Freeing Yuki from his dark past. Chapter 39

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I start swinging on the rope and watch everything unfold.
Yuki's mother " Eito never replied so I choose the most vulnerable."
Yuki Arisugawa " my girls are not Weak as you think."
Yuki's mother " Yuki my son I'm going to have the pleasure of killing your wife ."
Yuki Arisugawa " Fine kill her you won't make it out of here alive."
I start singing to drown out her voice.
Pheonix " princess's don't cry, I'm fine I'm laying on the floor again. Don't waste my time. Wipe your teary eyes."
Yuki looks up as I sing them words. And his mother starts laughing.
Yuki's mother " haha , she is so weak. Singing songs how fitting."
I see Soryu and he gives me a signal. I reach my boot for a knife and start swinging again as I'm cutting the rope I land on the floor and she turns around, and smacks me in the face with something sharp. I wipe the blood from my cheek and start laughing.
Pheonix " a silly little scratch omg come on now I'm disappointed."
Yuki's mother " I do have more ."
Pheonix " then let's dance and make it quick as I'm needed else where."
She picks up stuff and throws them at me , Yuki, Eisuke, yuzuru, Kazuomi, Soryu stand there and watch . Adrian whistles and I look up as Yuki's mother try's to grab me I hold my arms above my head and Adrian pulls me off the floor. Yuki's Mother " Yuki your wife seriously needs to stop hanging around these different men, she'll get a name for herself."
Yuki Arisugawa " what like you , you mean I can't believe I came from you. You promised me you would never go for my wife and here we are. And these men are her best friends one is her son Inlaw. These guys would die for her."
Pheonix " I know everything , I even know your best friend abused my Yuki. You must be so proud."
Adrian whispers into my ear,
Adrian " what else does this women know about , and what do you mean Yuki was abused."
Yuki's mother " all fucking lies ."
Keith appears holding a knife to a woman into the room and Yuki goes white as a ghost.
Yuki Arisugawa " you have got to be fucking kidding me."
Adrian " who's she."
I place my finger to my lips and listen. 
Mercy Benz" let me go you stupid fool. Yuki Arisugawa help me please."
Prince Keith " if you don't keep still you'll end up seriously hurt."
Yuki Arisugawa " why the fuck would I help you, it's because of you I'm the way I am."
Yuki's Mother " Mercy is harmless."
Yuki Arisugawa " you would say that , would you like me to explain what happened when I was 14?."
Mercy Benz " you loved every minute of it."
Yuki Arisugawa " I had no fucking choice I was restrained."
Yuki's Mother " Mercy what is he talking about."
While listening I lay myself across the beam in the tall room Adrian hands me some rope and he ties it to the beam.
Yuki Arisugawa " from 14 to 17 I was introduced into a world that no child should ever endure, I spent 3 years being Mercy's submissive."
Tears prick the corner's of my eyes as I hear Yuki, I wrap the rope around my thigh and Adrian explains that Kazuomi and Yuzuru are either end of the room.
Yuki Arisugawa " she used me for sex. The only thing I can thank her for is the experience because my wife has become very understanding. It's only tonight that she'll understand the truth."
I turn myself around onto my front on the beam and pull my self so I'm above Keith ready to drop.
Yuki Arisugawa " when I told you , you laughed it off and said that I was lying. When Pheonix's mother contacted me telling me Pheonix needed to see me I used that opportunity , I explained to her mother what I went through and she gave me the house in Port Louis she said I could do anything I wanted . Prince Keith's father gave me enough money for me to stand on my feet and raise my Daughter. 3 years I had to live in Mercy's home if I didn't do things the way she wanted me to I'd feel a lot of pain."
Keith looks up as a tear of mine falls on to his face. I drop down as Keith moves out of the way as the sword meets its maker. I fall to the floor and the rope drops from my tigh I walk over to Yuki's mother raising both swords.
Pheonix " I knew a little but not that Yuki I'm so sorry."
Yuki's mother " it's a load of bull and you have killed my best friend."
I place the edge of the sword to her neck.
Pheonix " after what I heard she deserves to meet her fate. My mother must of known it was true otherwise she would never of helped Yuki, my uncle would never of given him money. I can't believe that you will still now deny your own son."
She starts laughing and kicks me making me fall on my back.
Yuki Arisugawa " why do people do this they always think they have a right to touch my girl."
Yuki's Mother " Yuki why do you make it sound like she's just property."
I stand up and stab her in the back .
Pheonix " because that's all he's ever known, and I quite like the idea of being own by someone who loves me . Isn't that right Yuki my love."
He walks over and kisses me.
Yuki Arisugawa " yes my queen."
His mother drops to the floor and I drop my other sword and pull Yuki into my arms . 
Pheonix " I truly understand now. And I'm happy for you to dominate me."
Yuki tightens his grip , Adrian jumps down from the beam and walks over to us he shakes Yuki's hand .
Adrian Luca " you still haven't told Yuki about me have you."
Pheonix " because it's not for me to tell."
Yuki Arisugawa " what did you do."
Adrian Luca " she shot my father of his wrong doings . Since that day we became good friends. Yuki you have an excellent woman. An I'm going home now ."
Yuki Arisugawa " bring Mikey around tomorrow and we'll talk about Rhilina."
He leaves with Soryu and the others climb into the car Yuki lifts me into his arms arms and carries me out of the house and puts me on the bike just as I'm about to turn he stops me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm riding you home and I want you facing me . Pheonix please understand I love you more then my own life. I'm sorry if people see it as I treat you as property."
Pheonix " baby I don't care . This choker I wear tells people that I'm yours. And I honestly love the ideas of being owned by you."
Yuki Arisugawa " Baileys Pheonix River Yuki Arisugawa your mine for as long as I live. I was hoping to just take my mother out but you have just took away my past life. I'll always be indebted to you, I'll give you anything you want and another thing I will never tell you no."
Pheonix " Yuki right now I want to be home in our bed in your arms."
We ride home. Yuki takes the bike into the garage and I run up the stairs and check on the children to find them all in my bed Ghost laying at the bottom of the bed, Eisuke comes in and lifts Ghost into his arms just before he leaves he stops and kisses me on the forehead.
Eisuke " Pheonix I will always love you , you know that . I'd die for you and our children, thank you for being such a brilliant friend."
I kiss his forehead and I kiss Ghost and he leaves the room , Keith comes in and carries Dollie out the room.
Prince Keith " Mum , I'll always be by your side when you fight. Thank you for trusting me."
I walk over to the bed and kiss Eito and River and they wake .
Pheonix " thank you for protecting your sisters, I can take over now . Go to bed and I'll see you both in the morning." Eito, River " uncle Yuzuru will teach us to fight. As princes it's our duty to protect our family."
They leave the room and Yuki comes in.
Pheonix " baby take Rhilina to her bed ."
Yuki picks his daughter up and takes her to her bed and comes back as I pull the covers back and Yuki starts laughing. He pulls me into his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " this is such a beautiful sight seeing our girls like this . We're is Jean and Baileys."
I pull the covers back on his side and there they are.
Pheonix " baby lets leave them we can sleep in the guest room."
I pull from his arms and I check on the twins and he comes in behind me. I kiss the twins and we head for the guest room. He pulls me into the bathroom and gives me my toothbrush and we get washed. He walks over to the bed a pulls the blankets back. I strip out of my clothes and underwear and climb into bed , Yuki climbs in and pulls me into his arms,
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm going to give my blessing to Rhilina and Mikey. Did you know Dollie is pregnant."
Pheonix " really but all that alcohol she drank the other night . Omg of I'd of know I'd of given her something else."
Yuki Arisugawa " she drank water all night, you, Ghost , Kiki and Autumn was the was who drank."
Pheonix " oh yeah Kiki what are we going to do with her ."
Yuki Arisugawa " she's never done anything towards me so I think it's safe to let her carry on working for us . Plus she's good with the girls ."
Pheonix " there is that. Yuki why didn't you tell me about your past."
Yuki Arisugawa " I wanted to believe me I was hoping to tell you that night when we met . But seeing you again melted it all away. Then when you lived with me and Rhilina I wanted to tell you but i didn't want to hurt you."
Pheonix " Yuki if my mother told me about you I would of come and found you ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I know you would of , your mother told me that you was working for the secret service so I played the waiting game. Pheonix this choker your wearing has a GPS tracking device, no one will ever be able to take it off even if they tried."
Pheonix" Yuki I'm so glad I met you, if I could do it again I would but I'd would of made sure you never left the first time. All that matters is our Family."
Yuki Arisugawa " wait until Christmas baby your going to love it here."
Yuki kisses the back of my neck and we both fall asleep, a few hours later I hear the twins and grab Yuki's shirt and race into there room Riku just wants cuddles and Bleu wants feeding. Dollie comes in and sits on the floor.
Pheonix " baby go to bed I'm fine honestly."
Dollie " mum I'm pregnant."
Pheonix " baby I know , and please Give me a granddaughter. I feel out numbered by the men in this house."
Dollie " mum I want you to become my doctor."
Pheonix " baby you know I will . Any way talking about children Jean has asked me for a bike."
Dollie " Jesus Christ that boy . Mum you do realise he wants a petrol bike."
Pheonix " haha someone definitely takes after there gramps."
Dollie " but that Kawasaki didn't uncle Eisuke buy you that."
Pheonix " he did but you're Dad is the one who rides it.  Baby tell me what you want for your birthday."
Dollie " mum you have already given me enough."
She takes Riku and cuddles him.
Pheonix" I love having you all here, it feels like a family home."
Dollie " mum uncle Kazuomi will have to make another room."
Pheonix " behave there is 4 guest rooms , choose any one you want tell Kazuomi how you want it and hell do it."
Dollie " how did you meet them two. Uncle Kazuomi is very private and uncle yuzuru is strange."
Pheonix " I was roped in something Ghost couldn't be bothered to do she had a meeting and she asked me to go in her place. I walked into there office and Kazuomi was trying to sus me out and Yuzuru wanted my computing skills. Since then we become friends."
I put Bleu back in his cot and we leave the room.
Pheonix " Dollie get some sleep and I will see you in the morning."
She goes to her room and I go in to the guest room and Yuki isn't there, I find my way into the laundry room and there he is sitting on the floor back against the wall smoking.
Pheonix " what's wrong."
Yuki Arisugawa " just thinking about you."
I sit on the floor and lay my head on his lap and his hand laces through my hair.
Pheonix " Dollie told me ."
Yuki Arisugawa " she said she would . Baby I've been thinking about that lyric book of yours there's so many songs in there Yuki won't remember."
Pheonix " Mercedes wants a princess doesn't cry ,  love you better, Guns n Roses . Maybe the girls can sing one and I do the Rest."
Yuki stand to his feet and pulls me to my feet , he takes my hand and we go into the recording studio.
Pheonix " baby what is it that you need."
Yuki Arisugawa " I want to hear Guns n Roses."
I fiddle around flips switch and turn nobs , once I've found the right beat , I explain to Yuki to press the record button. I press one button were he can talk to me. I walk into the booth and slide on the headphones and stand in front of the mic. He smiles and I proceed.
Yeah, oh baby, oh why? mmm why?
Why are those tears falling 
Why do I hear 'em calling out my name, out my name 
Look I know we both said some things 
But we don't mean half of what we say, we say
Throwing these words like hand grenades 
Up in the air and watch 'em rain 
You got a way to drive me out my mind
That's when I turn it back at you 
Fire away without a clue 
Of how much is really hurting you
So baby go ahead and take your aim at me again 
'Cause I'm okay with war if love is how it ends 
The way that you say sorry and put those lips on me 
It ain't gon' be picture perfect, but what it is 
Is guns n roses, we're guns n roses You can throw a bomb my way 
For every time I make mistakes 
But you know that'd never break what we built 
And baby that makeup sex 
Makes all of this pain worth it 
So I'll fight with you over and over again
So baby go ahead and take your aim at me again 
'Cause I'm okay with war if love is how it ends 
The way that you say sorry and put those lips on me 
It ain't gon' be picture perfect, but what it is 
Is guns n roses, we're guns n roses
We've got a bleeding love 
You are my deepest cut 
And I believe in us 
You should know
'Cause every man will have his faults 
Like every rose will have its thorns 
If it don't hurt then we're not feeling love at all
So baby go ahead and take your aim at me again 
'Cause I'm okay with war if love is how it ends 
The way that you say sorry and put those lips on me 
It ain't gon' be picture perfect, but what it is 
Is guns n roses, we're guns n roses 
Guns n roses, we're guns n roses.
Yuki starts crying which makes me slide of my headphones and run into his arms .
I pull him into my arms.
Pheonix " I'm so so sorry, this was never meant to make you cry. I wrote these when we was young, I needed an outlet and instead of screaming and breaking shit . Ghost gave me a book and said write it down , so I did."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't want to live forever ever was one song that suited us and I love that song but after hearing you sing to me twice your always going to be my favourite top songs."
He stops his recording on his phone and assigns that song to my name.
Pheonix " Yuki I will make you your very own album if it makes you happy."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix lets go back to bed now."
I wipe his tears from his eyes and he lifts me into his arms.
Pheonix " I have a new song ringing around in my head."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'd love to hear it when it's complete."
Pheonix " oh baby do I detect my first fan."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll always be your biggest fan."
He lays me into bed and places him self between my legs and we both fall asleep. I wake up and head down stairs and Dollie is in her dance room getting frustrated.
Dollie " Mum I just can't do it , Ghost's Clint wants this at the end of the month and I just can't do it."
I pull her into my arms.
Pheonix " let me hear it , and why do you have to do it."
Dollie " she already did the song but there making a music video. Ahhhh ."
She pulls out her headphones and plays it through the speaks , I stand there and listen and Dollie shows me what's she's done so far.
Pheonix " baby this song is a no brainier, it needs two people."
Dollie " but there's only me and you."
Keith and Yuki walks in and Keith looks utterly shocked as he watches my grip Dollie's waist to get her to move mover freely. Yuki walks over .
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie May I ."
She nods and Yuki comes up behind me slides his hands up my arms and lifts them into the air as I move my hips like a snake. And Dollie copies every move I make when it says dip it law I drop to the floor .
Dollie starts laughing.
Dollie " shit mum your Good."
Pheonix " is there anything more you need."
Dollie " there's one more."
She plays the song as I listen I reck my brain to help her. I start smiling and she looks at me confused I stand behind Yuki and slide my hands up his back and his shoulders and kiss the back of his neck , I then spin Yuki around to face me and put my hand on the back of his neck and walk into him his hand rests on my hip as we move to the music Dollie stands there and watches just as the song is about to finish Yuki slides his hand to my tigh lifts it to his hip and tilts me. Dollie " OMG!. Dad there going to love this , Dad you really need to take up dancing because it really suits you. Especially when you doing it with mum. And this is the kind of suduction there after. Thank you both you've given me enough to think about."
We leave the room when Mercedes is singing her heart out , we walk into the recording room and she has Storm and Yuki in the booth.
Ghost " ah Pheonix glad your here. That Guns N Roses song has been recorded and you need to get in that booth and help your girls."
Yuki takes a seat and Ghost pushes me in the booth giving me no room to protest.
Mercedes " we're stuck help us please."
Pheonix " girls if we do this then you'll have to sing it in parts . As this is a long song, mummy has a little secret that daddy doesn't know."
Yuki presses the speak button to.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm punishing you for that alone."
Pheonix " I'll be waiting and ready. Mercedes I wrote this a few months ago for you because I know you have a boyfriend and he upset you and you was laying on your bedroom floor crying. So he must have done something to you , that night when we was all in bed and Daddy was asleep I wrote them words."
Yuki Arisugawa " Mercedes I don't think my heart can handle much more . Who is he ? How old ? And I want to meet him?."
Mercedes " he's 13 , and you won't like him . And no your not meeting him you'll embarrass me. Mum please sing now." Yuki Arisugawa " I'd never embarrass you Mercedes, mum wouldn't allow me to."
Mercedes " Dad Shut up already. Mum your such a grass telling Dad."
Pheonix " baby Dad would of found out sooner of later, he would of been more upset that you kept it from him. And listen your boyfriend doesn't need to meet dad yet. Plus you have so much to do in life and you may not be with this Takkamune for long."
Mercedes " Mum again stop letting out my secrets. Ahh Jesus I'm so Glad I can talk to uncle Wilfred about this stuff. Mum you get all cutesy about this mushy stuff and Dad gets all authoritive . So can we give up with this conversation right now."
Storm " Mercedes you know Daddy loves you right , so what if he gets like this. I'd expect the same when I have my first boyfriend. Don't you agree Yuki."
Yuki " keep me out of this . I'm not agreeing I hate boys , there so mean , there bullies, they are just sooooo damn Stupid. I never want a boyfriend let alone get married it's just too much. The fights uncle Takuto has with his wife and he's just horrible to her when they shout . I've never seen mum and dad fight ever."
Mercedes " that's because mum and dad love each other so much that I believe if they fight they would say something nasty to hurt each other. And mum always lets dad know how she feels . Now mum can we get to singing now I'm getting bored."
I have Mercedes and slide on my headphones. Yuki stares at me through the glass window in the booth. Storm and Yuki sit on the stools and Mercedes cups her headphones.
Ghost " are we ready . I bloody hope so , all that talk when you could be singing your label."

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