts. The children's are in there too."
I open the ring box to find that the ring matches my choker. Yuki feeds me some ice cream.
Yuki Arisugawa " there's more don't be afraid to open all your gifts."
I pull out a small flat box and it's a bracelet, with the children first initials on it. I open a paper bag and there is a note attached." Friendship is very rare to me and being a godfather to the boys makes my life worthwhile. Love always Shiba "A diamond bracelet falls out of the bag . On the inside band it say's " friends last a lifetime especially one as good as you initials YS. Then I find another box from Eisuke and Ghost, inside is a large picture of me , Yuki , Eisuke, ghost and Storm and Yuki at the christening. I see an envelope and I open it,
Eito, River, Coco, Mercedes, Glen, storm and Yuki." Mum sorry but our gift if not the kind that goes in a box. You're gonna have to wait when you're home."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix there is more but the morphine is making me sleepy."
Pheonix " then sleep, I'm going to take a shower and I'll be joining you."
I strip out of my clothes and walk into the bathroom and take a shower once I've washed and brushed my teeth and walk back in the bedroom and Yuki is asleep I slip in next to him and fall asleep.
(9 days later)
Coco " come on mum since dads incident you've been by his side . Come to the beach."
Pheonix " later, please Coco ."
Yuki Arisugawa " don't be silly, I'm fine the pain has eased."
Pheonix " oh fine meet me down there."
Yuki can move a lot freely now his wound is healing, he disappears into the shower and I open the draw to find a blue paper bag with my name on it I pull it out and to my surprise there's a bikini inside it.
Pheonix " Yuki you have to be kidding me there's hardly any material on this."
Yuki stands behind me and lifts the thong it has padlocks either side.
Yuki Arisugawa " please wear it for me."
Pheonix " ahh fine but this will show my Asscheeks."
Yuki Arisugawa " it's suppose to plus I love seeing your tattoo."
As he says it I feel his fingers glide across my breast down my torso and pelvis down my thigh and up my asscheek and up my side. I put the bikini on and he pulls something from his draw and wraps it around my waist. We walk down to the beach and Yuki disappears to talk to Eisuke, Ota , Baba and Soryu. I sit on the sun lounge and Yuzuru holds a glass in my face.
Yuzuru Shiba " I'm glad your wearing you gift , I had them diamonds imported."
I take the glass .
Pheonix " Yuzuru thank you the gift is extravagant, I need to really find you a wife."
Yuzuru Shiba" don't I'm not ready . Pheonix we have been friends since you turned 17. As you know I have a few friends I.e Kai , kuzumi, Eisuke, Baba, Ota and Yuki. But you was the only person who could stand up to me and that's what I love about you . You have no fear in backing down when it comes to friends and family. I've always followed one rule in my life keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. But you slipped through the bullshit. I see you as one of my best friends. Hell even my sister."
I stand up and pull Yuzuru into my arms at first he stiffens but relax's and hugs me back.
Pheonix " Yuzuru I'm glad you feel that way about me , when we go home I'll sign your contract but I also want you to be my advisor."
Yuzuru chokes a little.
Yuzuru Shiba " you mean the Queens advisory her first hand man."
Pheonix " that exactly."
Yuzuru Shiba" I'd be honoured thank you."
He tightens his arms around me. And Eisuke comes over with Yuki and sits .
Eisuke " Yuzuru you accepted then."
Yuzuru Shiba" of course."
Yuki decides to lie on the lounger I'm on and plays with the beads on the padlock on my bikini thong.
Pheonix " Eisuke I want you to work for me too."
He looks at Yuki and Yuzuru and gives me an expressionless look.
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke you have been Pheonix's friend for so long . And I know my wife she'd rather people she trust's around her and don't worry about Soryu he will always have the Mafia gang."
Eisuke " but I'm a hotel tycoon that's all I know."
Pheonix " Eisuke I want you to be my financial advisory, you'll still be able to buy hotels . Please Eisuke don't make me beg . Plus me and Yuki want to help Mauritius rise to its full potential."
Ghost " say yes please , we live with Pheonix what's the worst that can happen. You love Pheonix and I know your heart Eisuke and I also know if I didn't meet you that day Pheonix would be your wife now."
My eyes go wide in shock and I give Ghost the evil look.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix don't look so shocked, I already knew this about Eisuke."
Feeling a little annoyed I stand up and I lace my fingers through his hair and yank his head back making him look me in the eyes.
Pheonix " OMG! Eisuke thought we agreed to tell each other everything. And will you for godsakes work for me."
Eisuke " of course I will and I did tell you how I felt and you slapped me because of it. And things like that are best kept secret . I only told Yuki and Yuzuru, how the hell did you find out Ghost."
Ghost " you was all in Yuki's office and being that I'm very nosy I couldn't resist temptation so I put my back up against the wall the door was slightly open so I eavesdropped. I also know other things but watching Pheonix she will end up fighting you ."
Pheonix " Ghost I already gathered what the other things are . I'm so sorry your husband is a Pervert."
Ghost " Pheonix why'd ya let that slip."
Eisuke looks away from me , me knowing better then he thinks.
Yuki Arisugawa " if it's about Pheonix then I already know, me and Eisuke don't keep anything from each other."
Feeling somewhat uncomfortable about the conversation I walk away and find Coco in the sand .
Coco " hi mum , I'm sorry about all the mess , I'm glad dad is doing better. Oh yeah Dollie wanted something but uncle Eisuke got it for her in the end."
Pheonix " Coco I'm sorry about your birth mother, I thought she was dead ."
Coco " oh mum don't be sorry , I didn't know her I only know you and your my mother and that's all there is too it."
She stands up from the sand and shakes of the sand and throws her arms around me.
Coco " Dad tells me I should use my first name."
Pheonix " Rhilina is a strong Mauritian name , when me and your father spoke about me adopting you I asked his why it showed Rillina he explained that my Grandmother was called Rillina so he gave you her name."
Coco " actually I like Rhilina it's unique just like yours."
She walks away and Soryu puts Ota and Baba in there places.
Soryu " if Pheonix heard that you wouldn't be laughing."
Ota" oh come on Soryu , Eisuke gets away with saying shitloads about Pheonix."
Soryu " boi you better keep your mouth shut, Eisuke says them things because he loves her. You don't know her."
Baba" haha Ota don't look now but Pheonix is standing right behind you."
With that I raise my leg and kick him he lands in the sand face first, Yuki comes running over. As I stand on Ota's back.
Pheonix " now repeat what you said."
Ota" I don't think I want to."
Baba " haha she's got you all scared."
I pull baba by his waistband of his shorts and my face is in his.
Pheonix " wow you guys must think this is hilarious, Ota stop teasing Baba . I know your desperate."
I let go of baba and Ota stands up .
Ota" come on Phe you let Eisuke say anything he likes."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I need to speak with you."
Yuki grabs my hand and we walk back to the hotel, and into our suite.
Pheonix " I wanted a little fun. I really wanted to kick Ota's ass."
Yuki Arisugawa " I know but what you're wearing isn't suitable for fighting in. Anyway I got to thinking."
As he says that he opens the padlock to my bra and kisses my neck.
Pheonix " mmn Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " I need you right now."
The bra falls to the floor and I feel his hands glide down to my hips.
Pheonix " let me check your wound first."
Yuki wiggles so I can't check, I hear a click and my thongs drop to the floor. I feel yuki's lips on mine and his arms wrap tightly around me.
Yuki Arisugawa " 9 days is too long for me ."
Pheonix " is that so."
We fall onto the bed , and he slide into me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry baby , but keeping my hands off you has killed me ."
I start feeling a wave of sickness come over me and Yuki spots it straight away and gets off me . I rush to the bathroom, .
Yuki Arisugawa " baby what's wrong."
Pheonix " Yuki how long have we been here ."
Yuki Arisugawa " 3 weeks , you wanted an extra week because of what happened to me and Coco. Plus we go home tonight."
I call Dollie.
Pheonix " I'm coming home can you put that thing we talked about in my bathroom."
Dollie " mum you got to tell Yuki, and yeah I'll make sure it's there."
I text Eisuke, Yuzuru , Soryu, Baba, Ota and Ghost." I need to go home I feel Unwell met us at the plane in an hour."
Yuki looking confused I place our clothes in the case, and Yuki raises his voice.making me Jolt.
Yuki Arisugawa " Baileys Pheonix-River Arisugawa. Please tell me what's wrong , or I'll worry."
Pheonix " I'm not 💯 % sure but when was the last time I drank alcohol."
Yuki Arisugawa " 3 week ago oooh that's why."
He pulls me into his arms and kisses my neck.
Yuki Arisugawa " lets go home and find out yes."
Pheonix " I'm sorry Yuki, all I ever wanted since coming back from the palace was be with you and the children. And I'm missing home and the children especially my little trouble maker ."
We get dressed and Yuki tells the driver that our case is in the boot and we go by bike. We board the plane and I start feeling extremely exhausted, I go to grab Yuki and end up passing out. All I hear is voices.
Eisuke " Yuki what's wrong with Pheonix."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm not sure , I need to get her some water. Would you mind."
Eisuke lifts me into his arms and he sits down , Yuki comes over and strokes my face .
Yuki Arisugawa " Omg! Pheonix please wake up."
Eisuke " hate me all you will but let me try something."
Eisuke starts kissing me which forces me to open my eyes and my palm smacks him in the face.
Pheonix " how many times Eisuke never ever kiss me. Yuki you allowed this."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix are you alright. Yes I did , plus it woke you."
Pheonix " I fucking would be if Eisuke didn't kiss me and why the hell am I in his lap. Eisuke I swear if you took advantage of me I'll make sure you won't be able to use them hands."
Eisuke pulls me in for a hug.
Eisuke " you had me and Yuki worried, you passed out. What's wrong with you?."
Pheonix " fuck you Eisuke wow I cannot believe you're lips and tongue was over mine. Ghost I'm truly sorry, Yuki your in serious trouble."
We take our seats and I over hear Soryu talking to Yuzuru.
Soryu " she really asked you."
Yuzuru Shiba " yes she did, I know she will be asking you too."
Soryu " she scares me too much , I've never been frightened of any woman except her."
Yuzuru Shiba" haha come on she's not that scary.  Well a little it's only because she has reason to especially when it's friends and family. And believe it or not I'm an only child and I see Pheonix as my sister."
Soryu " well I will have to wait and see. Yuzuru tell me you wasn't scared of her at first."
Yuzuru Shiba" nope I like her she's got a lot of sprit why do you think we get along so well."
I end up falling asleep and Yuki wraps his arm around me and pulls me into him. I listen to different conversations.
Yuki Arisugawa " hey Soryu, I know Pheonix will be talking to you soon. And she's aware of the Ice Dragons 🐉."
Soryu " how can I work for the crown when I'm constantly breaking the law every second."
Yuki Arisugawa " haha , dude your already on the most wanted list in the F.B.I. ."
Soryu " were does that leave me , you used to work for the F.B.I. . You haven't exactly arrested me yet."
Yuki Arisugawa " my wife would kill me that's why, your her bodyguard and I know she wants to protect you and the Mafia."
Soryu " I was just telling Yuzuru , Pheonix is just fucking scary."....

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