Yuki preposes and an unexpected visiter . Chapter 4

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It's been 2 years since me and Dollie moved in with Yuki and Coco and I've come to a halt in my life and I don't want to walk away, I'm in love with Yuki and Coco has become my daughter. I'm laying in my bed watching Yuki sleep, a warm breeze comes into our bedroom, I climb out of bed and take a shower. I'm standing there letting the hot water full over me when I feel hands on my bump and Yuki kissing my neck.
Yuki Arisugawa " you thought you could have a shower with out me ."
Pheonix " Yuki it's been 2 years and I don't want to leave, I'm in love with you, plus I'm having your twins ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I hoped you'd say that . I have a surprise for you later , right now I just want to enjoy this moment with you before the girls wake."
After we have washed our bodies Yuki holds me in his arms under the shower. When we have finished we get dressed and we go Downstairs and breakfast is all ready on the table, I sit down and put my legs on Yukis's lap and the girls come running in.
Dollie Kashiwara " good morning mum , Yuki. Gosh it's so nice today I fancy going to the beach."
Coco Arisugawa " good morning mummy, daddy. Dollie why don't we build sand castles."
The girls talk amongst each other, Yuki smiles and we watch the girls .
Pheonix "Dollie you'll be 18 in a few days is there anything you would like."
Dollie Kashiwara " I do Yuki will you adopt me and change my last name."
Yuki disappears into his office minutes later he comes back and hands Dollie a file with her name on it.
Dollie Kashiwara " OMG! Mum have you seen this ."
Pheonix " aww darling Yuki adopted you 6. Months ago we agreed when I found out I was pregnant that it's time to settle down."
Dollie hugs Yuki, and tears full from her eyes .
Yuki Arisugawa " there's no need for tears now come on ."
Yuki wipes her tears and she sits down.
Dollie Arisugawa" aww mum this is perfect. And the twins will be here soon , will you tell us the sex of the twins."
I look at Yuki and he smiles.
Yuki Arisugawa " me and your mother agreed not to know the sex. So it will be a great surprise to us all."
I hear the door bell and I go and open it to my shock it's Yuki's mother. I freeze for a moment and call for Yuki .
Pheonix " err Yuki I think you better come and see this."
Yuki comes to the door and sees his mother.
Mrs Arisugawa " I wasn't sure if this was the right place."
Yuki Arisugawa " what the hell. You walk away from me when I was born and now you're here , what are you planning."
Mrs Arisugawa " I've come to see my granddaughter, and as I can see this peice of trash is pregnant."
Pheonix "how fucking dare you, don't tie me to the same brush as you. You make me sick giving up a new born baby for what your selfish needs ."I start feeling angry, and my hands start to shake,  the girls comes out the dining room to see what's going on.Yuki Arisugawa " your not welcome here.  How dare call my Pheonix trash, you really don't know what she's capable of . So please leave ."
Dollie rubs my back to ease the stress I'm feeling.
Mrs Arisugawa " she's common she's low class she's got know business in our affairs. And look at it bare foot and pregnant, know dalbt she's a slapper."
Before she can finish her sentence I smack her hard around the face.
Pheonix " fuck you, how dare you call me that , you don't know me . Turn around and walk away."
Mrs Arisugawa " feisty little bitch aren't you. Run along little girl this is between me and my son."
Pheonix " don't push you luck , I'm happy to knock the shit out of you."
Yuki whispers in my ear.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby go and calm yourself down, this is not good for the twins."
He kisses me and I walk away with the girls.Pheonix " Dollie why don't we go to the beach, let me get my bikini and we'll go."I go upstairs and put on my bikini and grab my gown and go down stairs, the girls are already in there bikini's . I grab my phone and we walk to the beach, Coco has her buckets and spades and she goes of with Dollie. I lay on the sun lounger when my phone goes off with a text.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix if I asked you for eternity would you give me that."
Pheonix " aww Yuki you already have my heart, and yes I can do eternity . Why ask this what's wrong."
Yuki doesn't reply.
Pheonix " Dollie watch Coco, I'm going to find Yuki."
I walk back to the house and Yuki is in his office with his mum the door is a jar and I lean against the wall listening in.
Mrs Arisugawa " you cannot marry her she's not royalty."
Yuki Arisugawa " don't you come here and give me orders on what I can or cannot do. You gave up that right when you left me . And As for Pheonix she doesn't have to be royalty, I love her for who she is , not for what everybody wants . I am King to my country, and I want Pheonix by my side wether you or anyone likes it or not. I am in love with her and no one will ever change that. Not even you, your not my mother and never will be."
Mrs Arisugawa " Yuki your betrothed to someone else. Don't you get that."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm not marrying someone else , I'm gonna ask Pheonix to marry me . Plus she's having my twins. Me walking away now would destroy everything that I've built, my family. And Pheonix, she's not asked for any of this she's been attacked by your mother and she nearly died , and yet Pheonix is still standing."
Mrs Arisugawa " what a pathetic name , seriously Pheonix is a bird."
Yuki Arisugawa " i don't care if it's a bird, Pheonix rises even after getting stabbed. So I have no more to say on this . Conversation is over."I knock on the door as the tears fall and I slowly walk into the office, and I sit on the desk Pheonix " I'm sorry I heard everything, Mrs Arisugawa can we come to some agreement. I love your son , I'd die for him if that's what it takes . I know your pissed but I'm not leaving Yuki. So what ever you was planning isn't going to work."Yuki embraces me and his mother watches .Mrs Arisugawa " you do know he's betrothed to marry someone else."Pheonix " I'm sorry but how do you plan on tearing us apart especially when I'm having Yuki's twins . There's nothing you can do."
Mrs Arisugawa " actually there is . Yuki I brought your betrothed here she's in the car waiting. So Pheonix best you run along."
Pheonix " Yuki please tell me your not going to entertain this."
Yuki looks at me with sorrow in his eyes
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry Pheonix, i have to its part of being royalty."
I slap Yuki in the face , his mother smiles.
Pheonix " Yuki you really need to seriously think about what you're saying."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry Pheonix."
Pheonix " Fine me and Dollie are going home. How can you let her come between us , you obviously can't love me enough."I walk out the room and call Dollie.
Pheonix " Dollie bring back Coco , we're leaving. "I pack mine and Dollie's clothes and Dollie takes our cases to the car , I explain to Coco that I'm leaving. And she starts crying.
Coco Arisugawa " but mummy you promised you'd stay , you'd never leave me."
I hug her and the butler picks her up tears fall from my eyes me and Dollie gets in the car and I really let out my tears. Dollie hugs me.
Dollie Arisugawa " mum he'll see sense soon enough."
We arrive at the airport and board the private plane. Once were seated I put in my headphones and try and sleep. I must of slept for 6 hours when Dollie wakes me .
Dollie Arisugawa " mum we're home."
We get off the plane and a car takes us home.
. (1 month later )
Dollie is on her laptop speaking to Coco .
Dollie Arisugawa " I'm sorry Coco but mummy doesn't want to talk to anyone."
Coco Arisugawa " I really miss mummy."
Dollie Arisugawa " I know you do , and soon enough you're Daddy will understand and will come back."
The girls talk for a while and I decide to have hot soak in the bath, just as I climb in the tub my phone goes off .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix please come home, I need you."
Pheonix " you decided what you wanted Yuki, you choose your mother over me."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm not marrying that girl. I love you so much it's killing me."
Pheonix "Yuki I'm sorry."
I turn my phone off and get out the bath and go to bed , i roll over and see my clock that says 12:30am . I close me eyes and sleeping naked the sheets slips to my hips, when I feel lips on mine .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix wake up. I'm taking you home."
My eyes open thinking it was a dream and there next to me is Yuki, I feel his lips again.
Yuki Arisugawa "lets go home baby."
Pheonix " you come all the way here ."Yuki Gets of the bed and kneels down on one knee and he opens a ring box .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix will you give me eternity, become my wife ."
I get out of bed and I bend slightly and cup Yuki's face in my hand and I lay my lips on his and smile.
Pheonix " Yuki I love you , and of course I'll give you eternity."
He puts the ring on my finger and stand up he embraces me .
Pheonix " so what happened with your mum."
Yuki Arisugawa " lets say she won't bother us again. Now please let me take you home we're you belong."
He kisses me again.  I pull away and get dressed and we leave to find Dollie in the car waiting. The driver drives us to the airport and we board the plane, we take our seat and I'm starting to fall asleep, Yuki unbuckles my belt and pulls me up from the chair and walks me to the back of the plane. He opens the door and there's a bed , he helps me out of my clothes and I lay on the bed , he places soft kisses over my body, he sucks on my nipples and starts kissing my bump. His fingers slide into my folds and he circles around my clit and I squirt over his fingers, he sucks his fingers and opens my legs and he starts kissing my pussy he sucks on my folds and slides his tongue around, he has me cumin hard , after multiple orgasms. His chin is dripping wet and he wastes no time wasting it he places his chin on my mouth and I lick the rest of my cum of him . He puts me on my knees and slides in his thrust become hard and fast, I'm screaming in pleasure.
Pheonix " Yuki I'm gonna cum."
Yuki Arisugawa " cum for me baby, I want to see you cream all over my dick."
I cum hard over him and he cums with me , he kisses my back . Yuki then pulls me into the shower. And we wash each other.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sorry I let you down . I promise you it will never happen again."
Pheonix " so you're going to tell me about your mother."
Yuki Arisugawa " I didn't like the girl she palmed of on me , I told the girl that I was sorry but there is someone I truly love and want to marry she's having my twins. She said it was cruel  of my mother to even suggest such a request, when there's children involved. Plus she was in love with someone else. So we both told my mother and of course she got pissed. And said she'll find another bride . The girl told me to marry you quick before my mother could intervene."
Pheonix " Yuki you should of done this months ago. And where is Coco."
Yuki Arisugawa " she's safe the butler is looking after her."
We here the captain saying fasten seatbelts were going to land shortly. Yuki takes my hand and we go and sit down.
Pheonix " Dollie when we are home send an email to Atsum."
Dollie Arisugawa " already done that mum. Any way Yuki you gave me a job, what exactly is it that I'm supposed to do."
Yuki Arisugawa " you'll be working as a private investigator but you'll need training first, you'll learn to fight when the need arises."
Dollie Arisugawa " so basically everything mum did. That's easy."
Yuki Arisugawa " yes exactly like your mum. I have arranged for him to meet you tomorrow, he's a Prince too so I hope you get along."
Pheonix " any chance I can read his file."
Yuki Arisugawa " you both can the file is on my desk at home . And Dollie your mum said yes."
Feeling a little confused they smile at each other and we land on the tarmac. We get off the plane and in the car . After an hour we arrive home , it's dark so Coco will be in bed.
Pheonix " Yuki I have a craving, can you make it for me while I check on Coco."
He kisses me .
Yuki Arisugawa " it's my pleasure to be making food for my beautiful pregnant Fiancée."
He walks into the kitchen and I climb the stairs and walk into Coco's room. I kiss her on the cheek and whisper.
Pheonix " mummy's home and I promise this time I will never leave you."
She rolls over nearly squeezing Yoogi the French bull dog. I slip out the bedroom and go to mine and Yuki's room and there on a tray is bacon and blue berries and strawberry's . I start rolling the strawberry and blue berry's in my bacon when Dollie comes in with out knocking.
Dollie Arisugawa " mum take a look he's yummy. I could just eat him."
I take the file and Yuki is massaging my shoulders. And I read the file.Prince Keith, 23 years is next inline to become king , is known for his marshal arts and karate. He's very intelligent and has a sister princess Cathrine.
Pheonix " Dollie if I'm thinking what's going on in that head of yours , remember he's got so much on his shoulders especially when he'll become the next king , and who's to say he'll like you."
Yuki Arisugawa " I gave a file to Keith and what he's seen he's impressed. So if things go smoothly I think I can see these two together by the end of the year."
I start crying.
Pheonix " don't leave me to early Dollie. "
Dollie takes a peace of my bacon .
Dollie Arisugawa " mum trust me I'm not ready to settle down."
Yuki Arisugawa " and before I forget Dollie you'll need to complete your princess study's . Coco will be doing hers in a few months time so I expect nothing but the best from you both."
Dollie Arisugawa " did I hear right I'm going to be a princess, I'm going to be part of royalty."
Yuki Arisugawa " it's only right as your mum will become my queen. So I'm going to need you and your sister to work hard. Plus you're mum will have to do the same , but she's already completed hers."
Pheonix " wooh Yuki slow down since when did I do anything."
Yuki Arisugawa " you've helped me a great deal . Anyway the panels in the new office have been removed and since we will be taking the twins with us the office has been changed. We have built a room so the can sleep and I playpen in the office."
Yuki Arisugawa "ahh yes before I forget. Pheonix one more thing can you come with me ."
I climb of the bed and grab the bowl of strawberry's and i follow Yuki and we come to a set of double doors, he pushes the door open and it's a nursery. Two cots a changing unit, a rocking chair. Nappies , wipes. He opens the pine wardrobe and it's full of clothes. I embraces Yuki and kiss him.
Yuki Arisugawa " mmm you taste of strawberry's. What do you think , I did all this when you left."
Pheonix " Yuki I love it . Thank you."
He pulls me out the room and back into ours, and Dollie has eaten all my bacon.
Pheonix " Dollie seriously your eat my craving."
Dollie Arisugawa "sorry mum but it was getting cold . And your disgusting eating it with strawberry's and blue berries."
Yuki Arisugawa " wait till you have a child and you crave wired stuff."
Pheonix " Dollie I like it cold , and your just mean."I slide of my top and a hand appears on my skin Dollie reaches out to touch my tummy and the hand moves.
Dollie Arisugawa " that's freaking cool. Mum dose it hurt."
Yuki places his hand on my tummy.
Pheonix " no it doesn't hurt, sometimes it does when I get kicked in the ribs, and there little foot gets stuck."
Pheonix " Yuki my love you wouldn't mind making me some more bacon."
He smiles kisses me and leaves.
Dollie Arisugawa " mum I cannot believe Keith is a prince, he's very good looking."
Pheonix " I must admit he's very handsome but not as handsome as my Yuki, I want you to experience life, if you fall for him then I won't stand in your way. You've always been a good girl, and your very stubborn so it comes in handy. Just don't give him verbal abuse he might not like it."
Dollie Arisugawa " but wasn't you verbally abusive to Yuki."
Yuki comes in with a plate of fresh bacon, and again Dollie pinches a slice.
Yuki Arisugawa " your mum had an attitude from the start, she still has an attitude but she's not as bad now. "
Pheonix " gee thanks Yuki, way to spoil a girls ego."
Dollie starts laughing, when we hear barking. Dollie stops I get up to check and there is a dark figure over Coco. Dollie comes up behind me and places the gun in my hand. Yuki stands next to me I raise my gun.
Pheonix " touch my daughter and I'll put a bullet in you."
Coco wakes up and she looks in fear the dog starts growling at the figure, they reach for Coco and without hesitation I shoot them , Yuki rushes in and turns the light on and Coco climbs into his arms, I check the person. And it's Yuki's mother. I roll her over and check her pulse when she reaches for my throat, she brings me to my knees she takes the gun from me and my vision goes blurry. Dollie runs out the room and Yuki try's to talk to her.
Yuki Arisugawa " please put my Fiancée down. Let go of her throat you're restricting oxygen to herself as well and my babies."
Mrs Arisugawa " my mother should of finished her off."
Dollie comes in and raises her arm with a gun in her hand .
Dollie Arisugawa " if you don't let go of my mum I will shoot you, there will be no coming back from a head shot wound."
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie when I tell you . You shot."My body goes limp and my eyes close. I hear a shot and I fall to the floor, Yuki gives me cpr and when I come round I start coughing. I look around the room to see his mother in the floor.
.Pheonix " who shot her."
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie did, I never knew she was good with a gun."
Dollie Arisugawa " mum are you alright."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm taking her to hospital to make sure."
Yuki calls for an Ambulance and carries me to the car , when we arrive the doctor checks me over and places a heart monitor over my bump. He gives the all clear and we arrive back home. Yuki carries me to bed , Coco comes in.
Coco Arisugawa " mummy are you alright."
She climbs onto the bed and wraps her arms around me.
Pheonix " oh sweetie I'm fine , Daddy was just taking precautions that's all. And the twins are fine."
Coco snuggles into me and she falls asleep. Dollie brings her bedding in and lies on the floor and Yuki is speaking to someone on the phone. I drift off to sleep and the sun comes through the patio doors. I climb off the bed and go downstairs when I hear Yuki talking to someone in the office.
Yuki Arisugawa " Keith you must understand Dollie is really good with a gun so maybe giving her a weapon of some sort to fight with might be better."
Prince Keith " I suppose, I'm sure I can accommodate it."
A little girl walks passed me .
Little girl" don't you know it is rude to eavesdrop on a conversation."
I turn around and see the girl.
Princess Caty" holly he'll it's you, the last time I saw you , you was shot. I thought you was dead."
She hugs me and pushes the office door open.
Pheonix " well Cathy as you can see I'm well."
We walk into the office and I walk over and sit on Yuki's desk.
Princess Cathy" oh brother you didn't tell me Pheonix was here."
Prince Keith " I didn't even know, well hello again Pheonix, I see you bounced back from you wound."
Yuki places his hands on my bump.
Yuki Arisugawa " so you two know each other."
Prince Keith " actually yes we do she stayed at the palace to gaurd Cathy , and she was shot . We stayed in contact for a bit up until 2 years ago."
Yuki Arisugawa " I understand now so her first mission was to protect your sister."
Prince Keith " that's right, anyway Pheonix I'm supposed to help your daughter learn to fight. And since when did you have a daughter your way to young ."
I close the office door and start explaining to Yuki and Keith.
Pheonix " my parents were pretty much celebrities when they become successful surgeon's and my mother had Dollie after failed attempts of trying, when I was in university I just graduated when my brother called me and asked me to come home . When I arrived at our family home in the countryside there was police a female officer explained to me that my parents was killed and they'll do everything to find out who murderd them , I could hear Dollie crying so she was my first priority after I cradled Dollie to sooth her tears the police left . I stayed home with Dollie and she called me mummy and Atsum said we need to do something I'll help but the decision is down to me , a few days after the funeral a lawyer turned up and he said that our parents left a will . The house was given to me and Atsum as well as the house in Tokyo, money was left which to everyone else me and Atsum are millionaires . And the last one was a letter from my mother.,

Being kidnapped by an FBI agent who is a prince Where stories live. Discover now