A fight between Eisuke and Ghost

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Pheonix " Yuki darling i need some dress designs for Dollie."
Yuki Arisugawa " okay baby I'll draw some . Let me finish with the boys bath them and read them there bedtime story and I'll come find you. Ghost I'm not impressed Jesus, you really don't no that what you just said hurt Pheonix. Eisuke please deal with your wife."
I leave the room and head into my office and put in my headphones and order Christmas presents for everyone I end up falling asleep asleep music blaring in my ears to notice anyone enter. I feel a hand slide up my skirt and a pair of lips on mine and a hand pull out my headphones.
Yuki Arisugawa " miss me ."
Pheonix " what , oh yes."
Yuki Arisugawa " you really love that picture of us don't you."
On my Apple screen shows me in my bridal underwear and Yuki sliding my garter of my leg with his teeth.
Pheonix " of course I do it's my favourite picture. Seeing that my dress was ruined I have this wich is 10 times better." Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie has chosen a dress here take a look."
Pheonix " wow baby you are really good , she'll love it more considering we both designed it."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm taking my self to bed don't stay up to late. I'm sorry about Ghost."
Pheonix " don't be sorry, this is a tough time for her and of course I feel her pain. That necklace she wears has her babies ashes in them . I don't think they ever got over it."
Yuki Arisugawa " let me talk to Eisuke. Maybe talking to me might be better as I'm a guy."
Pheonix " you can try. I just think because it was more of the fact that it was mine and Eisuke's and ghost lost him I think she hates Eisuke."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's not fair what happened to Ghost is nobody's fault , I know you shed more tears then she did. And thank you by the way."
Pheonix " baby it's a fact if I'm to have another child I'd want one with you. Me and Eisuke have already come to an agreement that the three we have is enough for him . Yuki please what ever happens don't change my mind, I don't think I would ever cope I nearly lost Baileys because of my waters breaking too early. And the boys nearly died because my heart broke when you was M.I.A."
Yuki Arisugawa " I won't I promise."
Yuki kisses me and leaves the room and I get stuck in with making Keith's masquerade suit when I look at the time is 3am. I leave what I'm doing and head upstairs to bed when I hear Baileys scream I run into her bedroom and she's screaming in her sleep as I soothe her Eisuke burst into the room.
Eisuke " Pheonix please tell me you have slept."
Pheonix " I was heading up when Baileys started screaming."
Eisuke takes Baileys from my arms and I stand up and he lays down with her. As I'm about to leave he gently grabs my wrist.
Eisuke " I'm truly sorry,"
I kiss his forehead.
Pheonix " Eisuke don't ever apologise for something Ghost wants. I'm sorry but I just can't give her another child."
Eisuke " Pheonix I'm happy with just having Eito , River and Baileys. They may not be Ghost's but there mine."
I leave him with Baileys and head for my room I quickly wash and head to bed , as the sun starts to rise I can't help but watch yuki's sleeping face. I sit on in his side of the bed watching him when I feel his hand glide up my back and pulls me into his body.
Yuki Arisugawa " Mrs Arisugawa watching me sleep again."
Pheonix " seriously Yuki you look extremely sexy when your sleeping I can't help it."
Yuki Arisugawa " come get some sleep."
I get myself comfortable with his chest in my back and his hand sits on my chest and he kisses the back of my neck, I drift of to sleep. Hours pass and I reach my arm over the bed and it's empty and cold. I get up and take a shower and get dressed and head into the boys to find there not there. I make my way down stairs and hear Yuki talking to Eisuke in the lounge as the boys play with there toys. Curiosity bites me so I sit down and lean against the wall.
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke I'm sorry about yesterday but Ghost really did hurt Pheonix."
Eisuke " I know she did , she needs to stop relying on Pheonix. I know she took it on her self to give us Baileys but Ghost needs to let go of that fantasy."
Yuki Arisugawa " they have been friends for 30 years I've never in a million years will ever understand why Pheonix allowed me to talk her around but I know ever time she gives you a child it breaks her . She may not tell you this but I know she idolise's Eito, River and Baileys."
Not wanting to hear anymore I disappear into my office and make Dollies dress , after completing hers and Keith's outfits I go for something to eat only to realise it's dinner time. I head into the dining room and everyone's eating, Yuki looks my way and Riku shouts at him as he misses his mouth.
Yuki looks back and laughs.
Yuki Arisugawa " aww Riku I'm so sorry. Pheonix will you be eating with us tonight."
I sit next to Yuki blanking Ghost and start eating my rice .
Dollie " mum that dress is fantastic thank you."
Keith " Dollie Angel Alford your just spoilt that's all."
I smile and carry on eating Yuki has finished feeding the boys and takes them up for there bath.
Ghost " Pheonix are you just going to blank me , I haven't seen you all day as you've locked yourself away."
I put my spoon down and walk out of the room and head upstairs to find Yuki bathing the boys.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix what's wrong."
Pheonix " I need you to hold me."
Yuki Arisugawa " let me deal with the boys and I'll hold you for as long as you want."
I give him a nod and wash my face and brush my teeth and strip out of my clothes. Yuki drys the boys and they come and give me wet kisses. Yuki puts them in there pjs and takes them into there room and reads them there bedtime stories 30 minutes later he comes back in and takes a shower talking to me whilst he shower's .
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm so glad Dollie loved her dress. Pheonix will you be alright the night we go to the club."
Pheonix " I'm looking forward to it actually."
Yuki drys him self and climbs in the bed with me and pulls me into his arms and kisses me.
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't get how our boys have so much energy, you know they didn't even have there nap today." Pheonix " haha i wonder why. Too much is going on and they know it . There Christmas presents arrived if you want to check them and wrap them. And don't go looking for yours because I've hidden it as well as your anniversary gift."
Yuki Arisugawa " I won't go looking haha, it's gaven me headache trying to buy for you."
Pheonix " only because I have everything."
Yuki Arisugawa " haha that's very true."
Pheonix " what do you really want for your birthday."
Yuki Arisugawa " another baby. But I'm not going to rush you. Plus I'd prefer it if it was planned. Mercedes and Glen was a beautiful surprise, Storm and Yuki was unexpected and the boys well I was more shocked then ever."
Pheonix " lets take each day as it comes if I conceive then that's great, but you need to throw them Rubbers away if you want to try."
He pulls me ontop of him and kisses me.
Yuki Arisugawa " repeat that for me."
I place my lips over his ear.
Pheonix " I'll gladly have another baby but you need to throw away your rubbers."
After our conversation we end up falling asleep I lay ontop of yuki.
(24th December Yuki's birthday)
We wake up to shouting and the boys start crying.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll sort the boys go see what's wrong."
Just as he climbs out of bed I embraces him from behind and lace my fingers into his hair and place my lips on his. Pheonix " happy birthday my darling husband."
He pulls from my embrace and I head out of our bedroom and head into Eisuke and Ghosts bedroom I knock but there too busy shouting at each other I walk straight in. I watch it all unfold and Ghost grabs Eisuke's throat , as she says. Ghost " I hate You it's your fault we lost our son."
Eisuke " I didn't do a fucking thing, I did everything that was asked of me . And it's neither of our faults, the baby died of a heart defect."
Pheonix " Ghost honey I think you seriously need to calm down and remove your hand from Eisuke's throat. He's right it's nobody's fault."
Ghost lets go of Eisuke and smacks me in the face.
Ghost " Pheonix your too blame , if you and Eisuke didn't make that test tube baby I would never of had to steal it." Cupping my cheek Eisuke looks utterly shocked.
Pheonix " you better stay the fuck away from me. Ghost I did everything I could yet this is how you repay me , I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, and believe me I tried everything even Taiga tried. You can never comprehend the pain I felt especially when I gave you Baileys that fucking broke me but it doesn't matter I'm just a friend that was your punching bag. Thanks for telling me how you truly feel."

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