The arrival of the twins and a shocking discovery. Chapter 5

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A few hours later our second child is born. The midwife checks them over and I'm on the bed waiting to meet my twins.
Midwife " your babies are really healthy, would you like to see them."
Pheonix " yes please."
A nurse wheels two cots with the babies in and one baby in wrapped in a blue blanket and the other in pink.When I look up to see Yuki's face he's crying.
Pheonix " Yuki are you alright."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm just so happy."
Midwife " do we have names for these bundles of joys ."
I smile and just as I'm about to speak, Dollie, Coco and Cathy barge in .
Dollie Arisugawa " mum there beautiful you haven't given there names yet ."
Pheonix " Dollie I was about to , yet you interrupted me."
Keith comes in and sits down in the chair.
Prince Keith " Pheonix I'm sorry but these girls wouldn't give in until I brought them here."
Pheonix " that's fine Dollie waits for no one , she's been like this since the day she was born, has no patience. Dollie me and Yuki decided that he would name his first born son and I would with our daughter."
Dollie Arisugawa " well mum what is it don't hold me in suspense."
Yuki hands me our daughter and he picks up our son.
Yuki Arisugawa " we agreed on prince Glen and princess Mercedes."
Dollie starts laughing.
Dollie Arisugawa " why does my sister have a car name , and there is already a king Glen ."
Prince Keith " that's right king Glen is my fathers name , oh and Pheonix my father asked me to give you this."
He hands me a file and Dollie takes her sister from me so I can look, I open the file and there is a picture of a baby with my name and age , i look at Keith and I pull Yuki's phone out of his pocket.
Pheonix " King Glen is this true ."
King Glen " absolutely it was hidden in the palace archives and when you was here I could never understand why you used Pheonix then it all clicked."
Pheonix " I can't believe it ."
King Glen " well now I'm sure in a few days when your settled and I come and visit you it will make a lot of sense."
Pheonix " okay I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say."
I put the phone back into Yuki's pocket the midwife comes in.
Midwife " Pheonix the doctor says you can go home , I'll see you in a few days . Yuki you have my number if anything happens."
We arrive home and me and Yuki place the babies in there cots and Yuki embraces me .
Yuki Arisugawa " what was in the file, you seem a little shocked to find out ."
Pheonix " your mother recovered after Dollie shot her. Did she tell you who was next in-line to become your wife."Yuki Arisugawa " she mentioned someone called Bailey but that was all she mentioned."
Pheonix " do you remember telling me when you handed me my favourite ice cream that you knew everything about me and you new my first name."
Yuki Arisugawa " I did why what is it."
I dig out the file from the bag and hand it to Yuki and his eyes go wide.
Pheonix" so Yuki you see I was next in line to marry you , my name is Baileys Pheonix River And if King Glen is 100% then I'm princess baileys Pheonix."
Yuki pulls out his phone and calls his mother.
Yuki Arisugawa " are you busy. Can we meet at the office."
He slides the phone back into his pocket, and asks me to change out of the clothes I'm wearing and I meet him downstairs and he places the twins in there car seats . We arrive at the office and he carries the babies in . And his mother knocks on the door.
Mrs Arisugawa " Yuki what was so important that we meet here."
Yuki Arisugawa " you said that a young woman was next in line to become my wife . What was her name."
Mrs Arisugawa " Bailey's I know her back ground is royalty."
Pheonix " so this puts us in a good situation."
Mrs Arisugawa " again I would politely ask you to stay out of my sons affairs."
The baby starts crying and I take him out of his car seat and place the blanket over my shoulder and unbutton my blouse and feed him.
Pheonix " Mrs Arisugawa I'd keep the shouting to a minimum please. And as for staying out of Yuki's affairs that's not going to happen. Have you ever met Baileys."
Mrs Arisugawa " well no I was given her date of birth and her first name . Why does it concern you anyway."
Yuki Arisugawa " we've only just found out but things will be clearer in a few more days . So would you met me an Pheonix here again."
Mrs Arisugawa " well I suppose I can do that ."
She leaves the office and I've finished feeding the babies. We go home , when there is a debate in the lounge, I take the babies to there nursery and Yuki goes a deals with it. I bath the babies and put them in there babygrows and grab my nursing pillow and the babies feed . When my little girl has finished I lay her in her cot. And prince Glen decides he wants to have cuddles I sit in the rocking chair and rock him off to sleep. My eyes close and Yuki comes in and takes Glen from me and places him into his cot.
Yuki Arisugawa " come your tired. I'll make up some bottles."
He pulls me out of there room and grabs the baby monitor and pulls me into our room. I head in the bathroom and get washed and brush my teeth. I climb into bed .
Pheonix " what was happening down stairs."
Yuki Arisugawa " Oh Dollie and Keith was having a disagreement. Dollie was right and Keith apologiesed ."
Yuki kisses me and leaves the room. I wake up to the babies crying over the monitor and Yuki's voice comes through.
Yuki Arisugawa " one second Daddy is coming."
I smile and climb out of the bed when I hear another voice.
Prince Keith " Yuki you will understand that Pheonix will have to meet her parents."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's really down to Pheonix, it's not our place to assume that she will . Plus this is a lot to take in the life she's known are with the people she thought was her parents, Atsum Kashiwara is her eldest brother."
Prince Keith " Atsum is aweare of who Pheonix was when she lived with them . Pheonix must know her heritage plus she has a brother Wilfred and he's looking forward to meeting her, they arrive tomorrow with my father."
Yuki Arisugawa " this is too soon . But I can understand why they want to meet with her."
Prince Keith " this makes us cousins, her mother is my fathers sister."
I get up and go to the nursery and Keith turns when I open the door.
Prince Keith " Pheonix , Yuki I bid you goodnight."
He stops at the door and looks at me.
Prince Keith " I'm so happy that we can be a family again. And I really really like Dollie."
Pheonix " Keith thank you . You being here as really helped."
He closes the door and Yuki is winding Mercedes . I walk closer and kiss her head, and Yuki eyes go wide.
Pheonix" is someone a little jealous."
Yuki Arisugawa " I would be if them lips don't meet mine."
He pulls me and I kiss him and I feel him smile.
Pheonix " I take it you missed my kisses today."
Yuki Arisugawa " uh huh. Go back to bed I'll be coming im just finished feeding both babies."
Pheonix " I can wait it's fine , I never saw the room in this light before. It's really calming."
Yuki Arisugawa " Coco had the same and I thought the babies would like it too."
Pheonix " aww Yuki your the best father our children could ever ask for.  And Fiancée."
Yuki Arisugawa " yes that we need to see king Glen tomorrow and we'll i was hopping to get his blessing so we can get married."
He places Mercedes in her cot and he places he's hand in mine and we leave there room and head into ours. When I hear the door click I feel Yuki's lips on the back of my neck I turn around and kiss Yuki he picks me up and places me in bed . He climbs in and snuggles into me and whispers as he closes his eyes.
Yuki Arisugawa " I love you Pheonix. I don't care if you was born a princess your mine and always will be."
Sleep takes over us and I wake in the night to feed the twins, I open the doors to find a strange woman in the rocking chair holding little Glen in her arms.
Stranger " hello my darling Baileys I see you've become a mother. Come sit down I won't bite."
I pick up Mercedes and sit on the floor and feed my little girl.
Pheonix " who are you? And why is little Glen in your arms?."
Stranger" my darling girl I'm your mother, would you begrudge me holding my grandson."
Pheonix " my mother, and no little Glen seems to like being in your arms."
I look at my mother and see she has red hair and brown eyes.
Mother" that's because he knows I'm his Nana , don't you little guy ."
Pheonix " so when did you arrive, is my father here."
Mother " yes he is , he's with king Glen. I mean your uncle."
Pheonix " why now ."
Mother " you see when I was pregnant with you I wasn't married, your fathers mother banished me from the palace. I stayed with my best friend and when you was born I stayed with you until you was three and Minni brought you up . It killed me to walk away from you, but being a princess I had to fulfill my duties. I was married to your father and we both come to visit you , but you was 10 years old you didn't recknise me so we left . You become a secret agent for the crown and you was to gaurd Cathy . when I heard that you was with Yuki his grandmother sending people to kill you and you ended up stabbed. you adopted his daughter , you become pregnant yourself. Yuki arranged with Keith to teach Dollie to fight and i new then . But my wonderful brother helped me and so I'm here . Please forgive me I really needed to see you. You have done so well for yourself, and of course I will treat Dollie like my grandchild."
Tears full from my eyes and there is a knock on the door and it opens and Yuki slides in he takes Mercedes from me and I stand up I leave the room and I race down stairs and I see King Glen in the lounge and another person sat on the sofa I walk round and he stands up . I throw my arms around him and the tears really fall.
Pheonix " so your really my father."
Father " of course I am , looking at you your so tall ."
He wipes my tears and my mother and Yuki stand at the entrance way .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I always knew something was missing and when I spoke to King Glen about Dollie, he mentioned it to me ."
Yuki Walks in and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed and my father pulls away and Yuki pulls me into him.
Pheonix " omg all this time and I never knew."
I hear someone laugh and I turn around to see this tall guy with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Prince Wilfred " omg come here little sister let me look at you."
He hugs me really tight. He cups my face and kisses my four head.
Pheonix " Wilfred right , how comes your hair is blonde."
Prince Wilfred " I really don't want to look like that old guy so I dye my hair."
I look at father and his hair is gray.
Mother " so Pheonix what is it that you want to do."
I look at everybody and I reach for Yuki's phone.
Mrs Arisugawa " what is it Yuki."
Pheonix " I'm sorry it's not who you thought it was , could you please come to the house."
Mrs Arisugawa " as long as you're daughter doesn't shoot me , I'll be there in an hour."
The butler comes in and explains breakfast is now being served. I go upstairs and take a quick shower and get dressed. I check on the twins to find there not in there cots. I start to seriously panic when I go down stairs and find the twins in there swings in the lounge.
Pheonix " Oh Yuki tell me next time i nearly had a heart attack."
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'm sorry I thought that I'd bring them down to have some sunlight."
Yuki pulls me into him and my heart starts to settle. Then the door bell goes and I go and answer it .
Mrs Arisugawa " I've come so what is it that you want."
King Glen appears behind me and Yuki's mother looks in shock. She walks into the house and my mother and father are in the lounge with Yuki and the twins.
Mrs Arisugawa " your majesty's I didn't know you would be here."
Mother " you have a lot of explaining to do ."
Yuki's mother looks shocked.
Mrs Arisugawa " I'm not taking the blame for what my mother did."
Mother " do you know who this woman is."
She looks at me and gives me a dirty look.
.Mrs Arisugawa " she's one of Yuki's flings ."Yuki shakes his head and Wilfred looks at his niece and nephew.
Mother " this is Baileys. She is the princess in our kingdom, so I would gratefully appreciat it if you would address my daughter with respect. Not what was it ahh yes barefoot and pregnant slapper."
Mrs Arisugawa " I am truly sorry."
She looks around the room and she's lost for words.
Pheonix " if I may be so bold to say something. Mrs Arisugawa I know you only did what your mother asked . But what does me more then anything in the world is the fact you come into Yuki's life turn it upside down and leave without a care in the world."
Dollie comes bargain in.
Dollie Arisugawa " don't make me shoot you again. You hurt my mum saying them nasty things and for you to gain what exactly."
Mrs Arisugawa " Dollie I'd keep your mouth shut if I was you yet again you're poking your nose into affairs that don't concern you."
Dollie Arisugawa " you have no right to talk down at me like you do . I have every right that woman there is my family."
Mrs Arisugawa " but she's not your mother."
Dollie Arisugawa " what did you just say."
Mrs Arisugawa " she's not your mother, you mother was killed buy an order my mother made."
Dollie smacks her straight around the face. And Yuki pulls Dollie into his arms. And she starts crying.
Pheonix " now look what you've done, your not happy unless you're destroying someone 's life."
Keith and Wilfred take the twins out of the room.
Mrs Arisugawa " Pheonix why can't you just admit the truth and tell Dollie."
Dollie Arisugawa " I know the truth, I found the letter when I was 11 years old. But I don't remember my real mother or father, I never spoke to Pheonix about it because she's all I've ever known and she is my mother, if it wasn't for her I would of been taken by child services and who knows were I'd end up, of what I'd be . So mum you have nothing to say sorry for , your my mother and always will be."
Dollie pulls from Yuki's arms and wraps her arms around me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I've kept my mouth shut right up and till now . But Dollie is my family and no one hurts my family."
Mother " Dollie let's go and make a herbal tea and leave Pheonix and Yuki to deal with his mother."
Dollie leaves the room and my mother takes her hand .
Yuki Arisugawa " why do you always do this , I'm not your son you gave that right up years ago. And I already have the kings blessing I will be marrying Pheonix, today is the last time you'll ever step foot in my home as well as the palace. I banish you from trying to find us . And looking for us ."
Mrs Arisugawa " so this is the princess, she never pegged me for the type."
Wilfred comes in and puts his hand on my shoulder.
Prince Wilfred " does Pheonix's  true identity scare you."
Mrs Arisugawa " she's not the Bailey I thought she was, she didn't even know you even existed until recently."
Prince Wilfred " and what does that have to do with anything, I'm happy to prove she's my sister if it would make you happy, but from what I gathered it wouldn't mean anything to you .."
Yuki Arisugawa " I think it's time for you too leave not only have you Pissed of my Fiancée, but you have upset Dollie and the twins, I will not have you raise your voice."
She leaves and doesn't even look back , Wilfred turns me to face me.
Prince Wilfred " so then my little sister how about we have some breakfast."
Pheonix " I'd knock it of with the little. And we're are the twins."
Prince Wilfred " there with our father and uncle Glen ."
I walk into the dining room to see that the babies are being held. Coco comes running in .I leave the room and go into Yuki's office and call Atsum. I'm sat on the desk so I don't see anyone come in .
Pheonix " Atsum I need to hear it from you . Did you know I had parents."
Atsum Kashiwara " I did I was just starting high school when you arrived but mum and dad told me to never speak of it."
Pheonix " you let me adopt Dollie with out hesitation."
Atsum Kashiwara " when Dollie was born there was complications and she stayed in intensive care. You insisted on staying with her so mum and dad could work, but you bonded with her when mum picked her up she cried and wouldn't settle, when you held her Dollie seemed content. So after there funeral the lawyer gave me a letter, asking me to allow you to become Dollies mother."
Pheonix " Atsum you're still my family I can't just ignore the relationship between us."
Atsum Kashiwara " you're always my baby sister that's never going to change. Being a princess won't change anything, I'm always here for you."
Yuki comes in and walks over to me and takes the receiver from me and the other arm pulls me into him.
Yuki Arisugawa " Atsum would you come and see Pheonix and Dollie, plus you need to meet two little people."
Atsum Kashiwara " if this is what Pheonix wants then yes I'll come."
Yuki Arisugawa " there will be a plane waiting for you. Bye for now."
Yuki hangs up and he wipes my tears, and kisses me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I know your feeling a little overwhelmed. But it all makes sense now . And please stop crying."
Still in Yuki's embrace , there's a knock and king Glen puts his head in.
Pheonix " come in uncle don't stand there ."
King Glen " Yuki you asked me for permission to marry Pheonix, you do realise she'll have to come home and announce it to our people first."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm aware of that, but this is completely a decision that Pheonix has to make her self."
My father walks into the room.
King Wilfred " my darling daughter, there is so much to discuss and Yuki I understand your going to become king ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I've not thought that far ahead, my priorities are Pheonix and the children, so forgive me if im failing in my duties."
King Wilfred " I'm just happy knowing Pheonix is your first priority."
He leaves the room and Yuki lets out a contented sigh.
Pheonix " looks like the fist year is preparing me for the people of my parents Kingdom. Looks like will be engaged for the year."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm okay just waiting, I'll wait a year and a half for you to become mine so another year isn't going to kill me . Plus I'm always by your side."
My lips are on Yuki's again he slips his tongue in and I grab his silver hear and yank his head back
.Pheonix " my darling Yuki getting greedy now ."
Yuki Arisugawa" uh huh , please give me them lips of yours."
Pheonix " think I'm going to have to dish out punishment's . My lips will be limited and your going to have to earn them."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's a rotten punishment. Very well Pheonix two can play that game."
I let go of his hair and he pushes me flat on the desk and him hand slides of my top and he leaves kisses on my scar.The door smashes of the wall and in comes Coco.
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy I thought I said she's my mummy, and I need some time with mummy."
Coco pulls the chair over to the desk and places her hands under my chin and kisses my four head.
Pheonix " Coco how many times do I need to tell you , you must knock first. Smashing the door of the wall will only damage it."
Yuki still has his face berried into my side.
Coco Arisugawa " okay mummy I'll try harder next time."
Pheonix " Coco go find Dollie to annoy her for 5 minutes."
She leaves and closes the door on her way out.
Yuki Arisugawa " seriously that girl seems to know when I crave your body."
Pheonix " well Yuki your going to have to wait for a bit as the twins are due a feed ."
Yuki stands up and pulls me to me feet he grabs the door handle and his other hand gently grabs the back of my neck and are lips meet again. When he's done and leaving me breathless he opens the door. And I head upstairs to feed the twins. Dollie comes up and Coco gets dressed.
Dollie Arisugawa " mum I'm not disturbing you am I."
Pheonix " I'm just feeding the twins why."
Dollie Arisugawa " I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the letter, to be honest I was looking for something in your wardrobe and a box fell and photos fell out along with the letter . I read it , I was curious why she never put mum at the end. But it all makes sense now."
Pheonix " if you ever change your mind and want to go home Atsum is happy to welcome you home."
Dollie Arisugawa " I don't think so your my mother, and I'm not leaving my sisters and brother."
Pheonix " this is a decision you and you alone can make, it would be sad to see you go if you choose that ."
Dollie Arisugawa " I'm not going anywhere for 16 years you brought me up into this complicated world, you raised me not uncle Atsum you , I shared every waking moment with you , not anyone else's. I'm proud to tell people that your my mother, and I mean this when I say it . I love you with all my heart, I don't think I could ever feel that way if my birth mother was standing here in front of me. I really don't want to destroy everything that me and you have."
Pheonix " Dollie you was always my first priority, even when I was on missions. You always came first . And too be honest with you , I was with you from the minute you was born you chose me , and you are my daughter no matter what anyone says ."
Dollie Arisugawa " let me help you with Mercedes, unless she hasn't finished feeding."
She takes her baby sister and winds her , and I sit there with little Glen in my arms. And reminisce about how I was with Dollie when she was small and now she's holding her sister brings fresh tears.
Dollie Arisugawa " mum you alright."
Pheonix " aww darling I'm just feeling really happy, it's like watching my old self with you that's all."
Dollie Arisugawa " I brought the box with me if you want the photos."
Pheonix " I'd like that , there should be some of me and you."
Dollie Arisugawa " there is , I never know you took so many pictures."
Pheonix " I didn't want to miss out on anything in your life , and I hope you , Coco and Mercedes share beautiful memories and have thousands of photos. To share."
Yuki Knocks on the door and comes in .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix you're crying again, Dollie I've spoken to Wilfred and Pheonix's parents and they have agreed that you will  become a princess, and Wilfred will except you as his Neice ."
Pheonix " Dollie that Tiara I wonder."
I change Glens nappy and put in him clean clothes and lay him on my chest and head for Coco's room , I open the door to her walk in wardrobe and pull the box from the shelf and make my way downstairs. I find my mother in the kitchen and I hand her the box, she opens it.
Mother " Pheonix I didn't know Minni held on to this , this was mine and I gave it to you."
Pheonix " mum I passed it onto Dollie and she passed it on to Coco."
Tears fall from my mothers eyes. And Keith strolls in I grab his shirt and put little Glen in his arms . I wrap my arms around my mother.
Pheonix " I was given that tiara when I was 5 , I wasn't told who it come from."
Mother " I'm just happy you looked after it really well , and I guess it's passed down to our generation, I hope to see Mercedes wear it when the time is right."
Pheonix " that's going to be a problem, Coco would like to give it to her first daughter."
My father walks in .
King Wilfred " my darling Robin, I still have my mother's if Pheonix would expect it for Mercedes."
Mother " I guess so but I would prefer it if it was mine."
Pheonix " mum wait a minute. Coco would you allow Mercedes to have your Tiara."
Coco Arisugawa " mummy I spoke to daddy and he said it would be alright for Mercedes to have it . And he would buy me a new one."
My mother scoops Coco into her arms.
Mother" Coco that's very sweet of you, your mummy does have another one but sadly she never got the chance to wear it , so how about you have that one ."
Coco Arisugawa " really. I don't mind sharing."
Mother " you already share a lot of things , but this tiara is a very special one but you'll have to wait till you're older."
My mother puts Coco down and she runs off into the lounge. Keith still holds little Glen.
Prince Keith " Pheonix Dollie will have to come home for me to teach her ."
Pheonix " she won't go without me , but you're welcome to try."
Prince Keith " I'm just a little worried is all."
Pheonix " and what is it that you worry about."
Prince Keith " I really really like Dollie, I can't help it."
Pheonix " Keith we may be cousins but if I find out that you have touched her other then teaching her to fight. I'll kick your ass."
Keith turns his face as he starts to blush and Yuki shouts me from the office and makes little Glen jump. I take him from Keith and find Yuki.
Pheonix " please don't shout like that little Glen nearly took off ."
He comes from his desk and kisses his sons head and whispers
Yuki Arisugawa " Daddy is sorry."
Pheonix " what is it that you want."
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie has agreed to go with Keith to start training."..

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