A wedding plus an engadgement. Chapter 6

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2 years later after getting used to the idea of having parents a brother, being in the palace for a year and not seeing much of Dollie and Yuki . I wake to Yuki's lips on mine.
Pheonix " mmn Yuki, good morning."
Yuki Arisugawa " it is isn't it , sorry I've been so busy to spend time with you."
Pheonix " it's alright anyway your here now , it's been so long the twins have missed you."
Yuki Arisugawa " I've missed them and there mother too. I've missed these lips. Mmm."
Pheonix " have you only just got in."
Yuki Arisugawa " I have I arrived an hour ago, me and your father are hoping to Unite our country's , . But Pheonix I don't want to talk about that I crave your body right now."
Pheonix " really ?."
Yuki Arisugawa " you still have to tease me ."
He lays his body on mine and starts kissing my neck when I hear the twins.
Princess Mercedes " Daddy Daddy."
Prince Glen " Daddy."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry Pheonix, I will ravish this body."
Yuki gets off me and off the bed and he scoops the twins into his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " what'd you say to breakfast. Mummy come find us."
The twins squeal in delight. Coco comes in and climbs into my bed.
Coco Arisugawa " mum you getting up, I'm hungry and Dollie is in trouble."
I climb out of bed and pull on my gown.
Pheonix " why is Dollie in trouble."Coco takes my hand and we walk the corridor of the palace.
Coco Arisugawa " something about sneaking into Keith's room last night."
Pheonix " go find daddy I'll be along in a minute."
She hurries off and I head for Keith's room , I knock on the door and walk in to find the pair tangled into each other. I pull a bottle out of the fridge and pour it over them.
Pheonix " Dollie out right now , Keith my office when your decent."
I go and find Yuki and he's giving the twins there breakfast.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix you alright."
Coco Arisugawa " Keith's gonna get busted."
Yuki Arisugawa " what?."
Pheonix " I've just found them in bed with each other."
Dollie comes strolling in . And I place my hands on Yuki's shoulders.
Pheonix " Dollie Arisugawa you was told never to enter a princes room ."
Dollie Arisugawa " geez mum it's not that bad."
Yuki Arisugawa " but you knew the rules of the palace correct."
Dollie Arisugawa " well yeh but we've been doing this for months."
I walk to the twins and kiss there cheeks. And wave to Coco.
Yuki Arisugawa " so you're asking to be kicked out."
I find my office and Keith is already waiting.
Pheonix " Keith how long as this been going on ."
Prince Keith " a year ."
Pheonix" I can't believe you didn't tell me."
Wilfred walks in and hears me shouting at Keith.
Prince Wilfred " morning sister, Keith your father is gonna be pissed. He gave you that one rule and you break it."
Prince Keith " Wilfred, Pheonix I love Dollie."
Pheonix " does Dollie feel the same."
Prince Keith " Geez I hope so because not only have we been sleeping in the same bed but we're having sex too."
Pheonix " omg that's just too much information for my ears. Wilfred can you deal with this I need to talk to Dollie."
I kiss his cheek and leave. I find Dollie eating bacon and Yuki talking to her."
Pheonix " Coco would you go and get dressed I need to speak to your sister."
I cover Mercedes ears and Yuki does little Glen.
Pheonix " Dollie your fucking taking the piss , Keith has just explained you both are having sex. Jesus girl we used to talk , he loves you , you know that right."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix don't be so hard on Dollie, remember we was the same and still are."
Dollie Arisugawa " mum I'm sorry but Yuki is right."
Pheonix " do you love him."
Dollie Arisugawa " yes I do."
Pheonix " then I won't stand in your way, I'll talk to my uncle."
Dollie gets off her chair and hugs me .
Dollie Arisugawa " thanks mum I knew you'd understand, anyway don't you have a wedding to plan for."
My mother walks in and sits at the table.
Mother " Dollie my dear girl, the wedding is all sorted, I heard you broke the rules."
Dollie Arisugawa " I've already had the third degree from mum not you too."
Mother " on the contry why would I . I was just as bad maybe even naughtier come to think of it I was the rule breaker, I was always sneaking into your grandfathers room , we would have loads of fun . We slept naked."
Pheonix " omg! Mum please I don't need to know what you and dad got up too . Yuki come help me dress the twins."
I take Mercedes out of her high chair and I'm just about to leave when Dollie say something.
Dollie Arisugawa " Nan what kinds did you get up to."
Mother " well it wasn't just about the sex."
Pheonix " I'm still hear you know. Wow no shame the pair of you."
We take the twins into our room and give them a wash and help them brush there teeth.
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie is 20 now shouldn't she be able to have some fun. Anyway I remember vividly when we'd try and failed, didn't you not come to my office and suddues me ."
Pheonix " oh Yuki Arisugawa what are you like ."
I put a dress on Mercedes and her socks and shoes and put her Down and she goes into the bedroom and pulls her dummy from her cot. Yuki puts little Glen down and he finds his sister. Yuki pulls me into him and lays his lips on mine, his hands slide up my nightdress .
Pheonix " Yuki the twins are only in the next room."
Yuki Arisugawa " tonight lets go for a walk, just me and you. I'm sure Wilfred will watch them."
Pheonix " mmm it's been a while, I'll ask him."I pull away from him and get dressed and walk out the bathroom and the twins take my hand
princess Mercedes " mum mum."
Prince Glen"mum mum."
Pheonix " I got to take the twins to nursery. Plus I need to see Atsum and the boys."
Yuki Arisugawa " my schedule is free I'll join you."
We walk down the corridor and Cathy screams at hi pitch.
Princess Cathy " princess Pheonix were do you think your going."
She comes running up and looks really pale the twins grab Yuki's hand and Cathy callasps I mange to grab her intime.
Pheonix " Cathy have you been taking your medication."
Princess Cathy " I have ."
Pheonix " then I think we need to either change them or up the dosage."
Prince Keith " Pheonix why is it you know so much."
Pheonix " Yuki only new I went to university but I studied medicine, as well as other things. Take your sister and put her to bed, I'll stop at the hospital and speak to the director and will have a new prescription for her."
Yuki puts the twins in the car and I drive to the nursery. I kiss the twins goodbye and leave for the hospital, I pull into the car space next to thr director. And Yuki does a double look.
Yuki Arisugawa " this parking spot is for the C.E.O. ,"
Pheonix " oh Yuki when my other parents died I had to take on the role and I never changed the signed."
We get out of the car and we walk into the staffs entrance, doctors and nurses saying good morning Pheonix, we head into the lift and I open the panel and enter in a code . And the elevator takes us to the top floor
"good morning Miss Pheonix, what floor are you needing."
Pheonix " directors office."
We arrive and I knock on the door and push it open.The director "
Miss Pheonix what a pleasant surprise, what is it that you need."
Pheonix " first of all this gentleman is Yuki Arisugawa. And I'd like princess Cathy's chart ."
The director " very well."
He dials a number on the phone and a woman answers Doctor " yes director what is it as I'm busy with a patient."The director " Miss Pheonix the C.E.O is here and she needs to see Princess Cathy's chart."
Doctor " could Miss Pheonix come down as I'm overloaded with patients today."
Pheonix " I'm on my way, director. Yuki."
Me and Yuki leave and we are standing in a room full of patients.
Pheonix " Yuki would you mind giving me a hand."He nods and the reception clerk hands me some files
.Pheonix " miss long if you would like to follow me ."
The little girl and her mother follow me into a room.
The mother " I've not seen you hear before."
Pheonix " I'm qualified so I wouldn't worry, what's wrong with missy ."
I check her blood pressure and inside her mouth and the little girls complains of a sore throat.
Pheonix " I'll give you a prescription she must take this 3 times a day . Understood."
The mother shakes my hand and leaves. I write in the file and come out the room and give it to the reception clerk.
Reception clerk " excuse me miss but I don't know who you are , and you have sent that girl on her way."
The doctor comes out of her room and calls her next patient.
Doctor " Daisy it's fine she's a colleague of mine , it's very rare to show her face being the C.E.O . Pheonix can we talk when I'm done."
I give her a nod and look at the file in my hand.
Pheonix " master joong "He stands up and walks in the room.
Pheonix" gosh your tall we're are your parents."
Master Joong" there at home today, plus I'm old enough to attend appointments with out them , plus there soo embarrassing."
Pheonix " it says here that you fractured you thumb. And yes I totally agree my daughter Dollie tells me ."
Master Joong" I did but it's the pain more then anything"
Pheonix " I see , well I'll prescribe you a mild pain medication. You shouldn't need any higher."
Master Joong " thanks miss ."
He leaves and there's 3 more patients left. I write in his file and give it to reception.
Pheonix "  Miss Bambi."
I look but she's not there , I give the file to reception and look at the next one.
Pheonix " baby Rose."The mother stands up and brings the baby into the room.
The mother " please help my baby her heart stops and starts again."
Pheonix " that's not a good sign I know the perfect doctor who's trained in hearts . Let me ring him."
She sits in the chair while the phone rings.
Sentaro Kyogoku" yes what is it"
Pheonix " sentaro I have a baby here she's 3months old has heart issues."
Sentaro kyogoku" well I'll be it's you isn't it Pheonix, yes send mother and baby and I'll take a look."
Pheonix " thank you sentaro I knew I could count on you."
The mother leaves after I have told her where to go.
Doctor " Pheonix thank you I didn't think I would get through today. Ah yes Miss Cathy's file."
Pheonix " when was the last time she had a perscription ."
Doctor "  a month ago why. Has it not worked."
Pheonix " I'm going to put her on a higher does see if it helps. And another thing I'll be her paediatric doctor from now on ."
Doctor " but Pheonix she needs to be closely monitored."
Yuki comes up from behind and her eyes go wide. She bows to him. I burst into laughter.
Pheonix " haha I'm so sorry no one has ever bowed to my Fiancée before ."
Doctor " well he is prince Yuki am I right."
Pheonix haha again I'm truly sorry. Yes he is ."
Yuki rests his chin on my shoulder.
Yuki Arisugawa " did you know your C.E.O is a princess."
Doctor " who Pheonix never ."
Pheonix " it's true."
Doctor " omg I think I'm gonna pass out , take the file I'll call you when I have gathered the rest."
We leave the hospital and just as I'm about to open the drivers side door Yuki turns me around and brings his lips to my ears and whispers I place it back on the wall when I come to recent photos the first one is of me and Yuki standing behind me and our hands are covering my bump, the other is Yuki on his knees kissing my bump. And when we had the twins. I turn around to ask Yuki why our pictures was on the wall to find his lips on mine. In the heat of the moment I forget we're I am and wrap my arms around him. He pushes me up against the wall and takes no time stripping me out of my clothes.
.Pheonix " Oh Yuki Arisugawa."
Yuki Arisugawa " uh huh , I love you so so much."
His hand slides between my legs, and the other hand grips my thigh over his hip.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I want you so much."
I moan into his mouth and he pulls his fingers from inside me and he grabs my other thigh. And walks  me over to the table he sits me on top and pushes me so my back is on the table he falls to his knees and pulls my underwear off , he bury's he's face into my pussy, I feel his fingers slide into me and his other hand holding my pelvis. He sends electric up my spine making me arch my back my feet sit on his shoulders, wave after wave of orgasms. He stands up and hovers over me and sucks my nipples. I grab his hair and he wipes his chin over my lips.
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck girl you still taste fucking amazing. I'll always crave this body of yours."
I gently push him off me and fall to my knees I slip him into my mouth and he laces his fingers into my hair he moans in pleasure, then stops he pulls me to my feet and sits down on the chair he pulls me onto him and he slides into me . I start rocking my hips into him and he's lips are on mine my thighs start to shake and my breathing becomes more harsh. I bring my mouth to his ear.
Pheonix" Oh god Yuki, I'm gonna cum."
Yuki Arisugawa " cum for me baby."
As my wetness seeps out of me as I cry out Yuki cums . He embraces me and I sit on him for a while. My breathing slows down and Yuki cups my face.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'll treasure you for as long as I live. Your pussy feels good every time."
Pheonix " oh Yuki Arisugawa I love you ."
He presses his lips on mine, I pull back .
Pheonix " why are there pictures of us on the wall."
Yuki Arisugawa " I sent them to Keith and he passed them onto your mother."
We start to straighten our selfs when Yuki's phone goes off
.Yuki Arisugawa " Wilfred what's wrong."
Prince Wilfred " it's little Glen he won't stop crying."
I hurry and dress.
Yuki Arisugawa " it's bedtime he won't settle unless his mother is there."
Prince Wilfred " well put my sister down and let her deal with it . I think I'm going deaf."
I race out the door and find Glen sobbing I lift off my top and lift glen into my arms and instantly he stops crying.
Prince Wilfred " really that's all it takes."
Pheonix " he listens to my heart beat. What was you thinking."
Prince Wilfred " well I thought it might have been the breasts."
I slap my brother on the arm.
Pheonix" you really don't know your nephew that well then do you, I'm surprised Mercedes hasn't started."
Prince Wilfred " ahh that she's with Dollie."
I walk out of the nursery with Glen in my arms to find Dollie in Keith's room she has her top off and Mercedes is laying across her chest.
Pheonix " thought I'd find you girls."
Prince Keith " she started crying and your brother didn't know what to do."
Dollie Arisugawa " Yuki is home now thinking he should take over."
Yuki walks in the room and feels a little embarrassed seeing Dollie in her bra. Keith picks up Mercedes and gives her to Yuki. We're just outside the door when Dollie shouts.
Dollie Arisugawa " mum in a weeks time you get married.".
Yuki Arisugawa " a doctor huh I wouldn't mind getting a good check my self. Mmm"
I feel his breath tickle my ear then he kisses the dip in my neck.
Pheonix " Yuki come on now we have to pick up the medication . Plus I need to stop in and see Atsum."
I place my phone in the holder .
Pheonix " looks like I'll have to see Atsum another time. "

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