Fighting for the ones you love. Chapter 27 part 1

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Mad hatter " that's alright i understand ."
After making Yuki's favourite egg soldiers i place it on the table, she gets of her father and she eat's . I start feeling weird as I grab Yuki's arm I collapse.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix."All of a sudden I'm lifted up and carried somewhere I hear voices.
Yuki Arisugawa " Taiga need you for a minute."
Yuki lays me on the bed and Tiaga comes running in. I feel hands touching my body.
Tiaga Kujo " what happened."
Yuki Arisugawa " she made Yuki something to eat the shen collapse."
Tiaga Kujo " Jesus Pheonix you really don't know when to quit do you."
Taiga grabs the phone on the side table and calls the hospital.
Taiga Kujo " I need equipment brought to Pheonix's home and I need it stat ."
Nurse " I'll bring what ever she needs ."
Taiga Kujo " we need IVs so I can administer drugs if needed , I also need an a ultrasound brought over too ."
Nurse " very well . I'll be there in 15."
Taiga puts the phone back .Taiga Kujo " Yuki I need you to stay by Pheonix. Don't leave her side what ever you do. I'll go and wait for the nurse."
Yuki Arisugawa " I will ."
With that Taiga leaves the room and i feel Yuki's fingers lace through my hair .
Yuki Arisugawa " baby please wake up."
I feel Yuki's lips one mine which wakes me I wrap my arms around him.
Pheonix " hi , what happened."
Yuki places him self between my legs and he keeps kissing me .
Yuki Arisugawa " Taiga has equipment coming from the hospital."
Before Yuki can finish Taiga and Hyosuke come in with an ultrasound and IV bags. Yuki sits up and Taiga gives him the gel , being that I'm wearing jeans Yuki takes them off and puts the gel on my tummy, Taiga place the monitor over my tummy and Hyosuke places a drip into my hand . As I watch Taiga's facial expression it doesn't look good.
Pheonix " TAIGA . Please just tell me I know you too well to be pulling faces like that."
Yuki looks at the screen and his eyes go wide in shock.
Pheonix " now I'm starting to feel bloody nervous. Will someone just tell me."
Yuki and Tiaga leave the room to talk and Hyosuke talks to me.
Hyosuke Kujo " hey girl don't worry to much , would you like me to turn the monitor so you can see."
I nod , he turns the screen and he gives me the monitor stick and I run it across my tummy to see for myself. To my shock I'm lost for words, I pull the drip needle from my hand and walk out the room.
Hyosuke Kujo " Oh Pheonix I wouldn't of i was you."I walk past Yuki and Taiga and find Letty she is sitting in the lounge talking with Ghost.
Pheonix " I need to know where Matheus Erik is and don't bullshit me ."
Letty Love" look all I know is that he lives in Port Louis he has a big house and a flashy car."
Pheonix " there's only a few mansions in Port Louis. Good Ghost watch the children I'm going out."
I walk into the office and grab my swords and gun.
Pheonix " Yuzuru will you come with me."
Yuzuru Shiba " of course I will . But isn't it better to wait for Eisuke, Soryu and Kei ."
Pheonix " No this one is just you me and Yuki. So suit up and meet me out side."
I walk to the car and Yuki pulls me by the wrist.
Yuki Arisugawa " you really want to do this , I gathered you saw the scan."
Tears fall from me and I pull Yuki into my arms. He tightens his arms around me.
Pheonix " now I understand why I'm so tired, please let me kill Matheus and then we can focus on me."
Yuki Arisugawa " baby I'll let you do this but you really need to take a break, and believe me I was shocked to see the scan , looks like Kazuomi will have to change the layout of our new house slightly."
Pheonix " Yuki I love you more then you could ever imagine, and to be honest you've given me more then I could ever dream of, I honestly thought we was having one little boy but it turns out he was hiding his little brother. Plus there is more of you to love especially when they will look like you."
Yuki Arisugawa " funny you should say that you know Mercedes, Storm , Yuki and Ghost is gonna hate me but Baileys looks like you . Eito and River look like you and Eisuke."
Eisuke appears out of nowhere.
Eisuke " Pheonix Yuzuru text me saying your going to pay a visit to Matheus Erik. Count me in."
Yuki pulls from me and gives me the look to say it's okay for Eisuke to know. I pull Eisuke into my arms , and he embraces me.
Eisuke " this is my lucky day getting hugs from the women I love."
Yuki Arisugawa " don't push it Eisuke , remember I'm still her husband."
Pheonix " Eisuke I'm going to need you more then ever, as well as Yuzuru."
Yuzuru appears ready and waiting. Yuzuru Shiba " now I'm a little jealous if you are handing out free hugs I'm sure as hell not missing out."
Eisuke lets me go and Yuzuru picks me up in his arms.
Pheonix " careful now , ahh yes before you interrupted me . I've just found out that I'm not just having a little boy it turns out that my baby was hiding his brother."
Eisuke " Jesus Pheonix you really can't just settle with one baby can you. You're just greedy."
Pheonix " haha funny. So what if I am either way doesn't mater how many children I have I still have a perfect figure and your just jealous you can't have me."
Yuki starts laughing along with Yuzuru.
Yuzuru Shiba " haha Eisuke she's got you hooked line and sinker haha ."
Pheonix " leave the jokes for later we have to be somewhere. Yuki you're with me Eisuke, Soryu and Yuzuru can follow by car. I have a feeling I know exactly we're Matheus is ."
They get into the car and me and Yuki climb on the bike, we drive a few miles just outside of Port Louis we find Matheus house , I park a few houses away . We meet up with the others.
Pheonix " I'm going to need you all to be alart don't let this guy fool you."
We make our way to the house, Soryu ,Eisuke go to the right Yuzuru and Kei go to the left. I feel a tap on my shoulder as I turn its Kazuomi.
Kazuomi " sorry I'm late."
Pheonix " you and Yuki are coming with me ."
Being brave and impulsive I knock on the door , a woman answers.
Women " can I help you."
Pheonix " I would like to see Matheus Erik please."
Women " very well come in."
We walk into the mansion and follow this woman when all of a sudden the woman goes in for the attack, I ended up being to quick for her I pull my gun to her head.
Pheonix " sly attack I see. Yuki darling would you bind her hands for me."
He binds her wrists Kazuomi sees Soryu and he gives him a nod.
Pheonix " were is Matheus, if you can tell me we're he is I may let you live."
Women " he's in that room there , there is another person with him."
I make my way into the room and to my luck a guy is blocking Matheu's eye of sight I sneak up behind him and I put one arm around him and raise my other hand with the gun to his head.
Pheonix " no sudden moves or you'll die."
Matheus Erik " and who the hell are you."
Pheonix " what's it to you."
Soryu grabs Matheus and binds his wrists.
The guy ends up flipping me onto my back, and Yuki sees red and goes for his throat. Yuzuru runs to help me .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix baby are you alright."
Pheonix " I'm good just winded that's all."
I walk over to the guy and punch him hard in the face.
Matheus Erik " look I don't want any trouble."
Pheonix " you brought trouble when you attacked my uncle and son-Inlaw."
Matheus Erik " I have know. Idea what you talking about."I walk up to him and whisper into his ear.
Pheonix " did you get a kick out of hurting king Glen and Prince Keith. Your going to die today. But before I take your life I want one thing from you."I pull back and he looks scared.
Matheus Erik " I know exactly who you are and that's never going to happen."
I shoot him in the foot and he hollers at me.
Matheus Erik " wow you shot me . I can have you arrested."
Yuki Arisugawa " haha ,did you just make a joke . My wife has a license to kill anyone no matter what country she's in . Plus it's going to be hard because she's a queen in this country. So either you tell her what she needs or you die."
In the end my patience runs out and I shoot him in the head.
Soryu " Pheonix thanks love this is a second suit that's ruined."
I turn to the guy Yuki has a hold of .
Pheonix " you wouldn't know would you."
The guy " I'm sorry I don't ."
Pheonix " Yuki let him go , if he fucks up I'll kill him sooner or later."
The woman Kazuomi has a hold of starts kicking him.
Pheonix " that's enough, please tell me where I can find Ryo Tsuzuki."
The woman " he lives in a small town called Bel Ombré . There is only one mansion in that town and that's 
Ryo Tsuzuki's home. Please don't kill me I'll do anything especially now that I know who you are."
Pheonix " Yuki my darling what do you think."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll give you our contact information and if you hear from Ryo Tsuzuki please let us know immediately."
The woman " I'm sorry we got of on the wrong foot please call me Bella . I promise to let you know if I hear anything."
We leave and Soryu, Eisuke, Kei and Yuzuru head home me and Yuki scope out this other place.
Pheonix " guys tell Ghost to feed the children, me and Yuki are going to make sure this is the right place."
They leave , me and Yuki head to , Bel Ombré 15 miles away from Port Louis. When we arrive the mansion isn't that big .Yuki Arisugawa " baby if you want to go in remember you only have me here."Pheonix " I'm going to leave him a note, people say he's been searching for me . Let's give him what he wants."I climb off the bike and open the box and find a pen and a pad." Ryo Tsuzuki I hear you are looking for Pheonix, well I can tell you I found you. I've killed everyone that you associated with, so if you're wanting to kill me then please do so I'll be waiting. I live in Port Louis but I won't be there for long , if you struggle to find me then please ask the Citizens as they all know me very well.Regards Queen Pheonix "I put it in his letter box and make my way back to Yuki.Yuki Arisugawa " ready to go home now."Pheonix " I am. Yuki I need you right now."Yuki looks at me shocked.Yuki Arisugawa " baby I didn't catch that."I climb into the bike but this time I'm facing him I lace my fingers into his silver hair and pull his head to me and I whisper into his ear.Pheonix " I really want you right now."Yuki finds my lips and kisses me his hand slides up my back.Yuki Arisugawa " lets get you home and ill ravish you in our room. Fucksake Pheonix you seem to choose the most inconvenient times."Pheonix " I can't help it ,you still find ways to give me butterflies. Which makes me want you more. Plus I'm still owed time off especially after our holiday, after Rhilina's incident . I'm going to get mum to take on my duties for 2 years as I want to watch our children grow. Yuki I was hoping you would do the same give Keith the reins for a bit he will only be a prince and you can still pull the strings. Please baby give me you."Yuki Arisugawa " baby I'm glad you brought that up as I want some time with you too , maybe giving Keith the reins for a bit isn't so bad . First things first Dollie needs to get married."I swing myself around and we ride home, 30 minutes later we're in the garage and we hearing arguments, we rush inside to find Eito and River fighting Ghost " Pheonix do something."Pheonix "where is Eisuke."Ghost " there getting take out."I put myself between the boys and Eito is crying, I wrap him in my arms.River " fucking mumma's boy."Pheonix " River knock it off , why are you fighting anyway."Eito " it was over you, River can't stand the fact that me and you are close."I let go of Eito and pull River into my arms.Pheonix "River is that what you think huh?. Let me tell you both something your both a mumma's boys River just hides it that's all. But you shouldn't fight over something that's True how many times have I told you , you're always going to be my babies."I pull Eito into my other arm and River starts crying.Ghost " wow Pheonix you really have the magic touch, I couldn't tear them apart."Pheonix " boys listen to me I know we haven't had any time together but me and Yuki have agreed I'm taking 2 years out of my Duties as I want to be with you all. I love each and everyone of you , I admit I went away for a year and when I came back Yuki booked a holiday. So I truly get it you lot haven't had time with me ."Eito " mum I get that you have to as Queen to do your duties. But grandma needs to understand that you have a family too. She can't expect you to drop everything and run to the palace."River " mum Eito is right your queen to Mauritius 🇲🇺 not Shanghai. I'm okay with you doing your duties as long as it's here , we miss you terribly and I hate it when you go away it really hurts me."Tears begin to fall from my eyes. I pull away from the boys and leave the lounge I run upstairs and head for my room I close the door and let the tears fall, Yuki comes in and I fall to my knees Yuki bends down.Pheonix " OMG! . Yuki the boys are right I've hurt them emotionally and mentally, I made you a promise all them years ago I could never emotionally hurt Rhilina , and look what I've caused , if the boys feel this way I can only imagine what the girls feel. This is painful."Yuki pulls me into his arms.Yuki Arisugawa " baby I need you to take time out now be with the children, right now they need you."Pheonix " this feels like a knife to my heart."Yuki Arisugawa " speak to the children hear there point of view's . I know it hurts but I think the palace needs to understand that the children come first. I'm going to call your mother, go and talk to the children."Yuki wipes my tears and kisses me . I pull myself up and head back downstairs into the lounge.Yuki Arisugawa " ghost,Letty and Dollie. come with me let Pheonix deal with this in her own way."I sit on the coffee table and the children come and sit. Baileys and Jean play with there toys.Pheonix " I want to hear from you one at a time , and I will do my best to understand."Mercedes " Mum you went away for a year , Dad went out of his mind because the palace said he couldn't see you, we was allowed but it wasn't like we could have books read at bed time . I think gramps sucks big time how he made you do all that stuff."Rhilina Coco" I agree with Cedes , Mum you promised us that we would always be together."Storm " I hate Gandma and Gramps, they took you away from us . We want you here ."Yuki " Mum I love you very much but you gotta tell gramps and grandma that you live here in Mauritius 🇲🇺 with Dad . You don't live in Japan any more."Prince Glen " Mum your my whole world and I love you 😍, but have you ever asked dad how he felt when you was away, I understand you want us to have a normal life but gramps and grandma are just fucking selfish they want you to do there bidding while us lot are here waiting for you."Eito " Mum if you go back to the palace then I'm asking Dad to take me back to Japan."Pheonix " baby you don't mean that."River " I agree with Eito."Jean" Phe I maybe little but I understand, you're mine and I'm tired of the old fart taking you away from me."Baileys " you're my second mum and I hate it too . Can you not go on any more trips."After hearing my children's point of views I pull out my phone and call my father I put it on loudspeaker so they can hear.King Wilfred " hello daughter what a pleasure to hear from you."Pheonix " Dad listen your not going to like what I'm about to say but if I don't say it I'll hate myself for it . Please don't give me anymore things that involves me going to the palace. I've just had a very interesting conversation with my babies and there not happy. I had my own rules growing up and the first rule was never emotionally harm a child 2 never break a promise. When Eito and River was born I made another rule Protecting my family. How can I do that when you constantly want me at the palace. I am Queen to Mauritius 🇲🇺 not Japan 🇯🇵 not Shanghai. And I have decided that even though I'm Queen to my beloved country, I'm going to put my trustees in my place as I want to spend as much time with my babies especially more so now I'm expecting twin boys . "The children watch me shocked waiting for there gramps to answer.King Wilfred " very well if this is what you really want I cannot intervene. I'll let mother know so she won't pester you about it. Pheonix I'm very proud of you, you really do put your family first. Would you tell me who your trustees will be ."Pheonix "Yuki will contact you , we will still run our country dad . I'm just taking the weight of my shoulder's . And I really really need to protect my family, I love you both and I'm glad you understand."King Wilfred " I do my child, speak soon."We end the call and the children wrap there arms around me Jean sits on my lap.Eito " thanks for understanding Mum."Pheonix " there is no way on this earth am I going to allow you to move to japan. Your mine and I'm not letting you out of my sight. God I love you guys so much, and I'm sorry if I hurt you all."Mercedes " Mum we love you."They all embraces me and I look up to see Yuki and Eisuke.Pheonix " right Dads brought Dinner let me talk to Dad and Eisuke."They all go into the kitchen and i pull Eisuke and Yuki into the office and close the door.Pheonix " I've told my father and he wants to know our trustees, Eisuke I want your honest opinion how did you feel when I was away for the year."Eisuke looks at me then Yuki. Yuki smiles letting Eisuke know it's okay.Eisuke " it wasn't the same without you, me and Yuki tried to console the boys when they couldn't be with you , the girls was the same but I believe it affected them in different ways. Jean I believe felt it the most and Baileys thought she'd done something bad . And you really don't need to know how I feel."I pull Eisuke from the chair and wrap my arms around him I rest my forehead in his and tears fall from me .Pheonix " I already know how you feel , Eisuke they say you fall I love with one person but I don't think that's fair as I'm in love with you and Yuki. But remember my heart will always belong to Yuki and I'll always belong to him . Plus I love ghost too."I pull away from Eisuke and straddle Yuki's lap.Pheonix " now I need to hear it from you."Yuki Arisugawa " when you left apart of me died , I couldn't sleep. When the children would visit I asked them to bring something you slept in that night as I needed to smell you, having a piece of your clothing helped me sleep at night . When your father refused my visit that we had arranged that killed me . When you come home I needed you to myself so I took you to Barbados. I'm sorry if I sound selfish or greedy I just needed to be with you to smell you touch you. I felt like a single father if it wasn't for Eisuke I think I'd of fallen apart."Eisuke " it's true, Yuki was like a lost puppy looking for his owner."Pheonix " baby I'm so so sorry I didn't even know you had arranged to visit me . Anyway I put my father in his place . I'm taking 3 years I'll still be Queen but I'll be making the final decisions in the background."Yuki Arisugawa " I've put your mother in her place too. Who will you have represent you."Pheonix " the only female I trust truly is Ghost. Eisuke will you be alright with this . She will still get to spend time with you and Baileys. And Yuzuru will help too."Eisuke " if your still making the decisions then I'm fine with it. What was more important in all this was you and the children."That evening me and the children pull out the sofa into a bed and we watch movies and have popcorn. Eito " I'm glad we told you , I love it when it's just us."Jean falls asleep across me baileys has fallen asleep on my shoulder hanging over the sofa.Storm is on her knees with her face in my neck, Yuki is across my legs, Eito and River are either side of me with there hands on my tummy and Rhilina is across the top of the sofa lacing her fingers through my hair. Yuki walks in and sees the state of them and asks Eisuke to bring the camera.Pheonix " this is quite relaxing, any moment Dollie will want to ruin it by waking Jean."Eisuke comes in and hands Yuki the camera.Eisuke " does Storm sleep like that all the time , surely that's not comfortable."Pheonix " she's been doing it since she was 6 months. Baileys does this every opportunity she gets if she's on me , Yuki usually sleeps hanging off the bed. Rhilina loves to play with my hair , Jean loves to lay across me and usually Eito and River feel my heart beat."Yuki Arisugawa " and you was worried about emotional harm , baby you've just described every child."Pheonix " well i know my babies."Dollie and Ghost come into the lounge.Dollie " OMG! This is so cute. As much as I'm enjoying this site Jean needs to go to bed."Pheonix " Dollie leave the children were they are, don't ruin this moment, as you can see Jean is laid across me and I think the babies are enjoying the weight."Dollie " fine just shout me when you're ready."Pheonix " Leave the children be ,there harming no one , and what's important there getting my undivided attention."Yuki takes a few more pictures and Baileys ends up falling on River she starts crying .Baileys" River that hurt. Daddy pick me up."Eisuke picks her up and Yuki leans over me and shows me the picture's he took.Pheonix " Yuki I have a great idea."Yuki Arisugawa " I'm listening."Pheonix " remember the professional photo's we had done."Yuki Rests his chin on my head.Yuki Arisugawa " your wanting the same again."Pheonix " uh huh. Plus we haven't had a family photo taken, Yuzuru ,Kei ,Kazuomi, Hyosuke and Taiga wasn't in the last ones ."Yuki Arisugawa " I'll see if I can book her again."Jean wakes up and puts his hand on yuki's cheek.Jean " Phe I'm real tired, can I go to bed now."I kiss his cheek and Dollie picks him up. Eito and River kiss my cheek and they disappear upstairs along with Glen.Yuki Arisugawa " mind if I join you and the girls."Rhilina Coco" sure Dad."Pheonix " Storm baby why don't you get comfortable your brothers have gone to bed."She wakes for just a second her and Yuki climbs onto me and Storm pulls her father's shirt making him move closer.Mercedes "Mum did you fill in my school trip."There's a knock on the door.Yuki Arisugawa " Rhion has it and will meet Minni tomorrow."Ghost " uh Pheonix there's a guy here holding a gun to my head."Yuki and Eisuke pulls the girls off me and I reach behind the T.V for a gun I make my way to the door.Ryo Tsuzuki " someone left me a note."I walk up to Ghost and gently push her out the way and he has the gun raised to my head.Pheonix " how long have you been looking for Pheonix."Ryo Tsuzuki " since I left college, I wanted to warn her that King Glen and Prince Keith was in danger."Yuki comes up behind me .Yuki Arisugawa " Ryo Tsuzuki am I correct."Ryo Tsuzuki " yes ."Yuki Arisugawa " you have 10 seconds to lower your Gun from my Wife."I raise my hand and take the Gun from his hand , when he Grabs me by the neck.Pheonix " Yuki stay back, Ryo you don't want to do this,"I elbow him in the ribs and pull from his grip.Pheonix " because I'm Pheonix, please don't come to my territory and assume that I will not fight you because I will."Ryo Tsuzuki " your really her."Pheonix " yes I am."Ryo Tsuzuki " prove it to me , Pheonix has a birthmark under her right breast."I look at Yuki he lifts my top and bra.Ryo Tsuzuki " OMG! . It is you."Pheonix " now then now I've proved myself your here for a reason yes."Yūki pulls her father's hand and he picks her up in his arms and Storm goes bilistic.

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