Prince Keith and Dollie's wedding is put on hold. Chapter 24

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Yuki Arisugawa " my Pheonix isn't scary, to others she is maybe. But she's a real pussycat at heart."
Yuzuru Shiba" see Soryu I told you, you just have to get to know Pheonix a lot more ."
Soryu " could we not I don't sleep at night because every time I close my eyes I see Pheonix and them fucking swords."
Eisuke " haha , she's got you good Soryu."
I feel yuki's fingers caress my jaw when the air stewardess talks to Yuki.
Air stewardess " your highness we're will be arriving in Port Louis in 15 minutes."
Yuki Arisugawa "
very well."I feel yuki's lips on mins .
Yuki Arisugawa " baby wake up where about to land ."
Pheonix " oh just a little longer."
Yuki Arisugawa " you still feeling weak ."
Pheonix " I am , I'm not going by car , the quicker we are home I can wrap my arms around my babies."
15 minutes later, Yuki explains to the others that the quicker he can get me home the better. We climb on the bike and 20 minutes later we arrive, I walk through the door and the first voice I hear is my little trouble maker.
Jean " yo phe I missed you."
I pick him up in my arms .
Pheonix " have you been causing mischief around the house."
Jean" phe I've been good I promise. Plus it's not fun when your not here."
Pheonix "Where's your uncles and aunts."
Jean " bed , mummy told me you was gonna be home and I waited up for you."
Dollie " come on Jean time for bed."
Dollie " mum it's in the draw."
She heads up with Jean and goes to bed , I head upstairs and check on my girls . And too my surprise there arguing.
Mercedes " Yuki stop being such a big baby , god your such a daddy's girl."
Yuki " so what if I am , didn't you."
Mercedes " no way , I am a mummy's girl. Even storm is . You're sooo anoying ."
Yuki " shut it cedes wait till mum hears about this."
I push the door open and Mercedes and storms pounce on me.
Pheonix " Mercedes and storm I want you to apologise to your sister."
Storm, Mercedes " Geez mum she's soo annoying."
The girls apologies and they climb into bed , I hug Yuki and put a little gift into her palm and she scurrys off and climbs in her bed. I walk into the boys room. I kiss Eito's head and bend down to kiss Rivers. When I feel and hand pull on mine.
Prince Glen " mummy I don't feel to good."
The next thing he pukes all over me. I take him out of his room and take him into our bathroom, I take off my top and throw in in the laundry basket. I check Glen to see he has a high temperature and is covered in a rash . Yuki comes in and sits on the bed not knowing me and Glen is in the bathroom.
Pheonix " oh baby you have pox know wonder you feel so unwell."
I find him some oral paracetamol and rub camomile lotion on him , he climbs into our bed.
Yuki Arisugawa " hey dude, sorry to hear you have the pox."
Prince Glen " Daddy are you staying home now."
Yuki Arisugawa " I am plus mummy isn't feeling well."
While them 2 talk I find the test Dollie left for me , I pee on it and get washed and brush my teeth. I pull out yuki's shirt and come into the room.
Pheonix " I'm going to get some water, and I need to speak to Keith."
Yuki kisses me and I leave I walk down stairs and take out 3 bottles of water from the fridge and I walk past yuki's office.
Pheonix " ahh Keith just the man I want to see , where has Glen been he's unwell."
Prince Keith " I'll ask aunt Robin as they went back today."
Pheonix " very well , Glen has chickenpox so keep an eye on Jean."
Prince Keith " they all had it , even Dollie. Glen was the last one to catch it."
Pheonix " well at least they all had it that's one worry of my mind. Anyway don't stay up to late ."
I walk up stairs and in to my room and Yuki is stroking Glen's  hair.
Yuki Arisugawa " he's just dropped off. So don't make a sound."
I climb in behind Yuki and he turns around to face me.
Pheonix " is there something I can help you with."
Yuki Arisugawa " actually yes but first I need to feel them lips on mine."
I place my palm on the back of his neck and pull him closer and I kiss him.
Pheonix " now then what was the second thing."
This time Yuki passionately kisses me , one hand glides up my thigh and the other cups my cheek.
Yuki Arisugawa " mmn Pheonix, I really really love you."
Pheonix " Oh Yuki I love you too."
Yuki Arisugawa " the test you left in the bathroom is positive."
Pheonix " so my wish did come true."
Yuki Arisugawa " when things have settled down we need to sort things."
Pheonix " a bigger house for a start."
Yuki Arisugawa " there is that , but first things first Dollie and Keith are due to be married soon and there is a lot going on between them then meets the eye."
Pheonix " what do you mean ."
Yuki Arisugawa " Keith has too many enemies, and to be honest I'm not prepared to see Dollie hurt because he's to stupid and stubborn to see. Plus I'd kill him if anything happens to Dollie and our grandson Jean."
Pheonix " I'll talk to Keith in the morning, right now all that matters is me and you and  our sick little man."
As we settle in each other's arms Glen starts crying. Yuki turns around to console him and Glen really shouts at him.
Yuki picks him up and places next to me and Glen climbs on me he places his head on my heart puts his little hand on my face and he settles instantly, then there is a knock on the door.
Yuki Arisugawa " it better be important. Come in."
Prince Keith " Pheonix I need your help with a few things."
Pheonix " it's going to have to wait ."
Yuki Arisugawa " Keith can I help."
Prince Keith " look you already got shot once ."
Yuki Arisugawa " does that matter."
Prince Keith " I suppose not but seeing that Pheonix is the assassin in the family I thought it was only fair to ask her."
Pheonix " haha , haha. Oh my is that how the royal family see me."
Prince Keith " it's your birth right and assassins are pretty bad ass ."
Pheonix " what is it ."
Prince Keith " I have enemies and I cannot marry Dollie until this feud is dealt with."
Yuki Arisugawa " I fucking knew it , Keith I'm not having my daughter hurt because of  your fucking stupidity. Pheonix you promised me we would do things together."
Glen is asleep and I sit up in bed rocking him gently.
Pheonix " Keith I'm on yuki's side why didn't you tell me any of this ."
Prince Keith " you killed Vincent right well he was one of my enemies. I wouldn't ask otherwise please Pheonix I'm begging you."
I lay Glen in the bed and kiss his head and I leave the room and Keith and Yuki follows only to find Dollie , Ghost, Eisuke and Yuzuru in the kitchen having a debate.
Ghost " you can't be serious Eisuke."
Eisuke " I'm deadly serious."
Dollie " come on I couldn't marry Eisuke nor Yuzuru haha . Ghost I'd love to know."
Standing in the arch way we listen.
Ghost " well it would have to be Keith his very handsome, great with the kids and has a way with words."
Dollie " that's unfair."
Ghost " well who  would yours be."
Dollie " well if I never met Keith. Then I'd have to say Ota."
I bend over laughing.
Pheonix " haha , Ota couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag . Omg I'd love to have a fight with him."
Ghost " your just meaner then a rattle snake."
Pheonix " what is this anyway."
Eisuke " who would the girls would marry if we didn't meet."
Pheonix " Eisuke shut up I don't need to hear what you have to say."
Dollie " well mum what would yours be."
Pheonix " I'm not falling for this trick. Let's remember one thing I was Yuki's betrothed. So there isn't any man that can fill yuki's role ."
Ghost " lier Pheonix ."
Pheonix " fuck off Ghost . I'm not playing this game."
Yuzuru Shiba" it would be me . Me and Pheonix have known each other since she was 17."
Yuki Arisugawa " I would agree. Anyway Keith we need to talk."
We leave for the office and Glen starts crying.
Prince Glen " mummy."
I pick him up and we go into the office and I sit in my rocking chair and Glen puts his hand under his dads shirt and holds my bra strap, he drifts of too sleep.
Pheonix " Keith I want the list of names and me and Yuki will make a decision."
Keith grabs a piece of paper and starts writing down names." Alfred Silvio , Matheus Erik, Klaus Lucia, Vic Falcona , Elbert Levin , Julius Fornter.Alvaro Garay, Lagi El Nagu, est Rhinaudo , Ryo Tsuzuki , Shota Tomomi, Ren Nishumura and Ichiro Sakaki."
Pheonix " Jesus Keith what the hell, this is a load of enemies. Wow Yuki darling."
Yuki Arisugawa " fucksake Keith are your truly trying to get Dollie and Jean Killed. 13 enemies fuck boy."
Pheonix " Keith your 28 years old and you have all these enemies. Yuki I'm taking my self and Glen to bed."
I go to bed and climb in Glen still wrapped in my arms and sleep takes over me, I feel  Yuki climbing in next to me .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix this is going to take months, Dollie should get married this is her dream."
Pheonix " I hear you , let's go house shopping together in the morning and we can decide what we're going to do with Keith."
Yuki places him self between my legs and he drifts off to sleep, I listen to his breathing and Glens and finally drift of myself. Hours later I check my phone and it's 5am .I peal my self from Yuki as I'm wide awake and go down stairs. Soryu is smoking in the laundry room.
Pheonix " morning Soryu."
Making him jump brings a smile to my face.
Soryu " fucksake Pheonix stop sneaking up on me ."
Pheonix " haha, still on edge I see."
Soryu " come on Pheonix don't make fun of me ."
I put the coffee machine on and make my self a lemon tea, I place Soryu's coffee on the table and I sit down.
Pheonix " I want to speak with you so I'm glad your awake."
Soryu " I'm listening."
Pheonix " I'm going to wipe your slate clean of any wrong doings that you've had in the past , I want part ownership of the Ice Dragons , that way if any of your Goons fuck up I can protect you. Ah yes one more thing stop feeling scared of me , I'm not going to bite your head off."
Soryu " you'd do all this for me really."
I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders and a kiss on my head.
Yuzuru Shiba" Pheonix doesn't joke around, good morning Nix."
Pheonix " Yuzuru why does everyone shorten my name . It's Pheonix not Phe nor Nix."
Soryu " doesn't Jean call you Phe?."
Pheonix " that's only because I'm 34 years old. Plus it makes me feel like an old lady plus me and Jean have this bond he's the only one who's allowed to call me Phe. Pheonix on the other hand calls  me Bailey's . Yuzuru just likes to push his luck."
Soryu " Fine I'll allow you to become a boss in the Ice Dragons , promise me you won't scare them."
Pheonix " I'm not trying to scare anyone. And I need to make sure the children have a bodyguard, your goons are perfect."
Soryu " you are aware Mercedes has a crush on one of them."
Pheonix " since when , why didn't you tell me . Soryu don't joke like that."
Eisuke " haha it cannot be that bad, Pheonix love's Yuki."
Pheonix " well good morning Eisuke, what's with your happy mood."
Eisuke " oh the pleasure is seeing your face every morning."
I leave the kitchen and head upstairs and I hear Eito and River fighting and Jean telling them off , I walk into there room and there throwing fists at each other.
Pheonix " SIT THE FUCK DOWN. Eito how many times have I told you too keep your hands to yourself."
Eito " I want my own room, I'm sick of sharing with River."
River" shut up Eito, you always find fault in everything I do."
Eito " stop being a dick."
Jean puts his palm too his head , as I watch him act like his grandpa.
Jean " Eito, River you always fight and I just want my uncle's to be happy."
Pheonix " boys come on now , your both 16 soon . You need to work together and Eito me and Yuki are house shopping today so you and River will have your own room and Fucksake stop fighting over stupid things. I love you boys very much and it does me every time you fight ."
The boys hug me and apologise to each other. And me and Jean leaves the room and head for mine, Jean runs into the bathroom and pulls his stool out and gets washed. I check on Glen .
Pheonix " morning my handsome prince, hows your Temperature today ."
Prince Glen " I don't feel hot or sick anymore, when will the rash go it's itchy."
I pull Glen into my arms.
Pheonix " I'm sorry darling but this will last 10 days, but you must not scratch no matter how hard it is."
Jean " Phe Phe I'm all washed."
Jean comes out and I place his clothes on the bed. Jean climbs onto the bed and climbs on Yuki's back and starts jumping.
Jean" gramps get up now."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm awake, how many times have I told you not to jump on people."
I grab Jean and give him his clothes and he starts getting dressed, when I feel Yuki embraces me.
Pheonix " morning baby , Soryu has agreed. And me and you a looking for a bigger house."
I feel him kissing my neck.
Yuki Arisugawa " mmn I heard fighting Eito and River at it again. Me and you need to go to the office too."
Pheonix " okay baby, office first. Then house shopping and me and you need to go somewhere."
Yuki gets up and heads to the bathroom, I throw my back onto the bed rubbing my face when I hear later Pheonix .
Little Pheonix " Bailey's can I come in."
Before I answer she comes in and climbs onto the bed and wraps her arms around me .
Pheonix " good morning Pheonix where is mummy."
Little Pheonix " she's sleeping, and Im starting new school today I'm so excited."
Pheonix " that's right your in Jeans class , I think Daddy is taking you and Jean today as Mummy and Dollie have a hairdressers appointment."
She climbs of me and goes and gets washed and dressed, I'm still laying down. I close my eyes and I feel lips on mine.
Pheonix " mmn Yuki."
Yuki is dressed and he pulls me up from the bed and wraps me in his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " I take it the girls have left for school, come lets deal with this mess of Keith's he's meeting us at the office."
I kiss Yuki and pull away from him I dig out my tablet and phone and head downstairs to the car , while I'm waiting for Yuki I search these enemies that Keith has , I contact Luke foster to see if he's heard of these people.
Luke foster " well good morning Pheonix, what can I do for you."
Pheonix " have you heard of these names Alfred Silvio , Matheus Erik, Klaus Lucia, Vic Falcona , Elbert Levin , Julius Fornter."
Luke foster " No sorry I don't , but I'll see what I can do."
Pheonix " I'll get Takuto to find them for me if you don't get anything."
Yuki climbs in the car just as I've finished talking to Luke .
Yuki Arisugawa " baby are you sure you're alright."
Pheonix " I'm just tired that's all, come we have a lot to do."
We arrive at the office and I head for Takutos office.
Takuto " morning Pheonix , I'm just looking at the names right now. Jesus Keith has so many enemies."
Pheonix " do you think you can find them by the end of the week, you can even log into the F.B.I'S computers and find them."
Takuto " leave it with me , and Pheonix thanks again for given me this job."
I smile and leave I head into mine and Yuki's office and I lie down on the sofa with my legs over the arms. I pull my phone out and contact the estate agent.Estate agent " yes Mrs Arisugawa, what is it that we can do for you."
Pheonix " I need all listings for a 10 bedroom house with en-suites a swimming pool, a dance studio and another room ."
Estate agent " we have 5 houses available and 5 with bungalows on the land. All with swimming pools. Would you like to view them at 12pm today.
Pheonix " yes please , text me the first address and we will see you there."
I close my eyes and end up dropping off all the while I can hear Yuki on the phone and talking to Keith.
Yuki Arisugawa " Keith, Pheonix has agreed to take these enemies out but you really need to stop causing grief."
Prince Keith " Yuki I really know Pheonix can do this otherwise I'd never of asked. What's wrong with her since she's been back she's constantly exhausted and sleeping."
Yuki Arisugawa " if there was a concern she'd seek medical advice."
Prince Keith " she doesn't trust anyone , you need to ring Kujo . I believe she trusts him."
All of a sudden the office phone is ringing.
Tiaga Kujo " Yuki what's up."
Yuki Arisugawa " it's Pheonix, she's feeling exhausted and sleeping ."
Tiaga Kujo " Yuki is she pregnant."
Yuki Arisugawa " she is but all the pregnancy's she's had she's been fine."
Tiaga Kujo " it's probably nothing. Pheonix is healthy so I wouldn't worry to much , if anything let her sleep for as long as she can. Bring her in this afternoon and I'll take a look at her."
I hear the door click of someone leaving and Yuki hangs up, he comes over and his fingers strokes my ear .
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I really hope your alright."
I turn on my side and Yuki is in my face.
Pheonix " I'm just very tired that's all, any way we have viewings at 12 today . Plus we have a hospital appointment."
I feel yuki's lips on mine and helps me off the sofa. We drive to the house that the estate agent asked us to meet her Pheonix " Yuki I don't like any of these houses ."
I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his chest.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm very sorry my wife isn't impressed. And I understand you have to give a hard sale . My wife will do you a cheque for the commission you've lost."
I pull away from Yuki and pull out my cheque book and sign it and give her a decent amount.
Estate agent " Mrs Arisugawa this is way too much."
Yuki Arisugawa " if you don't accept it you'll seriously offend my wife."
She takes the cheque . Yuki takes my hand and we leave, he drives me to the hospital and we find Tiaga in the 5D scanning room.
Tiaga Kujo " great your here , let's have a look shall we."
I climb on the bed and he places the gel on my tummy and runs the scanner across my tummy.
Pheonix " OMG! . The baby looks like you Yuki."
Tiaga Kujo " Pheonix I'm gonna put you on vitamins and iron tablets, and I want you to drink a glass of Geunis every day."
Yuki Arisugawa " why does she have to drink alcohol. Any chance of knowing the sex."
Tiaga Kujo " it contains loads of iron which will give it a boost. Yuki this is very rare Pheonix as always had Twins. So far I'm seeing one little boy she's 4months , I'd like to see Pheonix in 3 months time just to make sure as this little boy is big."
Tiaga gives me a prescription and we leave to go home , Yuki takes my prescription to the chemist and I wait in the car. My phone rings.
Kazuomi" good evening Pheonix, Yuzuru explains that your looking for a designer."
Pheonix " I didn't like any of the house's I Viewed so I'm wanting to have one built preferably before my baby arrives."
Kazuomi" I'm in Tokyo at the moment can I fly over tomorrow I'll even bring my friend Kei would that be alright."
Pheonix " yeah that's fine . I'll draw up the plans on how I want my house ."
Kazuomi " very well . See you tomorrow Pheonix."
Yuki Arisugawa " lets get you home shall we."
We arrive home and I head for bed . Everyone is eating in the dining room and talking amongst there selfs. I strip out of my clothes and climb underneath the bed sheets and close my eyes. Jean smashes the door off the wall making me jump.
Jean " yo Phe can I have some cuddles."
I lift my arm from the covers and he climbs in and I wrap my arm around him.
Pheonix " did you have fun at school."Jean " I did , Pheonix is annoying."
Pheonix " she's a girl , all girls are annoying until you fall in love. Anyway Phe is tiered and I want to have a little sleep."
Jean " okay, just remember you still owe me snuggles."
He gets off the bed and close's the door. A few hours later later I feel yuki's lips.
Pheonix " um mmn Yuki I love kissing you."
Yuki Arisugawa " I love kissing you too, are you hungry."
Pheonix " I'm starving, Kazuomi is coming tomorrow to build our new house. And I've just found out who Mercedes has a crush on."
Yuki Arisugawa " is that so, do we know him."
Pheonix " we do Rhion his name is he's the mad-hatter to Eisuke's underground auctions, he also works for Soryu."
Yuki Arisugawa " mmn this is going to be a problem then."
Pheonix " will just have to warn Rhion I'm sure he'll understand."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll make you something to eat I won't be long."
Pheonix " then hurry up because I want to feel your body on me."
Yuki Arisugawa " feeling horny are we."
Pheonix " uh huh , I need you to satisfy my need."
Yuki Arisugawa " let me feed you first and see how you are feeling after."
He kisses me and leaves and Ghost and Dollie comes in.
Pheonix " am I not allowed to rest."....

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